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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#841 - 2013-05-06 14:35:38 UTC
With the recent activity and chaos over the events in Floseswin, I have once again forgotten our anniversary. May 4th was the second anniversary of The Disciples of Ston. My, how time flies. The challenges of our work continue and the challenge to stay true also continues. I need time to debrief from recent events. Having been drawn into the ugliness of violence to far greater degree than I would have chosen, I am feeling a great deal of disonance internally. What began with what seemed like a simple rescue ended up pulling us into a firestorm that is yet to be completely resolved. Mr. Cobbs is still in the custody of Pilot Sky if he is alive at all. DSTON will be endeavoring to secure his release in whatever condition we may find him.

Another public thanks is due to Scherezad for the great and successful effort to decode Mr. Cobbs inteligence data. Operation Whitehall was pivotal. Scherezad, you continue to rise to the top in character, intelligence and unselfishness.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.05 22:15 Star Bugg 26 people
115.05.06 14:02 John Hwang 20 people

P.S. Mr. Biko, sorry for the confusion. Some time ago, we set a policy that when a pilot abandoned a can (Blue), their name would be withheld from the Wall of Shame. Often these cans are labeled, "rescue", "slaves" etc., indicating that people are on board.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#842 - 2013-05-06 19:00:56 UTC
Ah, that's a relief. I was almost thinking that you withheld the names of your allies.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#843 - 2013-05-06 20:20:43 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
With the recent activity and chaos over the events in Floseswin, I have once again forgotten our anniversary. May 4th was the second anniversary of The Disciples of Ston. My, how time flies. The challenges of our work continue and the challenge to stay true also continues. I need time to debrief from recent events. Having been drawn into the ugliness of violence to far greater degree than I would have chosen, I am feeling a great deal of disonance internally. What began with what seemed like a simple rescue ended up pulling us into a firestorm that is yet to be completely resolved. Mr. Cobbs is still in the custody of Pilot Sky if he is alive at all. DSTON will be endeavoring to secure his release in whatever condition we may find him.

Another public thanks is due to Scherezad for the great and successful effort to decode Mr. Cobbs inteligence data. Operation Whitehall was pivotal. Scherezad, you continue to rise to the top in character, intelligence and unselfishness.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.05 22:15 Star Bugg 26 people
115.05.06 14:02 John Hwang 20 people

P.S. Mr. Biko, sorry for the confusion. Some time ago, we set a policy that when a pilot abandoned a can (Blue), their name would be withheld from the Wall of Shame. Often these cans are labeled, "rescue", "slaves" etc., indicating that people are on board.

That Ms Sky thought it fitting to visit such violence upon the Cluster with a Nyx supercarrier as had been done those years ago is a direct insult to Ishukone and the State, even beyond the horrific destruction it might have caused. We at Lai Dai Research Spacelane Security feel it only our duty to prevent such an atrocity, but that it comes so close on the heels of the Malkalen incident makes it especially rewarding.

We are, as always, pleased to help.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#844 - 2013-05-07 14:43:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
Many Children of Matar weep today. We do as well. One cannot help but have affection for this great individual who looked past herself and loved her people so well. May the eons receive you, Karin Midular.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.07 00:09 Mario Monti 30 people
115.05.07 14:11 IShamani 6 slavers, 21 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#845 - 2013-05-08 14:52:40 UTC
Between 32,000-72,000 crew are dead and for what? What insanity has posessed those currently in places of power? There are reasonable ways to influence and pressure an ally in times of disagreement. Throwing thousands of human lives away in a futile gesture is not one of them. I will risk offending many in what I am about to say. While I believe that Heth is not quite sane, the offer given to help The Sebiestor tribe with Karin Midular, had it been accepted, would perhaps have moved the Gallente justice system towards cooperation with far greater force than the futile and empty violence enacted yesterday. Instead tens of thousands of families have been unalterably broken and grieved. Also an important alliance and balance of power is shaking apart. Likely, even more will because of it.

I do not claim to understand the forces of deeply held convictions that are driving people to this insanity, but I beg those involved to examine those convictions and to draw the distiction; the line when a conviction becomes foolish, childish, and destructive pride.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.07 14:11 IShamani 6 slavers, 21 former slaves
115.05.08 11:44 Helenne Troya 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#846 - 2013-05-09 01:28:28 UTC
When we are busy with a three-can rescue, the details occupy the thoughts. We are concerned for the safety of those on the death cans. Are they injured? Is our med staff ready? Will their be panic? Helping the traumatized and engaging in war share one thing in common. They both tend to occupy your focus to the exclusion of all else. Only afterwards are you able to quiet down and evaluate your work. Now think hard... I you are going to engage in an engrossing activity, what is better? What will you quietly evaluate at the end of your day? How many lives did you save? How many lives did you kill? Chose carefully, then, the activity that engrosses you.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.08 17:50 Julia Assmann, Robert Chakotey, Cowaeonfluxx (Groups of 8, 28, and 50 people)
115.05.08 Siniy Ambrent, 23 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#847 - 2013-05-09 21:17:13 UTC
Should I swear oaths of fealty? Yes, but not to people, not even to my family or my nation. Does that mean that I am not faithful to these most important insitutions? No, but it does mean that something else is to transcend these institutions. To what, then should I swear fealty? If oaths are to be taken, let them be taken towards and upon that which is immutable or at least more so than fallible people and the institutions they form. Swear fealty to Justice then. Swear fealty to Mercy then. Swear fealty to honesty then. Swear fealty to selflesness then, and on it goes.

In a very technical respect, an oath of fealty makes the oath taker the vassal and the object of the oath the master. The oath is binding and ought not be easily broken. I bring this subject to this note because of the recent conglomeration of events. I have found many people pointing back to oaths of fealty as the reason for their actions. On the one hand I respect the justification, because it shows that the oaths were taken seriously. On the other hand it exposes the weakness of the oath in the first place.

If I owe fealty to a man or woman of goodness and justice who later becomes a murderer, I am still bound by honor to the master under whom I have placed myself. But...If I have sword fealty to Justice, Mercy, Humility and Love, these masters will not change with shifting tides. Nor are they vulnerable to the decay of sanity or the temptations of political gain. They are vulnerable, of course, to redefinition and interpretation, but far more stable than the former.

Take your oaths, then, but take them to what is larger than your nation, your leader, your tribe, your family. Then your oath can be a better tool of accountability when other things around you collapse. And, collapse they will as we have seen.

My respect for those who have taken oaths and are faithful to them ends at the object of the oath. Is the object worthy? Mercy will always be worthy, but a merciful man may not stay that way. I will swear fealty to mercy, then.

Wall of Shame:
115.05.09 11:43 Blogul 15 people
115.05.09 19:46 Amar Haim 58 people, Meero Naj 15 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#848 - 2013-05-09 22:09:28 UTC
A fitting place to state an oath. I swear my fealty to Life, then, and to the living, with all of its forms strange and wonderful.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#849 - 2013-05-10 01:54:21 UTC
I have sworn oaths to my Clan, my Kingdom, and my Faith. Do those oaths often demand much of me? Yes. I do not shrink from that.

Are these entities less than perfect? Yes. I do not shrink from that. I am an imperfect being. Who am I to demand perfection from the universe? Life is messy and sometimes difficult.

As for things like Truth, Justice, and Mercy, those are fine things, but you are merely swearing an oath to your interpretation of them. It is a safe bet because you will always assure yourself that you've done the right thing.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#850 - 2013-05-10 12:57:47 UTC
Makkal Hanaya wrote:

As for things like Truth, Justice, and Mercy, those are fine things, but you are merely swearing an oath to your interpretation of them. It is a safe bet because you will always assure yourself that you've done the right thing.

Quite the opposite is true. When we place ourselves under oath to a person, that person is the sole authority. When he or she speaks "ex-cathedra" i.e. from the seat of authority, it is the final word. On the other hand, when I say that I bind myself to principles of mercy, justice, love, etc, I place myself under the scrutiny of others. Even your post is evidence of that.

When I say, "I acted in mercy," others can say, "no you didn't" or "yes you did." I am held accountable to more than just my own possibly narrow interpretation. I have access to a sea of witnesses and cirtical observers of my behavior. Because I am fallible, I need that.

However, when you bind yourself to the word of one man or one woman or one theological body, or one governmental administration, etc. you make no allowance for their error unless you superimpose upon your oath higher principles.

You are right that things do get messy and no one lives a completely consistent life. But, it is my advantage to place myself under the scrutiny of mercy and justice so others may rebuke me for violating my own principles when I am in error. That is a possibility when mercy and justice is your master. However when you are "just following the orders" of your clan or your president, or your whatever because your swore fealty, you abdicate a higher scrutiny of your actions and end up absolving yourself of personal responsibility. Which is the safe bet?

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#851 - 2013-05-10 21:30:56 UTC
Mr. Cobbs seems remarkably well considering the ordeal he endured. He says that he does not remember his interrogation and that he thinks they used a drug to enduce him to give the information they wanted. We told him that he is welcome to stay with us as long as he likes. We also told him that the capsule with the encoded data was decyphered in time that many were dispatched and that Sky's ship was destroyed before she could carry out her planned attack in Luminaire. He seemed relieved.

"Can I know your real name?" I asked him. "No" he answered. "Would you like me to contact the Republic government for you?" I asked. "I don't know, let me think about it." He replied.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.10 21:22 Akyridon Patheon 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#852 - 2013-05-12 02:11:56 UTC
Mordu's Legion is bringing helping to create an atmosphere conducing to peace and well-being on Caldari Prime, if reports are accurate. If this is the case, it is good news to hear. Let people people of diverse backgrounds, let former enemies, let people of differing religions, live on the same planet without killing each other. Let them reliaze that there really is enough to go around in this vast universe and a little unselfishness goes a long way towards peace.

Let Mordu's Legion conduct themselves with utmost integrity and may they be commended as they do.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.11 00:58 THEGENER4L4 5 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#853 - 2013-05-12 12:50:07 UTC
Between two pilots listed below, 296 slaves were being illegally tranported out of the Amarr Empire for sale in the other sovereignties, likely Jita. The irony is that while the transport of these people is illegal, their sale is legal once aboard a station. Capsuleers can legally advertise and sell human being via the market. This is rotten to the core. We have repeatedly called for reform in this area and do so again. As long as human trafficking is legal in all sovereignties, this travesty will continue.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.12 12:27 Torsten A Manske 78 people, Nursultan Dartanzaf 218 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#854 - 2013-05-13 19:10:03 UTC
At the bottom of this communication window are three buttons. "Cancel," "Post," and "Preview" are listed in that order. "Post" is given a special color to indicate that when it it selected, the word you have written will then become available to the public. "Preview" allows me to see how the post will appear and to review it before posting. "Cancel" is there if I change my mind about what I have written and wish to discard it. In my ship there is a safety mechanism. Three selctions are available; safety on, partial safety, safety off. You know what they indicate.

In space, we accutely understand the implications of a safety and the built in restraint that it provides. I wish that the same awareness were true here, on this forumn. I would enjoin all of us to make more use of "preview" or better yet "cancel." Go ahead write out the vehemence of your feelings if you must vent; preview it, feel it, then select cancel. We are intelligent enough to head off our negative speech at the pass, so to speak. It continues to trouble me how the war of words and constant volley of insult continues between people here on the IGS. Let us make this place a "Summit" indeed, rather than the gutter it becomes when we too quickly select "post."

May all who read this find peace; peace personally and peace with all.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.13 18:50 Noud Shahni 36 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#855 - 2013-05-14 04:06:17 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
Between two pilots listed below, 296 slaves were being illegally tranported out of the Amarr Empire for sale in the other sovereignties, likely Jita.

I assume the proper authorities were informed and the criminals in question dealt with? Honestly, I often question why the Empire even allows slaves to enter the SCC markets when our own laws specifically limit such trade to licensed slavers and Holders. That they would be made available to anyone with ISK to throw around is a clear violation of Imperial Law, the SCC be damned. In fact... I'm going to start asking some uncomfortable questions right now... looking up contact info presently.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#856 - 2013-05-14 19:25:13 UTC
"Can I talk to you for minute?" This was the question posed to me by a young Sebiestor man who was one of the 45 rescued today. I invited him for a coffee and we sat down and visitted. "Can you help me find my family?" At that question my heart sank like and anchor. I hear that question at least once a day and I always answer yes, but seldom are we successful in that help. So, my answer was "Yes, I'd be more than glad to help." I then went on to explain how difficult it is to do what he asked and to not get his hopes up. He went one to explain how he had been separated from his parents and siblings through sale. I told him that we see a lot of that and that those situation are most difficult.

