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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1181 - 2014-01-07 15:38:14 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.04 21:15 NerdRager Sampson 10 rescued
116.01.06 22:13 Theus Dudeus 4 rescued (Niarja)
116.01.07 02:19 Tex Lateralus 1 rescued

At least for the next 7 days and possibly longer, I have assumed patrol duties in at the Niarja/Kaaputenen crossing. Since the crew of the Assist has worked this area before, I will benefit from their past experience. Also, for the time being, no confiscations are being performed regardless of what we find. This is not to say that we will not resume that activity, but not until we have a uniform procedure outlined that covers as many scenarios as possible. Development has put Manwe in charge of that study. He has already told both Ston and myself that he will be recommending equipment/fitting changes as well as stricter flight operations procedures. In his words, "We will stop making exceptions when we think the risk is minimal. That is what killed the crew of the Mayflower." Sometimes reality is harsh and the alarm that wakes us from our stupor is loud.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1182 - 2014-01-08 14:41:41 UTC
Rescue Report:
116.01.07 21:41 Dangerous M1nds 10 rescued
116.01.08 00:34 Benjamin Mayr 10 rescued
116.01.08 14:36 Doc Hanni 50 rescued

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#1183 - 2014-01-08 16:00:59 UTC
Rescue Report:
116.01.06 21:55 ya dolboeb 10
116.01.07 14:01 SergeyHawk 10 Elite Slaves, 60 Slaves
116.01.07 17:17 Ultima Multis 37
116.01.08 15:50 Neophage Hashur 9, NyarLHotep Aideron 10

This report comes at the completion of one Diaderi-Zoohen run. Often, there is nothing. Today, there were two deathcans both in Diaderi and both right on the gate.

Progress is being made in the Development workgroup assigned with the task of working up uniform guidelines for both rescues and confiscations. Guidelines for confiscations with be much more conservative. We feel that if we are to do confiscations at all anymore, the risk to crew and ship has to be greatly reduced.


Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1184 - 2014-01-09 01:58:00 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.08 16:51 Rak Katzyn (46 Slaves, 7 Slavers), Optique Baldy (40 rescued by Captain Ymladris)
116.01.08 22:34 Dslarian 4 rescued

Today, I saw firsthand how the C3SRC com channel can effect efficient and safe rescue operations. Two death cans we situated within gate range but out of range of each other. The safest procedure in those cases is to make one rescue followed by waiting out the timer to return for the second. Better yet is to have a second ship come in to rescue the second in case the can is unstable and near its expiration. The C3SRC enables that. Captain Ymladris was observed on the channel and contacted over a separate, secure channel and she was a mere four jumps out. This meant that the survivors could be rescued and brought to safety much quicker. Thank Captain Ymladris for your help. A special thanks comes from the 40 you rescued who lifted a glass to your honor at community meal this evening.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#1185 - 2014-01-09 18:54:03 UTC
Thank you for the kind words and recognition Captain Nalthkh. I was glad to be of assistance.

I took the liberty of running a small report on it, together with a little explanation for the readers on what a deathcan is: Deathcans & Slaves

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#1186 - 2014-01-10 01:11:12 UTC
Reception Report:
Agil (590 former slaves) Amarr (180 former Elite Slaves, 2397 former Slaves) Aphend (30 Freed Slaves) Fahruni (69 former Elite Slaves), Kaaputenen (306 former slaves) Sivala (145 former Slaves) Ashokon (10 Freed Slaves) Pashanai (10 Freed Slaves) Simela (7 former Slaves) Nidupad (29 former Slaves) Polfaly (10 Freed Slaves) Yanuel (1 former Slave) Zorrabed (27 former Slaves) Eredan (10 Freed Slaves) Sasta (10 former Slaves) Tanoo (27296 former Slaves)

The information above represents work that I have undertaken during the time of my suspension thus far. Since Development charge me to do administrative work, I purposed to catch up with NUVOS regarding transfers that have been left undone. Along with this was also the need to establish a new Center in Tanoo to accommodate the 27,296 new Matriculants liberated by NUVOS most recently. I understand that in the same spirit of the Khanid Slavery Abolition Fund, they newly established the Ammatar Slavery Abolition Fund. We have been told to be prepared to activate both a high security system center(s) and low security system center(s). Along with signing transfer documents for each listed above, I will also be taking the DSS Journey to most of the systems to pick up the new residents and transport them to established centers.

When I return to Yulai, I have been told that a meeting has been scheduled with Development regarding further findings and what will be my duty assignment following the 7 days suspension.

For transports outside of the Amarr Empire, I have received permission to pilot the DSS Committere recently commissioned and fitted. This vessel will replace the Mayflower. The crew consists of Matriculation Center trained and commissioned medical and engineering staff. Any who wish to transfer to another crew will be allowed t do so anonymously. I anticipate that all transfers will be completed by the time the 7 days are up.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1187 - 2014-01-10 17:00:14 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.09 21:09 Steew O'Neill 48 rescued
116.01.10 01:28 Mice007, Lofty06, CrazyPk, Bridgetidy (20 Freed Slaves, 4 Slavers, 4 Slaver Hounds, 36 Slaves, 53 Slaves, 1 Elite Slave, 1 Slave, 53 Slaves)

Four deathcans were there. I was able to rescue two at a time with 15 minutes between. This time no one was on C3SRC except for me. I understand some of the pressure to do more than is safe to do. Not that any of it is safe. I speak relatively, of course. I didn't know what would happen in that 15 minute wait. A lot goes through your mind.

This zone is very different from patrolling Jark. There is near constant ship traffic here and much more to track and keep an eye on. I'm glad we got them all out safely.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#1188 - 2014-01-10 21:28:02 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.09 21:23 Percy Flage 10
116.01.10 18:17 Zeon Proster 41

I am happy to report these rescues and more than anything, that is what this work is about. But, be that as it may, I had two confiscation opportunities today that were very low risk, but I had to pass on both of them because of the current ban on confiscations. What is really irritating is that one of the crossings I patrol tends to see small arms drops on the opposite side due to customs regs. I know that when we confiscate that these guns will never end up in the street, never be in th hands of violent gangs, never in the hands of terrorists. It galled me to leave it.

We are getting close to a uniform policy in these matters, but calling the shot is not completely in my hands. Development has the final say. The scenario for both of these confiscations would have been well within the recommendations I will help present to Development. "Patience," I say to myself.


Hoi Andrapodistai
#1189 - 2014-01-10 22:15:03 UTC
I have done it!

Upon first hearing of this vile Disciples of Ston organization that has dammed thousands of slaves to a future in Abaddon by depriving them of their best hope for salvation — service to God's Chosen, the holy Amarr Empire — I had made occasion to check some border crossings myself, so that I might deprive these Ston villians — these Disciples of Molok — of their victims. Frustrated by failure, I dispatched my Ni-Kunni market associate, Calyce Io, from Amarr to check the busiest crossings herself. And now — success — at 21:40 today, 32 slaves in two batches.

All 32 rescued slaves were stuffed full of Vitoc, fitted with replacement slave collars as needed, and sold back into slavery at Akhragan V — Moon 1 — Amarr Civil Service.

And someday, I pray that these 32 be admitted to Paradise (gleaming like the towers of Dam-Torsad), where they shall look down upon Abaddon and see these Disciples of Ston, glorifying God in their eternal destruction, and they shall praise God that I delivered them from that fate. Amen. Amarr Victor.

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1190 - 2014-01-10 22:42:20 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.10 20:55 Lilya Madah (50 Freed Slaves, 10 Marines, 4 Slavers, 8 Slaver Hounds, 31 Slaves, 10 Tourists) two cans

Being the least experienced rescue pilot on the DSTON roster, I found this to be a very interesting and unexpected rescue. I wonder if the pilot panicked when receiving the illegal cargo notice and just jettisoned everyone. I does not make sense otherwise. We are providing for their needs at the Kaap center. As per policy, groups are kept separate until we can determine what happened, why they were jettisoned and their final disposition. Both cans were in transport range of each other and gate activation range, making the rescue smooth and relatively safe.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#1191 - 2014-01-11 15:41:40 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.11 00:24 Ahry Shepard 3
116.01.11 01:57 Regicide Rollard 4, La Maetelle 11

The seventh and first days are upon us again and time to make more alert observations while on patrol. It is my consistent observation that these two days bring more danger than any other days. For whatever reason there is more piracy on these days and more traps set, no less in the areas we patrol. While I am anxious to be successful in the purpose of our patrols, I am equally anxious to keep my crew's and my own skin intact in the process.

So, to it.


Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#1192 - 2014-01-11 18:58:36 UTC
Manwe Todako wrote:
I know that when we confiscate that these guns will never end up in the street, never be in th hands of violent gangs, never in the hands of terrorists. It galled me to leave it.
Maybe you can have some comfort in knowing there's a good chance they'll be destroyed when the container pops.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#1193 - 2014-01-11 20:11:43 UTC
A second batch of slaves has been saved from the clutches of these Disciples of Molok.

My Amarr-based procurement associate, Calyce Io, having been fitted with a new Magnate-class frigate, the RKS Re-Enslaver, was dispatched to the nearby border crossing and there at 10:15 standard time rescued 71 slaves.

All 71 were stuffed full of Vitoc, fitted with replacement slave collars as needed, and sold back into slavery at Akhragan V — Moon 1 — Amarr Civil Service.

At another nearby crossing, she obtained two Hornet I drones. While this would not normally be worthy of extended mention, I wish to establish my own precedent for weapons recovered in the process of re-enslavement operations. These drones will be manufactured into Hornet EC-300 drones and deployed to the front against the Minmatar terrorist militia, whose destruction will glorify God. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#1194 - 2014-01-11 22:56:51 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.11 17:07 Malcharion Saken 4
116.01.11 17:31 Mona Iwin 50
116.01.11 22:45 Hedin DM 10 , Frederick Dantes 12

All of these rescues took place in Diaderi as this system has been the most active overall in my patrol area. I have been able to spend some FTL conference time with Development. I and very encouraged with the direction we are heading. We are beginning to look at commissioning specialized equipment and crews designated for confiscation work. eventually we envision establishing dual equipped bases in distinct patrol zones with easily accessed and exchanged rescue and confiscation vessels. This is good news from my perspective but I can feel the frowns already from Tahrmal and Ston because there will be even more extended training requirements to fly the confiscation equipped vessels. Crews will be smaller than those in our rescue vessels.

We'll flesh out the details in the weeks to come.


Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1195 - 2014-01-12 00:47:27 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.10 23:47 Brew Annages 15 rescued (attacked by Garypls Fink)
116.01.11 18:44 Ameer Sicol 14 rescued
116.01.11 21:39 Denzellian Ormand 64 rescued

Yesterday I had a rescue situation that put me a few thousand meters our of gate activation range even at maximum transfer range from the deathcan. We were able to make the rescue and then burn to the gate. However we were targeted and modules were activated on us. In spite of this, we escaped and also took no damage. 15 were rescued successfully. The other rescues were more routine scenarios.

I really should report this on the other thread, but our corporation has been contacted by another entity and asked to begin a feasibility study to found a unique kind of Matriculation Community. We are excited and a bit daunted over the task. In a few days, I should have opportunity to describe the study in greater detail and maybe even ask for feedback.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Hoi Andrapodistai
#1196 - 2014-01-12 17:48:22 UTC
116.1.12 17:18 10 Elite Slaves saved both from the void of space and the clutches of these Disciples of Molok.

These ten Elite Slaves will not be sold. They will be stuffed with Vitoc, fitted with slave collars, and trained to serve in my own vessels in combat against the Minmatar Militia. And should they die in battle, they shall assuredly be admitted to Paradise (gleaming like the towers of Dam-Torsad), whence they shall look down upon their brethren, those "saved" by the Disciples of Molok, suffering eternal destruction in Abaddon, and they shall think, "O how holy thou art, O God, O how you are glorified in the destruction of the Wicked."

Note: planetside business may interfere with my ability to supervise Re-Enslavement operations in the near-term. I plead with fellow Amarr Loyalists to police these border crossings and save abandoned slaves not only from the void, but from the Wrath of God that awaits them should they fall into the hands of the Disciples of Ston. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#1197 - 2014-01-12 20:34:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tahrmal Nalthkh
Rescue Report:

116.01.12 20:21 DRAGONSPAWN 25 rescued

We continue our patrols and find those needing rescue.

I am most happy to officially report cooperative initiative with NUVOS on two new projects. The first is the Ammatar Slavery Abolition Fund (ASAF) and the second is the Resources for Freedom Fund. NUVOS began these two initiatives as a logical continuance of the Khanid project begun earlier. Both of these projects focus on using resources in those regions to fund the liberation of slaves languishing in Capsuleer slave markets across the systems. The third initiative in generically named to represent like work in the Amarr Empire as a whole and will focus on region by region, system by system. Our part, here at DSTON is to prepare Matriculation Centers in each of the areas targeted by NUVOS. As reported by Ston, the first fruit of this cooperative effort is a new Center in Tanoo. We will not always open new centers of established centers are nearby targeted systems. However, we anticipate, depending on the activity of the funds , that new centers will open.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#1198 - 2014-01-12 22:53:28 UTC
Rescue Report:

116.01.12 21:24 Byron Westminster 31 (Zoohen)
116.01.12 21:51 Gndleo Severasse 60 (10 Elite Slaves, 50 Slaves) (Girani-Fa)

I was surprised that two usually inactive systems saw rescues today. It reminds me why we take the time to patrol these areas even when they are usually quiet. 91 people were rescued. It is also good to hear the news about NUVOS. I've always thought larger scale work needs to be done. I look forward to seeing what they do, report, and how we work alongside.


Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#1199 - 2014-01-12 23:01:35 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:

I am most happy to officially report cooperative initiative with NUVOS on two new projects. The first is the Ammatar Slavery Abolition Fund (ASAF) and the second is the Resources for Freedom Fund. NUVOS began these two initiatives as a logical continuance of the Khanid project begun earlier. Both of these projects focus on using resources in those regions to fund the liberation of slaves languishing in Capsuleer slave markets across the systems. The third initiative in generically named to represent like work in the Amarr Empire as a whole and will focus on region by region, system by system. Our part, here at DSTON is to prepare Matriculation Centers in each of the areas targeted by NUVOS. As reported by Ston, the first fruit of this cooperative effort is a new Center in Tanoo. We will not always open new centers of established centers are nearby targeted systems. However, we anticipate, depending on the activity of the funds , that new centers will open.

I celebrate this. Nuvos presents a first fruit of the Resources for Freedom Fund by using local resources from Domain and specifically the Parud constellation to free the following men and women from slavery:
"32 hundred" 3200 Arbaz (Parud)
"71 hundred" 7100 Penirgman (Parud)
"10 hundred" 1000 Khopa (Parud)
As soon as one of the pilots from DSTON can meet me in these systems, we will transfer these newly freed people into the care of their Matriculation Program.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#1200 - 2014-01-12 23:34:45 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
I have done it!

You are a truly terrible person. May God have mercy on your soul, though I doubt it shall be forthcoming.