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so the hulk WTF CCP?!!?!?

First post
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#941 - 2012-04-14 09:24:56 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Kreeia Dgore wrote:
Why the hell should we fit hulks to max tank? If we do that, the yield will be lollish. The hulk isn't a ship meant to be tank-fitted. It has no reliable resist bonuses, lousy ammount of shields/armor/structure hp and even too few slots to apply a decent tank AND be able to do what the ship was designed for.
We CAN do a turtle hulkie, but then, why the hell, the ship is supposed to mine? If it doesn't mine well, which turtle hulkie simply doesn't, it is as good as useless.
This whole problem rose from ccp buffing destroyers, adding superganking BCs and ignoring affect it has on miners. Bots dont care, living players, which will be the most crucial part in mineral business after inferno, are seriously downgraded by that.
=> Not a matter of players not fitting well, it is a matter of devs neglecting something. And like that it should be wiewed and handled.

It will mine just as much as a t2 covetor with a t2 mining upgrade and get a bigger cargo hold and a much much better buffer. Of course, you dont have to go max tank and simply go half half.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#942 - 2012-04-14 09:28:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Jorma Morkkis
baltec1 wrote:
They dont hit for 17000

Yes, they do.

baltec1 wrote:
It will mine just as much as a t2 covetor with a t2 mining upgrade and get a bigger cargo hold and a much much better buffer.

Covetor with one MLU pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk. Hell, even Rokh pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#943 - 2012-04-14 09:31:25 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
They dont hit for 17000

Yes, they do.

Let me guess, in a WH, with officer fittings and +6 implants.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#944 - 2012-04-14 09:35:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Jorma Morkkis
baltec1 wrote:
Let me guess, in a WH, with officer fittings and +6 implants.

In highsec.

T2 guns, 5% dmg implant, and yes, perfect gunnery skills.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#945 - 2012-04-14 09:39:16 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Let me guess, in a WH, with officer fittings and +6 implants.

In highsec.

Show the fit.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#946 - 2012-04-14 09:41:29 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:

baltec1 wrote:
It will mine just as much as a t2 covetor with a t2 mining upgrade and get a bigger cargo hold and a much much better buffer.

Covetor with one MLU pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk. Hell, even Rokh pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk.

SupertankHulk gets a built in MLU II and 3 t2 modulated strip miners.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#947 - 2012-04-14 09:44:41 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Let me guess, in a WH, with officer fittings and +6 implants.

In highsec.

T2 guns, 5% dmg implant, and yes, perfect gunnery skills.

Still not close with a +6 implant.
Wuxi Wuxilla
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#948 - 2012-04-14 09:47:51 UTC

Covetor with one MLU pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk. Hell, even Rokh pulls in more ore than tank fit Hulk.

Show me that Rokh fit then, because my EFT clearly tells me something quite different.

Even with absolutely no tank (which puts a Rokh at barely more tank than a fully tanked Hulk) I still only get 1059 yield per minute
A 35k EHP Hulk (with EHP/PG Implants) is at 1302 yield per minute. Even with t1 strips a Hulk would always outmine a Rokh.

A dual Mining Laser Upgrade Covetor pulls in 1345 yield per minute (and is way above its CPU capacities)
malcovas Henderson
#949 - 2012-04-14 09:48:16 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Let me guess, in a WH, with officer fittings and +6 implants.

In highsec.

T2 guns, 5% dmg implant, and yes, perfect gunnery skills.

Still not close with a +6 implant.

This is just me being curious, because I genuinely don't know.

But what about with max fleet boosts, does that become close?
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#950 - 2012-04-14 09:49:11 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Still not close with a +6 implant.

So artillery doesn't have highest volley damage? Strange...
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#951 - 2012-04-14 09:52:39 UTC
Wuxi Wuxilla wrote:
Show me that Rokh fit then, because my EFT clearly tells me something quite different.

Use T2 mining crystals.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#952 - 2012-04-14 09:59:49 UTC
malcovas Henderson wrote:

This is just me being curious, because I genuinely don't know.

But what about with max fleet boosts, does that become close?

A maelstrom with nothing but gyros, a t2 damage rig, full rack of T2 1400s, quake, and 4 guad IIs only manages just less than 12500. Thats the best I can get in subcap artillery. Add in implants ect and you still dont get 17000. These numbers are made up.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#953 - 2012-04-14 10:02:37 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Wuxi Wuxilla wrote:
Show me that Rokh fit then, because my EFT clearly tells me something quite different.

Use T2 mining crystals.

It can't fit anything else at all....
Miss Whippy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#954 - 2012-04-14 10:03:26 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Miss Whippy wrote:

You CAN do this, but then your mining yield is reduces to near that of a Covetor, so why would you use a hulk at all?

To not get blown up. A destroyer will kill said covetor while the hulk will keep on chugging rocks which makes the hulk a fair bit more isk efficient.

You'll still get blown up though, and it will cost you a HELL OF A LOT MORE than a Covetor, oh and you'll get your money back for the lost ship. Also Covetors aren't as big a target. In simple terms, Covetors are a LOT more cost effective in the scenario you have given. Hulks will die anyway and will leave a large gaping hole in your wallet.

[URL=""]UI Iteration isn't enough, we need to start from scratch[/URL]

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#955 - 2012-04-14 10:04:52 UTC
Miss Whippy wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Miss Whippy wrote:

You CAN do this, but then your mining yield is reduces to near that of a Covetor, so why would you use a hulk at all?

To not get blown up. A destroyer will kill said covetor while the hulk will keep on chugging rocks which makes the hulk a fair bit more isk efficient.

You'll still get blown up though, and it will cost you a HELL OF A LOT MORE than a Covetor, oh and you'll get your money back for the lost ship. Also Covetors aren't as big a target. In simple terms, Covetors are a LOT more cost effective in the scenario you have given. Hulks will die anyway and will leave a large gaping hole in your wallet.

Name a destroyer than can burn through 33k of 80% resist buffer before concord shows up.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#956 - 2012-04-14 10:05:49 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
A maelstrom with nothing but gyros, a t2 damage rig, full rack of T2 1400s, quake, and 4 guad IIs only manages just less than 12500. Thats the best I can get in subcap artillery. Add in implants ect and you still dont get 17000. These numbers are made up.

Pal can do ~15k volleys (perfect hit) with T2 Tachs and Gleam. You say Arty can't do higher volleys. Lol
malcovas Henderson
#957 - 2012-04-14 10:07:43 UTC  |  Edited by: malcovas Henderson
baltec1 wrote:
malcovas Henderson wrote:

This is just me being curious, because I genuinely don't know.

But what about with max fleet boosts, does that become close?

A maelstrom with nothing but gyros, a t2 damage rig, full rack of T2 1400s, quake, and 4 guad IIs only manages just less than 12500. Thats the best I can get in subcap artillery. Add in implants ect and you still dont get 17000. These numbers are made up.


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#958 - 2012-04-14 10:07:52 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
A maelstrom with nothing but gyros, a t2 damage rig, full rack of T2 1400s, quake, and 4 guad IIs only manages just less than 12500. Thats the best I can get in subcap artillery. Add in implants ect and you still dont get 17000. These numbers are made up.

Pal can do ~15k volleys (perfect hit) with T2 Tachs and Gleam. You say Arty can't do higher volleys. Lol

I say your pal is either a capital pilot or a lier.
Wuxi Wuxilla
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#959 - 2012-04-14 10:07:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Wuxi Wuxilla
baltec1 wrote:
malcovas Henderson wrote:

This is just me being curious, because I genuinely don't know.

But what about with max fleet boosts, does that become close?

A maelstrom with nothing but gyros, a t2 damage rig, full rack of T2 1400s, quake, and 4 guad IIs only manages just less than 12500. Thats the best I can get in subcap artillery. Add in implants ect and you still dont get 17000. These numbers are made up.


Also, I used tII mining crystals (obviously). Not on the Rokh though (obviously)

For 48 pages you've been spewing the same bullshit, talking about inflated numbers on everything but your precious hulks.
This is not a combat ship. It does not need utility, it was not made for flying around solo. That's like complaining that Logistics get blown up when flown solo into combat.
You either realize that or you will lose it. Again and again and again and nobody can help you because the only one at fault is you.
(And how bloody hard can it be to stay aligned - yes, you can actually switch the celestial you're aligned to once you drift to far away from the asteroids - and watch local/d-scan?)
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#960 - 2012-04-14 10:11:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jorma Morkkis
baltec1 wrote:
I say your pal is either a capital pilot or a lier.

Wuxi Wuxilla wrote:
Also, I used tII mining crystals (obviously). Not on the Rokh though (obviously)

Then you don't get max yield with Rokh.