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My Apology

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David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2601 - 2012-03-28 00:45:32 UTC
DelightSucker wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
DelightSucker wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
DelightSucker wrote:
The lack of Response from CCP is disturbing, Mittens has gone under the ground in hope of the storm will go away and he happily can stay on CSM and in game

but saying he wants to resign and then not do it if he don't removes whatever credibility he have left after that stunt.

Fess up, its not about credibility. You are just sad that you got excited about the idea that he might step down and he hasn't yet. (And probably won't, and good on him.)

i am aware its hard for you to admit it, but its all about credibility atm you so hyped leader ****** up, and he admitted it, now its time for the rest of you to admit it, give the man a break and let him step down without all of your guys pressure

This just in, supporting somebody's decision to appologize is "hyping them up." I swear, none of you posters can be over the age of 16.

Deal whit it?

yeah he so sincere

I'm sure you did your homework and understand both the background as well as the intention/intended audience of the comment and not just parroting talking points. Certainly you would not be that foolish.

It was a comment (as Mittens has explained elsewhere) in response to what he understood to be posters upset that he was reelected and reelected while daring to swear almost as much as the CCP devs themselves. I'm sure you knew that already though.
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2602 - 2012-03-28 00:45:44 UTC
Kalathia Eginald wrote:
Terrorfrodo wrote:
WTF? I now watched the video and this is NOTHING. We're talking about someone giving an IN-GAME NAME of another player during a GAMING CONVENTION. I initially thought that there were real names involved and the 'victim' might have been subjected to possible real-life harassment.

I was expecting some nasty stuff, but seriously, this is a joke.

You've never been on the recieving end of a 4chan search then I take it. You would be suprised what those in the know can find out just from an ingame name.

Yeah, because 4chan gives a **** about this guy.

Come on.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#2603 - 2012-03-28 00:46:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Killer Gandry
I never was and never will be a Goonswarm fan.
I am pretty sure any Goon who reads the forums aswel as people I hang around with in EVE can testify to that.

However EVE would lose the ultimate badguy if they were to ban Alexander.

It's not asif there are other Goons who are even remotely capable of filling those shoes. And whom would you want to rage your anger at after The Mittani has been removed from the game?

There is nobody else in the game who invokes either ultimate adoration or loathing.
Next to that there are 10,058 accounts which voted for him. This is quit a large chunk of those who actually bothered to vote.
You can't just ignore that while sharpening your pitchforks and setting your torches ablaze.

The withhunt a lot of people are creating is not much different to what he did at teh Fanfest and you should be ashamed of it.

Everyone knows the guy is down, yet the only thing the people who don't like him are doing is kicking a man on the floor.
Do you really believe your morale code is so much better if you look at this behaviour from a distance?

On the other side we have the nay sayers. The ones who keep making it worse by badposting and trolling over an incident which wouldn't have been an incident it it was a marginal thing.

He himself accepts he made a real big mistake there, yet you can't wait to get onto the barricades and act like thugs and show howmuch bravoure you have while in the meantime the one you are suppossedly defending is doing the one thing he should do.
Remain out of the debate and talk with the CSM and CCP as how this should be handled.

Yes EVE is a harsh world indeed. On one side we have the lingering villains who just can't step away from a wrong because that's not their rep.
on the other hand we have the farmers, armed with pitch and feathers, ready to drive a villain out of town without due process.

This game isn't a spacegame with goodies from the future. This is more the Old Wild West where we all shoot (of our mouths) before thinking things through.

There is a larger part of the community detached from reality than most are willing or able to see or admit.

So my suggestion to ALL parties would be to stop posting about this thing and try to act like adults for the very first time in your EVE lives and wait to see what the grownups are going to do.
Banjit Leelapun
War Horse Holdings
#2604 - 2012-03-28 00:48:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Banjit Leelapun
Derrick Munroe wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
Derrick Munroe wrote:
Banjit Leelapun wrote:
I don't think i have ever posted on these forums before, but i feel so strongly about this, and sorry, but i didn't read any of the BS above, but my 2 cents is this:

And i quote "except that I was so smashed that I didn't recall exactly what I said "

Then you sir are a danger to yourself and everyone around you. Intoxication of any kind is not an excuse, period.

Example: Damn, i ran over your child, well hell i was intoxicated, so should be able to get away with it :)

in short boot his ass ccp

Yay, I get to quote it for a third time. (Maybe eventually people will begin to actually read the apology instead of skimming and making assumptions)

The Mittani wrote:
There's no excuse for what I did - while some might try to use my inebriation as a mitigating factor, I put myself in that compromised mental state, and the guilt of that is entirely mine.

See that? In case you don't understand the big words, inebriation means drunkenness. In the above quote which apparently nobody bothers to read, Mittens states that he accepts full responsibility despite the fact that he was extremely intoxicated. He's not using it as an excuse, in other words.

He also said he would step down from CSM.

Still waiting.

This may come as a surprise, but Twitter is, in fact, not a legally binding contract. Whatever he says on Twitter, he isn't required to act upon, follow through on, or anything. Does it hurt his credibility? Yeah, it does. But don't expect him to follow through on something he stated on Twitter.

that's whats wrong with the younger generations, they think its all okay i didn't mean it and you cant hold it to me cause i twitted it or i was drunk or what ever the new excuse is
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2605 - 2012-03-28 00:48:25 UTC
Doddy wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:

I still stand by my posts on the subject. I think the public apology was not a real requirement. Mostly because he doesn't owe you whining children anything in reference to this whole event.

I would agree if he had kept it in an in game setting.

However he did not, he did it on a live stream in front of thousands.

Not only was a apology needed, he needs to remove himself from the CSM at least. So people know we are serious about whom represents the players of this game.

A CSM calling for someones death even in jest and drunk is more the enough reason to pull him off it.

He didn't call for anyones death. He provided information to allow other people to provoke someone into killing themselves and told them to do so if they wished. That is bad enough but your twisting is pathetic.

Its the same thing in the wash.

But this is a powerful person in the game whom has an army of sycophantic followers. He pretty much was dousing the person he named with gasoline while giving his buddies matches.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2606 - 2012-03-28 00:48:34 UTC  |  Edited by: David Cedarbridge
RougeOperator wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:

I still stand by my posts on the subject. I think the public apology was not a real requirement. Mostly because he doesn't owe you whining children anything in reference to this whole event.

I would agree if he had kept it in an in game setting.

However he did not, he did it on a live stream in front of thousands.

Not only was a apology needed, he needs to remove himself from the CSM at least. So people know we are serious about whom represents the players of this game.

A CSM calling for someones death even in jest and drunk is more the enough reason to pull him off it.

You're backtracking again as if this hadn't already been explained. Pretty easy to get away with since this thread moves pretty fast. This event took place, at a convention for a game, in front of players of that game, in reference to events in the game, and in reference to a message sent about those events to him in game. This message was mocked and the off-color comment was made. To imply that there is a difference because it was spoken instead of typed in game or on the forums is an asspull and you know it.

I'm on fire with these page snipes too.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2607 - 2012-03-28 00:49:51 UTC
Killer Gandry wrote:
I never was and never will be a Goonswarm fan.
I am pretty sure any Goon who reads the forums aswel as people I hang around with in EVE can testify to that.

However EVE would lose the ultimate badguy if they were to ban Alexander.

It's not asif there are other Goons who are even remotely capable of filling those shoes. And whom would you want to rage your anger at after The Mittani has been removed from the game?

There is nobody else in the game who invokes either ultimate adoration or loathing.
Next to that there are 10,058 accounts which voted for him. This is quit a large chunk of those who actually bothered to vote.
You can't just ignore that while sharpening your pitchforks and setting your torches ablaze.

The withhunt a lot of people are creating is not much different to what he did at teh Fanfest and you should be ashamed of it.

Everyone knows the guy is down, yet the only thing the people who don't like him are doing is kicking a man on the floor.
Do you really believe your morale code is so much better if you look at this behaviour from a distance?

On the other side we have the nay sayers. The ones who keep making it worse by badposting and trolling over an incident which wouldn't have been an incident it it was a marginal thing.

He himself accepts he made a real big mistake there, yet you can't wait to get onto the barricades and act like thugs and show howmuch bravoure you have while in the meantime the one you are suppossedly defending is doing the one thing he should do.
Remain out of the debate and talk with the CSM and CCP as how this should be handled.

Yes EVE is a harsh world indeed. On one side we have the lingering villains who just can't step away from a wrong because that's not their rep.
on the other hand we have the farmers, armed with pitch and feathers, ready to drive a villain out of town without due process.

This game isn't a spacegame with goodies from the future. This is more the Old Wild West where we all shoot (of our mouths) before thinking things through.

There is a larger part of the community detached from reality than most are willing or able to see or admit.

So my suggestion to ALL parties would be to stop posting about this thing and try to act like adults for the very first time in your EVE lives and wait to see what the grownups are going to do.

Get over the cult of personality. EvE will go on with or without alex.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Kalathia Eginald
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2608 - 2012-03-28 00:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalathia Eginald
Kallynda Nai wrote:
Kalathia Eginald wrote:
Terrorfrodo wrote:
WTF? I now watched the video and this is NOTHING. We're talking about someone giving an IN-GAME NAME of another player during a GAMING CONVENTION. I initially thought that there were real names involved and the 'victim' might have been subjected to possible real-life harassment.

I was expecting some nasty stuff, but seriously, this is a joke.

You've never been on the recieving end of a 4chan search then I take it. You would be suprised what those in the know can find out just from an ingame name.

Yeah, because 4chan gives a **** about this guy.

Come on.

Did I say they did? Please emphasise the part where I did.

In contexct to the comment it was correct. The post I was replying to seemed to thing that an in game name could never be traced to real life and the people there could if asked find a hell of a lot form just an ingame name given how many people link all their internet stuff together.
Akai Kvaesir
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
#2609 - 2012-03-28 00:50:30 UTC
Nair Alderau wrote:
Akai Kvaesir wrote:
supr3m3justic3 wrote:
For a Goon: Understandable.
For a CSM: Unacceptable.

This is why what the Chair of the CSM said is a problem. I don't like Goons, but this is right in line with what they do. But it is NOT what the CSM should stand for.

EDIT: I'd just like to state my opinion in the matter has nothing to do with Goonswarm or how I feel about them. It's about the CSM.

Now, i am no goonfriend obviously. But wasn't it the Alliance panel (rather than a CSM event)? He was there as the CEO of the goons.

He is the Chairman of the CSM. Thus, in public, he is ALWAYS the CSM. That's the downside to being the head of an organization, you can't choose when to be a politician and when to be a Goon.

Frogblast the Vent Core! When the W'rkncacnter came, Pthia was killed, and Yrro in anger, flung the W'rkncacnter into the sun. The sun burned them, but they swam on its surface.

Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#2610 - 2012-03-28 00:50:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Amity Lane
He also said he would step down from CSM.

Still waiting.

This may come as a surprise, but Twitter is, in fact, not a legally binding contract. Whatever he says on Twitter, he isn't required to act upon, follow through on, or anything. Does it hurt his credibility? Yeah, it does. But don't expect him to follow through on something he stated on Twitter.

This forum thread isn't a legally binding contract either, but we're supposed to accept his apology at face value. Why would his Twitter post be held to a different standard?
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2611 - 2012-03-28 00:51:01 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
Doddy wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:

I still stand by my posts on the subject. I think the public apology was not a real requirement. Mostly because he doesn't owe you whining children anything in reference to this whole event.

I would agree if he had kept it in an in game setting.

However he did not, he did it on a live stream in front of thousands.

Not only was a apology needed, he needs to remove himself from the CSM at least. So people know we are serious about whom represents the players of this game.

A CSM calling for someones death even in jest and drunk is more the enough reason to pull him off it.

He didn't call for anyones death. He provided information to allow other people to provoke someone into killing themselves and told them to do so if they wished. That is bad enough but your twisting is pathetic.

Its the same thing in the wash.

But this is a powerful person in the game whom has an army of sycophantic followers. He pretty much was dousing the person he named with gasoline while giving his buddies matches.

Because nobody in CFC knew about the story before Mittens presented it. No Sir.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#2612 - 2012-03-28 00:51:36 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:

Get over the cult of personality. EvE will go on with or without alex.

It's easy to tell others to step over their shadow while in the meantime refusing to step over your own.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2613 - 2012-03-28 00:52:19 UTC
Akai Kvaesir wrote:
Nair Alderau wrote:
Akai Kvaesir wrote:
supr3m3justic3 wrote:
For a Goon: Understandable.
For a CSM: Unacceptable.

This is why what the Chair of the CSM said is a problem. I don't like Goons, but this is right in line with what they do. But it is NOT what the CSM should stand for.

EDIT: I'd just like to state my opinion in the matter has nothing to do with Goonswarm or how I feel about them. It's about the CSM.

Now, i am no goonfriend obviously. But wasn't it the Alliance panel (rather than a CSM event)? He was there as the CEO of the goons.

He is the Chairman of the CSM. Thus, in public, he is ALWAYS the CSM. That's the downside to being the head of an organization, you can't choose when to be a politician and when to be a Goon.

They keep trying to spin it away from the fact he never stops being the CSM chair.

He wanted the spot, he has to live with the responsibility of the spot.

Deal with it.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Jita Alt666
#2614 - 2012-03-28 00:52:22 UTC
Shere wrote:
Oh, hey, this thread still exists.

Not only does it exist it is a bigger honey pot than anything else since monocle.
Derrick Munroe
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2615 - 2012-03-28 00:53:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Derrick Munroe

Derrick Munroe wrote:

Amity Lane wrote:

He also said he would step down from CSM.

Still waiting.

This may come as a surprise, but Twitter is, in fact, not a legally binding contract. Whatever he says on Twitter, he isn't required to act upon, follow through on, or anything. Does it hurt his credibility? Yeah, it does. But don't expect him to follow through on something he stated on Twitter.

This forum thread isn't a legally binding contract either, but we're supposed to accept his apology at face value. Why would his Twitter post be held to a different standard?

I'm sorry, point me to where I said his apology was a contract?

What's it like, not owning any tech moons?

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2616 - 2012-03-28 00:53:23 UTC
Killer Gandry wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:

Get over the cult of personality. EvE will go on with or without alex.

It's easy to tell others to step over their shadow while in the meantime refusing to step over your own.

We will worry about that when I do something as horrible as he did.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

#2617 - 2012-03-28 00:54:18 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:

Its the same thing in the wash.

But this is a powerful person in the game whom has an army of sycophantic followers. He pretty much was dousing the person he named with gasoline while giving his buddies matches.

Afaik no-one acted on what he said, and an evemail is considerably less deadly than being set alight even if you do have suicidal tendencies, so once again you are twisting things. Sure there may have been a couple of guys listening who thought "it would be fun to greif this guy" but it is only in your fantasy that thousands of goons hang on Mittanis every drunken word.
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2618 - 2012-03-28 00:55:41 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
Doddy wrote:
RougeOperator wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:

I still stand by my posts on the subject. I think the public apology was not a real requirement. Mostly because he doesn't owe you whining children anything in reference to this whole event.

I would agree if he had kept it in an in game setting.

However he did not, he did it on a live stream in front of thousands.

Not only was a apology needed, he needs to remove himself from the CSM at least. So people know we are serious about whom represents the players of this game.

A CSM calling for someones death even in jest and drunk is more the enough reason to pull him off it.

He didn't call for anyones death. He provided information to allow other people to provoke someone into killing themselves and told them to do so if they wished. That is bad enough but your twisting is pathetic.

Its the same thing in the wash.

But this is a powerful person in the game whom has an army of sycophantic followers. He pretty much was dousing the person he named with gasoline while giving his buddies matches.

Except, with all the people watching the stream live, including goons, that didn't happen.
Lt Pizi
Gallente Federation
#2619 - 2012-03-28 00:55:52 UTC
Derrick Munroe wrote:

Derrick Munroe wrote:

Amity Lane wrote:

He also said he would step down from CSM.

Still waiting.

This may come as a surprise, but Twitter is, in fact, not a legally binding contract. Whatever he says on Twitter, he isn't required to act upon, follow through on, or anything. Does it hurt his credibility? Yeah, it does. But don't expect him to follow through on something he stated on Twitter.

This forum thread isn't a legally binding contract either, but we're supposed to accept his apology at face value. Why would his Twitter post be held to a different standard?

I'm sorry, point me to where I said his apology was a contract?

dont play the naive, you know exactly what he is saying

Goon Tears are best tears, because they're 25% alcohol by volume!

#2620 - 2012-03-28 00:56:08 UTC
I really don't get how anyone can defend him. He has brought a lot of negative attention to our community, and the only reason we don't all look like douchebags is because some have been very vocal in denouncing his actions.

He admitted he did wrong and said he was going to resign. What is there to argue here?