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CCP - I'm on my knees begging for an update on Factional Warfare

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Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#41 - 2011-11-10 18:39:25 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
No promises here.... but our team, Team Pink Zombie Kittens, is currently working on a CSM Request for Faction Warfare in this winter expansion, it's still being worked on and there's a chance we may not get to finish it this expansion but it will get done. I don't want to say what it is yet, but i hope you guys will like it, when it hits sisi. it's a small change that i hope will shake up the FW scene a little.

(I know this doesn't really say too much, but I wanted you all to know it's on our programmer's screens atm.)

Site will respawn at regular periods not only after Downtime ...

ok next?
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-11-10 18:55:10 UTC
sYnc Vir wrote:
Karl Planck wrote:
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
Thanks Hans, a very good set of posts. I did reply to the Goon, but I did get cross with all their meta-gaming and my post was deleted by CCP.

I am just that my begging has finally got a response, and that something is coming.

That something that is a small change that will "shake up" fw? Yup.

Sounds like we are getting the long awaited feature that every person in FW has been asking for, access to enemy high sec.

BTW, if this get confirmed...EvilEvilEvil... then we need someone to go to that god damn summit who actually knows about fw.

hope that was ironic

of course it was, my strong sense of sarcasm would have been obvious if you saw the vein in my forehead start to throb after reading the dev's response.

I has all the eve inactivity

Zrygthn Azurlm Zharous
Pink Sockers
#43 - 2011-11-10 18:56:19 UTC
Please make it about pvp!! Don't add more crap for these dudes to farm in their stealth bombers while completely avoiding pvp.
Brainless in Space
#44 - 2011-11-10 19:48:17 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
No promises here.... but our team, Team Pink Zombie Kittens, is currently working on a CSM Request for Faction Warfare in this winter expansion, it's still being worked on and there's a chance we may not get to finish it this expansion but it will get done. I don't want to say what it is yet, but i hope you guys will like it, when it hits sisi. it's a small change that i hope will shake up the FW scene a little.

(I know this doesn't really say too much, but I wanted you all to know it's on our programmer's screens atm.)

with luck most of the known exploits will be fixed. and so will be stealth bombers & alts online.
Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#45 - 2011-11-10 21:52:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Uppsy Daisy
Now that we have a CCP response I guess some speculation about the feature is due. Let's start with the crowdsourced CSM feature requests on the EvE wiki in priority order (from the July 2011 crowdsourcing prioritisation):

I am guessing the feature in question is in these somewhere.

My opinion (for what its worth) is that a complete rework is out of the question due to resourcing and the current niche nature of FW. CCP wants Null sec to work properly more than it wants FW to work properly. I think that FW could be a haven for small gang fights, which are more fun than null-sec blob fights anyway...

Anyway my top requests would be:

1) Stop faction ships being equivalent to T1 ships for plexes. At the moment you bring a faction frig to a small plex or you lose. This would surely be easy.

2) Fix the factional standing issues for remote repping militia mates that have bad security status. Many militia members are pirates (which is fine), and currently remote repping them messes your standings up.

3) Make plexing rewarding. Don't mind how, but at the moment you only get standings.

4) Sort FW missions out. Either get rid of them, stop them being soloable by Stealth bombers, balance the NPC ewar.

5) Sort out the plexing distribution at downtime problem.

Just doing these would be a big big improvement, and (hopefully) most FWers would agree on these...
Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#46 - 2011-11-10 23:25:03 UTC
Asif the CSM know what FW needs.

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#47 - 2011-11-11 02:05:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Uppsy Daisy wrote:

1) Stop faction ships being equivalent to T1 ships for plexes. At the moment you bring a faction frig to a small plex or you lose. This would surely be easy.

This is the only point of yours I take issue with - I think this should very specifically exclude pirate frigates, but normal fleet ships should be allowed.

Otherwise, what is the point in having faction ships (firetails, slicers) as rewards for Faction Warfare, if you can't even use them in Faction Warfare? I dont think we should remove the fun out of the incentive designed to get you out and fighting by not letting you use them once you've earned them.

The normal navy issue ships are quite fine the way they are. Pirate ships like the Dramiel, Daredevil, and cruor are easily on par with tech 2 ships, and therefore should be excluded with the tech 2 ships.

Being able to fly a faction ship in faction warfare just makes sense.

Besides, most arguments that involves "X sucks because X > Y" go out the window when you're talking gang warfare. A fleet of tech 1 ships can easily dispatch faction frigates and faction cruisers, depending on the skill of the FC and numbers. These plexes should not be 1 vs 1 scenarios most of the time. If they were, that may be an issue, but really the difference is minimal enough in a gang situation that most other factors matter more than the quality of the ship itself whether is a firetail or a rifter.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2011-11-11 03:34:28 UTC
I see a lot of talking about the spawn mechanics and stuff so let me just make this point.

Stuff like Pirate Ships in plexes, and plex spawning, among other things are more like bug fixes than anything else. They are important and should be fixed but they will take a minimal amount of coding and time as far as my limited knowledge goes. They SHOULD(Read probably won't) be fixed in time for the Winter patch.

What it sounds to me is that the Devs are working on something significantly bigger than all of that. Something that will shake things up significantly. I am HOPING for a change in the Sov/Occupancy Mechanic . I am NOT hoping for the removal of High Sec navy NPCs. You know what that'll lead to? Jita ganking, 24/7 Yes maybe it'll get rid of some of the farming alts and missioners, but it'll cripple the Logistics of casual and noob players and widen the Engagement area to all of EVE. Which means that instead of just the low-sec area we have become accustomed to we have to chase each other across all of EVE. I just don't see that being a good move to bring more people to FW.

And honestly? What do farming alts DO to us? Yes their annoying when you see them and they don't PvP . They can screw up our killboards when Loren Gallen and his various counterparts gank some pimped out missioning ship. And for those of us who do missions, they reduce the value of our items but whats with all the raging? WE know who we can count on and who we can't. Who we fight and who we don't. So I don't really see the point of extreme rage over the fact that the Entire militia isn't in our fleet and the entire opposing militia is in the others. Its annoying, but not game breaking.

And while were at it, are we nominating FW positions for the CSM? Honestly if theres anybody I've seen forum wise that devotes enough time to FW topics that deserves that post its gotta be Hans. He should crash the summit anyway. Rip off his shirt and have FW painted on his chest. Run through the meeting screaming "FIX FACTION WARFARE!!"...i just had an AWESOME idea for a new poll :P.

Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

Karl Planck
Caldari State
#49 - 2011-11-11 03:51:52 UTC
Simyaldee wrote:

And honestly? What do farming alts DO to us? Yes their annoying when you see them and they don't PvP . They can screw up our killboards when Loren Gallen and his various counterparts gank some pimped out missioning ship. And for those of us who do missions, they reduce the value of our items but whats with all the raging? WE know who we can count on and who we can't. Who we fight and who we don't. So I don't really see the point of extreme rage over the fact that the Entire militia isn't in our fleet and the entire opposing militia is in the others. Its annoying, but not game breaking.

They devalue the isk that we should be making by being in fw. Its stupid that its imballanced. People going to farm no matter what, but the legion of alts flying around to make isk makes zero sense.

As far as the CSM, i voted on piracy and fw last year. We don't have the numbers though =(

I has all the eve inactivity

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#50 - 2011-11-11 05:46:15 UTC
Simyaldee wrote:

And while were at it, are we nominating FW positions for the CSM? Honestly if theres anybody I've seen forum wise that devotes enough time to FW topics that deserves that post its gotta be Hans. He should crash the summit anyway. Rip off his shirt and have FW painted on his chest. Run through the meeting screaming "FIX FACTION WARFARE!!"...i just had an AWESOME idea for a new poll :P.

Shhhhhh!!! Don't spoil anything.....

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#51 - 2011-11-11 10:30:04 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
This is the only point of yours I take issue with - I think this should very specifically exclude pirate frigates, but normal fleet ships should be allowed.

Very sorry, I meant pirate frigates not faction ones.
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#52 - 2011-11-11 10:59:38 UTC
Oi! CCP! Listen to the boss. A certain CCP CEO mentioned something about FW needing fixing or something recently Smile

FW has a decent fan base, nowhere near as big as it used to be because of the bugs, problems and issues that finallly got people fed up. I'm not going to list everything that needs fixing* as there are plenty of threads on what the issues are. I know several people who would come back if you fixed FW (then again and I'm sure there are just as many who would come back if you fixed X, Y or Z too)

Everyone in Eve likes different things. I've done the high-sec carebear, NPC null-sec, sov holding null-sec etc and found FW to be the most fun for ME. I personally find 0.0 PvP poor in comparison especially compared to FW at it's peak in 2009.

