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My Apology

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Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2641 - 2012-03-28 01:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: L00B
Princess Bride wrote:
L00B wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:

What? I don't even...

I suggest more of the above 'breathing', and less of the 'running of your [insult here] mouth'. Your brain will thrive on the oxygen, and you might actually achieve sentience sometime this decade.

So empty hyperbole and insults are all you have left huh? Well, thanks for playing. When you come up with any counterpoints or excuses for why your beloved leader pulled a David Hasselhoff at Fanfest, lemme know.

All I have? Hardly. The only thing that seems to speak to you? Yes. Spending several pages illustrating why your opinion means not a whit to this whole scenario? Didn't seem to wind you. Pointing out that you had an agenda before any of this happened, which takes away from every statement you make? Mere logic won't phase you a bit, that sort of thing is for the common people!

But several people call you the idiot you are in the space of a page or two, and oh, man! Hey, that's out of line, we can be above this kind of crap, right?

No, you can't. Nor can anyone dealing with you. I wasn't insulting you.... I was illustrating that you are hardly unbiased, just like Jade, and your credibility is shot. No one cared about what you thought before Saturday, and people should hardly think that Saturday makes you matter either. That's why I feel it's important for people to know how busted your thought process is. It's not an insult, baby. It's a public ******* service.
Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#2642 - 2012-03-28 01:16:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Amity Lane
Derrick Munroe wrote:
Amity Lane wrote:

I'm confused. Did you not read carefully?

You said that since his Twitter post was not a contract, we shouldn't expect anything form him as a result of it. I pointed out that this thread/apology isn't a contract either yet we are expected to accept it, so why would the Twitter post be any different.

I'm genuinely confused by your reply. I never said you stated his apology was a contract, only illustrated that if we're to take this apology at face value then we should be able to take his Twitter post at face value as well.

I think the key difference in thinking here is that, from my perspective anyway, nobody's expecting you to accept his apology.

Well I think Mittani is, and judging by several of their posts over the last day or so many GSF members and other assorted Mittani supporters do. That is of course speculative...I'm no mind-reader.


Then again, my personal opinion is that this should've been a private apology, not a 140-page threadnaught on the eve-o forums.

]In his apology, Mittani makes no promises to do anything, he simply fesses up to what we can all say was a major slip-up.

I respectfully disagree, as to me the issue isn't that he ganked a down-on-his-luck miner but that he encouraged breaking of game rules, which is more of a community thing. Either way, I don't think his apology has done or could do any harm at least.

"We all" can't say that. It's subjective. Many people in these threads still maintain he's done nothing wrong. I'm of mixed feelings, depending on if I go with my logical side ("he's technically broken no rules") or my personal side ("encouraging harassment isn't very friendly"). I'll never use my personal feelings to sway a discussion such as this if I can help it, though.

On his Twitter post, he mentioned a 3-step plan that he formulated and posted while still on the plane back from Iceland, and is being expected to live up to it.

I personally don't see much of a difference between the two forums. They're both public statements made by him. Sure, he may have made one hastily and without foresight, but it's still there. As you yourself admitted, failing to follow through would hurt his credibility.

I don't see either as a legally-binding contract but an apology doesn't need to be a contract to be an apology. My $0.02.

A promise doesn't need to be a contract to be a promise either. In fact, promises can be considered contracts at times (though from what I understand that's one of the fuzziest possible legal scenarios and I don't put much stock in the whole "verbal contract" thing).

Just adding my two agorot to your pennies. Eventually we'll be able to buy a stamp.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2643 - 2012-03-28 01:16:18 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Killer Gandry wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:

We will worry about that when I do something as horrible as he did.

I don't know how it works in your morale code. But my morale code tells me to stop kicking a man who's already down.
This isn't dependant on who's on the floor but depends only on the one who decides to kick or not.

And Jesus said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."

Followed by "stop it Mom"

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#2644 - 2012-03-28 01:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Killer Gandry
Bane Necran wrote:

Yeah, poor Mittani Roll

I guarantee he's absolutely remorseless, and probably enjoying the attention. However this has to end. If he doesn't follow through on his claim to resign, this will only get worse.

I couldn't care less what happens with The Mittani. However people are so darn eager to forget that behind The Mittani is a player named Alexander.
Your bashing and constant calling for his hanging is also considered socalled cyber-bullying.

Are you a CCP representative? No you are not.
Are you someone elected by the community to represent the community? No you are not.
Are you one of the masses which cries "Burn the witch" ? This is more likely.

You say you guarantee that Alexander is completely remorseless and probably enjoying the attention. Please prove this. Else I need to petition you for deformation and slander.

You have ansolutely no idea how CCP and the CSM will respond to this so you just keep rekindling the fire of " If this and this doesn not happen I will that and that"

You are the worst kind of bystander when an accident happens. I have seen your kind more than once and will see your kind more than once.
instead of being a helping hand you can't get enough of the blood and gore on the ground and just need to press your nose forward while yelling. Just incase you might miss a spot of the crimescene and can't talk with your best buds about it.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#2645 - 2012-03-28 01:19:16 UTC
Lt Pizi wrote:

that will not work, and is a bad tactic
painting the messenger as the evil doer

As soon as the messenger is the one bringing oil to the flames he stops being a messenger and is a participant.
#2646 - 2012-03-28 01:20:57 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
just come out and say it
mittani should resign

because goons ganked your macks
because he shitcanned your space barbie gay bar
because cfc evicted your regions
because he nerfed your supercaps and titans
because you got recruitment scammed
because you was a goon hater all along

and this is the only time when you can do something about your impotent rage and hatred for him, kick a man while he is down is how youse bitchess roll

ya'll bitchessses aint shite

You always have such a balanced perspective on things. Frankly I'm concerned about what this could do to the game if this is ignored. Not really worried about about Goon's, sorry your low on the list.

lol ok so your nutjob obsession for wis spacebarbie emoting gay bar, makes you such a balanced authority on things, tell me, what would happen to this game if "this" was ignored, massively reports on shitfail korean games that i really could care less about, it's not even gamespot or ign ffs,

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Cord Binchiette
Kzinti Confederation
#2647 - 2012-03-28 01:21:16 UTC
I doubt the apology is sincere. I doubt if he would have written it without such an outcry. I suspect his immediate response of, "deal with it" was more in line with his true intentions.

(shrug) It may impact how we are perceived by the rest of the gaming world, but there isn't anything we can do about it now. The barn doors are open and the horse is gone. Besides, in six months he's going to be joking and bragging about how he got away with telling his alliance to kill the guy.

I do hope CCP bans him. Not for what he did....

....but what an emboldened mittani is going to do next.
Bane Necran
Appono Astos
#2648 - 2012-03-28 01:22:02 UTC
Killer Gandry wrote:
Your bashing and constant calling for his hanging is also considered socalled cyber-bullying.

I've just pointed out similarities his behavior has with a particular psychological diagnoses. I never said he *was* anything. And i'm not one of those out for blood, i just want him to do as he said he would.

"In the void is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existence, principle has existence, the Way has existence, spirit is nothingness." ~Miyamoto Musashi

Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2649 - 2012-03-28 01:23:06 UTC
Sasha Azala wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Voull wrote:
I really don't get how anyone can defend him. He has brought a lot of negative attention to our community, and the only reason we don't all look like douchebags is because some have been very vocal in denouncing his actions.

He admitted he did wrong and said he was going to resign. What is there to argue here?

What exactly is "our community"?

And the argument is with people who want him banned, mostly for their own political reasons.

There are people that want him banned but there's also people that consider resignation from the CSM as being an exceptable response.

There are people that have a political agenda and there's also people that have no political agenda.

But whatever happens it's CCPs decision at the end of the day.

No actually its Alexanders decision. A decision he claimed he had made, it was a good decision. Sadly his ego seems to have taken over again and the humility of his apology is exposed as weasling to keep his position. If he resigned as he said he would then this would all start to blow over. His apology at the moment is like a comment on $1000 jeans. Follow through on your statement to resign, show some real humility. Yes Alexander will lose his free trip to Iceland, he will lose his profile but he will keep some credibility. If he puts CCP in a position where they have to take action because of the outcry well Alexander isnt going to like the outcome. Hilmar has been waiting like Salome for this oppurtunity to burst Alexanders ego bubble and could quite easily use it to limit the CSM. By not resigning he only makes himself look like a worse douche than his fanfest statements have already painted him.

Alexander do the right thing resign and get some credibility back
#2650 - 2012-03-28 01:24:33 UTC
Kalathia Eginald wrote:

Again you can not place rational thought or what you think is irrelevant on to a person who is already unbalanced what can or can not tip someone over the edge is personal. going off on a tangent, most places have a solutions to debts that could effectively get rid of them, yet people kill themselves and in some cases their entire family over them.

In reality you do not know if that email is the straw that breaks the camels back or not.

Yes, but by the same token the guy losing his ship in the first place could have done it, the current furore could do it or something unrelated could do it. Most likely none will have any effect at all. Most suicidal people do not kill themselves and the majority who do do not have some specific reason to do so.

Exposing someone to the possibility of something that has a small chance in resulting in their death is not the same as setting them on fire.
Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2651 - 2012-03-28 01:29:21 UTC
Taiwanistan wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
just come out and say it
mittani should resign

because goons ganked your macks
because he shitcanned your space barbie gay bar
because cfc evicted your regions
because he nerfed your supercaps and titans
because you got recruitment scammed
because you was a goon hater all along

and this is the only time when you can do something about your impotent rage and hatred for him, kick a man while he is down is how youse bitchess roll

ya'll bitchessses aint shite

You always have such a balanced perspective on things. Frankly I'm concerned about what this could do to the game if this is ignored. Not really worried about about Goon's, sorry your low on the list.

lol ok so your nutjob obsession for wis spacebarbie emoting gay bar, makes you such a balanced authority on things, tell me, what would happen to this game if "this" was ignored, massively reports on shitfail korean games that i really could care less about, it's not even gamespot or ign ffs,

Actually its all over gamespot, just type in Eveonline cyberbully to google and you will see how far this has spread.

WI used to be cool what happened? not even an alliance anymore and it was such a cool logo. Ugh
D Derp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2652 - 2012-03-28 01:33:11 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
just come out and say it
mittani should resign

because goons ganked your macks
because he shitcanned your space barbie gay bar
because cfc evicted your regions
because he nerfed your supercaps and titans
because you got recruitment scammed
because you was a goon hater all along

and this is the only time when you can do something about your impotent rage and hatred for him, kick a man while he is down is how youse bitchess roll

ya'll bitchessses aint shite

You always have such a balanced perspective on things. Frankly I'm concerned about what this could do to the game if this is ignored. Not really worried about about Goon's, sorry your low on the list.

lol ok so your nutjob obsession for wis spacebarbie emoting gay bar, makes you such a balanced authority on things, tell me, what would happen to this game if "this" was ignored, massively reports on shitfail korean games that i really could care less about, it's not even gamespot or ign ffs,

Actually its all over gamespot, just type in Eveonline cyberbully to google and you will see how far this has spread.

WI used to be cool what happened? not even an alliance anymore and it was such a cool logo. Ugh

I did what you said. I got a forum post on gamespot.

Get out.
Jita Alt666
#2653 - 2012-03-28 01:34:08 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Killer Gandry wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:

We will worry about that when I do something as horrible as he did.

I don't know how it works in your morale code. But my morale code tells me to stop kicking a man who's already down.
This isn't dependant on who's on the floor but depends only on the one who decides to kick or not.

And Jesus said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."

Followed by "stop it Mom"

You are quick to mock and pointed with your views, but lack the humility and compassion that is needed to add substance to your intellect. The lack of compassion expressed by the Mittani toward an individual suffering illness was his major folly - like many in this and other threads you express the same underlying folly.
D Derp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2654 - 2012-03-28 01:34:54 UTC
Here's that terrible forum post.
at eve's annual fanfest a certain clan/guild leader happened to encourage cyber bullying.. he went so far to even name someone who was (or so he claimed) was socially unstable and that he should be bullied into suicide. CCp has launched a full investigatyion. it doesnt help that this clan is well known for having scammers, trolls and a variety of other scum and villany in its ranks.

as of this morning the guild leader had made an open apology.. but i feel that this punk should lose his guild/clan for this.. not like they were being very productive anyway by the sounds of things noted above:

Truly, the blogospheres are buzzing and twitting about this massive online scandal.
Caldari State
#2655 - 2012-03-28 01:35:52 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:

No actually its Alexanders decision. A decision he claimed he had made, it was a good decision. Sadly his ego seems to have taken over again and the humility of his apology is exposed as weasling to keep his position.

I hope you know the response was in jest, as it should have been. Anyone who got trolled by it is seriously out of touch with reality.
D Derp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2656 - 2012-03-28 01:36:03 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Killer Gandry wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:

We will worry about that when I do something as horrible as he did.

I don't know how it works in your morale code. But my morale code tells me to stop kicking a man who's already down.
This isn't dependant on who's on the floor but depends only on the one who decides to kick or not.

And Jesus said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."

Followed by "stop it Mom"

You are quick to mock and pointed with your views, but lack the humility and compassion that is needed to add substance to your intellect. The lack of compassion expressed by the Mittani toward an individual suffering illness was his major folly - like many in this and other threads you express the same underlying folly.

You would be a better troll if your writing skills were better.
Temulkar Blaine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2657 - 2012-03-28 01:39:32 UTC
D Derp wrote:
Here's that terrible forum post.
at eve's annual fanfest a certain clan/guild leader happened to encourage cyber bullying.. he went so far to even name someone who was (or so he claimed) was socially unstable and that he should be bullied into suicide. CCp has launched a full investigatyion. it doesnt help that this clan is well known for having scammers, trolls and a variety of other scum and villany in its ranks.

as of this morning the guild leader had made an open apology.. but i feel that this punk should lose his guild/clan for this.. not like they were being very productive anyway by the sounds of things noted above:

Truly, the blogospheres are buzzing and twitting about this massive online scandal.

I dont deny its a terrible forum post on gamespot amongst the other 24000 hits that search will bring you. However it comes to somthing when WoW are laughing at our playerbase not the other way around. Thats what the chairman of the CSM has done, exposed us to ridicule by WoW. It will get worse if he now fails to do what he claimed he would and resign.
D Derp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2658 - 2012-03-28 01:44:10 UTC  |  Edited by: D Derp
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
D Derp wrote:
Here's that terrible forum post.
at eve's annual fanfest a certain clan/guild leader happened to encourage cyber bullying.. he went so far to even name someone who was (or so he claimed) was socially unstable and that he should be bullied into suicide. CCp has launched a full investigatyion. it doesnt help that this clan is well known for having scammers, trolls and a variety of other scum and villany in its ranks.

as of this morning the guild leader had made an open apology.. but i feel that this punk should lose his guild/clan for this.. not like they were being very productive anyway by the sounds of things noted above:

Truly, the blogospheres are buzzing and twitting about this massive online scandal.

I dont deny its a terrible forum post on gamespot amongst the other 24000 hits that search will bring you. However it comes to somthing when WoW are laughing at our playerbase not the other way around. Thats what the chairman of the CSM has done, exposed us to ridicule by WoW. It will get worse if he now fails to do what he claimed he would and resign.

Way to both move those goalposts and not have any idea how google generates search results!

Your argument has literally devolved into "The Mittani should resign because there's a thread on the WoW forums about us."
Marcus Shamonomonom
Gift of Organs Donation Service
#2659 - 2012-03-28 01:49:41 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:

I dont deny its a terrible forum post on gamespot amongst the other 24000 hits that search will bring you. However it comes to somthing when WoW are laughing at our playerbase not the other way around. Thats what the chairman of the CSM has done, exposed us to ridicule by WoW. It will get worse if he now fails to do what he claimed he would and resign.

Ahahahaha, you think that wow players don't already laugh at spergy space ship nerds, as much as we laugh at generic elves in slutmail?

Disregard females Aquire currency

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2660 - 2012-03-28 01:51:30 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
Alexander do the right thing resign and get some credibility back

In quite possibly the most hilarious piece of puffery in this thread, Broneck Squad wants to talk about credibility.

No matter what happens, you do know you're not going to be Chairman, right, Darius? NDA breaches are still serious business, even if you got away with it the last time.