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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Dark Phox
Strategic Isks Investments Corporation
#2261 - 2014-10-02 02:55:30 UTC
I for one think they're giving you this bad idea to crowdsource a better idea.

I also think if these are the changes being made they should make all ships capable of having a jump drive, and able to jump to any cyno, not just ones in fleet, but have the time it takes to complete the jump be equal to the time It would take to go gate to gate.

Then, remove jump gates all together and cynos.

I think the sun in each system should work in place of a cyno, and you just end up at a random spot within 5k of it just like a cyno.

Since the sun is a more accurate as far as a source of power that could be locked onto, and an actual visual marker that you could relate a distance to. More like real life if we could actually jump to an extreme source of power.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2262 - 2014-10-02 02:56:07 UTC
All chars unsubed . This is just to much. A nerf was needed but again ccp's knee jerk response is way over the top. im done.

No you cant has my stuffs.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2263 - 2014-10-02 02:56:12 UTC
So I was already having a hard time justifying the time to play eve as it was.

Now all logistics takes 4 times as long, moving my crap around takes exponentially longer.

RIP 4 more accounts, I can't be bothered. Warping caps? With 30 second align times? Mad. Someone is off of their spoon. The hell with this, its bad enough that I spend more time buying **** than I do using it as it is. This is the straw that breaks the camel.

Own sov YAY un-ending rep done with logi instead of carriers.....

Don't own SOV, the ability to move your ships just passed. Yeah, bye.

......and no one is getting ****, no stuff for you.
Bisches McFrosty
#2264 - 2014-10-02 02:58:50 UTC
My account is paid up through January, but I just unsubscribed. If these changes make it into the game by the time my game time runs out I won't be resubscribing. Thanks for killing Eve, CCP Greyscale. I hope you're able to keep your job after you cause CCP to lose this many customers.
#2265 - 2014-10-02 03:00:04 UTC
Onictus wrote:
So I was already having a hard time justifying the time to play eve as it was.

Now all logistics takes 4 times as long, moving my crap around takes exponentially longer.

RIP 4 more accounts, I can't be bothered. Warping caps? With 30 second align times? Mad. Someone is off of their spoon. The hell with this, its bad enough that I spend more time buying **** than I do using it as it is. This is the straw that breaks the camel.

Own sov YAY un-ending rep done with logi instead of carriers.....

Don't own SOV, the ability to move your ships just passed. Yeah, bye.

......and no one is getting ****, no stuff for you.

WTB 4 accounts....1bil for all.
Joey Zasa
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2266 - 2014-10-02 03:00:24 UTC
BrokenBC wrote:
All chars unsubed . This is just to much. A nerf was needed but again ccp's knee jerk response is way over the top. im done.

No you cant has my stuffs.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2267 - 2014-10-02 03:00:50 UTC
Jump fatigue is tracked for each character, persisting between play sessions and over downtimes as appropriate.

This is the only thing I'm not jiving with. One of the big things in EVE that makes it leagues better than any other MMO is the offline aspect of timers. You train SP offline, your JC timer proceeds offline, your killrights tick away offline, ect. Forcing us to keep our clients logged in for long periods of time makes no sense whatsoever, it just means you're consuming more electricity on a global scale.

It is good for making your login numbers look good though... :tinfoil:

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

#2268 - 2014-10-02 03:01:39 UTC
Taraxon Taranogas wrote:
Dear CCP,

I likely will not quit but I wanted to thank you for really suggesting "fixes" that destroy all the fun I actually have in the game.


Thank you for making suggestions that make the game suck for us. Sure, I'm going to stargate jump a 7 bil JF filled with minerals or product into null.

By the way this will, as usual, hurt the little guy. The big alliances with all the ISK will be able to continue to do what they want the rest of us will just have to accept all the risk as usual.

If you wanted to make some positive changes, try taking the Tech 2 BPO's from the Goons and spreading the wealth.

If you like logistics, now is your chance to do it even better and have even more deep strategic ways of doing so! Enjoy!
+1 for goon hate tho.
Net 7
#2269 - 2014-10-02 03:02:25 UTC
BrokenBC wrote:
All chars unsubed . This is just to much. A nerf was needed but again ccp's knee jerk response is way over the top. im done.

No you cant has my stuffs.

I would think you are the one knee jerking. There is still 6 weeks for them to make tweeks, why don;t you post WHY you think it bad and not have some cry baby moment. HTFU, and if you go, i doubt you will be missed

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

#2270 - 2014-10-02 03:02:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalissis
BrokenBC wrote:
All chars unsubed . This is just to much. A nerf was needed but again ccp's knee jerk response is way over the top. im done.

No you cant has my stuffs.

While some time left on your sub, can I have your stuff, despite the fact you wrote someone cant have it, but can I?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2271 - 2014-10-02 03:03:21 UTC
Soturno wrote:
Onictus wrote:
So I was already having a hard time justifying the time to play eve as it was.

Now all logistics takes 4 times as long, moving my crap around takes exponentially longer.

RIP 4 more accounts, I can't be bothered. Warping caps? With 30 second align times? Mad. Someone is off of their spoon. The hell with this, its bad enough that I spend more time buying **** than I do using it as it is. This is the straw that breaks the camel.

Own sov YAY un-ending rep done with logi instead of carriers.....

Don't own SOV, the ability to move your ships just passed. Yeah, bye.

......and no one is getting ****, no stuff for you.

WTB 4 accounts....1bil for all.

You are talking 450mil ish better jack up that bid, I'll sit on it first. I can afford the subs, I just no longer care to use them.
Dark Phox
Strategic Isks Investments Corporation
#2272 - 2014-10-02 03:03:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Dark Phox
Remove please.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2273 - 2014-10-02 03:04:12 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
BrokenBC wrote:
All chars unsubed . This is just to much. A nerf was needed but again ccp's knee jerk response is way over the top. im done.

No you cant has my stuffs.

I would think you are the one knee jerking. There is still 6 weeks for them to make tweeks, why don;t you post WHY you think it bad and not have some cry baby moment. HTFU, and if you go, i doubt you will be missed

Oh good they have 6 weeks to fix themselves.....I have longer on my paid accounts.
Roman Lynch
Okkamon Pride
#2274 - 2014-10-02 03:04:21 UTC
Everytime I try and read all the comment... 3 more pages are added....

I would like to add my 2 cents to this.

!) CCP is killing any area of nullsec that is NOT one jump out of high sec for JF's. and logistics of moving ships in a ship maintenance bay in the carriers. To FIX this.....

1) CCP needs to make a NEW type of capital ship that is for moving fitted rigged ships that has the range of a carrier after skills.
2) the range of JF's needs to remain the same or be increased to allow any nullsec entity to be able to move things from null to high and visa versa.
3) everybody that is whining about the jump cool down for combat ships.... just use the gates? You do it anyway with your BS/BC/HAC et al.

My only issue is with logistics.... I understand the idea is so you CAN'T OWN half of the map, and therefore you shouldn't half to fuel POS' in 50 different systems. You live in Null.... you will HAVE to have miners ow and "carebears" to BUILD your ships in NULL (one small belt will build 2 carriers) and you will HAVE to protect them from the roaming gangs of "nano-nags" coming through the gates to kill your ship builders. You will only be able to live and mine and run POS' in the areas you can actually get to. You will have to have more small scale battles with your neighbors, or blue your neighbors and be bored the rest of your game.

But let's say you live in Paragon Soul... in LX5.... how in the hell are you going to be able to live there at all? you cant use a JF unless you are blue with 13 people now just to get to Saminer (a hell hole as it is) If you could move things from high to null and back again from LX5 to Jita or Amarr w/e, then you could, as a small alliance, make your own piece of Paradise in that one little constellation. As you have it set right now.... now possable. As you want it to be in Phoebes .... never going to happen. CCP, please take this advice and look at it.

And remove the ship maintenace bay from carriers and make a new ship class that can jump ships, that has a very small cargo hold, and a medium fuel bay, and a large ship bay.
Dark Phox
Strategic Isks Investments Corporation
#2275 - 2014-10-02 03:04:41 UTC
Dark Phox wrote:
I for one think they're giving you this bad idea to crowdsource a better idea.

I also think if these are the changes being made they should make all ships capable of having a jump drive, and able to jump to any cyno, not just ones in fleet, but have the time it takes to complete the jump be equal to the time It would take to go gate to gate.

Then, remove jump gates all together and cynos.

I think the sun in each system should work in place of a cyno, and you just end up at a random spot within 5k of it just like a cyno.

Since the sun is a more accurate as far as a source of power that could be locked onto, and an actual visual marker that you could relate a distance to. More like real life if we could actually jump to an extreme source of power.

So lets say by their calculations it takes 2 minutes to travel through each system, a jump through 4 systems would take 8 minutes to come out on the other end.

Then have a capacitor cost per jump distance, thus limiting smaller ships to smaller amount of jump distances.

This would increase exploration, people would camp the suns hoping to catch new jumps into systems, and the times it takes capitals to reach a system would be pretty long, instead of instant.
Bastard Children of Poinen
#2276 - 2014-10-02 03:06:29 UTC
Aiwha wrote:
Jump fatigue is tracked for each character, persisting between play sessions and over downtimes as appropriate.

This is the only thing I'm not jiving with. One of the big things in EVE that makes it leagues better than any other MMO is the offline aspect of timers. You train SP offline, your JC timer proceeds offline, your killrights tick away offline, ect. Forcing us to keep our clients logged in for long periods of time makes no sense whatsoever, it just means you're consuming more electricity on a global scale.

It is good for making your login numbers look good though... :tinfoil:

They specifically stated that fatigue would decay even on unsubbed accounts.

It persists over downtime the same way skill queues persist over downtime, in that for the 15 minutes the server is down, your skill points keep going up. Similarly, your jump fatigue decays whether or not you're logged in.
Chris Adams132
Imperial Dawn.
#2277 - 2014-10-02 03:07:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Adams132
I think that this is not a good idea. I understand the need to change the stagnate nature of null sec right now but i think this can be done in a different way. This is going to make getting minerals and other things into a huge operation that would take days upon days just for one way. There has to be another way to change the stagnate nature of this game. This is also going to make it a lot more hard for people to want to come into null sec. More people crowing in high sec and in general making it a lot more hard for new players to get in to the game. Not a good move CCP. You need to rethink this before you lose a lot of people. I love this game and don't want to see it lose even more players. Besides arn't you suppose to be taking a step back and allowing the players to run the game?
Net 7
#2278 - 2014-10-02 03:07:41 UTC
Why do i have this feeling that most of you clamming to be unsubbing will be crawling back with your tails between your legs in a few months. But whatever.

Instead of knee jerk reactions to a change that is still 6 weeks away, with plenty of time for ccp to make changes to it, you take a deep breath and explain in a coherent and concise unranty manner why you think its "the worst thing to happen to eve" They have a chance to tweek or make changes you know.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Joey Zasa
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2279 - 2014-10-02 03:07:44 UTC
Dark Phox wrote:
[quote=Dark Phox]I
This would increase exploration, people would camp the suns hoping to catch new jumps into systems, and the times it takes capitals to reach a system would be pretty long, instead of instant.

Camp the sun? ok huh? did I miss something where the sun is the new cyno?
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#2280 - 2014-10-02 03:07:50 UTC
not even 24 hours and we are on track to break the marauder threadnaught.