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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Meyrr Odebe
Goonswarm Federation
#2361 - 2014-10-02 03:47:02 UTC
Hmmm so you might as well just remove capitals in general and just make a sub-cap game... By the math your looking at 200+ man bomber fleets and all aggression coming from Low Sec. So, shake up Null by making it all blue...yea not feeling this one. 2-cents
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#2362 - 2014-10-02 03:47:15 UTC
Nazri al Mahdi wrote:

Yes they do deserve you and why not give them some more of your sub money for a game that isn't out yet. What happen to the adapt or die and the HTFU. Has the current eve player base become so week. Nathan would be so sad right now watching eve players cry about the next challenge in eve. I guess you will enjoy the space WOW of SC. Plus can I have your stuff.

I'm a logistics pilot. The "challenge" of making the game 10 times more tedious with no increase in fun factor is not one I care to take on. HTFU in this situation means standing up to the people turning the game to crap.

People play games to escape boredom, not engorge themselves with it. Not that I expect a person incapable of spelling "weak" to understand this.

The big deal isn't that he misspelled weak, its that he spelled the rest of them right.
Nazri al Mahdi
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2363 - 2014-10-02 03:47:54 UTC
Kalissis wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Nazri al Mahdi wrote:
Yuri Fedorov wrote:
Lol people quitting eve over cap changes. Adapt and fly subcaps. Let's be happy the game is changing at all with all the threadnaught complaints in every single change CCP ever floats.

If it already takes 8 hours a week for a logistics pilot to supply a corp in a JF, how long do you think that will take in a blockade runner?

...and god help you need a battleship.

they just dont realize what EVE at its core is, its the most rewarding game out there, you can't have that kind of reward for doing nothing! If you like doing nothing and get nothing in return play something different.

CCP is on spot whith this changes, hell make em even more!

8 hours a week moving crap in a jump freighter equals nothing in what world? Only someone with no job and no life who plays EVE constantly would have such a skewed perspective.
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2364 - 2014-10-02 03:48:25 UTC
100+ pages in and I am NOT going to read every post.


This totally opens up the road for some new skills/mods. Off the top of my head:

Skills - should only be obtainable through Pirate LP stores (or concord?)
  • Psychomotor hardening - 10% per level reduction in jump cooldown timer (add in some Serpentis Lore about how their scientists figured something out)

  • Psychomotor synchronization - 10% per level reduction in jump fatigue factor following a jump (add in some Sansha's lore about how their scientists figured something fancy out)

  • Advanced Jump Drive Calibration - Skill at managing the accumulated effects of multiple jumps over a short period of time. Places a cap on the maximum total amount of time to fully recover from a series of jumps. At Level 1 the maximum time is capped at 30 days, level 2: 18 days, level 3: 11 days, Level 4, 6 days, level 5: 4 days (add in Guristas Lore here)

  • Advanced Jump Portal Generation - skill to use the Capital Jump Portal Reinforcement Array module. 2% per level reduction in jump fatigue factor for fleet members that use your jump portal (add in Angel's lore here)

  • Some Leadership Skills as well:
  • Jump Drive Engineering Management - 2% per level reduction in jump fatigue factor following a jump

  • Rigs:
  • Jump Drive Harmonizer I and II - 10/15% increased max jump distance at the expense of increased cooldown timer (BPC's drop in WH low sec only)

  • Mods:
    External Jump Calibration Matrix -
    Increases the max range of jump capable ships by siphoning from the ships capacitor pool.
    Ranges from +3 (Meta 0) to +5 (Meta 5) to +7 (Meta 12) LY with total capacitor capacity reduced 35% and regen increased 10%

    Capital Jump Portal Reinforcement Array
    Module designed to reduce the fatigue factor of ships in fleet that travel through a portal generated by the ship (High Slot module, must be active to work [similar to Drone Control Links])

    Warfare Links (fittable only by Titans/SC/Carrier), as well as a mindlink
    Capital Jump Logistics Reconfiguration I and II - Further reduces the fatigue factor of ships Jumping through a Portal (max 15% reduction)
    Capital Jump Logistics Hastener I and II - Reduced cooldown (minimum 35 seconds)
    Capital Jump Logistics Computational Matrix I and II - Increased Maximum Jump range (max 20%)

    Overall, I like it. Looking forward to seeing how this plus the upcoming Sov changes will affect the Meta


    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #2365 - 2014-10-02 03:48:33 UTC
    DaReaper wrote:

    Put crap up for contracts, and buy it again elsewhere? Not that hard. You have not tried moving an entire corp yourself out of wormholes, no caps, no jump drive, and your 20 other members already bailed on you. Thats hell. Adapt or die. Or better yet, instead of unsubbing as a knee jerk reaction, why don;t you post WHY you think it sucks and how to improve in the idea. The idea is coming but you and other can tweek it to make less shocking.

    Because it doesn't matter once its in a dev blog it IS going live.......come hell or high water.

    So the only thing they notice is subs. Count mine out. Its that simple.

    ....and what piddling WH were you in that you couldn't get a carrier in?
    Niobea Aenir
    Royal Amarr Institute
    Amarr Empire
    #2366 - 2014-10-02 03:51:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Niobea Aenir
    I think there was a good intention behind this planned update, but it wen't terribly wrong when it came to designing the changes.

    Moving stuff will get extremely time consuming and even more boring (not all eve players are no-lifers with 10 accounts). I would understand limiting the jump range for battle caps, but not for JFs.

    I think JFs should have the current jump range, wo any changes and also fatigue shouldn't affect them.

    A lot of small corporations based in low-sec and NPC null use carriers for transporting stuff, because they can't afford JFs. You will just kill them with this update and they will starve. Also a decent number of nullsec players use carriers to move their ships (I'd say more than half of pilots who are capable of flying carrier use it for transportation and weren't even in a single battle with it). You will take them this option too, or they will need to spend vast amounts of extremely boring time doing that.

    It would be great to provide new rigs for carriers which will increase the jump range (to the current values) and which will also block the fatigue timer, but for some cost: significantly worse resists, lower base shield/armor/hull hp, drone dps significantly decreased. This rigs couldn't be removed for like 48 hours, so it will still limit the instant deployment and the ship couldn't be repackaged for the same time. This will make the carrier really vulnerable to attacks even of a few man gang and it will also keep the scenario of preventing the instant deployment.

    This change will affect small corporations and alliances more than a large coalitions. Because they have enough resources to find a way around, like they always do... when CCP introduces a silly feature like this one.

    I kind of hoped that promised nullsec changes will affect the every-day life of pilots in nullsec and provide them with a new content.. well, I was terribly wrong. The life in nullsec will be more tough, but the average pilot will get more money from hisec l4s than from anoms and mining in null.

    You want to encourage coalitions to keep smaller territories, but 4/5 systems in every region are not useful at all for anoms/mining) because of trusec. So usually all pilots from alliance occupy like a few systems from the whole region. The rest is only for moon mining (alliance level stuff, not involving usual players). So the coalitions need to keep large territories for the moon materials and also for providing their members with systems where they can earn some ISK.
    Curatores Veritatis Alliance
    #2367 - 2014-10-02 03:51:43 UTC
    Xenocy wrote:

    That Star Citizen sounds better every day. Wonder if they want my money or have some sort of page where I could donate.....

    You mean... add to the USS 51 million already donated? bwahahaha.
    Chris Roberts should be named honorary citizen of Jita.
    Fight Cats Corp
    Against ALL Authorities
    #2368 - 2014-10-02 03:52:41 UTC
    I hope jump range for JF will remain the same. I leave in stain, and no ship will be able to get there with max jump range of 5 ly. Could you leave same range for JF, and mb increase time between jumps?

    Other then that, it looks like a great idea. It will make people to learn how to fight instead of pressing F1, and keeping 400 systems for income.

    P.S. stain is not the only region that will not be available for logistics.
    The Graduates
    The Initiative.
    #2369 - 2014-10-02 03:52:41 UTC
    Nazri al Mahdi wrote:
    Kalissis wrote:
    Onictus wrote:
    Nazri al Mahdi wrote:
    Yuri Fedorov wrote:
    Lol people quitting eve over cap changes. Adapt and fly subcaps. Let's be happy the game is changing at all with all the threadnaught complaints in every single change CCP ever floats.

    If it already takes 8 hours a week for a logistics pilot to supply a corp in a JF, how long do you think that will take in a blockade runner?

    ...and god help you need a battleship.

    they just dont realize what EVE at its core is, its the most rewarding game out there, you can't have that kind of reward for doing nothing! If you like doing nothing and get nothing in return play something different.

    CCP is on spot whith this changes, hell make em even more!

    8 hours a week moving crap in a jump freighter equals nothing in what world? Only someone with no job and no life who plays EVE constantly would have such a skewed perspective.

    The point is to open up local production. Just saying.

    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #2370 - 2014-10-02 03:53:56 UTC
    lumbrina wrote:
    I hope jump range for JF will remain the same. I leave in stain, and no ship will be able to get there with max jump range of 5 ly. Could you leave same range for JF, and mb increase time between jumps?

    Other then that, it looks like a great idea. It will make people to learn how to fight instead of pressing F1, and keeping 400 systems for income.

    P.S. stain is not the only region that will not be available for logistics.

    In the west look at fountain.

    4 JBs and 28 low jumps to get to empire.

    .....have fun with that.
    Alp Khan
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #2371 - 2014-10-02 03:54:40 UTC
    John McCreedy wrote:
    Hypothetical situation for you. I live in A24 in Insmother. Assuming maxed skills, for a pilot to take a Jump Freighter to Empire is currently three jumps with a total fuel consumption of 37,278 units of fuel. It's a distance of 24.312 lightyears.

    Post nerf, to stop by stations, that becomes eight jumps and requires 47,899 Isotopes travelling a distance of 33.973 lightyears.

    My costs just went up so I have to pass that on to the people in my Alliance which means ships are now considerably more expensive than they are in Empire space. My route just more than doubled increasing my risks. The time it takes me to complete my journey just went up thus eating in to my play time when I want to be doing other things.

    Why would I want to continue living in null sec?

    By extension, because my costs just went up and ships are so much more expensive now compared to pre-nerf, and because there isn't a proportionate increase in the ISK per hour generation in 0.0, the people in my alliance have to spend more time ratting or mining so that they can afford to buy ships rather than PvPing.

    Why would they want to continue living in null sec?

    Insmother is relatively close to Empire. Pity the fool that lives in the far corners of the map.

    In its current state, this is massively ill thought out.

    Precisely! You guys would be having it relatively good, just as how GSF would have it good with Deklein. Rest of the null, except for one or two more regions will not be as lucky as us.

    Even the luckiest would have to invest hours and days for what, just to be able to produce ships to sell in null, or export raw materials to empire?

    Brilliance Greyscale shows here is astounding.
    Gallente Federation
    #2372 - 2014-10-02 03:55:08 UTC
    What bothers me is the lack of respect CCP shows it's player/ customer base.

    To start a DEV Blog where CCP responds top comments with "We'll have to look at that" or "We'll need to consider that" it becomes apparent they gave the actual mechanics very little thought.

    What was this Wild Ass Idea Wednesday?
    Did you decide to tell your customers, we want to take your investment in our product, your time and money and make it useless?

    Your initial jump fatigue numbers as shown in a couple of player given examples, 20 LY jump which is not excessive (does not move you across the galaxy etc..) takes hours to accomplish and over a week before you can return unless you want to take gates back. Eve is a game, it's not a second job. To Paraphrase James Carville - Bill Clintons Campaign Strategist - It's a Game, Stupid.

    GENIUS! (That's Sarcasm, I'm pointing it out because after reading the Dev Blog I felt it might be necessary)

    Now, to all the Tear collectors, Have a laugh. But it's not about us vs. them. It's about people feeling passionately about a game we all play. It will be a poorer experience for all of us if a large percentage leave.

    I read the article in TMC about the "Come to Jesus" moment, and this has the potential for that in two very different ways.
    #1. CCP creates a new way to play, possibly having Jump Drive Spool Down timers (5 minutes to a max of 10 Minutes) and who knows, possibly even letting Caps jump through Null and Low Sec gates.
    #2. Customers realize that CCP as a company has no respect for their time or money invested into CCP's product and act accordingly. For me that would be inactivating my accounts until I feel that the game is something I want to play again.

    The majority of the Posts in this thread demonstrate a passion and a commitment to this game, and the reaction displayed is one of anger, outrage and hurt because we the average EVE player feels invested in the game.

    Please CCP Fix the game, but don't break it or disrespect us while doing it.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #2373 - 2014-10-02 03:55:11 UTC
    Onictus wrote:
    DaReaper wrote:

    Put crap up for contracts, and buy it again elsewhere? Not that hard. You have not tried moving an entire corp yourself out of wormholes, no caps, no jump drive, and your 20 other members already bailed on you. Thats hell. Adapt or die. Or better yet, instead of unsubbing as a knee jerk reaction, why don;t you post WHY you think it sucks and how to improve in the idea. The idea is coming but you and other can tweek it to make less shocking.

    Because it doesn't matter once its in a dev blog it IS going live.......come hell or high water.

    The fact that you think this is true, combined with the fact that you don't want things to change if they don't favor you, makes you one subscription EVE Online will not be missing.

    You may deposit your stuff into the nearest grinder and jettison the leftovers into the first black hole you can find.

    Good day, sir.

    My YouTube Channel - EVE Tutorials & other game related things!

    My Website - Blogs, Livestreams & Forums

    Nazri al Mahdi
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #2374 - 2014-10-02 03:55:24 UTC
    Doggfather san wrote:
    I think a lot of people commenting here about how great these changes are and how they can now move into nullsec and claim a stake for themselves because the big alliances will be busy looking after their core systems.

    Sure, you might me able to lay claim to a system. Good luck keeping it without being able to supply yourselves properly.

    I rarely comment on these forums especially patch ones. There are many bad changes CCP has brought in recently.

    But this is just awful. From some1 who has lived the mining life in highsec, the pvp life in both low and null, this is truly bad and doesn't achieve anything other than an attempt to draw more money out of people's wallets.

    We used to have 40-60k people log on 2 years ago. Now we are lucky to get half of that.

    These changes, I firmly believe, will kill off more people. As other's have mentioned you are making Eve more tedious. I cannot see player retention going up after this change.

    You are not stopping the big entities from deploying anywhere as they have the isk and power to easily place massive capital fleets all around space. All you are doing is making it even harder for the smaller groups trying to achieve something bigger.

    Truly fail CCP. I won't threaten to quit Eve just yet but I'm also certainly not feeling good about what's coming.

    Totally. What CCP doesn't realize is that every minute I spend in a freighter is a minute I am NOT spending missioning with noobs and recruiting them into my player community. Around 30% of the players I have recruited in the last two years are still with me. That is many times better than what CCP can achieve alone.

    MAKE EVE LESS TEDIOUS. I don't care about nerfing power projection but JF's need a BUFF, not a NERF.
    Northern Coalition.
    #2375 - 2014-10-02 03:56:00 UTC  |  Edited by: VegasMirage
    Senn Denroth wrote:
    Needmore Longcat wrote:
    Is today April 1? Capitals taking gates? Jump fatigue? These are some of the worst ideas.

    How is a stagnant nullsec going to be fixed by making things take even longer than they do already? How does that make any sense at all?

    Absolutely terrible.

    Because people of smaller entities will be more willing to commit more expensive assets without the fear of getting mega blobbed by you.

    Thus providing more content for both parties, you just will have to rethink your "I win" button strategy.

    As opposed to you never having an "I win" button, rather be rethinking then never having tyvm.

    no more games... it's real this time!!!

    Amber Lana
    Pator Tech School
    Minmatar Republic
    #2376 - 2014-10-02 03:56:30 UTC
    To cap pilots...

    "And it rained tears for fourty days and fourty nights."

    Soleil Fournier
    Fliet Pizza Delivery
    Of Essence
    #2377 - 2014-10-02 03:58:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Soleil Fournier
    The key to projection nerfs (successful ones, anyways) is to make sure you can still have reasonable, regional capital travel for regional wars while preventing projection to the other side of the map. By regional I mean (25% ish) of the new eden 0.0 pie, enough to quickly assault your neighbor 1-2 regions next to you in either direction. And it doesn't look like these changes support that. They look far too restrictive for that, to the point where any capital movement is painful and thus will be avoided, leading to capitals used for defense only.

    What about restricting capitals to a certain amount of LY traveled per day and leaving the rest how it is now? You get a pool of LY and can take however many jumps u want, as fast as ur cap can take, until that pool is exhausted. Simpler, more user friendly, but still ultimately effective at stopping people from crossing the map.
    #2378 - 2014-10-02 03:58:39 UTC
    So deep space logistics will go from a chore done by a dedicated few to keep 0.0 alliances going to become strategic ops carried (that will become content generators) out by many to keep 0.0 alliances going.

    There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

    Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

    #2379 - 2014-10-02 03:59:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalissis
    Doggfather san wrote:
    I think a lot of people commenting here about how great these changes are and how they can now move into nullsec and claim a stake for themselves because the big alliances will be busy looking after their core systems.

    Sure, you might me able to lay claim to a system. Good luck keeping it without being able to supply yourselves properly.

    I rarely comment on these forums especially patch ones. There are many bad changes CCP has brought in recently.

    But this is just awful. From some1 who has lived the mining life in highsec, the pvp life in both low and null, this is truly bad and doesn't achieve anything other than an attempt to draw more money out of people's wallets.

    We used to have 40-60k people log on 2 years ago. Now we are lucky to get half of that.

    These changes, I firmly believe, will kill off more people. As other's have mentioned you are making Eve more tedious. I cannot see player retention going up after this change.

    You are not stopping the big entities from deploying anywhere as they have the isk and power to easily place massive capital fleets all around space. All you are doing is making it even harder for the smaller groups trying to achieve something bigger.

    Truly fail CCP. I won't threaten to quit Eve just yet but I'm also certainly not feeling good about what's coming.

    so you are a renter, and you are playing and having fun with beeing the bottom of all eve, now you complain that your life is getting better because you like beeing at the bottom, no big deal we will find you a place in the new age of EVE. And if you decide to leave EVE: can I have your stuff?

    CCPs suggestions for EVE sound just great, there is what we asked for for years now, and all I see here is hope that EVE will last forever!

    Btw. thanks for all your tears, thats how EVE suppose to be played, and I'm enjoying it.
    Miyammato Musashi
    Freeport Exploration
    Loosely Affiliated Pirates Alliance
    #2380 - 2014-10-02 04:00:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Miyammato Musashi
    Edit: This post has been self-moderated.

    5. Trolling is prohibited.

    Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

    I am a meat popsicle.