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EVE General Discussion

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Unscheduled Downtime Extension – July 15, 2015

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Evermore Warriors
Stellae Renascitur
#141 - 2015-07-15 13:32:31 UTC
Borgbait wrote:
dor amwar wrote:
mufe mufetski wrote:
This calls for free SP :-)

has this ever happened?


pretty sure only on rollbacks when sp has been lost though?
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#142 - 2015-07-15 13:32:41 UTC
CCP should hire a stand up comedian for these situations, just to keep everyone happy.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2015-07-15 13:32:41 UTC
Back in MY day the server would be down for a day at patch time. You were lucky if your own computer even booted up after.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Stomp Mongo
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#144 - 2015-07-15 13:32:47 UTC
TheTennant wrote:
Seeing as half of eve is here atm, would this be a good time to request 1m from every one of you :)

I have Ctrl C'd your name. I will send you 1 Million Isk as per your request once the servers are online.

"You can only post every 5 minutes because your account is less than 2 days old. You can post a new one in 49 seconds."

Really.. less than 2 days huh? I do agree that it SEEMS like 2008 was just yesterday, but less than 2 days? This is WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!!
ap0phis Kaundur
Boston Dynamics
#145 - 2015-07-15 13:33:07 UTC
Cervix Thumper wrote:
Yea!! main is at war!! less war time BS.......


... wait we're winning... screw that. Hurry pls =)


Did someone just said: WAR??? Big smileBig smile
Jacques d'Orleans
#146 - 2015-07-15 13:33:32 UTC
Lemon Verbena wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Lemon Verbena wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Kasi Briccius wrote:
Is the drinking game over?Lol

Drinking ain't a game, it's hard work! Big smile

Only if you're doing it wrong :P

Do you know that when you drink 53 pints a day, you'll have the daily dose of magnesium an adult needs?
A healthy nutrition can be so easy. Big smileCool

Well in that case... i guess i'm REAL healthy :P

Well there is a bavarian proverb "5 hoibe san woas gscheids zum essn, do hoasd aba no lang nix drunga!"
In englisch (roughly translated): 5 pints are a good lunch, but you haven't drunk anything. Big smile
cretan Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2015-07-15 13:33:34 UTC
Jerusaleman wrote:
Ecolo wrote:
is there any way you guys could roll the server back and boot it for us to continue our daily grind??
or maybe compensate all the people who attempted to log in during the issue?

i mean the hamsters are costing all us eve players allot of isk.... maybe some sp might be the way to go? or some more gecko's or gnossis? u know the little things that you gift us when things go wrong or on special events :)

Theres is more than enough resources and isk ingame for all players needs,.......not for all players greed!!!!

Grow up, stop begging, start accepting ;)

Is it daft to ask for compensation when befouled by CCP? I am glad I don't just accept crap in life like some sheep, who knows the EU might take over and treat us all like shite..... Oh yer they have already. Think it's time to move to Aus..

yeah, you dont wanna move here, abbott has ****** it up
Spcius Patrouette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2015-07-15 13:33:37 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
Hey guys,

As you’re all aware, Tranquility is still offline after today’s scheduled daily downtime.

This is due to an issue with a code deployment today while patching for a few fixes in EVE Online. The issue caused the cluster to fail to start up correctly, and as such, Tranquility is currently unavailable for play for both EVE and DUST.

Our operations and development team are working on this issue as we speak, and we’re hoping to have Tranquility back online for you guys as soon as possible.

Right now, we don’t have an ETA for when the cluster will be back online and accepting connections, but we’ll keep you updated in this thread.


- F



Perhaps you could rollback then and figure out the problem is for tomorrows downtime
Bukszpryt Paj-Hi-Wo
The Wayward Lobster Association
#149 - 2015-07-15 13:33:42 UTC
Enslaved Mistress
The Destiny Logistics.
#150 - 2015-07-15 13:33:48 UTC
A bear was taking a dump in the forest when a rabbit walked by. The bear said, "Hey rabbit, does poo stick to your fur?"

"No," replied the rabbit.

The bear picked up the rabbit and wiped his butt with him.
Lemon Verbena
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2015-07-15 13:33:52 UTC
bucktooth wrote:
CCP should hire a stand up comedian for these situations, just to keep everyone happy.

IMO the whiners shouldn't be paid, but they sure do fill the role you suggested :P
Kayou Aldeshaar
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#152 - 2015-07-15 13:34:01 UTC
Jerusaleman wrote:
Ecolo wrote:
is there any way you guys could roll the server back and boot it for us to continue our daily grind??
or maybe compensate all the people who attempted to log in during the issue?

i mean the hamsters are costing all us eve players allot of isk.... maybe some sp might be the way to go? or some more gecko's or gnossis? u know the little things that you gift us when things go wrong or on special events :)

Theres is more than enough resources and isk ingame for all players needs,.......not for all players greed!!!!

Grow up, stop begging, start accepting ;)

Is it daft to ask for compensation when befouled by CCP? I am glad I don't just accept crap in life like some sheep, who knows the EU might take over and treat us all like shite..... Oh yer they have already. Think it's time to move to Aus..

No, we don't want you here. Stay away.
Zola Budd
Kithicor Forest Industries
#153 - 2015-07-15 13:35:17 UTC
Kayou Aldeshaar wrote:
Is this the real life, is it just fantas-Eve.
Caught in a down time, no escape from reality.

Open your eyes, look to the devs and see.
They're just some poor guys, don't need no sympathy.
Because the server's up, server's down.
(Server's up, server's down)
Anyway the devs go, doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Fozzie, just killed the game.
Put an update to its head,
Pulled the trigger, now it's dead.
Fozzie, sov had just begun,
but now updates take all day.

Fozzie, ooh,
didn't mean to make Eve die.
If it's not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on, as if you're going to get free isk.

its not a biscuit - this is hip hop you nit wit - learn to deal - or step back and kneel - you might find you can feel!
Blag the POS - scrape the ISK - paw at some free SP? not me im free. puffing on a splif - take a long Bio and puff on a splif it'll be back in a bit - until then sont talk s**t :P
DontCryAndPlay Keikira
The Great Galactic Federated Union
#154 - 2015-07-15 13:35:21 UTC

Join my Mailing List WH For Sale and keep updated of WTS and WTB wormholes.

CCP Falcon
#155 - 2015-07-15 13:35:43 UTC
Spcius Patrouette wrote:
Perhaps you could rollback then and figure out the problem is for tomorrows downtime

I believe that's something that's already been considered, obviously.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Kayou Aldeshaar
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2015-07-15 13:35:43 UTC
Bukszpryt Paj-Hi-Wo wrote:

...At The Disco?
Lemon Verbena
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2015-07-15 13:35:54 UTC
Offline again... drink lol :)
Yacya Ikkala
Banzay Deep Space Expedition
#158 - 2015-07-15 13:36:58 UTC
Yasemin Hanim
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#159 - 2015-07-15 13:37:04 UTC
eve is kaputt ? Shocked
Tiberius Whitewolf
State War Academy
Caldari State
#160 - 2015-07-15 13:37:27 UTC
*sing to Duran Duran "the reflex"

Give FreePlex to the moany child,
He's been kept in the dark,
Some FreePlex for the poor and whiny,
Royal pain in the arse.