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Any skin on any ship - bug on SiSi - yes we could have skins on ships

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Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#201 - 2015-05-04 01:41:41 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Even if you plan to release everything and are making an effort to do so, the pricing is... obnoxious.

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

Honestly? I'd pay the titan skin prices or even slightly more for universal skins. I'm not really interested in the extremely limited options you've released so far, it's basically impossible to make ships visually interesting without use of the bug. People want to make all their ships visually distinctive, not pay 10-30 bucks to alter one single tech 1 ship in an uninspired way.

Even something as simple as letting people choose the primary / secondary / tertiary colors for their ships would go a long way, and circumvent the technical limitations you guys seem to be having, if they have to do with the skins that don't follow the ships base color layout (like Blood Raiders). We, the players, don't give a **** about corp and faction colors. We want customization.
Mehashi 'Kho
New Eden Motion Pictures
#202 - 2015-05-04 01:50:48 UTC
Well bearing in mind this is a subscription game, the free to pay prices are hard to take seriously.

Personally I care less about the price and more about the skins use. In my ideal space dystopia, buying a SKIN would mean my team of engineers know how to put those stencils on the hull of a ship (or whatever RP fluff) and therefore it would be available for any ship I own.

It's the lolRP restriction on what are some really kick-ass looking spaceship/skin combos that disappoints me.

On a side note - for all the confusion or animosity in the air at the moment - commend your art team on making some damn fine skins!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2015-05-04 01:54:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Skalie
My opinion...

1 Plex equivalent for the best Skins available on all ships you own, with the following points:
a) if they were optimal (QA'd), the for any correct faction ships
b) at players risk for not yet QA'd faction ships and incorrect Faction ships. with proper warning at time of application.
c) appear on the whole account, i.e all three alts on the account.

Less than that for the more mundane skins, but all other points, the same as above.

10% of original cost, to be able to repackage the skin after use and resell it on the market.

Get rid of 30 day skins and make them one ship (but any one ship of the class for which it dropped), unlimited time. So if you lose it, it is gone.

Please remember this is an opinion, like it or not this is what I would be prepared to pay.
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#204 - 2015-05-04 01:54:25 UTC
I'll give you my suggestion for pricing.

T1 Frigates - 500
T2 Frigates - 700
Destroyers - 700
T2 Destroyers - 900
T3 Destroyers - 1,200
T1 Cruiser - 1,000
T2 Cruiser - 1,200
T3 Cruiser - 1,500
Battlecruiser - 1,400
Commandship - 1,500
T1 Battleship - 1,500
T2 Battleship - 2,000
Orca - 3,000
Capital (Inc Freighter, Bowhead, Rorq) - 4,000
Supercap (Including Titan) - 5,000

There.. that's my rough estimate.

As it stands now, we have T1 Frigs starting at 740 and ending at 4,300 o_0 That's the same price currently as a Kador AVATAR.
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#205 - 2015-05-04 01:55:52 UTC
To the wonderful CCP Devs and art team. Please dont fix this, just optimize them. Yes I will throw more plex and money at you if i can have any skin on any ship. Like a police persuit hurricane? :D

Or a Blood raider nightmare....

OMG Blood raider Avatar :D

Come on CCP we will love you really long time if you can do this.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Charlie Firpol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#206 - 2015-05-04 02:09:52 UTC
Moac Tor wrote:
The business model is also perfectly reasonable, with many of the skins priced at under $10, and some for as little as $3.50 for a permanent skin.

A single SKIN for a single ship for 10$...there are thousands of those combinations, do you expect people will be willing to pay between 3.5$ and 10$ for EACH of those?

The Butcher of Black Rise -

Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#207 - 2015-05-04 02:24:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemun Khanid
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Even if you plan to release everything and are making an effort to do so, the pricing is... obnoxious.

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

I was thinking about this quite a lot today. If we could pay for skins that could then be assigned to any ship I'd be happy to pay as much as $20 a skin, $15 more preferably. If we could buy a "faction" related skin (to help protect lore as CCP have stated) that could then be applied to any ship of the appropriate faction (i.e. Buy a khanid skin that could then be applied to any amarrian ship I would probably pay as much as $15 with $10 being more preferable. All prices U.S. At the prefered prices I'd probably buy 4+ skins. At the high end I would probably pick a couple of my favorites and only buy 2. 3 if I saw one that I just HAD to have.

Just to reiterate though, on skins that are restricted to a single ship, I wouldn't and won't buy any. Even at $2-$3 dollars. Just the process of having to buy individual skins for EVERY individual ship is just a turn off. Skins are pretty but at that level it's just more of a pain in the behind than it's worth regardless of the price. Too much micro-management IMO

Daemun of Khanid

Charlie Firpol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#208 - 2015-05-04 02:30:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Charlie Firpol
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Even if you plan to release everything and are making an effort to do so, the pricing is... obnoxious.

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

What I want is a choice. Just imagine: yesterday I was feeling all piraty, so I slapped the Guristas SKIN on and went out shooting people in the face. Today, I felt like tryharding it, so I put the Police SKIN on, named my ship WoopWoop and went out telling people "to step out of their ship". Who knows, tomorrow I might feel fancy and take out something Quafe.

My point is, EVE is all about doing whatever the hell I want and often I dont really know what kind of ship I want to fly before I pick one semi-random from those I have in my hangar and that just fits my mood. If I would have to buy a special SKIN for all the different ships I own, I would go broke FAST. I would just not buy any, because it´s not worth it; I just change my ships way too often.

BUT...if I could buy a Police license that I could slap onto every ship I like...please take all my money. 2 PLEX? 7k AUR? Yeah, I would pay that probably. Guristas license? Take another 2 PLEX.

Maybe split it up a bit, into a Capital license and a non-capital license for example and make the all-in-one option a bit cheaper (4k/4k).

The Butcher of Black Rise -

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#209 - 2015-05-04 02:36:40 UTC
Just give 'em what they want. Everything. All ships, all colors.

Then charge $600.00 for it. Cash. No PLEX option and can't be sold on the market.

I look forward to the threadnaught following that announcement.

Mr Epeen Cool
Ubiquitous Hurt
The WeHurt Initiative
#210 - 2015-05-04 02:46:37 UTC
I personally would just like to see a given skin working for all variations of a hull.

Quafe Vexor being usable on Vexor Navy/Ishtar for ex.

I do not however support making any skin apply to any hull what so ever. Completely kills the exclusivity of certain limited offerings (i.e. Quafe Mega)

I would also like to see uniform SKIN costs within a hull size. There is no reason, in my head, for one Tormentor SKIN to be 730 or whatever, while another Tormentor SKIN is over 4k

Hell, in all honesty, I dont really see a reason for different costs based on hull size either. - Newbie Friendly Q&A, Terrible Solo PvP


UHURT's Link Guy

Goonswarm Federation
#211 - 2015-05-04 02:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Dsparil
Going to go ahead and contribute this:

I think one of the person's comments about the Chinese having whatever they want fits the bill with the rest of us when it comes to the skins. I do not think a skin should be confined to a certain race's ships but should be universally available to all. I mean isn't that the whole point of, despite having to pick a specific race when first starting off in the game, being able to choose whichever side or empire faction you want to side with. I think the same mentality should apply to the skins. Let's say I'm in npc nullsec in the guristas territory and I'm an RPer. I may be flying a Minmatar Vargur by siding with the Guristas I'd love to be able to apply that guristas camo scheme to show my support to the faction.

As for the 30 day skins, I think that was a mistake. If we want to encourage rarity let's just raise the price of the skin itself in loyalty points as opposed to putting a time limit on it. There's always going to be new players or people creating new toons and wanting to utilize new skins. That's never going to go away.

In regards to time limits as well as what skin can be applied to what ship, unlike actual game mechanics, I think the skins are being taken too seriously. I can already see people like Code laughing their asses off and putting the police cruiser skin on a bunch of catalysts claiming to be the mining police, warping down and obliterating a bunch of miners in Parses. I'd pay money to see that just for the laughs.

For instance, I'm a big fan of armor ships but I love the story/mythology behind the guristas faction, hence why I used it as an earlier example. I'd love to be able to take one of my Vindicators or my Nyx for example and slap a Guristas camo scheme and logo as a salute to the faction.

Typing this at work so I'm kind of half paying attention to what I'm saying and what I'm doing at work, but I hope all of this made sense. Ship skins don't affect game mechanics. They're superficial but very desirable things and I think restricting them to certain factions is a let down. People want a little pep in their game and allowing universal faction skins across the board would be a big hit. Heck I'm sure there's some people here still Jonesing for a Gurista Raven or a Blood Raider Aeon.

Hopefully somewhere down the line it'll get to where we can design our own ship skins for our alliances and submit them like we do alliance logos. I'm sure a goonswarm fleet of Ishkurs that have a bumblebee paint scheme would turn some heads.

ETA: ok I'm going to go ahead and side with the person on the issue of the quafe mega. I think the special edition ships need to be reverted back to just that. They're limited hallmark ships that signify something. However doesn't mean the skin can't be used though. What I mean is, you can still have the quafe skin for the megathron but it isn't going to come up on d-scan as quafe megathron, just a megathron. With the Megathron Quafe Edition, the title in itself signifies the ownership of a limited ship and they could possible be modified a little bit to identify their significant such as maybe some armor bonuses or an extra turret. I mean wasn't that the whole purpose of the Tournament awards? Give them a little pep. Say 50% armor resists all across the board or something. Just a little something to say, hey this person contribute something so he was awarded this special ship and it does this one thing slightly better and has more demand.
Memphis Baas
#212 - 2015-05-04 03:04:30 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Even if you plan to release everything and are making an effort to do so, the pricing is... obnoxious.

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

So, hopefully you're really interested in what Rain6637 suggests, because you're otherwise indicating a TL;DR on all the specific feedback in the past 10 pages.

Anyway, my suggestions:

1. Each skin fits all ships.

2. Prices are only obnoxious for the 1 skin per 1 ship system; they're quite reasonable for the 1 skin all ships system.

3. Temporary skins in the "LP to $5" range.

4. Permanent skins in the "$10 - $40" range, based on how popular the colors are; feel free to price the "lore" colors at the lower end of that range and the non-lore yellows and pinks at the upper end.

5a. In addition, because you're afraid of permanent skins, place a limit of 5 permanent skin slots per character, and a payment of PLEX to unlock more slots (you're getting money for ... not even pixels, for the shopping cart for buying pixels). Otherwise, we have to destroy old permanent skins to get new permanent skins if all slots are full, like rigs.
5b. Realize that we can only use one damn skin at a time, just like we can only use one ship at a time even though we train for 200+, so having 50 skins is like having a 100 billion bounty. Thus, don't limit how many skins we can purchase or collect, and let us be addicts and collect your money.

6. Periodically release new skins for sale, you have millions of color combos to "invent." Looking forward to red+white+green for the new year holiday season, for example.

7. Start your prices high, and reduce them or offer temporary 10%-50% sales if you don't get the volume you want. You're asking us for basic marketing and pricing strategies, seems silly.

8. Feel free to take your time to fix T2, T3 ship models and textures to work with the skin paints; give us the universal skin system now so we can paint the ships that work with it, then take your time to unlock the bugged ships to also work with it.
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#213 - 2015-05-04 03:10:13 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Even if you plan to release everything and are making an effort to do so, the pricing is... obnoxious.

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

1) As other posters have suggested, tiered pricing according to hull size, and extension to t2 variants.
2) Just as player corporation logos are made up of 3 layers, a similar, though probably more restricted, scheme for SKINing ships in player corporation or alliance colours.
Zan Shiro
#214 - 2015-05-04 03:30:30 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Just give 'em what they want. Everything. All ships, all colors.

Then charge $600.00 for it. Cash. No PLEX option and can't be sold on the market.

I look forward to the threadnaught following that announcement.

Mr Epeen Cool

actually a somewhat reasonable idea. Can argue price as a bit high imo but has merits.

Its working well for other games that give season pass offerings. Why nickel and dime for those who want it all, season pass it and you are covered.

For those not into skin off our nose (no pun intended).

Vice all these ideas of plex/lp conversions and such. Which I fear one day could leak over into other areas. this was the crap incarna started with Hilmar having grand schemes of AUrum and such. Jacked up plex, which splash damaged to other areas.

Players chasing this dragon needed more isk. So they crept up prices on crap not even related to make that money. Kind of annoying as I did not play in either the aurum or plex markets really. If it stayed local to them I could not care less. Inflation hit other areas though...this I did care about.

For those into skins we could even make sub deals if the full selection too pricey. the caldari pack as an example. Not the full skin selection, just caldari. Again like the DLC option games have. Buy the ones you want. Or none at all if base game does you fine.
Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#215 - 2015-05-04 03:34:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
I would extend the SKINs we have at the moment to affect the hull type, rather than the specific ship. So for instance as mentioned, a vexor skin would apply to vexors and ishtars. That would be a fair compromise in my opinion to both the player base and to CCP.

The only exception would be for any faction ship such as pirate and navy ships. They should always retain their unique iconic scheme for consistency.

Pricing is a difficult issue, but I think there should be some sort of method just so that it makes sense to players. In general the trend should be that the larger the class of ship the more expensive the scheme. At the moment there are some extreme examples of frigates costing as much as a capital ship skin which I think is what some people are disliking.

Edit - also don't seed the 30 day and time limited skins in the NES store or for any ship that people have spent money on. They could have a place though, for instance skins which drop in the game, and skins for special events such as Christmas. But those skins should be completely separate to the ones that people pay for with money. The reason being, you need these skins to retain their exclusivity, if not you are just going to annoy people who have paid money for something by making it available later in different forms. This would reduce confidence and undermine the whole system.
Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#216 - 2015-05-04 03:37:09 UTC
Zappity wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:
I'll be honest, when Space Object Factory became a thing, we all had these types of moments at CCP, mixing and matching ships and looks. It's enormously fun.

Hilarious CCP logic. Enormously fun, clearly doesn't fit in our game.

Regarding the lore angle, why would capsuleers really care about licensing conditions imposed by corporations? Especially in this instance where the tech was stolen in the first place.

Hilarious entitlement logic. Isn't what I want and how I want it, clearly the company isn't doing it right.

Regarding the lore angle, so you paint your car a new color every day?

Lore wise, capsuleers are kept in check by CONCORD. No shooting planets with our titans. No shooting planets with anything except specialized ammo in very limited situations. No ramming our ships into stations. No killing CONCORD. No capsuleer creation of BPOs or unlimited BPCs, no capsuleer copying of faction BPCs. Does everything make sense, lore wise? Hell no. But that doesn't mean they should chuck everything lore-related out.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#217 - 2015-05-04 03:47:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Masao Kurata
I think there's nothing wrong with frigate skins being expensive, a lot of players exclusively fly frigates and this doesn't mean that they're poor, but some of the prices are a little ridiculous for what they are so.... how about keeping high prices and making the skins universal licenses, but only actually possible to apply to ships they've passed QA on, so a quafe skin for instance lets you fly a quafe tristan, catalyst, vexor, dominix, megathron, thanatos, nyx and obelisk. Convert injected licenses which are now duplicates back into items on the redemption queue.

I may or may not be saying this partly because I wish I could fly quafe catalysts and megathrons but I do think that players are more likely to buy SKINs this way.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#218 - 2015-05-04 03:59:23 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Just give 'em what they want. Everything. All ships, all colors.

Then charge $600.00 for it. Cash. No PLEX option and can't be sold on the market.

I look forward to the threadnaught following that announcement.

Mr Epeen Cool

What's bad is how many of us would go 'Take our money goddamit' for a universal 'Any skin, any ship' license.....
To never ever have to worry again....
Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#219 - 2015-05-04 04:00:45 UTC
Masao Kurata wrote:
so a quafe skin for instance lets you fly a quafe tristan, catalyst, vexor, dominix, megathron, thanatos, nyx and obelisk. Convert injected licenses which are now duplicates back into items on the redemption queue.

Did you just buy the quafe Tristan by any chance..?

Nice try there. *winks*
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#220 - 2015-05-04 04:06:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
CCP Darwin wrote:

OK, so why don't you give specific feedback. What do you want to see, and what price is the most you'd be willing to pay? Imagine everything conceivable is on the table.

On further thought and possibly changing my mind from what I said earlier.
Skins for racial lines.
As mentioned by another poster....
'X skin for X Race.' With possible Cap & Subcap splits.
So Gallente Quafe/Khanid Amarr etc.

I'd be fine with a restriction based on QA also as long as it was a clear note that 'Skin not yet finished QA process, preview in fitting window only' So that right now I might only have 3 or 4 ships it works on but over time that unlocks further.

At that point the current prices of $20ish probably work pretty well. Rare/Not lore skins could be priced higher than normal in game skins. So the Pure White/Black/Gold/Punketris Pink could be pricier. In game corps should be cheap to encourage people to follow the lore rather than bling, but it allows people the choice to be blingy.

However I would not be afraid of releasing temporary skins in game. If I can pay cash/Aur for the permanent skins or LP/Isk in game for temporary skins, that's even more ideal as it allows people to get it any way they want, but ensures that the in game sources will never end up too devalued.

Also Alliance skins could be considered with a membership threshold to get an alliance skin. I'd say 1,000 members in the entire alliance is a good number to be worth the skin, and charge plex for it also to cover QA time, Skin can't be almost identical to another alliance or to an in game corp already.

Also Kill Mails need to show the skinned ship, and list it as an 'object' so Kill Mails still show off blingy skins.

But yea.
1 license = entire racial line.
Temporary skins in game that match permanent aur skins are fine.
Kill mails must show skins.