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EVE Fiction

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Capsuleers and Their "Crews"

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The Unwanted.
#141 - 2012-08-08 11:23:19 UTC
Xervish Krin wrote:
Honestly, I think all the discussion over the lore/gameplay differences highlight the real problem with Eve backstory. Because the game is meant to be literal, it results in things that make no sense and IMO take the fun out of the universe.

Any time anything happens it's because capsuleer this and capsuleer that. Even half the heads of state, if I remember, are capsuleers often for little discernable reason. Everything is ridiculously focused on the guys you play as, which makes sense in a game, but not in a story.

If I remember, travel times across the cluster are meant to be as in game - that's an hour or less from a random hisec to Jita. Where's the majesty of unexplored space if we're actually meant to believe we can hop around anywhere in the galaxy in an hour or two?

Mission running as people have said makes no sense. Rather that 'that's just gameplay', it's canon that, yes, billions do die to mission runners every hour because :GRIMDARK:.

And so on. The scope of a game is always going to be more limited than that of its setting, because one is limited by what realistically works for a fun game and the other is limited by imagination. But when you make the scope of the game almost 100% representative of its entire setting, you limit the setting massively. And now this is so ingrained that people are doubting the existence of crews because their overview isn't spammed with a million escape pods every time they get popped. And those skyscrapers in Mass Effect? Nope, nobody can go inside lorewise because Shepard can't, duh.

This space for rent.

Heimatar Military Industries
#142 - 2012-08-08 16:11:17 UTC
Xervish Krin wrote:
And now this is so ingrained that people are doubting the existence of crews because their overview isn't spammed with a million escape pods every time they get popped. .

Actually, if anything, I think this thread shows the contrary. Many here, including myself, have accepted that there are crews, there are escape pods, and a majority of those crews actually survive the ship being destroyed.

Xervish Krin wrote:
Any time anything happens it's because capsuleer this and capsuleer that. Even half the heads of state, if I remember, are capsuleers often for little discernable reason. Everything is ridiculously focused on the guys you play as, which makes sense in a game, but not in a story.

Capsuleers rule everything on this side of the EVE Gate. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Imagine our world had 300,000 people who were immortal. Imagine that they were intitially selected because they were more intelligent, stronger, more motivated, etc... Now give these people between 50 - 100 years to secure their place at the top of the food chain.

Hmmm... Interesting question..... Would a capsuleer be driven to have children? In many cases people have children with the expectation of creating a lineage, a rememberance of themselves. Capsuleers would not have this need, and so they would dedicate their time to securing their own, unending future.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#143 - 2012-08-11 17:09:50 UTC
If I had to guess, I would treat it like in Vampire: The Masquerade -Some reject to have any children at all, in order to mantain their properties under control, avoid emotional ties and potential competitors. Others have them to gain pawns, allies and company-.
Depends on the guy.

Do we agree on that capculeers CAN have children? I see no reason for why shouldn't they. Anyway, I'm sure anticonceptive methods are pretty advanced in the future.
The Unwanted.
#144 - 2012-08-13 11:49:03 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Do we agree on that capsuleers CAN have children?

I would certainly agree they can - but would they want to?


This space for rent.

Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#145 - 2012-08-28 04:28:21 UTC
We have crews?

Oh I guess we do

I don't see why, though - I always pictured Capsuleer ships being like the Mothership in "Homeworld"
The Unwanted.
#146 - 2012-08-31 13:50:22 UTC
Lady Katherine Devonshire wrote:
We have crews?

Oh I guess we do

I don't see why, though - I always pictured Capsuleer ships being like the Mothership in "Homeworld"

They would be smaller if they didn't, and have no windows.


This space for rent.

Temba Ronin
#147 - 2012-09-01 19:17:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Temba Ronin
I find this thread very interesting gratz to the OP. Having read the published EVE books and a fair amount of posted fiction I believe it fair to assume that capsuleers both have communications with their crews and maintain the ability to procreate.

Sex is a powerful motivating force in the history of the human species and I suspect that eliminating it from the existence of capsuleer life would make it far more difficult for them to stay in touch with the non-capsuleer human experience, say after a couple of hundred years.

I am writing an EVE based fiction about a capsuleer and his multi-generational relationships with his families, the downside being outliving both spouse and children and remaining as a living ancestor while all the time keeping control of the financial empire he creates as a capsuleer.

Out of the pod life for the capsuleers as envisioned in my writing does allow them demi-god detachtment/ status when interacting with other humans both family members and crew. Over the centuries I suspect that the communication between crew and capsuleer is what helps them maintain their connection with the mortals they have to interact with everyday be it agents or passengers or spouse and great great great grandchildren.

I was drawn to this area because it was an area of EVE fiction I found to be not deeply explored or defined so it allows me great lattitude with a solid foundation to build upon. The competition against other capsuleers goes far beyond spaceship battles and is in fact a multi-genrational game of high stakes chess on a level few other humans can see let alone try to control.

Power To The Players!

The Best Ship In EVE Online Is "Friendship", Power To The Players!

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#148 - 2012-09-02 01:11:30 UTC
Well you will have to place that setting in the future then, because correct me if I'm wrong, we capsuleers haven't been around the cluster more than, like 10 or 15 years? So hardly any capsuleer's children has had any time to outgrow their father/mother.
Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#149 - 2012-09-02 02:48:17 UTC
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Well you will have to place that setting in the future then, because correct me if I'm wrong, we capsuleers haven't been around the cluster more than, like 10 or 15 years? So hardly any capsuleer's children has had any time to outgrow their father/mother.

Gotta correct you. A capsuleer who started right at the beginning could conceivably have teenage kids by now. Admittedly, teenagers are completely bloody useless.
Temba Ronin
#150 - 2012-09-02 07:47:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Temba Ronin
Qvar Dar'Zanar wrote:
Well you will have to place that setting in the future then, because correct me if I'm wrong, we capsuleers haven't been around the cluster more than, like 10 or 15 years? So hardly any capsuleer's children has had any time to outgrow their father/mother.

I certainly don't mind correcting things that are wrong, the Caldari got capsule technology from the Joves in AD23224 that was 125 years ago using today's date of YC113. Of course capsule technology took some time to catch on and it was decades before they matched capsuleers with cloned bodies but the EVE universe has had body part replacement dating back prior to clones so clearly an early adopter of a capsuleer's lifestyle could realistcly be well over 150 years old today. Although the early adopters might not have planned on having immortality as part of the deal I am sure they are nonetheless glad it's available to them.

Power To The Players!

The Best Ship In EVE Online Is "Friendship", Power To The Players!

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2012-09-02 12:32:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Qvar Dar'Zanar
Istvaan Shogaatsu wrote:
Gotta correct you. A capsuleer who started right at the beginning could conceivably have teenage kids by now. Admittedly, teenagers are completely bloody useless.

As I said "Hardly any capsuleer's chieldren has had any time to outgrow their father/mother". As in "At best, capsuleer children will be around 15 years old, which can't be older than how old their parents were when they became capsuleers, because otherwise they couldn't have concived them". Much less generate grandsons.

Temba Ronin wrote:

I certainly don't mind correcting things that are wrong, the Caldari got capsule technology from the Joves in AD23224 that was 125 years ago using today's date of YC113. Of course capsule technology took some time to catch on and it was decades before they matched capsuleers with cloned bodies but the EVE universe has had body part replacement dating back prior to clones so clearly an early adopter of a capsuleer's lifestyle could realistcly be well over 150 years old today. Although the early adopters might nor have planned on having immortality as part of the deal I am sure they are nonetheless glad it's available to them.

Power To The Players!

That changes things then, thank you.
APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#152 - 2012-09-09 17:20:45 UTC
I would like to throw some stuff into this thread about ship crews. One of my characters has acceptance issues and uses her position of great wealth and power to get in romantic relationships with her crew members. Multiple relationships at a time as the more she gets men to make her feel loved it helps her fill that void. I figure capsuleers are going to have mental issues just like everyone else so why not use that for plot devices?

Also, even though escape pods do help with loss of life with ships getting blown up over and over again in missions and such. I still don't like HOW MUCH more powerful capsuleers ships are then NPC ships. Why can my single ship take on a fleet of 30-40 NPC ships? I can see taking on 5 ships at a time because of superior tech but not THAT much.

Also for game purposes we should have a crew slot like we have rig slots. Every ship comes with a standard crew included in the cost. Paying for a better crew might give you things like a faster reload time, less damage from overheating, better hull resists or faster paste repairs. Or even module repairs with no paste but they take a long time. Bonuses that i imagine a better support crew might help with. The crew comes in 4 sizes- small, medium, large and capital. Like a module you can unplug it and put it on another ship but unlike modules they are not able to be looted.

Could be a fun addition to the game yeah?

Temba Ronin
#153 - 2012-09-09 19:22:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Temba Ronin
Cloora wrote:
I would like to throw some stuff into this thread about ship crews. One of my characters has acceptance issues and uses her position of great wealth and power to get in romantic relationships with her crew members. Multiple relationships at a time as the more she gets men to make her feel loved it helps her fill that void. I figure capsuleers are going to have mental issues just like everyone else so why not use that for plot devices?

I find the idea of a capsuleer pilot cavorting with her crew while in space highly improbable. The question of re-entering the capsule in an emergency such as an attack makes the concept unrealistic at best, even if it only took the pilot 2 to 3 minutes to get make into the capsule lots of fights do not take that long thus you are dead.

The idea of a capsuleer pilot needing to transport crew members as lovers from port to port is equally improbable, these are extremely wealthy individuals mental instability or not, i'm sure proficient lovers of all types would be available for "rent" in most stations, thus the need to have a lover in the crew is really non-existent.

Even in today's world the uber rich have lovers in any port they visit if they so desire i see no practical reason why a capsuleer would want to transport her own harem, as a plot element i think it would be comical and a total failure.

The Best Ship In EVE Online Is "Friendship", Power To The Players!

#154 - 2012-09-11 10:42:38 UTC
Bluddwolf wrote:

If you consider a Battle Cruiser is described as having a crew of a bit less than a thousand, think about how many Bcs a mission runner destroys in one mission. Multiply this by years of mission running, and you're left with a number of deaths that amounts into the millions.

NPC ships will have more crew, they don't have a capsuleer covering many of the control functions after all. On the other hand there is nothing to say there aren't survivors, just because the eve client doesn't show lifeboats, escape capsules, survival suits etc doesn't mean they don't exist (people are always surviving attacks in back story and mission descriptions etc).
#155 - 2012-09-11 10:51:01 UTC
If you are thinking of it from a writing point of view the ship minds in Ian M Banks culture novels are proabably a good way to go, having a variety of ways to comunicate (the minds choice really) with crews from good old disembodied voice through screens, drones to lifelike avatars. The tech is substantially lower of course so crew in eve do actually have a purpose while in the culture novels they are there more to keep the ship company, plus the ship mind doesn't need any downtime or even sleep like a capsuleer might.

I tend to imagine the main job of the crew is looking after the ship while the capsuleer is "logged off". While its sitting in deep space powered down the capsuleer chills out/sleeps etc. while the crew do all the maintanance/admin whatever.
Vince Stewart
Couger Habitat
#156 - 2012-09-13 19:12:46 UTC
sorry, if this question has been asked but I did not have the patiance to read all the posts in this thread.

what does the crew do when the capsuleer is in another ship, for example, you need 1 type of crewman for a mining ship and another for a combat ship what does the crew do when not in use?
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#157 - 2012-09-15 19:47:37 UTC
Montmazar wrote:
I get that the fiction is clear on it, but it makes zero physiological sense. Even future space goo and nanobots and future spacetech don't completely erase all the problems that would come from being stuck in a fetal position for months or (in the case of supercap pilots) years. The human body and mind just do not work that way. Your muscles would go away, your bones would brittle and collapse, your joints would fuse together, your organs would fail, and you would go insane.

So in other words... you'd turn into a WoW player?

The Unwanted.
#158 - 2012-09-15 23:31:59 UTC
Vince Stewart wrote:
sorry, if this question has been asked but I did not have the patiance to read all the posts in this thread.

what does the crew do when the capsuleer is in another ship, for example, you need 1 type of crewman for a mining ship and another for a combat ship what does the crew do when not in use?

Chill, rotate the crews, clean the ship exterior, clean the ship interior, refuel, stuff like that I guess.


This space for rent.

Nashuar Attor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#159 - 2012-09-16 09:52:09 UTC
Vince Stewart wrote:
sorry, if this question has been asked but I did not have the patiance to read all the posts in this thread.

what does the crew do when the capsuleer is in another ship, for example, you need 1 type of crewman for a mining ship and another for a combat ship what does the crew do when not in use?

I work off the idea that there would generally be different crews for the different ship classes. For your combat ships there would be a combat crew, indy ships an indy crew and so forth. To a certain extent for each ship there would be a number of permanent crew members who would specialise on the ship. There would also be a number of lower skilled crew members who just float from ship to ship. When you left a certain type in dock then I imagined the crews left on station would remain on standby/drink/gamble/read novels until they got the scramble call.

You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.

Heimatar Military Industries
#160 - 2012-09-17 03:52:57 UTC
Vince Stewart wrote:
sorry, if this question has been asked but I did not have the patiance to read all the posts in this thread.

what does the crew do when the capsuleer is in another ship, for example, you need 1 type of crewman for a mining ship and another for a combat ship what does the crew do when not in use?

This is not entirely necessary, to switch crews based on the type of ship. Gunnery Crew is Gunnery crew, whether they are firing projectiles, hybrids or lasers. Mining lasers are no different (turrets) and could very well be a lesser stage of the training a gunnery crew has experienced.

Since most functions of the ship are manipulated or even fully controlled by the capsuleer, the crews are probably used most for continued maintenance or emergency repairs.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it