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Rorqual - I missed the fanfest stream.

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Tarsas Phage
#221 - 2014-07-30 01:32:12 UTC
Paynus Maiassus wrote:

From what I am gathering, though, CCP wants to get rid of off-grid boosting in general, and this necessitates making it a viable on grid booster unless they want to abandon it as a booster in general, which it doesn't seem like they want to do. I certainly don't want them to.

People talk about EWAR immunity, but I don't think they realize how common HICs are. If null sec mining suddenly became dependent on an on-grid booster with EWAR immunity, every miner hunting roam will bring HICS, and the Rorqual might as well not have EWAR immunity.

I really don't think you're going to find HICs popping out of the bushes. They're expensive, and you're going to most likely find them not on a roam, but coming in on a ghostrider or sitting on a titan (and doubtful you'll be mining in titan range of a enemy staging system) and your main threat will be dictors anyhow, which are ubiquitous enough already.

How about this - scrap its boosting role entirely. Just get rid of it and avoid the "sitting duck in a belt" issue entirely should OGB come to pass. Replace its role with something like a ORE faction battlecruiser-sized ship, which hooks into the standard Command Ships skill. Hell, take the Eos and its drone bonus, replace its boosting bonuses with one for Mining and Siege links, up its CPU a good chunk and let it be the mother hen in the belt... tailor-made for fleet protection and boosting not only the miners, but any other attending defense as well. Introduce ORE faction mindlinks which bonus mining and siege links.

As for the Rorq? nerf its cargo hold down, increase its ore hold, replace the remote shield rep bonus with a refining facility that has a compelling efficiency rate (see below) and is keyed against the Cap. Industrial Ships skill. Scrap its roid scanner and tractor beam bonus; allow capital tractors to be fit to any capital; and give it a jump fuel reduction bonus (with a higher base consumption rate) in its place. Compression stays as-is. Refining/Compression should still require a siege cycle outside of a POS. Siege cycles less than 5 minutes but no less than 2.5 minutes could be considered.

It'll retain its role as a mining fleet mothership - a place to dump ore and process it, to store relevant ships (the ORE Command Ship would be allowed to enter its SMA) and it will be a ship that offers a choice for all miners from highsec to 0.0 (highsec miners can maintain a Rorq in lowsec to process their ore at efficiencies local facilities can't offer)

Paynus Maiassus wrote:

Super-compressed ore? Really? They already upped compression to like 120:1. You can fit a supercarrier in 2 Rorqual loads. Compressed it any more and industrialists will start hauling their materials in Interceptors. Good luck hunting those.

Mobile refining like a max upgraded Minmatar outpost? Really? So you mean instead of paying tens of billions for a max upgraded outpost you just buy a Rorqual for a couple billion? No, I don't think so. That would basically ruin the value of the Minmatar Outpost.

I said "at or near" - I kept it open for variance for a reason. Somewhere between a lowsec station and an outpost, which is still lots of room for CCP to choose a number. Also good point on the super-compressed ore... I hadn't thought of that issue.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2014-07-30 03:06:49 UTC
My bet is something like a Mobile Force Field, something that has a use for its transformation.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#223 - 2014-07-30 15:25:42 UTC
I personally like the Orca as a booster. It is currently invulnerable as an off grid booster. If they just make it invulnerable as an on-grid booster all will be well. They just need to work out the details of how much it will be able to do while invulnerable, and how much it will be able to protect its exhumers while invulnerable. Will the exhumers be able to make use of the invulnerability, will the Rorq be able to provide reps and drones while invulnerable, etc. But for me, keeping it as an on-grid booster is fine, and making it invulnerable is fine, as long as it can only go invulnerable in asteroid belts, and as long as it can get in and out in tandem with being invulnerable.

I also like the Rorq as a poor-man's jump freighter and a premier material (compressed ore) hauler. That's actually my main use for the Rorqual currently. I don't see a need to reduce the cargo hold, and the ore bay should at least keep current volume and preferably have it increased a bit. The reason for keeping the cargo hold fairly large is that it can be filled with ore on the way to the manufacturing base and it can be filled with low-volume products on the way to market. Reducing the cargo bay would result in a requirement for a JF going one way, to market, and a Rorqual going the other way going to the manufacturing hub. While an elite player will have both a Rorq and a JF, this process will still be annoying for him, and the lower level industrialist who can't afford the JF and who can't maintain an extra pilot should be able to make do with a Rorq alone.

I also think other changes and buffs for the Rorqual are definitely worth looking at. Giving the Rorq the ability to bridge indy ships is a suggestion that will be very beneficial to industrialists, and I also think that Clone Vat Bays need to be improved so that we can truly store clones in the Rorq and not just create clones in the Rorq.

But overall, the Rorq's setup and roles are clear and successful, contrary to what a number of posters are suggesting, save that it needs a POS. The simple solution is to pretty much keep the Rorqual as is but move it on grid and remove need for a POS.

I've done a ton of commenting on the Rorqual and am getting to the point where there's really nothing left for me to say, so I'll probably be posting less from here on. But this is really my two cents. Making the Rorq a capital mining barge, radically changing the whole schema of how it operates such as removing boosting altogether and replacing it with other methods of operation are likely not to solve the Rorq's problems and create a bunch of new systems which will likely be at least partially broken and need further balancing as they are tested.

Also, one of my objectives for the Rorq is to make it useful as a low sec ship and a ship for busy areas of null. "You're not going to be mining within bridge range of a Titan" does not meet my goals for the ship. It should be functional anywhere 0.4 or below as far as I'm concerned. So HICs are a threat. Once again, invulnerability it a very simple and effective answer. Now while POS bubbles and invulnerability have been suggested by many people I am aware that I have not attracted many adherents on this thread and others, although those who refuse to consider invulnerability have not really given any justification for the Rorqual beyond what seems to me to be their desire to continue to see Rorquals on killmails. Well, ultimately, seeing Rorquals on killmails will result in Rorquals not being used. Alliances do not provide Rorqual SRP like they do carriers and dreads. Very few alliances are willing to provide fleet support for mining ops like they will provide fleet support for tower shoots. The Rorqual lives in a very different world from the other ships that cost 2 billion ISK and siege for 5 minutes. I think this has to be considered when aiming for a successful Rorqual. Once again, invulnerability is the answer.
0.0 Massive Dynamic
Pandemic Horde
#224 - 2014-07-30 17:07:40 UTC
Being a Rorq pilot myself and agreeing that it needs a serious makeover, I have to disagree with things like Immunity, Ewar, self-made shields et al. It's a ship, the only capital industrial one of its kind and I would welcome its introduction to belts. The risk has to be worthwhile though. I think the best means to do this is to increase agility so that it can GTFO in a reasonable amount of time, especially due to the removal of grav sites and changes in ships (note: Inties).

Here's what I'd propose:

"After many years of successful operation, Outer Ring Excavations has responded to the recent technological innovations in New Eden and explosive growth of the capital industry platform by implementating various updates on a redesigned Rorqual.

The Rorqal Mk II has had its primary focus shifted from compression to the transport of vast quantities of ore located in system. Thanks to new materials developed by ORE scientists the end result is a lighter, more agile capital platform capable of moving in and out of ore sites with relative ease.

Not only has the structure been redesigned, but the electronics systems have been given an upgrade thanks to technology derived from the mysterious Sleepers. The Rorqual Mk II can now use its mining boosters while still in warp and the need to siege has been negated. The end result is a vastly superior capital industry ship.

Additionaly, the Rorqual can field capital tractor beams at increased speeds and an increased drone bay while still retaining all of its previous traits. Its ship maintenance bay can now accomdate hauler-class transport vessels, alongside industrial ships."


Capital Industrial Ship bonsues (per skill level):
5% reduction in fuel consumption for the Industrial Core
20% bonus to Mining Foreman Links effectiveness when using Industrial Core
25% bonus to Drone hitpoints, range and damage.
25% bonus to capital tractor speed

Industrial Core Bonus Per Level:

15% bonus to effectiveness of Warfare Links when active
(Only Active while outside a force field)
(Only Active while within a 300km proximity to Asteroids)

Role Bonus:

-Can fit Industrial Core
-Can fit Clone Vat Bay
-Can use 3 Mining Link modules simultaneously


(Only listing what I would change)
Drone Bay - 500 m3
Drone Bandwith - 250Mb/s
Mass - 1.500.000.000 kg
Volume - 10.000.000 m3 (1.025.000 m3 packaged)
Inertia Modifier - 0.20 x
Ore Hold - 300.000 m3
Armor Hitpoints - 25.500 HP (reduced from current)
Maximum Targeting Range - 250km
Signature Radius - 2750m
High Power Slots - 8
Low Power Slots - 4

Industrial Core:
Maximum Velocity Bonus - Removed
Mass Multiplier - Removed
Disallow Activation In Warp - False

Inertia might need some tweaking. I tried to do the math, but couldn't find a way to calcualte its agility so made a guess. (where the hell are capital ships?)

The only thing I fear, is running out of beer !

Axure Abbacus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#225 - 2014-07-30 20:44:04 UTC
Random idea that kicks the Rorqual refit into the Pos code rework.

The Rorqual has a 1,150 CPU AND 381,250 GRID before adjustments for modules. Well below a the fitting ability of a small tower. Allow the Rorqual to stand in as a anchored and onlined control tower while sieged. This grants it the ability to deploy Pos and online pos modules within 2500 meters of its location. There would be the default ban on deploying deployable structures within radius of stations and gates but would allow deploying modules within belts. Even if it was deployed as a small death star tower, we all know how OP these are without active gunners and pos defense AI is less than effective.

It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.

Ms Forum Alt
#226 - 2014-07-30 21:40:12 UTC
Gabber359 wrote:

The Rorqal Mk II has had its primary focus shifted from compression to the transport of vast quantities of ore located in system.

Most people I know who do mining ops large enough to require that kind of m3 mine into 250,000m3 cans and scoop them with a T1 freighter. It costs half as much as a Rorqual does. So you still wouldn't use one in system to haul ore.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#227 - 2014-07-30 22:01:58 UTC
Ms Forum Alt wrote:
Gabber359 wrote:

The Rorqal Mk II has had its primary focus shifted from compression to the transport of vast quantities of ore located in system.

Most people I know who do mining ops large enough to require that kind of m3 mine into 250,000m3 cans and scoop them with a T1 freighter. It costs half as much as a Rorqual does. So you still wouldn't use one in system to haul ore.

It would still be best at hauling it in/out of low/null since it can carry more ore than a JF and less fuel as well. It also can do the same trick as the T1 freighter along with it's other capabilities. The only problem with this right now is the rorquals lack if mobility (industrial core)
Tarsas Phage
#228 - 2014-07-30 23:14:11 UTC
Paynus Maiassus wrote:
The Rorqual lives in a very different world from the other ships that cost 2 billion ISK and siege for 5 minutes. I think this has to be considered when aiming for a successful Rorqual. Once again, invulnerability is the answer.

Or you miners stop being just miners and learn how to manage and protect yourselves instead of instantly reaching for "we're special snowflakes, inept to the point of not being able to protect ourselves, so we need to pull the invulnerability card"

Tell you what, specifically, Paynus, I've seen how you fly a Rorq. A few times, me, personally, could have tackled and disposed of it when you were warping it around H__h___uh, and by far you're not the only one in this vein. You guys feel helpless because you just don't know how to properly handle capitals in the first place, so it's no wonder you and your lot just want the easy "make us invincible!" way out.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#229 - 2014-07-31 00:35:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Paynus Maiassus
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Paynus Maiassus wrote:
The Rorqual lives in a very different world from the other ships that cost 2 billion ISK and siege for 5 minutes. I think this has to be considered when aiming for a successful Rorqual. Once again, invulnerability is the answer.

Or you miners stop being just miners and learn how to manage and protect yourselves instead of instantly reaching for "we're special snowflakes, inept to the point of not being able to protect ourselves, so we need to pull the invulnerability card"

Tell you what, specifically, Paynus, I've seen how you fly a Rorq. A few times, me, personally, could have tackled and disposed of it when you were warping it around H__h___uh, and by far you're not the only one in this vein. You guys feel helpless because you just don't know how to properly handle capitals in the first place, so it's no wonder you and your lot just want the easy "make us invincible!" way out.

Ridiculous and false. PvPers can protect their combat capitals by undocking them with a fleet of sub caps for security. Miners don't get that. Really, the only option that miners have when hostiles come around is to dock up. If we had fleets of sub caps providing security for us, things would be different, and some of these other proposals might work. But we don't, and we won't so they won't.

And I call BS on your being able to tackle me. Of course you wouldn't just name the system. And of course you didn't name even an approximate timeframe where this supposed engagement would have happened, because it didn't.

EDIT: Scratch that. I remember a time when I was making jump clones for some toons so, in a system that does begin with an H, I undocked and warped to an off-grid Insta at which point I aligned to a POS. So if indeed you were fast enough and accurate enough to find me in my off-grid insta then you could have tackled me while I was aligning, but you would have been popped by my Widow who was guarding me at the insta because I am not just a miner, but have several accounts, some of which are PvP toons. Since I have only made jump clones twice with my Rorqual, months apart, and since I never will again since I've moved to null and made all the JCs I will ever need, I think your criticism is ridiculous. If it's even true, because you would have had only one chance ever, and you would have just given me a kill.

I've never lost a Rorqual. I have never lost a JF. My Rorqual has been engaged once when I lit a bad cyno and had to slowboat a few hundred meters. My Rorqual could have been engaged 2 or 3 other times but nobody bothered because they would have died.

I wager you didn't tackle me when you saw my Rorqual aligning (if you even did, since your 'a few time times...warping around' comment reeks of BS) because you didn't know what you'd be getting into, and probably didn't have what it would take to survive my Ogres long enough for your friends to get there even if I didn't have a BLOPs there to kill you. Since most pure PvPers are so risk averse they can't stand the thought of engaging in any kind of a situation where there are any unknowns and there is any chance of losing, you rightly decided not to tackle my Rorqual and insodoing preserved your life.

Saying you could tackle me when I am sitting zero on station and can dock up doesn't count, dude. If you need me to teach you PvP I am game.
Tarsas Phage
#230 - 2014-07-31 03:53:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarsas Phage
Paynus Maiassus wrote:

Ridiculous and false. PvPers can protect their combat capitals by undocking them with a fleet of sub caps for security. Miners don't get that. Really, the only option that miners have when hostiles come around is to dock up. If we had fleets of sub caps providing security for us, things would be different, and some of these other proposals might work. But we don't, and we won't so they won't.

Please indulge me - and I mean seriously - Why is it that you think miner != PVPer. Why is it that you think that these are two distinct worlds in which no acumen from either might cross? Why is it that people like you think that they can either be 100% industrial-oriented and PvP deficient, or the other way around? I mean, below you claim to be a PvP'er as well so your statements don't square up.

Overall, I don't buy it. It's just a lack of inclination or motivation on either party's part. PVP'ers complain often about having to rat for ISK or do other things more PVE/Indy. It's stupid, and game mechanics shouldn't be bent to cater or coddle either side. So, yeah, invulnerable Rorqs would fall into that category. Everyone complains about the "I-Win" button unless that button is in their own interest, and advocating being the only ship in the game where total invulnerability is a normal mode of operation is nuts. It's unnatural.

Paynus Maiassus wrote:

And I call BS on your being able to tackle me. Of course you wouldn't just name the system. And of course you didn't name even an approximate timeframe where this supposed engagement would have happened, because it didn't.

I was being nice in slightly obscuring the system in question, but here goes:

Hothomouh, your Rorq insta-undocking from station before warping to your POS, which you have since taken down, at moon 6-4 (or was it 6-1? Either way, it was on p6 which only has 4 moons) on and around July 8-10 of this year.

I missed you btw because I had my attention on another screen at the time, and was sitting at my own off-grid insta, which by sheer coincidence put me ~35km off where you landed. I only noticed you when I glanced back at that client's screen and saw you aligning and just about to get into warp (38m/s is what I recall seeing your speed at) ... not enough time for me to decloak and burn into point range. So I stayed cloaked and kept an eye on you. I mean, I was chilling in my own off-grid. The last thing I was expecting was a Rorq to land practically next to me.

That wasn't the only chance I needed. When warping back to station from your POS, you landed out of docking range on at least one occasion. Enough time for me to cyno a blops in on top of you and give you a push in the right direction, so to speak. But again, you were saved by my attention being on other things (20 accounts, with at least 7 running at any given time, tends to spread things thin.)

Rookie mistakes in both places, and insta'ing out and WTZ'ing to a station you frequent(ed) shows some lack of foresight and mechanics. There was zero need for you to insta out. There was ample opportunity for you to make a insta-dock BM and use that to dock up rather than WTZ, where everyone and their brother knows that WTZ means you can very well land out of range, especially in capital. Your only savior in both instances was my own tendency to do too much at once, so luck, not skill, saved you in either case.


Paynus Maiassus wrote:

So if indeed you were fast enough and accurate enough to find me in my off-grid insta then you could have tackled me while I was aligning, but you would have been popped by my Widow who was guarding me at the insta because I am not just a miner

Believe me, had I actually have been paying attention and caught you, you would have also been -1 Widow, even if it was a surprise. Just take my word on that :)

Paynus Maiassus wrote:

I wager you didn't tackle me when you saw my Rorqual aligning (if you even did, since your 'a few time times...warping around' comment reeks of BS) because you didn't know what you'd be getting into, and probably didn't have what it would take to survive my Ogres long enough for your friends to get there even if I didn't have a BLOPs there to kill you.
Since most pure PvPers are so risk averse they can't stand the thought of engaging in any kind of a situation where there are any unknowns and there is any chance of losing, you rightly decided not to tackle my Rorqual and insodoing preserved your life. Saying you could tackle me when I am sitting zero on station and can dock up doesn't count, dude. If you need me to teach you PvP I am game.

My "friends" don't need to take gates... in fact, taking gates to get somewhere makes them irate in their old age, so they would have arrived quite soon. Besides, I've killed tougher things than a Rorq with just 2 chars (there's a reason why ":sagain:" is a years-old eve-kill meme.) See, for me, finding and catching a large target - especially one you have to stalk and predict - is the exciting part. Making that target turn into an inverted triangle is usually pretty straight-forward and pedestrian.

As for your offer of tutelage, I'm game. You teach me PvP. Be my mentor; I'm all open eyes and ears and would love nothing but to have just a sip from your never-ceasing fountain of expertise on the subject. PM me in-game and we can set up a date. I'll even offer the use of my TS.

EDIT: also, if you were using your Rorq to make jump clones as you claim, here's a little secret - you can dock even with your clone vat bay active. It only prevents you from moving or jumping. Intended or oversight on CCP's part, I'm not sure, but that's how it works.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#231 - 2014-07-31 04:22:29 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:

****, I have only ever left station in my Rorqual one time, to a throwaway POS I had put up an hour earlier and took down the next day. Come on, claiming you could get my Rorq in the process of docking? You can pop a frig before it docks, but I wasn't in one of those. This crap makes me wonder what the hell else you're lying about. Certainly the 'few times' and 'warping around' were lies, seeing as I have only ever done anything in that system besides undocking and cynoing ONE time. Claiming you have 20 accounts means either you're lying or you're bad at Eve if you need all that to accomplish your goals and don't have anything better to spend your ISK on than all those PLEX.

And then you accuse me of not being able to comprehend the idea of being a miner and a PvPer when in your judgy way you stupidly call me just a miner who can't comprehend the idea of preparing for combat. This, my friend, doesn't square up. It's so Ironic that another poster tried to claim my ideas couldn't have merit because I wasn't enough of a miner. Basically, Eve players are just asses. No other way to see it.

It all just makes me tremble in awe of your meme-ness.

I'm only here to provide input on a Rorqual update, not get into a pissing match with you. I'm glad you love yourself and think you're great. As for me, I had no faith in the human race before this garbage and I have even less now. I've basically decided to be done with the forums. Can't stand all the garbage. Frankly CCP can do whatever the hell they want with the Rorq. I don't think I'll be subbing too much longer. At any rate I am done with the forums.
Anthar Thebess
#232 - 2014-07-31 07:23:10 UTC
I suggested some time ago to give Rorqual capital class AOE strip miners.

Something around 10KM range , but at the same time ship will be mining all asteroids in this range, and only in deployed mode.
You have to put it in the right place, deploy , and could have big mineral flow as all asteroids in range are mined.
But if you miscalculate ....

But at the same time you are putting it to risk , as in deployment mode you cannot run if some gang arrives.
Warping away before clearing belt around you can be also issue, as it will be bouncing off the asteroids.

Those capital strip miners could work as a ravage miners.

70% waste rate - something perfect for clearing system belts , but not gravi sites.
Ms Forum Alt
#233 - 2014-07-31 07:53:44 UTC
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Paynus Maiassus wrote:
The Rorqual lives in a very different world from the other ships that cost 2 billion ISK and siege for 5 minutes. I think this has to be considered when aiming for a successful Rorqual. Once again, invulnerability is the answer.

Or you miners stop being just miners and learn how to manage and protect yourselves instead of instantly reaching for "we're special snowflakes, inept to the point of not being able to protect ourselves, so we need to pull the invulnerability card"

Please stop having opinions about things you know little to nothing about. It's embarrassing to read.
Anthar Thebess
#234 - 2014-07-31 08:53:45 UTC
Well i think that EHP on the mining ships is well to low.
I'm not looking from the higsec perspective, but from nullsec one.
CCP should create nullsec versions of mining barges.
At least 200k ehp each...
Because they are to fragile, and any gang can kill them instantly.
If some miner say that he is caught on a belt ... there is no point of warping to save him, as before your ships start warping he will be already dead.

Now if those nullsec mining barges have 200k+ ehp then this can spawn some nice possibilities.
People don't mine using 1 ship so chewing 7x200k ehp will give enough time to warp to the belts and have some nice brawl.

People are people, and eve players like to abuse stuff.
Those null sec mining barges should have :
- 30s align time

Slow targets for spawning battles.
Incapable of defending them self, using most of the ewar etc.

Yes this could be nice add-on to null sec industry and good thing to spawn brawls.

(i don't know any thing about mining or mining ships , but :)

Nullsec Mining Barge

Higslots 6 ( capable of using 6 strip miners or ice harvesters )
Maximum number of missle launchers : 0
Maximum number of guns : 0
Med slots : 0
Low slots : 4 ( 3x mining upgrade + 1 damage Control)
Rigs Slots : 3

Drone bandwidth : 0mb
Scan resolution : 30
Maximum locked targets : 2

Shield : 3000 points
Armor : 3000 points
Structure : 100.000 points

Cargo hold 700
Ore Hold : 24.000

Extra Bonus:
7.5% lower strip/ ice miner cycle when Rorqual is on grid
15% if Rorqual is in deployed mode.
Cumulative with other boosts.

Yes people will be assigning fighters to them
Like on JF not enough PG or CPU to install something "unwanted"
Jubei Hangoon
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#235 - 2014-08-05 04:32:34 UTC
Give her a capital strip miner with 100 km range that allows it to rival the Hulk. I'll put the Rorq in a belt aligned to a POS all day for that.

It would be great if the Rorqual could refine at decent efficiency. That could balance out being stuck in a system with a high refining tax rate.
Anthar Thebess
#236 - 2014-08-05 06:32:17 UTC
Well what rorqual must have after the changes :
- cloning bay
- mining links bonus

What (again) it can have ( options) :
- module reprocessing facility , just slight better than on station
- refinery , but it have to be worst than station or intensive on pos
- production line , something that will allow to install short jobs ( what about DT / CL)
- capital strip miners - something that will put it on the belt. ( mining aligned? , make them very efficient but at short range , or activation = 0 speed)
- bonus to range and the power of the smartbombs ... for defensive purposes this can be interesting. ( i can put in on the belt, ceptors will die from smartbombs - rly Roll

Goonswarm Federation
#237 - 2014-10-08 15:24:27 UTC
I Remember CCP making a promise that they would have a plan for updating the Roqual in the next Update. We have yet to see any dev blogs or information in regards to this. Has the Roqual gone the way of the dodo? looking for something from CCP to let me know why i should keep this ship.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#238 - 2014-10-08 17:30:50 UTC
Dia'Sarbator wrote:
I Remember CCP making a promise that they would have a plan for updating the Roqual in the next Update. We have yet to see any dev blogs or information in regards to this. Has the Roqual gone the way of the dodo? looking for something from CCP to let me know why i should keep this ship.


[It doesn't seem to be a high CCP priority.]
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#239 - 2014-10-08 21:44:17 UTC
Dia'Sarbator wrote:
I Remember CCP making a promise that they would have a plan for updating the Roqual in the next Update. We have yet to see any dev blogs or information in regards to this. Has the Roqual gone the way of the dodo? looking for something from CCP to let me know why i should keep this ship.

Yes, they are making a significant change to Rorquals that are going to impact their usage in the upcoming patch:

"-Max Jump Drive Range is now 5ly"

Goonswarm Federation
#240 - 2014-10-08 22:06:51 UTC
Mr Omniblivion wrote:
Dia'Sarbator wrote:
I Remember CCP making a promise that they would have a plan for updating the Roqual in the next Update. We have yet to see any dev blogs or information in regards to this. Has the Roqual gone the way of the dodo? looking for something from CCP to let me know why i should keep this ship.

Yes, they are making a significant change to Rorquals that are going to impact their usage in the upcoming patch:

"-Max Jump Drive Range is now 5ly"


you are completely right ... because they made the jump range 5 lyr i will want to have them on the belt now ... how could i of been so blind !