Many of our Matriculants find that the most difficult barrier to moving on in life is the uncertainty of where and what has happened to loved ones. It is most difficult to see the grief that these people endure.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.14 19:02 Santalos Onasi 45 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#857 - 2013-05-15 13:21:09 UTC
Customs laws dictate that when a jet can registers "yellow" on the scan, its contents legally belong to the pilot listed on the register. When I first became a capsuleer, I used to feel that acutely. I was raised to respect the law and obey it. Only when the law represented gross injustice, was it to be violated; then only with the most sober of attitudes. Our rescue work has not become routine, but it has become systematic. Systematic can be a close neighbor to routine. *pauses to take a sip of bad coffee* I write this sort of as a recommitment to my respect for the law and an acknowledment that my daily breaking of it is specific and value driven. It is not wrong to leave people to die in deathcans and to rescue them is right. We must break customs law to do this. So shall we continue to do so until the laws are changed. We who crew the Mayfloweer are willing to endure the risk of loss involved.

The other reason to write this today is to build a fence, so to speak, between neighbors "systematic" and "routine." It is a high fence to keep them apart lest one be confused with the other.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.14 19:30 Azwon 18 people
115.05.14 22:53 Brianum 8 people
115.05.15 13:03 Spirro Ex 10 people (Former Elite Slaves)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#858 - 2013-05-16 13:52:47 UTC
Have you ever been walking along and spontaneously tripped over your own feet? Its embarassing, isn't it? Sometimes its a bit funny to watch too. Yesterday, in the egress area, a Caldari dock attendant had such an experience. It appeared that he twisted his ankle. He went right down on the floor. One of the Matriculants was close by and reached out and caught his arm and helped him over to a nearby bench. He was limping and in pain. We sent one of our med tech over to check him out. He was fine, no serious injury.

The observation that interested me was the instinct to help that many of us have. Even in times of war and conflict, the right situation will trigger the help instinct. It seldom matters what the race, gender, ethnicity, etc of the person may be. We see them in trouble and we offer assistance.

We ought to cultivate this instinct until it begins to take over other, selfish instincts. We want to complicate everything and we want to hide our hostilities in the the excuse of complexity. Maybe peace is just as simple as deciding to help those who need help and to do so in a way that is color blind, race blind, sex blind, border blind...

Wall of Shame:

115.05.15 13:27 Yukatomi Shaishi 10 people
115.05.15 23:47MrIllusiveVonCerburus 37 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#859 - 2013-05-17 18:32:38 UTC
Today is one of those days when the heaviness of life pulls hard. Most days are OK. We go about doing what we believe is right and we are functional. There are time, though, when you look at all the brutality, hate, and senselessness, and you begin to collapse inside. These people listed below did not deserve to have their live disregarded as they did. They did not deserve to be thown out like waste.

What will we as capsuleers end up seeing in the end of our time. If there are not fundamental changes in our values, we cannot survive.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.16 19:41 Dorve 86 people
115.05.16 22:25 Tigerxxxi Assene 10 people, Namo Aratar 24 people
115.05.17 00:47 Bimbin Petrovich 45 people
115.05.17 14:00 (name withheld) (blue) 75, Bruce Carbon Lakeriver 20 (former elite Slaves)
115.05.17 17:53 Kytora 80 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#860 - 2013-05-18 19:10:15 UTC
To rescue people left in deathcans eventually becomes technically predictable. There is a more important rescue, however, that remains most difficult and unpredictable. Technology can help, but ultimately it involves defeating a very powerful force. The force is our own hatred, jealousy, greed, and un-forgiveness. The Sanity of many of our leaders has been consumed in the fires of these negative motivators. We, that is, our peoples, are in great need of rescue. We are collectively held in a massive deathcan while our air slowly seeps away.

Resign the negative, the destructive, embrace goodwill. Our hate and vengeance is squeezing the life out of us. We must let it go.

Wall of Shame:

115.05.18 02:41 Tim Celebros 8 people
115.05.18 11:49 Corben Ramirees 50 people Almost29 4 Slavers, 6 hounds, 9 former Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace