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December CSM Summit

First post
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2011-11-22 06:27:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Also - I didn't mean to imply that Ehnea's ideas / proposals were going to be (or should be) advocated for, just that the CSM represents us all to CCP...

I still believe the CSM's job is to be a conduit, between CCP and the playerbase, and less so between the playerbase and CCP. They are meant as a sounding board for CCP's upcoming projects and ideas.

They represent the playerbase insomuch as they were voted on their specific platforms. Their platforms are not likely going to change much through their terms.

Mittens is a nullsec candidate. That is who he represents. He certainly wasn't representing anyone in highsec when he suggested that ice should be removed from highsec. And I'm sure not many highsec industrialists felt that he was representing them.

Each candidate represents a specific area of the game. They aren't going to listen to people whose ideas hold no interest for them. That's just human nature.

(There are dudes like Trebor who want to represent everyone ... but where's he been for the last bunch of months? He's been pretty quiet lately.)

If highsec wants serious representation, then they'll have to vote someone who's concerns mirror those of the average highsec resident.
Red Templar
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2011-11-22 07:41:28 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:

Mittens is a nullsec candidate. That is who he represents. He certainly wasn't representing anyone in highsec when he suggested that ice should be removed from highsec. And I'm sure not many highsec industrialists felt that he was representing them.

So untrue. He supports high-sec with every miner he ganks. You cant get more support than that!

[b]For Love. For Peace. For Honor.

For None of the Above.

For Pony![/b]

thoth rothschild
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2011-11-22 10:36:29 UTC  |  Edited by: thoth rothschild
a)I'd like a second iteration on Supers, all of them.
Do you think any of us bitter vets will move back to 0.0 as long as these fun killers lurk around ?

b)Are the strange constructs called " pos" still needed in a time of custom offices and station construction ?
They do not feel right. Never read of such constructs in a science fiction book. Stations should be able to do this work.
Zyrbalax III
Goldcrest Enterprises
#44 - 2011-11-22 13:22:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Zyrbalax III
Hi Seleene,

"An 'Apocrypha' every 3-4 months." I love the sound of that.

Some of the "big ideas" which it would be great if you / CSM could push at the next summit would be (from my point of view):

Jimmy Squirts' "EVE Deepspace Regions" idea

Serious development on the old Nullsec Design Goals (especially the "smallholding" ideas)

Asuka Solo's PI 2.0 ideas

And yeah, lowsec needs fixing, risk / reward needs rebalancing, FW needs some love. But the above would be my personal "top 3" wishlist for big changes.

PS sorry - don't know how to linky linky Ugh


Eit: ooh look at that, it did it for me Big smile
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2011-11-22 13:27:57 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
here are dudes like Trebor who want to represent everyone ... but where's he been for the last bunch of months? He's been pretty quiet lately.

Working hard on CSM every day. I just don't feel a need to beat my chest about it all the time.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Omega Tron
Edge Dancers
Pan-Intergalatic Business Community
#46 - 2011-11-22 18:53:54 UTC
Zyrbalax III wrote:
Hi Seleene,

"An 'Apocrypha' every 3-4 months." I love the sound of that.

Some of the "big ideas" which it would be great if you / CSM could push at the next summit would be (from my point of view):

Jimmy Squirts' "EVE Deepspace Regions" idea

Serious development on the old Nullsec Design Goals (especially the "smallholding" ideas)

Asuka Solo's PI 2.0 ideas

And yeah, lowsec needs fixing, risk / reward needs rebalancing, FW needs some love. But the above would be my personal "top 3" wishlist for big changes.

PS sorry - don't know how to linky linky Ugh


Eit: ooh look at that, it did it for me Big smile

These are at the top of my wish list also. CSM please discuss these with CCP and provide some feedback beyond the usual CCP response of "We will consider these suggestions". That has been the past the CCP kiss of death to some good ideas. Also my last 0.02 isk's is that I do believe you all do try to represent all players.

Thank you all ... & enjoy the Tea & Cookies at CCP....

CCP's sand box is EVE Online.  The sand is owned by CCP.  We pay them a monthly fee to throw the sand at each other.  That is all that is here, so move along. Nothing more to be seen.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2011-11-22 20:53:44 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
here are dudes like Trebor who want to represent everyone ... but where's he been for the last bunch of months? He's been pretty quiet lately.
Working hard on CSM every day. I just don't feel a need to beat my chest about it all the time.
Well, you should make an appearance every once in awhile. :) You do work hard. That crowdsource vote (even though it was undermined by some shortsighted block voting) was a good effort.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-11-23 00:16:45 UTC
Zyrbalax III wrote:
"An 'Apocrypha' every 3-4 months." I love the sound of that.

If there's genuinely the potential for this, the first two need to be the Industry Revamp which was initially pencilled in for Quantum Rise, and Dominion 2.0 - ie. everything that was cut from Dominion in the rush to hit the release date, plus a reworking of sov structures/timers etc to remove the 'set your alarm clock for 3am and grind 100 million hitpoints, every other night for a week' nonsense.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-11-23 15:53:39 UTC
IANACSM but based on previous replies if you want something changed you need to be posting more in depth analysis of the problems rather than 20 page long personal vanity solutions. Think more "Titan Manifesto" and less "Remove Local".

Also the CSM represents all the players not every player. If you can't see the distinction then you'll continue to look like a petulant child.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2011-11-23 22:09:26 UTC
StukaBee wrote:
plus a reworking of sov structures/timers etc to remove the 'set your alarm clock for 3am and grind 100 million hitpoints, every other night for a week' nonsense.

This. A billion times this.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-11-24 06:20:09 UTC
Specialty Shops
Is it possible to include some of the elements that were to come out in establishment as an option on the Station interface, like the ability for me to set up a local shop to sell customized goods knowing full well that this will move into Avatar side of the game when the multiplayer element is in place.

War Decs
For a person that is wardec i would like to see elements that will help me fight back instead of pew pew. Moving from Wardec Avoidance to down right Wardec Evation which is my only option if I am an industry care bear alliance.
Allow me to spend my recourse to fortify my self in highsec, fight the way I am best at: But the Attackers should also be able to do some grunt work to tear down my defences
-Spending LP to
--> Hire the local faction to come to my aid since Concord won't
-->Give me a Head up if a Locator agent has been used to locat me
-->Give a Restricted or faulty response
- Pay Concord
-->To Shorten/ Lenghten the duration of the wardec
-->To add limitations or Victory Conditions.
-->Add a Champion PVP corp to the wardec as if he joined my corp or alliance
- Do Objectives the may modify the protection of the wardec in some system
-->Capture of certain control bunkers in the system will restrict or enable the wardec to spread to this system
-->NPC missions for Concord to modify the wardec
-->NPC Missions for Faction to add more NPC wing men to my corp in a system.

As it stands War Dec is a Cat and Mouse Game - where the mouse will hide in his hole after a few deaths till the wardec is over and the involved some times just quite. But if there is stuff the mouse can do to help protect him self, the Game Changes from Hopeless to a fight for Survival. With that the Cats will have more mice to chase and hopefully resulting in a Trap sprung by the mouse.

Also a tutorial window expressing the current option to deal with a war dec.
Crime and Punishment Chennels the Merc Contracts channel, You Tube Tutorials.
and avoiding describing the Wardec Evasion Techniques

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

#52 - 2011-11-25 10:54:26 UTC
Add market 0.01 bots and to a lesser extent 0.01 trading games in general. No great ideas or solutions about this but this is another weak exploitable game mechanic.

Gevlin wrote:
SpecialtyFor a person that is wardec i would like to see elements that will help me fight back instead of pew pew. Moving from Wardec Avoidance to down right Wardec Evation which is my only option if I am an industry care bear alliance.

the Merc Contracts channel

You already have an ability to get reinforcements if you are a "industry care bear alliance" and you know fine well what it is as you mention it.

Spend some of your carebear gold here to defend yourselves by hiring mercs. Or pay the nasty wardeccers some protection money to leave you alone and make them deal with your future wardeccers.


Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#53 - 2011-12-04 22:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Mocam wrote:

We didn't see an actual change of even statements for WEEKS and no it wasn't all a misunderstanding nor misinterpretation of CCP's stance. Those "bitter vets", that stopped playing and canceled accounts, brought about the changes. Not this CSM.

Who the hell gives a crap about wormhole ores? How many of the CSM even knew how rare those showed up or in what class WH?

Two Step is a CSM member who is an expert on wormholes, having lived in one for a long time and belonging to an Alliance that operates inside of them. So there was plenty of informed opinion on the CSM.

As for the bittervets cancelling, CCP was well aware of the cancelled accounts sooner than anybody. When CCP finally decided to publically have Hilmar apologize and focus the entire company's efforts into the Crucible expansion, it was following a media blitz where the cancellation numbers were handed over to the various gaming websites and news sources to be propagated. With so much heaping bad press for the company, they had no choice but to change directions or watch the unsubs proliferate even faster.

The CSM6 has indeed shown power and effectiveness, but not through the traditional means players assume they do. The CSM can't just wave a magical vote and force CCP to implement a feature the way players assume when they vote for a platform. However, the CSM has proven to be a high-profile enough voice within the workings of the company, than when they speak, the media listens. This is a new form of power, and one that is nonetheless just as effective as traditional means. If we have new CSM7 members that can continue to hold CCP's feet to the fire when they ignore the playerbase, than good things are in store for EvE Online's future.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Mai Shiranui
Ninjitsu Heavy Industries
#54 - 2011-12-05 03:43:31 UTC
I might point out that quite a few things CSM has strongly supported over the years still have not made CCP's plate. They've handed in a recommendation for POS overhauls HOW many times???
Sephiroth Clone VII
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#55 - 2011-12-05 05:13:59 UTC
thoth rothschild wrote:
a)I'd like a second iteration on Supers, all of them.
Do you think any of us bitter vets will move back to 0.0 as long as these fun killers lurk around ?

b)Are the strange constructs called " pos" still needed in a time of custom offices and station construction ?
They do not feel right. Never read of such constructs in a science fiction book. Stations should be able to do this work.

Are stations in every system

Do they mine moons

do they have every production/research slot needed

Can you put guns on them

When this happens the POS will be obsolete.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#56 - 2011-12-06 22:08:55 UTC
Dammit, i missed this thread... some notes:

- Hisec desperately needs endgame content
- Casual players desperately need content
- Solo players desperately need content
- any clues on wether there is future gameplay for WiS?
- Will there be any new WiS content for Summer 2012? Multiplayer, FAI?

Also would be good to know what is going to happen with the NEx store, its insane prices, and the items present as market placeholders and seeded at Sisi but not present in the TQ store.

Also there is an ongoing talk about how representative it is exactly that none of the CSM members ever comes to bore to death with us hisec dwellers, just to give a try at something that is beyond "broken" status and falls into "unexistant" status: hisec endgame, new solo content and new casual content.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#57 - 2011-12-07 03:56:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Also would be good to know what is going to happen with the NEx store, its insane prices, and the items present as market placeholders and seeded at Sisi but not present in the TQ store.

Also there is an ongoing talk about how representative it is exactly that none of the CSM members ever comes to bore to death with us hisec dwellers, just to give a try at something that is beyond "broken" status and falls into "unexistant" status: hisec endgame, new solo content and new casual content.

What's happening with the NeX store is crystal clear - prices will remain the same as long as pilots are buying goods. They are. As long as CCP is selling items at an acceptable rate, prices will not fall. If you want lower prices, the best way to do this would be to organize a boycott of monocles and such. Since you have played EvE for three years now, I'm assuming you have a pretty strong grasp on supply and demand. Furthermore, since your interest lies primarily in PvE content, you should be earning isk at a continual rate, and have minimal expenses (if you're not out losing ships to PvP). Players like yourself are usually the richest in the game.

As for new, casual, solo content, and new walking in station content, CCP has already by quite clear in stating that Incarna development is on hold indefinitely. There is no set date on when they will resume working on these features, because most players have decided there are more important things for the developers to work on. As I mentioned in your Jita Park thread, because EvE is fundamentally a "sandbox" game, CCP's efforts have been, and always will be, primarily focused on creating tools with which players can create their own content. Unlike traditional MMO's, PvE is only a means to an end in EvE. It is a source of income to support whatever activities you enjoy within the game. There is no "end game" in EvE other than what YOU, the player, define it to be.

Some will enjoy missioning and Incursions for their own sake, but EvE is not intended to be the type of game where new content is rolled out every expansion to keep mission runners from getting bored. They will occasionally deploy content from time to time, but if you are expecting a constant influx of content that tells you where to go and who to fight, you should probably adjust your expectations. This is not a game where they can simply keep releasing new gear and raising a level cap for you to grind up to indefinitely. It is about releasing new tools, fixing broken ones and letting players tell grand stories with the options available to them. I know this may disappoint solo players but the reality is if you want to get the most out of a game like EvE, joining a corporation, and building strong social networks, is crucial. Content is almost exclusively designed to be done in organized groups, and will continue to be.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#58 - 2011-12-07 14:21:00 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
"Play my way or go away, yadda yadda"

Join the row, i've been told that many times.Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2011-12-07 15:15:02 UTC
Yeah, that's not what he's saying. What he's saying is that EVE isn't designed, at the core, as a game which you'll find is endlessly fun when you play solo, and you shouldn't expect it to be, either.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Goonswarm Federation
#60 - 2011-12-07 16:11:59 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Mining basically died in nullsec - barring a few displaced carebears who kept at it despite a lack of profit - when the drone regions opened and began vomiting endless amounts of high-end minerals into the economy. I think the easiest fix for that is to remove 'gunmining' by giving the drones bounties like regular rats and removing their alloys. I enjoy killing miners, so it'd be nice to see mining ops in null besides IRC.

Does the rest of the council agree with this? Is this considered to be a sucking chest wound? Personally, I believe it is and hope the council will keep this issue on the table for discussion.

You, too, can be a Solid Gold dancer.