So come on, give FW the loving it needs. You'll not make everyone happy, but a decent number of your customers!

And please, please, please DO NOT remove the NPC Navy from high-sec. The low-sec war zones should be the area for FW. All the fighting in one place. Spreading it out and having docking games on Dodixie, Jita, Amarr and Rens will just kill off FW.

*OK maybe I will - Standings hit when remote repping GCC/-5 militia mates, plex spawning mechanic, system capture meaning nothing, mission LP more rewarding than PvP LP, FW as an ISK sink, storyline gone quiet (Tibus Heth et al) and so on and so on and so on (check the previous post for all the thread linkies)

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2011-11-14 04:50:58 UTC
Bump - more info required. Are pink zombie kittens invading FW or not???

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#54 - 2011-11-14 17:46:11 UTC
Hey everyone -

I've updated the Faction Warfare: Moving Forward thread, and made an up-to-date list of all the commonly agreed upon issues both major and minor regarding Faction Warfare. I will continue to update this as people remind me of anything I've missed, and I'll also update the list of linked resources regarding past discussion of FW and how to best improve it.

The moving forward thread can continue to be the central place to post your feedback and discussion on the subject, keeping it consolidated makes it a lot easier on CCP and the CSM alike.

Let me know if there's anything else I should add, I'm keeping the list at the top as being a list of issues, not hypothetical solutions, since we agree on the problems far more than we agree upon the answers, and the CSM members I've been speaking with reiterated that CCP much prefers a condensed, concrete issue list than a bunch of random player ideas for fixes. So that's what I'm trying to set up for them.

Evemail me if you have anything you want added to those sticky lists, I'll keep it up to date as we head closer to the CSM summit the first week of December.

Thanks everyone!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#55 - 2011-11-22 17:34:48 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
No promises here.... but our team, Team Pink Zombie Kittens, is currently working on a CSM Request for Faction Warfare in this winter expansion, it's still being worked on and there's a chance we may not get to finish it this expansion but it will get done. I don't want to say what it is yet, but i hope you guys will like it, when it hits sisi. it's a small change that i hope will shake up the FW scene a little.

(I know this doesn't really say too much, but I wanted you all to know it's on our programmer's screens atm.)

Given that grovelling seems to be the only way to get any communication whatsoever out of CCP on Factional Warfare, maybe it is time for some more.....

It looks like we are not getting anything in the first release for sure now.

Pleeeeeeeeeease can I have an update?
#56 - 2011-11-22 18:29:07 UTC
Tefeyel wrote:
Factional warfare=carebear version of nullsec.

nullsec=carebear version of highsec.

Not a veteran, just bitter..

Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#57 - 2011-11-28 16:37:31 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
No promises here.... but our team, Team Pink Zombie Kittens, is currently working on a CSM Request for Faction Warfare in this winter expansion, it's still being worked on and there's a chance we may not get to finish it this expansion but it will get done. I don't want to say what it is yet, but i hope you guys will like it, when it hits sisi. it's a small change that i hope will shake up the FW scene a little.

(I know this doesn't really say too much, but I wanted you all to know it's on our programmer's screens atm.)

Crucible Patch Notes wrote:
Fixed an issue where Factional Warfare systems would run out of combat sites. ‘Outpost’ sites of all sizes will now respawn every 30 minutes in all Factional Warfare systems.

Well that's the 'Plexes only spawn after downtime' fix everyone wanted. Thank you CCP!

Lets hope we can get some more changes soon
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#58 - 2011-11-28 17:01:54 UTC
HOLY MACKINAW!!! I can't believe it. I'm absolutely thrilled.

It's only a first step, but a huge leap for those of us involved in Faction Warfare. Hats off to Team Pink Zombie Kittens, our new heroes.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Blnukem 192
Death By Design
#59 - 2011-11-28 17:27:51 UTC
Now they just need to remove PL and we'll be set. Cool
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#60 - 2011-11-28 17:33:16 UTC
Well, to be fair, Pandemic Legion was there in Amamake first, before FW even existed. Hard to blame them for returning to their ancestral hunting grounds for a while.

Lets see how this pans out with the supercap nerf and the new BC's - we'll see how willing they are to drop them with the same frequency. Besides, Pandemic Legion are fun to engage and kill when they're not all in Nyx's.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary