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Fanfest: Crimewatch

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Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#701 - 2012-06-04 10:24:13 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:
Speechless? Why so?

Whether you agree or disagree, it's just an opinion.

I even stated it was my first impressions.

If your opinion is that we should abolish high sec and disband Concord so you are free to gank weaponless miners, canflip noobs, and pillage with impunity like barbarian raiders, then that's yours. Just point me in the direction of WoW and use the words Hello Kitty Online somewhere in there.

As with all things, enjoyment is a relative term.


First of all, don't put words in my mouth. I never said any of those things, and you know it.

Now, as far as my disagreement, it has mostly to do with the fact that all of your ideas and suggestions so audaciously spit in the face of everything this game has been, and has stood for, for such a long amount of time. PvP flags? Unprecedented bonuses for uninvolved carebears, including significant ship stat bonuses? Calling can theft an actual exploit? EHP bonuses for high-sec dwellers who venture out into low/null to make pvp more "challenging" for the locals? All of this reads like the script to a terrible dream; a nightmare I want to wake up from.

If this was a troll, congratulations; my blood is literally boiling.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Yonis Kador
#702 - 2012-06-04 11:05:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Yonis Kador
I know you didn't. Those kinds of comments just seem to be par for the course. And hey, you should really aim for a slow simmer and save the boil for someone who means you ill.

I didn't spit in anyone's face audaciously or otherwise, and if you care to scroll, I wrote canflipping has been called an exploit. Not by me. If you care to visit the thread in Features, you'll see that I defended it and took the miner who said so to task. And I didn't say increased ehp to make pvp more challenging for low sec inhabitants. I suggested this magic feather might get Dumbo to fly. That more ehp in low sec would, in fact, make pvp more challenging was a secondary consideration.

I'd tend to agree that this is a departure from the way things have been, but I don't view these changes as some kind of heresy. My ideas weren't crafted to offend anyone. I just think its important to set up a system that's balanced and to incentivize low sec in a way other than financial considerations. That hasn't gotten the job done. It's time to try a different kind of carrot. The alternative is to increase the stick in high sec and as that's where new players get their feet wet, that's not going to boost player retention. It's also clear from the FF presentation that this isn't where CCP plans to take high sec either.


EDIT: And just as a final point of consideration, the regional/faction bonuses I suggested wouldn't be carebear specific. They would apply to all players irrespective of profession or sec status.
Zelda Wei
New Horizon Trade Exchange
#703 - 2012-06-04 19:31:39 UTC

The Russian forums are getting very quite recently
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#704 - 2012-06-04 19:43:52 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
Yonis Kador wrote:
Without a finalized plan, for the most part, these Crimewatch changes seem pretty sound. As long as high sec players have an option for consensual pvp ...maybe even a popup......Soandso has invited you to consensual you accept y/n? .... the rest makes perfect sense. If I'm walking down the street and I see some dude kick an old lady in the face and steal her purse, I should be able to chase that guy down, make a citizen's arrest, and get her purse back without consequence. This won't end high-sec crime - and as criminals often do, I'm sure people are already working to circumvent the new rules - it's just providing realistic consequences for a place termed "high security."

They're going to dumb down aggression mechanics to save people who won't bother to learn them. That's NOT a good thing. It will dilute what is presently a rich game universe because CCP prefers to reinvent the wheel rather than write good documentation on it.

Yonis Kador wrote:
The first thing we do in EVE is choose a race but our choice plays almost no part in most people's adventure.

And I'm glad of that. I'd hate to be affected two years in by MY VERY FIRST CHOICE IN THE GAME. "What, you chose the wrong race when you were completely new to the game? Too bad!"

Yonis Kador wrote:
Your relationship with your government should influence virtually everything imo. Got a 10.0 faction standing with Caldari? If you get ganked anywhere in Caldari space, Concord arrival time should be significantly decreased since they're rushing to help a VIP. I envision faction standing being a factor in calculating taxes, trades, police response time, sec status hits, and if you want to get crafty, maybe even warp speed and/or an ehp bonus when in favored space.

Only if such a standing were to making you hated by the Gallente and unable to enter their space.

Yonis Kador wrote:
Players need some kind of encouragement to venture into low beyond increased financial gain. That's already there.

It is? Lowsec is more profitable than high? Really? Maybe if I were running around empty lowsec without fear of pirates, sure. But having to sit cloaked in a safe spot waiting for a roam to give up on finding you and pass by sort of eats into the profit margin. Highsec has a much better isk/hour ratio.

Yonis Kador wrote:
So how do you get those less-inclined to take risks to venture out? Maybe an ehp bonus might be helpful. +15 percent in low and +25 in null?

Everyone would have it. What would be the point?

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Epic Ganking Time
#705 - 2012-06-04 20:27:50 UTC
Does anyone know if they plan to remove the minerals you can refine commander tags for when the ability to use tags to up sec status is live?

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Nikodem Oskold
Asteroid Carving Corporation
#706 - 2012-06-08 20:11:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikodem Oskold
I think that hi-sec should be unpleasant for criminals as much as possible - add all players possibility to warp in instantly to all outlaws and criminals in the system (like in fleet), so it will make criminal's life in hi-sec more interesting and allow PvP for many players with CONCORD's blessing (including pod-killing worst criminals) Pirate.

Also this "civilian militia" / Vigilantes (whatever telling them) once attack criminal/outlaw shouldn't being aggred / have kill rights by the rest of the fleet / corporation / alliance until other individuals try help him - this is problem between law and criminals otherwise system lost his punishment aspect and will be used to lure anyone who want to help keep Hi-sec safe and make them easy prey.

Other thing, security status should have gain/loss rate modifier working by some period of time, when u commit a crime then next crime committed until modifiers ain't lifted security status penalty will be largest and loss modifier increased (gain modifier decreased, so u can't farm security status).

With increased punishment of outlaws/ criminal's should also exist some kind of redemption for criminals (this is a game anyway). For example - after a month of not doing anything wrong (not committing a crime or helping criminals) he could try use some kind of Parole, after using it u regain neutral security status under condition of not being flagged by period of 2-3 months. If guy break deal he regain his old status and he could try after end of term + one month.
Wilma Shakespear
Quarks low Tax Corp
#707 - 2012-06-20 05:26:32 UTC
Any ETA when its coming!?

Alavaria Fera
#708 - 2012-06-20 05:52:01 UTC
Adrenalinemax wrote:
get your lazy asses out of high sec and PvP where it is free (no wardec fees) and people have the welcome mat out (just because the welcome mat has skull/crossbones on it doesn't scare YOU does it??)

The welcome mat also has a Warp Disruption Field around it... oh dear.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Epic Ganking Time
#709 - 2012-07-04 03:27:08 UTC
Hay. I haven't heard thing one about this in a while. Is this going into the Winter expansion or not?

|__| ArrowYes, Crimewatch will be overhauled for the winter expansion.

|__| ArrowNo, Crimewatch has been put on indefinate hold for POS's and seemingly insurmountable technical hurdles. This thread is now about "pillow talk" and vaporware

Can anyone check one of those ^ Question

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ripblade Falconpunch
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#710 - 2012-07-04 03:53:03 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Hay. I haven't heard thing one about this in a while. Is this going into the Winter expansion or not?

|__| ArrowYes, Crimewatch will be overhauled for the winter expansion.

|__| ArrowNo, Crimewatch has been put on indefinate hold for POS's and seemingly insurmountable technical hurdles. This thread is now about "pillow talk" and vaporware

Can anyone check one of those ^ Question

You forgot this one:

[xx] ArrowNobody cares.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#711 - 2012-07-04 04:47:36 UTC
"- Killing someone with a negative sec gives you bonus"

#This will never make it. It is very abusable.
Epic Ganking Time
#712 - 2012-07-05 20:13:12 UTC
Ripblade Falconpunch wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Hay. I haven't heard thing one about this in a while. Is this going into the Winter expansion or not?

|__| ArrowYes, Crimewatch will be overhauled for the winter expansion.

|__| ArrowNo, Crimewatch has been put on indefinate hold for POS's and seemingly insurmountable technical hurdles. This thread is now about "pillow talk" and vaporware

Can anyone check one of those ^ Question

You forgot this one:

[xx] ArrowNobody cares.

People checking that box aren't making good use of their brain and I'm uninterested in their answer. Crimewatch is involved in everything I consider meaningful in high and low security space. It's pretty important. Maybe you don't notice it when you mine veldspar though...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ice Pirateer
#713 - 2012-07-08 20:56:31 UTC

I sell drugs...

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#714 - 2012-07-16 12:33:23 UTC
So the Goal here over all it to make it 100% harder to be nasty in high sec while makeing it even easyer to live produce mission etc without being unconcentualy engaged