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SWA PVP Division Strikes Back! Now with more 120% more Gallente.

Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-03-05 17:00:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Stellar Vix
SWA PVP Division is a small organization within SWA purposed to teach new players the nature of New Eden's capsuleer to capsuleer combat.

Previously we had a season back in 2007 which was a good run but short lived after I had to quit SWA-G(lory) due to real life obligations and didn't recently sign back up until just recently.

Since then other spin offs up and happened and gone such as SWA-RM (which I'm in the process of devouring) and SWARTA (they left and formed their own corp).

On my return I was happy to see the channel was still occupied... except 100% of the people there where strangers to me. They reported on how the staff I established tried to keep things together after I left but many moved onto to do bigger better and badder things. Some quit some still around some making names for themselves.

So after some rust busting, and a lot of begging and having much less tools and help than before I am restarting the SWA-PVP program.

We have simple goals rules and a few other quirks we try to adhere to.

General SOPs
1 No recruiting, I am not your personal rookie factory.
2 Low Sec, No Civies and Return fire policy only.
3 Null Sec, Weapons Free no such thing as civillian targets in 0.0
4 Maintain Neutrality
5 If you make donations, I prefer them in forms of rookie friendly ships. Isk is okay as I have two logistics officers who bill me for the ships they replace in the fleet. I can give you an invoice of things I spent the Isk on

General Goals
- Introduce, train, and familiarize new players to PVP and lower the amount of clueless care bears.
- Draft up and complete an eve pilots manual, both mailable and PDF version.
- Have some fun.
- Strengthen Player Retention and encourage them to seek corporations of their own one day.

SWA Instructor and Commander

SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-03-05 17:00:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Stellar Vix

Greystone (3/18)
Miner Detail (3/16)
Missioner Improbable (3/17)
Point Break
Persian Shade

Incidents (small skirmishes)
Half Baked

SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-03-05 17:04:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Stellar Vix
Operation Hammerville
Report Author: Gunnery Sargent Rick Galshin
Location: M-OEE8
SWA: 3/3/2012
Time: 0000
Cruiseron 02: Medium Weight Patrol out for Combat Familiarization
Commanding Officer : Capt Stellar Vix


Round 1:

The patrol started as standard, this time from Vuorrassi, heading north into nullsec. The fleet consisted of a handful of frigates, a lonely Osprey and some tooled up battlecruisers, with Stellar Vix leading from her Ferox. Cassandra was nominated as scout and she led us through lowsec where we scared off a rifter and moved on towards the future battlefield.

The fleet was lined up ready on the gate into nullsec, gate guns watching solemnly over our mini-armada. The call came in from the scout "Two rifters on the gate". Moments later Stellar gave the kill order and the fleet jumped in and immediately grabbed the Rifters and started smashing them. A handful of bombers popped in and took a few easy drone kills before fleeing from the battle-thirsty SWA fleet.

Stellar disengaged the fleet fearing a bait trap, and the fleet escaped to a nearby celestial.

The heavies were sent back to check the damage, and sure enough more ships had turned up to feast.
Engagements happened quickly. Two Hurricanes and a Vagabond were engaging the SWA heavies, with a swarm of drones in support. The SWA Drones had mostly been destroyed by the stealth bombers, and the lights were called in. A fortunate miscommunication resulted in the squishies jumping to the lowsec gate and having to watch as the heavies pulled out via the jump gate. SWA suffered losses, with Grim learnt a tough lesson when the gate wouldn't let him through thanks to his drones bombarding the enemy. Several frigates were popped before they escaped, but SWA made it out intact, with spare ships at the ready for round 2.

Kills: 2 Rifters, A handful of Tech 2 drones.
Losses: Myrmidon, some rifters, a bunch of drones and whatever badass ship Draconaes was flying.

Round 2: Yes we went back.

Arriving into nullsec, local was busy, the gate was clear. The fleet jumped in and began warping to a nearby celestial when 2 hurricanes decloaked, grabbed the SWA heavies and started chipping away at them. The rest of the fleet began warping back to the heavies piecemeal, but ultimately were destroyed.

Kills: Several more Tech 2 drones.
Losses: A handful of BCs, bunch of frigates, some more drones and a destroyer or two.

There was a lot to take in, but the fleet fought well, learnt some valuable lessons, and gained respect from our enemies.

Congratulations to the new pilots taking part on the Roam, and thank you to the more experienced players for making the fights a bit more balanced as well as sharing your experience and resources with us newer players who are still learning.

SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-05 18:59:00 UTC
In retrospect, I so totally fubared round '3' of that op up ordering everyone off the gate. Wanted to engage the enemy on my terms not thiers.

They where much better at dictating it. :(


SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Calisto Thellere
#5 - 2012-03-05 20:40:58 UTC
Petrus Blackshell
#6 - 2012-03-05 21:53:10 UTC
... cool story, bros?

It's good that you're making PvP more accessible to newbies, and good that you had fun, but does this AAR really belong here in GD?

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-03-06 00:21:09 UTC
+1 to Stellar Vix o7
St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-03-06 07:11:00 UTC
+1 for getting newbies into PvP
Kerensky Initiatives
#9 - 2012-03-06 09:35:56 UTC
- 1 for pretending that it's a real military operation

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-03-06 10:09:03 UTC

Newb corp like "player corp" without the corp restrictions, gets people into PVP. Even though they hang out in the newb corp all day, they do actually participate with the universe at large from time to time with a cadre of individuals who form the nucleus and invite other individuals on scheduled events much like a CTA for the 1337 Nullblocks.

amirite ? Lol
Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-03-06 15:34:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Stellar Vix
Bumblefck wrote:
- 1 for pretending that it's a real military operation

Now this here is a bit of a short sighted observation
Trying to run it military helps keeps the rooks organized and in line like using cat nip to try to herd a bunch of cats is not that entirely easy. It serves as a rallying point, increases morale, reduction in confusion and ultimately preconditions the rook for when they do leave the ranks of SWA and join a real military corp they won't be as unreliable

Also its a very excellent way to get them to start taking charge of themselves and other people the oldest rooks in the program are now beginning to help our newest members though the knowledge they learn. I have two considering in becoming FC's now

They are getting the idea that organization and team work does produce results and that we are killing much older players because of it

Either way its fun for the rooks and a break from pve'ing their minds to death and rage quitting when they get ganked.

SWA Instructor

SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#12 - 2012-03-06 16:11:58 UTC
Bumblefck wrote:
- 1 for pretending that it's a real military operation

I thought it was State War Academy, sound very military.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

My Neutral Toon
#13 - 2012-03-06 16:21:57 UTC  |  Edited by: My Neutral Toon
LOL @ you for trying to train noobs by being a noob yourself.

You took a group of noobs to SOV space and lead them to slaughter... lol... What made you think you could get a fight "on your terms" in SOV space...?

Hell, what made you think you could get a fight "on your terms" in Eve?

No offense, I like your idea, but you may want to un-noob yourself a bit more before you try to un-noob other people...

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Section 8.
#14 - 2012-03-06 16:30:55 UTC
Er...have a cookie? Also that's NCdot space so congratulations on getting them to engage with anything under 40 titans with 30 on backup.
Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-03-06 20:06:57 UTC
My Neutral Toon wrote:
LOL @ you for trying to train noobs by being a noob yourself.

You took a group of noobs to SOV space and lead them to slaughter... lol... What made you think you could get a fight "on your terms" in SOV space...?

Hell, what made you think you could get a fight "on your terms" in Eve?

No offense, I like your idea, but you may want to un-noob yourself a bit more before you try to un-noob other people...

You're obviously not an FC.

If you look at the battlefield like an FC does you'll start to get an apperciation for your enemeis, be able to read fleets like they're a book and see stuff happen before it all goes to hell.

I already tell the rooks before every fleet op that objective is to die. Bonus objective is dragging as many can down with us.

In this case fighting on terms takes an entirely new meaning. I know my fleets will never be on par with null fleets or on the same platue any time soon, this isnt the term I am talking about. The term I am talking about is who is doing most of the writing in that battle, who decides how the battle starts and who tries to dictate the flow of the entire fight. I got too fancy and broken midstride in this little deadly dance allowing the enemies control of that writing pen. What could have been a bloodied victory wound up in total defeat. I overestimated my rooks was one of my largest mistakes and having a nice hiccup in connection caused me to decloak and not warp :( which got me killed and out of commission and handed command to Draconis who was in the process of getting the fleet to land on top of me to take out the hurricane that was 4kms off by bow.

I knew the squadon we ran into didn't have a FC and I already knew we where caught in the early warning system which is why I didn't want to get the lights involved too quickly since most of them are anti-frigate fitted and we tried to kill as many drones as possible to give the frigates a chance or have the heavies get the attention first.

I know some of the best FCs in the game can orchestrate some masterful peices of work. Im just a novice writer and the only way to become successful is to go out and do it.


SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Stellar Vix
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-03-06 20:12:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Stellar Vix
KrakizBad wrote:
Er...have a cookie? Also that's NCdot space so congratulations on getting them to engage with anything under 40 titans with 30 on backup.

I have yet managed to get a capital hot dropped on my fleets for the month of operations we been performing. So far we operate anywhere from north west to east southish depends on how big the orange blobs ships killed by the last hour are for op day.

Rooks two weeks ago had a good look at a system being taken over after everyone gone home for the day and we ran into the cleanup crews. That was one hell of a face smashing we had then 12 hurricanes 1 talos and 2 assult frigates, we only downed the talos and one wolf, would have loved to gotten the crusader as well but the canes where to much for us and general retreat was called. I think only two ships got out of that mess of drones.

Think it was over in PNE3 area north of Lonetrek.


SWA Instructor, Commander Select Currently being blamed as SWA's CEO SWA PVP Program

Section 8.
#17 - 2012-03-06 21:34:48 UTC
This writing confuses and infuriates me. Well, mainly confuses. What?
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-03-06 22:46:13 UTC
Thanks a lot for organizing these roams; i had tons of fun on this one, and i will be sure to check in every week when i have the time =)
Aiyne Starfyre
#19 - 2012-03-06 23:00:26 UTC
I don't understand why people are hating on this. Sure pilots are dying, but they're also learning and isn't that important?

Who cares if we're losing 15 frigates in an engagement ? We're learning how to PvP in a friendly environment that doesn't force us to adhere to specific fittings/ships. We can take what we want and figure out how it works. Maybe the fleet's effectiveness is dropped because of this, but we'll gain experience in whatever role we had for that specific engagement.
Draconaes Korr
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-03-06 23:10:05 UTC
Thanks for organizing these ops, Vix. It's been boring ever since Obs stopped running SWARM.
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