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Announcement regarding rewards and prizes to fansites and third-party contributors

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Azami Nevinyrall
#281 - 2013-10-11 08:31:07 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Tinman Spectacular wrote:
Some people have already mentioned this idea, and it's been done before. Immortalize individuals and corporations with permanent relics and monuments in-game as reward for their community contributions. You like what Somer is doing, why not a "Somer Gambling Hall" off Dodixie Fed Navy? You want to give credit to their members, let people warp to it and buy junk items like "1 blink credit - issued by [somer employee]." Like someone said, it's no different than "piece of steve," etc.

Even better, let them name their junk item with your final approval. CCP gets an ISK sink. Somer employees get a very VERY special in-game achievement, and players get something to do other than buy a passport from Poitat. This would be an achievement most of us will never accomplish because of what they've done for the community, respect or hate it, their name will be remembered even after they unsub and nobody gets a tangible ISK advantage over anyone either directly or indirectly. I get that a couple billion ISK to outfits like Somer is just a rounding error, but it's still an in-game advantage. I also get ships and junk have been given before, so what? Things change in this game.

-RvB gets some magical kill number in their eternal war, how about a flaming statue named after the pilot who died or something?
-Some event attracts 10k people in local with super duper reinforced nodes, maybe they'll get a station named after them in that system?
-How about an item for sale at SOE stations called "A Map of Eve - by Dotlan"?

It's not that hard.

Nobody will have a problem with this. The player is immortalized and the community gets FREE content; free as in I'm not paying $14/mo for in-game corps to get marketable items which benefit them in some tangible, non-existential manner, that may or may not be used against me.

For comparison, for most players their corporate titles and medals are more meaningful and treasured than ISK gifts and their equivalencies (rare items and such). Usually you get them for spectacular in-game feats, or spectacular in-game failures. It's hard to say which kind is more regarded by the individual they were conferred upon Smile

Definitely one route we can take! And it's a cool one. Doesn't have to be the only one though. Also since we discussed "soulbound" items (heh I said this word on the EVE forums), medals for example are essentially that by default. Again...not the only thing we should look at. We should look at a lot of different things.

This isn't a bad idea, BUT you'll run into similar issues...

Like take this "scandal" for example, if CCP "spawned" a structure instead, you will still have another group of players getting upset because stuff they did wasn't also recognized. There's groups of them still upset because certain stuff/events wasn't immortalized.

Also, ingame monuments...for example...would take resources from other projects to complete. Artists and Programmers, who's time would be better spent fixing stuff, instead of giving someone a shiny.

If a ingame shiny was to be given to a group, it's rarity makes it valuable. If you give this to everyone, then they're immortalized and the shiny, is still shiny, but worthless.

I'd still suggest that players who done stuff for the community that CCP feels that they need to be rewarded, should be, sadly others will take offense/jealous and will cause a stink. ESP if a shiny that just so happens to be worth alot of ISK.

In this situation, I would've suggested an ingame medal, and a dev blog. The community gets another little item in the random items handed out that will sit beside A Piece of Steve.

I know that there's some random ships that's in the database that CCP would love to hand out. Why not hand them out during live events? Like dev roams would contain 1 BPC of said ship they want to give out. OR, entrants to tournaments. Or smaller tournaments, like Frigs only tournament?


Lina Thamaris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#282 - 2013-10-11 08:33:59 UTC
I think there's nothing wrong with CCP giving out rewards to players who "do good for the community". I actually prefer you giving them in-game items with no "real" value than PLEX, which has a very real value.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#283 - 2013-10-11 08:42:41 UTC
I'm just going to quote myself from another thread since it says pretty much everything I want to say:

James Amril-Kesh wrote:

What most people seem to misunderstand about this issue is that our grievance here predominantly lies not in the nature of the gift itself, nor in the recipient. The most significant problem with what has happened here is twofold:

First, CCP's awarding of these gifts to SOMER Blink was in complete secrecy. While this may not have been CCP's intent, they certainly never made any effort to tell anyone else that they did this. Considering the nature of the gifts involved this amounted to a substantial amount of ISK directly in the wallets of SOMER's employees.

Second, there was (and still is) no defined criteria for reward selection. CCP has stated previously that they wish to reward players and player groups for excellent community services rendered. Nobody disputes that CCP has a right to reward anyone they wish, for whatever reason. However, picking a massively profitable lottery site (yes, with some philanthropic contributions) over the vast number of other groups that have rendered significantly more popular and useful services (Chribba, EFT, EVE-kill, EVEMon/Battleclinic, etc.) suggests that the criteria used in this case was little more than "we like Blink a lot. We should give them stuff."

While this is less important than the other two points, I strongly urge CCP to look into creating items that have significant sentimental value, but not necessarily the kinds of items that can be sold on market or that would have particularly high ISK value. This may have been what CCP intended when they repurposed the SIW, but they should have carefully noted market values and realized just how much ISK they were handing Blink when they gave them the SIWs. But I'm thinking more along the lines of statues that the awardee could have placed in a certain location, much like the monument in Jita originally intended as a tribute to the winners of a riddle challenge several years ago.

Long story short: most dissenters are likely to agree that we would all prefer that any items given away have reasonable ISK value or cannot be sold for ISK, that CCP should create and publish a set of well defined criteria for such rewards, and that when CCP selects a certain group or person to receive such rewards they make an announcement detailing why this person or group deserves these rewards

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Millard Innovation Inc
#284 - 2013-10-11 08:50:30 UTC
Ra Jackson wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
Why SOMER? Well, they are really popular and they have supported a ton of events so we wanted to explore what we could do with them. Their influence in the community is significant for the same reason that they are space rich - because they're good at what they do.

They are good at relocating ISK. That's about it. In this spirit you could give every relevant scammer a rare ingame ship.

Yeah following that logic, I am good at shooting sleepers in a C2, can I haz spaceship plz....
All Web Investigations
#285 - 2013-10-11 08:50:39 UTC
Also going to echo what a lot of people have pointed out: A for-profit organisation giving money to an event in order to raise their visibility is not a community service. It is a business investment. Somer is a business, it is not a community service. Some of it's business decisions may result in 'good' things, but that doesn't make it a charitable organisation or community service. It is still a business.

One which excludes people at their own discretion.

And one which Navigator has unjustifiably claimed is completely honest.

These are bad bad bad things
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#286 - 2013-10-11 08:54:17 UTC
Most importantly, I should say this:

CCP should never give any in-game entity a gift, under this type of promotion, which would incur a significant financial, political, or strategic advantage.

Suddenly being gifted half a trillion ISK in assets is a significant financial advantage, no matter how you slice it.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Rob Crowley
State War Academy
#287 - 2013-10-11 08:58:15 UTC
Zoe Armageddon wrote:
PLEX is a pretty safe and stable straight gift, especially given the total existing PLEX vs. the rate of gift giving, it would have no measurable or detectable impact on in-game economy and also represents a pretty predictable and comprehensible value, even if players openly brag about it. "It's just a plex, big deal, anyone can get one".
Unless you are specifically talking about 1 PLEX I don't agree. I'm not sure why many people seem to think PLEX are different than any other item. If each Somer employee had gotten 20b in PLEX it's just as bad as the 20b in IshuScorps they got. In fact even worse cause the chance that they don't trade off the PLEX for ISK is even smaller.

So the only thing better about PLEX is that 1 of them has a smaller value than 1 of any rare give-away. But it's still an in-game item with in-game value. I would agree though that 1 PLEX is probably not enough to have a serious effect on anything, however 1 PLEX is also not a very impressive reward for a 3rd party dev.

But if you want something really clearly visible, such as a skinned ship, I would suggest one of two things. Either you make the ships unsellable, or (my preference) you make the skin an effect that appears on a normal ship, attached to the player, with their option to disable it if they want. So the dudes flying around in BRIGHT SHINY GOLD MYRMIDONS or something, everyone can see right away that they got recognition, but, otherwise it's just another ship-in-game. The side benefit is the player won't be afraid to actually fly that ship since the effect could show up for any new replacement they had to buy as well.
This is an incredibly cool idea. I thought about it and there are even ways to make this system useable both for transferable, limited-use skins (e.g. Quafe Catalyst) and for non-transferable, unlimited-use skins (IshuScorp), but I don't wanna bloat this thread anymore with off-topic details.

Gogela wrote:
I can almost guarantee SOMER is looking at this thread and scratching his head wondering if the player base can count. If somebody hacked his account and stole "just" 100 IWSs worth of ISK he probably wouldn't notice for a long time, if at all. That's how far outclassed our wallets are by him. It's a non-factor. He hit the ludicrous ISK mark a long time ago. If he even does it for the ISK anymore it's only to see how crazy "crazy" can get.

tl;dr; what damage?
Why do you think it matters how big Somer's wallet is? If a trillion ISK is relevant or not in-game is decided by everyone's wallet, not by the richest guy's wallet. It has been said many times that the trillion ISK Somer received in the 2 give-aways combined could fund a major nullsec war for quite some time. It does not matter at all if Somer could do this with his own ISK (because that's legitimate sandbox stuff), it matters that CCP doesn't hand anyone the opportunity to do so.

Sai Talos wrote:
PS: When did we start looking to as a source of credible space journalism? Jesus H Christ.
I guess since they reported about stuff that turned out to be true? AFAICS everything they reported about this story turned out to be true and was confirmed by all involved sides, so what exactly is your problem with their reporting?
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#288 - 2013-10-11 09:04:37 UTC
Rob Crowley wrote:
Sai Talos wrote:
PS: When did we start looking to as a source of credible space journalism? Jesus H Christ.
I guess since they reported about stuff that turned out to be true? AFAICS everything they reported about this story turned out to be true and was confirmed by all involved sides, so what exactly is your problem with their reporting?

"Grrrr Goons" is their problem.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Molica Iwaira
Caldari State
#289 - 2013-10-11 09:14:00 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kirren D'marr wrote:
Sai Talos wrote:
Those of you calling SOMER's contributions to the Eve community into question, lets make one thing clear:

They have time and time again sponsored people and organizations who create content for our community so they can continue creating content without the need to make ISK. If you're wondering, just ask a SOMER employee what all they have sponsored.

Needed to clear the air there.

And no, I'm not a SOMER employee, and I'm out tens of billions thanks to them ;)

Edit: And you know what, CCP hasn't gifted me anything for the hundreds of hours I've spent editing videos, but that doesn't give me the right to throw rocks at them for trying to give back to content creators.

And in doing so, they raise visibility of their site, bringing in more customers and making themselves more ISK.

Sponsorship is not altruism; it is advertising.

Yet it is still a good thing, unless you are saying that the 100 of billions isk they have used in sponsoring player driven events was worthless and that they should stop?

You cannot seriously assume that people are too naive to ignore that 100 of billions can be easily sacrificed as a facade for an operation which might be bringing 1000s of billions. You sound like an insider or an associate Kobol. How much are they making - say - a month?
Arcueid Saber
#290 - 2013-10-11 09:19:20 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:

Why SOMER? Well, they are really popular and they have supported a ton of events so we wanted to explore what we could do with them. Their influence in the community is significant for the same reason that they are space rich - because they're good at what they do.

In my opinion, this thinking is very offensive because you discarded 3rd party non profit services such as skill planning, ship fitting, mapping, pos planning etc that help EVE players since day one.Without these services, do you really think an in game tournament will go smoothly if SOMER (a "I quit EVE, send ISK and i will double it" scam) sponsors it? Did SOMER sponsor the Fountain war or the 4000+ battle that scored CCP some press time?

In your OP, you forget to address the CCP "Seal of Approval" with in game for profit services or groups,
Diva Ex Machina
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#291 - 2013-10-11 09:48:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Diva Ex Machina
CCP Guard wrote:
Why SOMER? Well, they are really popular and they have supported a ton of events so we wanted to explore what we could do with them. Their influence in the community is significant for the same reason that they are space rich - because they're good at what they do.

I've answered this but I can clarify. It had to do with timing, our impression of their overall track record and capability, their niche, and habit of sponsoring name a few. This mixed into a feeling that we should contact them and do stuff with them around EVE Vegas and upcoming tournaments. One thing we are doing more of and looking to do more of is E-sports and online tournaments and if you look at any team sport today you see a lot of betting sites doing sponsorship as that makes sense in it's just a relationship that we wanted to explore and which we will continue exploring. Doesn't take away from anything other people are doing that is totally different and brings a different kind of value to our universe.

These justifications for supporting Somer Blink are very vague and totally out of proportion with the sheer size of the kickback they received: a community spotlight, a CCP Dev recommendation for being an honest and legitimate Eve entity, 30 Ishkone Scorpions and a bunch of valuable prizes (in and out of game) which earned them yet more ISK, reputation, site traffic and real world cash from GTC sales than the massive amounts they were already getting.

I suspect the real reason is that Somer Blink brings CCP a lot of business in the form of GTC sales. People buy GTCs via Somer to get credits to gamble with on their site. In turn, I'm sure many convert the time codes to PLEX which they sell on the market for ISK to then turn back into Somer credits to fund more gambling. The amounts of money that Somer Blink brings to CCP must make such perks seem quite reasonable in the minds of both parties but to outsiders it can look rotten and corrupt.

It certainly seems more than mildly dodgy to me. Unfortunately I paid up my sub many months in advance so I can't 'vote with my wallet' as I'd really like to do, since reading all of the Dev posts thus far in this thread have only convinced me that you've shut the gate after the horse has already bolted.
All Web Investigations
#292 - 2013-10-11 10:03:21 UTC
I mean that's basically it in a nutshell, isn't it? Somer exploits gambling addictions in a fashion that result in CCP gaining money through GTCs. That's why they got all these special prize items to give away despite unfairly controlling who can enter, that's why they got unjustifiable claims of complete honesty from CCP employees, that's why they were chosen over countless other community-supporting individuals and groups.

It's rather nasty to have to point that out so bluntly, but that's what it is and we all know it.
#293 - 2013-10-11 10:16:37 UTC
As I said in the Assembly Hall, CCP should at least publicly disclose anything valuable or rare they spawn ingame, if only to make sure the market remains transparent and efficient.

Now, as for the Gold Magnate bait and switch, I'm still waiting for SOMER Blink to return my 16 billion. Posts in their thread have been ignored and ingame messages to Somerset Mahm had no effect, but I still like this organisation with "a solid history of trust and reliability" [CCP Navigator's endorsement, not mine] to honour my refund request. How do I go about this?

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Maximilian Akora
It's just business.
#294 - 2013-10-11 10:17:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximilian Akora
I can see why CCP would want (to be able) to reward effort in regards to advancing the community or giving the game as a whole more "air time", the problem I have with it all (and I'm fairly sure others will feel the same about) it are the following.

- it was given to Somer who's drive is of course a monetary one and as such their "effort" isn't aimed at advancing the community or the game itself, it's aimed at increasing their wallet and influence. Anyone with a brain sees through their "charity" and recognises it for what it is; more advertising and a simple ingame isk investment to gain more RL revenue because of plex sales

- As such ANY help/reward given to an entity like that will autmatically result in a red flag, we're fine with CCP helping or rewarding people who actually DO help the community but anything that sounds fishy, well... you know what will happen

- it was done in secrecy, your "but we've been giving them out before and all the participants knew about it" means nothing because all you're saying is "yes we kept it quiet but the ones we let in on it were of course part of the conspiracy". Not saying that's truth but perception is reality, especially because of uhm ...."previous issues in regards to CCP spawning items for certain players"

- It wasn't announced such a program exists although I can understand the logic of not wanting to advertise it as that would create a precedent, still something should have been stated in advance. The CSM wasn't informed nor asked for their opinion.

- these "gifts" are simply too valuable, I don't care about your "but they refine to nothing". They get value through scarcity and quite a bit of it too

So I'm pissed because you gave it to the wrong party, in the wrong manner and the wrong amount of value. But I'm even MORE pissed about the fact that the one who makes these decisions didn't see these issues themselves, before hand. That tells me said person(s) either lacks any real understanding of EVE and its history or they just don't give a fck. Not sure which is worse.
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#295 - 2013-10-11 10:31:22 UTC
why do people even care about this? play the game. It's just more expensive ships that you can kill if people let you, not like anyone ever uses them anyways.

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

All Web Investigations
#296 - 2013-10-11 10:40:54 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Nanatoa wrote:
As I said in the Assembly Hall, CCP should at least publicly disclose anything valuable or rare they spawn ingame, if only to make sure the market remains transparent and efficient.

Now, as for the Gold Magnate bait and switch, I'm still waiting for SOMER Blink to return my 16 billion. Posts in their thread have been ignored and ingame messages to Somerset Mahm had no effect, but I still like this organisation with "a solid history of trust and reliability" [CCP Navigator's endorsement, not mine] to honour my refund request. How do I go about this?

Have you petitioned it in game? It was CCP who announced the gold magnates, and it was CCP Navigator who made statements attesting to their honesty and honouring all transactions, and I'm sure that without those statements about what the prize was and how trustworthy the people handling it were you wouldn't have wished to partake and donate that much money to somer
Jori McKie
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#297 - 2013-10-11 10:48:36 UTC
I think the best course for rewards would be

Ingame items:
Only worthless but special stuff like the cards you gave out for the 10th anniversary, any kind of vanity stuff.

Out of game items:
Fanshop stuff

To avoid that already given out rare items stay rare or even increase in value like the IWS make them available for every player as christmas or anniversary gifts.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." - Abrazzar

Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#298 - 2013-10-11 11:25:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tron 3K
If you want to give away free stuff like the ships given out by SOMER create a lottery or some other way yourself so "EVERYONE" can have a chance at winning these ships. SOMER might be popular to those that like to gamble or just have isk to be dumb with but not everyone does. I must of also been an idiot cause I heard there were free blinks to get in on to get a ticket in for the stuff but never did find that so never got a chance to play and possibly win something. (Not going to give them my hard earned isk to play in a 3rd party website for profit)

Transparency for the IWS but other than that I couldn't care less for them getting those ships. Giving ships to fansites that way doesn't bother me at all but like I said up above:

Don't let fansites run promotions like that where you have to spend isk to even have a chance!
CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#299 - 2013-10-11 11:29:22 UTC
Molic Blackbird wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
iskflakes wrote:
When you reward somebody by giving them PLEX nobody else suffers any serious devaluation. When you give somebody an IWS all other IWS owners and collectors get completely screwed over because the price collapses.

Just give people PLEX in future, as much as you like, but no rare items ever.

That argument I would agree with in regards to certain rare items, but not the ISW as it was created for the express purpose of being a reward for all kinds of contributions and contests, making it inevitable that the price of the early ones will plummet. The problem more people would have with it is much rather that those who get it early gain more by selling it than those who get it late, which is a byproduct of slowly seeding rare items in this manner.

No, that was not the express purpose for why the IWS was created. As was stated in the first post, the IWS was created to be sold on the NeX store. I've seen several statements from CCP saying that community giveaways was the reason for the ship to exist all along. Is almost as if CCP is hoping that lie being told enough will make it become true.

When was the purpose of the IWS changed? If CCP had announced the change in purpose for the IWS ship ahead of being released in larger quantities, the price for the ship would never have been as high as it was nor do I think the outrage would have been as big. People were paying 30b from the start under the false assumption few additional ships would be added . If people knew CCP was planning on releasing 100's of the ship, the price would never have gotten over 10b.

In this dev blog prior to Fanfest 2012, we announced that the ISW was not exclusive and would evntually be made available to everyone eventually:

"This leads on to another question, does this mean we will be seeing ship skins for sale in the NeX store or by some other method? That is currently not the plan and is not in development so the short answer is no. The Ishukone Scorpion was already created as the first prototype and Game Design plan to release it to everyone at some stage."

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

Lukas Rox
Aideron Technologies
#300 - 2013-10-11 11:29:53 UTC
Jori McKie wrote:
I think the best course for rewards would be

Ingame items:
Only worthless but special stuff like the cards you gave out for the 10th anniversary, any kind of vanity stuff.

Out of game items:
Fanshop stuff

To avoid that already given out rare items stay rare or even increase in value like the IWS make them available for every player as christmas or anniversary gifts.

I agree. Especially with the last point - I'd really love an IWS in my ship collection ;-)

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