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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#881 - 2013-05-31 13:58:08 UTC
Kim Ji-Young wrote:
Ston Momaki wrote:
Self-Righteous. I've been accused of it

I wouldn't call you self-righteous. I'd certainly call you passive-aggressive though.

If you spent as much time rescuing slaves stranded in cargo containers as you do passive-aggressively sniping at people via this thread, I reckon you could solve the slave-dumping problem overnight. The Amarr Empire would have to jettison a bunch of extra cans just to give you something to do.

Not to mention that there is no proof in this universe (note the italic) that there are abandoned slaves in cans.

And even if there were it was by accident or impossible to overcome odds prevent retrieval.

Your just annoying, lying and more importantly a scavenger spewing false propaganda to justify your picking over the battlefields of those you 'shame'.

No one leaves anything of value behind and slaves have tremendous value. both as people and as property. No one in their right of mind would leave them.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#882 - 2013-05-31 14:19:16 UTC
Kithrus wrote:

No one leaves anything of value behind and slaves have tremendous value. both as people and as property. No one in their right of mind would leave them.

Capsuleers are most decidedly not in their right mind. They often leave behind all sorts of things on the field for many different reasons.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#883 - 2013-05-31 14:47:54 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
Kim Ji-Young wrote:
Ston Momaki wrote:
Self-Righteous. I've been accused of it

I wouldn't call you self-righteous. I'd certainly call you passive-aggressive though.

If you spent as much time rescuing slaves stranded in cargo containers as you do passive-aggressively sniping at people via this thread, I reckon you could solve the slave-dumping problem overnight. The Amarr Empire would have to jettison a bunch of extra cans just to give you something to do.

Not to mention that there is no proof in this universe (note the italic) that there are abandoned slaves in cans.

And even if there were it was by accident or impossible to overcome odds prevent retrieval.

Your just annoying, lying and more importantly a scavenger spewing false propaganda to justify your picking over the battlefields of those you 'shame'.

No one leaves anything of value behind and slaves have tremendous value. both as people and as property. No one in their right of mind would leave them.

Momaki-haan should not be so disparaged. He is responsible for the rescue of millions. Literally. Slaves, slavers, tourists, janitors - people from all walks of life.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#884 - 2013-05-31 15:21:04 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
Kithrus wrote:
Kim Ji-Young wrote:
Ston Momaki wrote:
Self-Righteous. I've been accused of it

I wouldn't call you self-righteous. I'd certainly call you passive-aggressive though.

If you spent as much time rescuing slaves stranded in cargo containers as you do passive-aggressively sniping at people via this thread, I reckon you could solve the slave-dumping problem overnight. The Amarr Empire would have to jettison a bunch of extra cans just to give you something to do.

Not to mention that there is no proof in this universe (note the italic) that there are abandoned slaves in cans.

And even if there were it was by accident or impossible to overcome odds prevent retrieval.

Your just annoying, lying and more importantly a scavenger spewing false propaganda to justify your picking over the battlefields of those you 'shame'.

No one leaves anything of value behind and slaves have tremendous value. both as people and as property. No one in their right of mind would leave them.

Momaki-haan should not be so disparaged. He is responsible for the rescue of millions. Literally. Slaves, slavers, tourists, janitors - people from all walks of life.

Except that doesn't happen

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#885 - 2013-05-31 15:31:58 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
Scherezad wrote:
Momaki-haan should not be so disparaged. He is responsible for the rescue of millions. Literally. Slaves, slavers, tourists, janitors - people from all walks of life.

Except that doesn't happen

I suppose I might have been transporting hallucinations then, sir. This is true.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#886 - 2013-05-31 20:54:11 UTC
On the border of the Amarr Empire and the Caldari State, capsuleer pilots routinely jettison their cargoes of Slaves and Elite Slaves before crossing into the State from Amarr space. It is illegal to transport slaves and Elite slaves in State space. The customs information is listed below:

Caldari State: Standing Loss 0.20 / Confiscation in Sec >= 0.00 / Fine 500.00% of estimated market value
The Pilot below, for example, was transporting 82 slaves from the Amarr Empire. Each of those Slaves would receive a customs valuation of 782 ISK for a total of 64,124 ISK . Multiply that times five: 320,620 ISK. That is the fine charged the pilot if Customs catches her across the border. Unless one is specifically equipped to avoid detection, the economic risk of slave smuggling does not pan out for the financially savy (greedy) capsuleer.

What is interesting is that we often rescue slavers, slaver hounds, soldiers, militants, etc. All these are legal to transport across the border, yet are jettisoned from time to time.

In addition to rescue operations, we also regularly receive groups of former slaves from other pilots. These have been either rescued or purchased from slave markets across Amarr and Khanid territories. They are received into our care and eventually repatriated.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.31 20:12 Melody Silver 82 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#887 - 2013-06-01 12:42:49 UTC
Ripples of war like those in a calm pond disturbed by a pebble spread out across our cultures and impact lives on many levels. Capsuleers are largely unaware of how generations of normal people can be impacted by the damage of war. Our self-absorbed lives are far from the tragedies of families impacted by war. Widows, orphans, bereft families who daily lose loved one's to the violence of these conflicts join those whose loved one's survive but are psychologically altered by the trauma of combat.

Depression, Domestic violence, Substance abuse, psychological disabilities are all ongoing symptoms of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that is common among the millions of people fighting in the conflicts around our Cluster. What happens to these men and women when they return home? Often, it is their loved ones, their children, their spouses that suffer unintended consequences of these wars. Cast into the conflict like cannon fodder, the damage continues long after the battle is over.

Some of your crews may be suffering from this and you may be unaware of the domestic violence, substance abuse, and debilitating depression that continues after your sortie is long over.

As a whole, it is time that the capsuleer community take greater responsibility for the violence it espouses so easily.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.01 01:49 Kaeria Winder 10 former Elite Slaves
115.06.01 12:22 furbo Charante, 13 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#888 - 2013-06-02 12:17:36 UTC
Of the 111 people rescued as reported below, 20 were in need of significant medical care. They were suffering from maladies such as stress fractures, herniated discs, malnutrition, chemical burns, chronic lung infections, etc. These 20 are former "Elite Slaves." At the end of their usefullness in the Empire, they were being farmed out to slaves smugglers to be sold to the highest bidder on whatever markets could be found across the border.

We are happy to now provide the care they need and opportuities to first rest, then find a new life.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.01 17:00 Anon Yaken 10 people
115.06.01 23:11 Ambil Light 9 people
115.06.02 12:04 cumanot binariz 92 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#889 - 2013-06-03 12:30:14 UTC
When listening to people with beliefs that differ from my own, the temptation is to dismiss out of hand what they have to say. I am not alone in this, I see it here quite often. In fact, rather than listen for what is being said, we listen for ways to argue against, malign, or refute was is being said. We do not provide enough pause to allow our minds to process the words of others objectively. If we are only seeking to present ourselves as "right," then we have lost the ability to listen.

Do you listen to music? If so, how do you listen? Why do you listen to music? For a moment, think of listening to what someone else is saying as if you were listening to music. You do not have to like the music or choose it as a regular diet of listening. But, we also need not argue against the music as if it were "wrong" and I am right.

This is not to say that we should never take up a position against what others say. However, we can be more particular about when that should happen. What boundaries of communication need to be breached before I will chime in, before I will argue my point? Do I really need to let you know every time I disagree with you? Hmm, maybe if we repress our instincts to answer back, our minds might actually expand, grow, open...

Wall of Shame:

115.06.03 12:06 Katharina Bornmann 19 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#890 - 2013-06-03 20:46:47 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
On the border of the Amarr Empire and the Caldari State, capsuleer pilots routinely jettison their cargoes of Slaves and Elite Slaves before crossing into the State from Amarr space.

Glad to see you took my advice. Yes, every time I have to hold my nose and make a trip to Jita I always find canisters full of living people along the way. The sick thing is that they're often jettisoned in systems that have a nearby station just a few AUs from the gate... and they can't even be bothered take a minute, dock up, and unload them first.

Which is what I do - l dock, unload the people, do my business in Jita, come back, dock again, load them back on and go home. I'd like to think that a human life is worth two minutes of a pilot's time, but then maybe we just see things differently than non-Amarrian capsuleers... kind of hard to develop delusions of Godhood when you spend that much time on your knees praying in churches, y'know?

Speaking of which... I've got a few more people that I liberated from various chunks of pirate wreckage for you. Want me to contract them over?

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#891 - 2013-06-04 01:44:04 UTC
There was a greater than normal volume of rescue activity 10 hours or so as reported below. It was particularly heart rending to discover among those we rescued a former slave girl that had been badly beaten before jettisoned into space. Her injuries were serious. Our medical team found evidence of possible brain injury and so sought to refer her to advanced facilities within the State.

DSTON is grateful to two pilots who helped in this medical emergency. Captain Vinh Trahn provided rapid medical transport from our temp center and Captain Scherezad arranged for advanced Medical treatment and received our patient at the Lai Dai facility in Kakakela. The Lai Dai medical team was able to almost immediately stabilize the patient. We hope to hear updates on her condition as her treatment progresses.

I am very grateful that both of these pilots were available and willing to drop what they were doing to help this one poor girl. It is a needed reminder of the presence of good in our cluster even in times of such sadness.

Ms. Luftschreck, we are always willing to take those refugees you happen upon in your journeys.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.03 14:14 nervouswreck 50 Former Slaves, 10 Former Elite Slaves, 20 Freed Slaves
115.06.03 18:06 (blue) (name withheld, blue can) 71, Papa Benjie 10 hounds, 2 Slavers, 19 former slaves , VanHalen5150 50 people, dazwa 306 10 people, Doctor Johnathan Hulk 18 people.
115.06.03 19:15 Thyralon G'zer 15 people
115.06.03 22:27 Ding Woot 31 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#892 - 2013-06-04 23:23:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
Good news was received today from Captain Scherezad and the medical facility in Kakakela. The Slave girl rescued yesterday is expected to make a full recovery. We hope that she will become well both in body and in soul.

Rescue work continues to be a little heavier than usual over the last 36 hours. We continue to see a pattern of pilots who jettison both illegal and legal passengers alike at border crossings. DSTON and other concerned pilots do our best to save as many as we can.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.04 13:05 Ollimor 20 people
115.06.04 17:54 Buchenwald Flava 10 people, Atimun Flat 29 people
115.06.04 23:03 Kanatayan Souther 10 former Slaves, 50 Freed Slaves, DarkDanniel InGen 10 former

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#893 - 2013-06-05 01:24:46 UTC
We are pleased to announce that our patient is making full recovery, and are grateful to Captains Ston and Trahn for their assistance. She will soon be returned to her own recognizance.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#894 - 2013-06-05 01:46:08 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
Except that doesn't happen

Yes, it happens.

Every day. All the time.

It's a well known phenomenon and if you don't believe it, you can easily go there and see the cans floating in space.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#895 - 2013-06-05 12:38:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
The violence of our cluster impacts the lives of millions upon millions of children. Children suffer intensely in times of war. Before anyone should claim that a war is necessary to ease the suffering of a people, consider that the war itself may cause a long and enduring time of great suffering and extenuated trauma, especially to women and children. Starvation, deprivation, extraordinary loss, physical and sexual abuse, torture, exploitation, all are suffered by children in areas impacted by war. This suffering is multiplied in the chaos and lawlessness of war. Education and development is interupted and often ceases in times of war. Famine caused by war kills many more than weapons. Children watch their parents and siblings die. Often they themselves are forced to fight and kill.

The capsuleer fires his weapon, kills, repeats or is destroyed, reconsituted in a clone and repeats. This is called "glorious" by some. I would like to place each of us into the soul of a child trumatized by war for just a day to see if perhaps that insane sense of glory might fade.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.04 23:26 ffertyh 30 militants, 5 Slavers, 43 former Slaves (plus assorted others strange items including DNA samples from two different humans)(in a giant freight container)
115.06.05 12:16 Adam Calrissian, Vasisuariy, sinabbi, (7 slavers, groups of 19, 40, and 94 people)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#896 - 2013-06-05 20:36:03 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
115.06.04 19:53 jinn meii (ammo)
Dumping ammo also puts you on the Wall of Shame?
Kim Ji-Young
Ji Young Kim Bap
#897 - 2013-06-06 00:26:02 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
Ston Momaki wrote:
115.06.04 19:53 jinn meii (ammo)
Dumping ammo also puts you on the Wall of Shame?

I certainly think that it's a shame to waste good ammo. Big smile
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#898 - 2013-06-06 12:55:43 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
Dumping ammo also puts you on the Wall of Shame?

Thank you Captain Biko for catching that. My apologies for puting that on the wall of shame. It was unintentional. Reports go from my log to the wall of shame. I log ammo and weapon confiscations and this particular log was stuck between rescue logs and I forgot to edit it out. I have removed that entry from the original post.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.05 17:25 Ryan S Naari 5 Slavers, 50 former Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#899 - 2013-06-06 15:19:22 UTC
Mr. Momaki,

I think you inspired me to change part of my life. Or I think you did, I'm not sure, it might have been something on this thread, or it might have been something else. It could have been your erronous mention of the ammo dumping pilot that made me realize an inconsistency between my words and actions.

My corp claims to not "profit from death" (Taking certain missions, producing weaponry, etc.). But I used to sell all things I picked up from the wrecks I salvaged, but now I've started making exceptions:
Now, instead of selling the lethal weapons and ammo I recovered, I will have them destroyed.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#900 - 2013-06-07 12:38:02 UTC
In times of war, racial and ethnic hatreds are intensified. The history of armed conflict shows that without exception war has generated the most egregious acts often justified with the twisted logic of racism and/or ethnocentrism. Racial, cultural, and ethnic terminology once used to celebrate diversity and acknowledge unique differences becomes a tool to divide, denegrate and even obliterate other races and ethnic groups. Often the justification for these horrible acts is the preservation of one's own race or ethnic group. The slope is steep and slippery.

I continue to be troubled by the frequent use of racial and ethnic epitaphs used in anger. Racial and ethnic terminology has its place for sure. Words are used to describe our race, nation, and culture. But the moment we take those terms and mix them with anger, spite or hatred, we have crossed a line. The moment we attach a perjorative to the front or back of a racial designation, we have crossed the line. Throughout history, whole peoples have been scapegoated that way and then all justification is given for the most henious acts against them.

If you are angry at an individual, go ahead and express that anger. But, do not extend that anger into racism. Have the wisdom hold back those words that might venture across the line.

Wall of Shame:

115.06.06 17:38 Ouverture 168 people
115.06.06 22:35 Tibus Bravour 59 people,
115.06.07 01:29 Smoking Eskimo 48 people, Lord Valspeir 35 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace