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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#801 - 2013-03-27 16:45:06 UTC
How we treat the repugnant humans among us shows the quality of our own humanity. There are times when human behavior is so reviling and evil that we think that those who perpetrate such behavior are deserving of inhuman, cruel, and unusual punishment. Emotionally, we all understand that, but in the cooler moments of thought, we know that we cannot succumb to such feelings. We never have the full picture; our information is always partial.

DSTON rescues slavers. Though we despise what they do, we value their lives. We even believe they can change and be rehabilitated. Now and then, we discover a deathcan where the former slaves have been rescued and the slavers left to die in space. While we understand the sentiment of those who do this and are glad that the former slaves are rescued, we don't believe that such actions furthers the evolution of humanity spiritually, socially, or culturally.

We rescue these individuals and provide humane care, counseling, opportunity for activity, and rehabilition should it be desired. This is done at our detention center in Yulai. We hope that one day, there will be cooperation between Concord and civil authorities in the establishment of a neutral penal system for these individuals. This institution would and must provide humane care and protect individuals from execution, torture and other inhumane forms of punishment.

Until such a time, DSTON will keep our Detention in operation and also open it to any capsuleer pilots who happen upon slavers, criminals, etc.

Wall of Shame:

115.03.26 17:41 arrow ski 3 people (slavers)
115.03.27 16:28 (blue can) 30 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#802 - 2013-03-28 08:45:28 UTC
An entire planet was laid to waste. Nobody wants to hear about your self-aggrandizing crusade. Ston, shut up for a week or two out of respect for the dead.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#803 - 2013-03-28 14:58:19 UTC
We are collectively diminished when we succumb to a “morality of scale.” Capsuleers live in a cloud of self-deception based on the idea that only events of great magnitude matter. We often forget that a holocaust is so defined because each death is in itself a personal tragedy of loss for loved ones, the individual, and society as a whole. The cumulative loss is the logical consequence of the multitude of individual losses. If there are no individual losses, cumulative loss is meaningless. The holocaust happens because the individual in diminished. It is always a slippery slope.

We are pretending if we think we are superior because we mourn the death of millions yet casually partake in the killing of thousands, or hundreds, or tens, or even one. We are pretending if we think that we are superior because we act as grand benefactors for many when we refuse to help one poor orphan or widow or homeless. We all want to be a part of something big, but we have not first practiced by consistently meeting the small needs in the daily tragedies of individuals.

Dignify the individual and you dignify the whole of humanity. We will celebrate and acknowledge every individual life saved as if she were a whole planet-full.

Wall of Shame:

115.03.28 14:05 Jacob Stoner 46 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#804 - 2013-03-29 14:59:17 UTC
Religious belief is often the tool of the violent to sustain perpetual war. Some of those using religion sincerely believe the principles they are using to justify war, but far too many really do not espouse the religion the so freely use as an ideology of violence. It is the convenient handle to the axe they swing.

Is there a base spirituality, un-altered in its form among all cultures? If there were such a form, wouldn't its discovery be useful for the unification of peoples in such a way that could end war? The focus of all religion that I currently obeserve is not on that base form but on the layers upon layers added over the eons of time. It is these layers that divide us from each other and form the labels that make perpetual war easy and so justifyable.

It is painful to peal off the layers, but it must be done if we are to have peace.

Wall of Shame:

115.03.28 DimaSnow 24 people, Voland Tonshay 10 people
115.03.29 14:25 Kislorod Ozonovich 30 people, Lady Kado 113 people, 14:41 Radion Geten 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#805 - 2013-03-30 23:02:00 UTC
Trust takes time. Not even truama can always displace the caution of initial distrust. The first rescue reported below was of 20 people. Sometimes, those we rescue are very hesistant to disembark onto the temp center station after rescue. This was the case here. Even after we told them that the station was Republic owned, it didn't matter. Even though our crew is mostly Matari, it didn't matter. We told them that the Mayflower would be back out in space in short order and that it was risk to them if they went along. They went anyway. Their leader would be what I would call "an Elder." He was quiet, yet insistant. After the rescue of the 13, they disembarked. I think the rescue operation convinced them that the crew were not slaves and that they had nothing to fear. The "Elder" has convinced his charges to help out at the center. That is good, and we accept the help.

Wall of Shame:

115.03.29 17:57 Shadak Scar'tan 20 people
115.03.29 23:14 Tai Davaham 13 people
115.03.30 12:27 Don Demetrius deKevedo 44 people
115.03.30 22:50 Vesparta 59 people, lil derf limpkin 18 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#806 - 2013-04-01 13:02:51 UTC
As you know, Concord publishes a public information file on each of us capsuleers. In it, we are allowed to write a brief biography to give a little information for the public to digest. I find it disturbing that many pilots choose to place in their biography notes about how to most efficiently kill others. They will list the most effective weapons to defeat and destroy the various types of ships depending on the origin. We are allowed to do this if we wish, but I find it a dark irony that one would focus so exclusively on death in a bio-graphy. It is a testimony of our times.


Wall of Shame:

115.03.31 12:07 Schwartzbach 10 people
115.04.01 12:42 Irtair 30 freed slaves, 3 slavers, 2 hounds, 34 slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#807 - 2013-04-02 17:26:07 UTC
A multitude of symptoms present with former Elite slaves. Torn and swollen tendons and ligaments, stress fractures and imprperly healed old fractures, hearing loss, chemical burns, eye injuries, premature aging, etc. The list goes on. Most dominant is the sense of humans used up, exhausted, spent. 20 such individuals, ten each in two different death cans we rescued today. They were a stoic group tht had accepted that they were going to die. "That was it, we thought, the end, you know." One of the young, old, middle aged men talked to me in the egress area. I say "young, old, middle aged," because you can't tell. These men are physical shadows due to the horrid conditions that Elite slaves endure.

Our medical teams are seeing to their care.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.01 17:20 Star Bugg 52 people
115.04.02 12:40 Tiberius Zol 10 people
115.04.02 17:09 Kalmitar 10 people, Azmith 10 people (both former Elite Slaves)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#808 - 2013-04-03 17:13:11 UTC
There was time this morning before leaving for patrol to grab a quick cup of coffee at the Leaning Tower Cafe. Conversation with crew chief Krik and some recently rescued Matriculants centered around the recent events in Luminaire. Can everyone involved exercise restraint? Self-control? We sincerely hope so. Will Mordu's Legion be able to foster goodwill while providing necessary security? Of course, none of us has any of the answers to these questions, so we are left as most to rub our chins and ponder.

Two of the gentlmen at the table had never had coffee before. It was amusing to watch them taste it for the first time. "You like this?" one of them exclaimed. I responded that he need not feel obligated to drink it. "Even that choice would not have been mine a few days ago," he replied.

Actually the Leaning Tower Cafe serves a fair cup.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.03 12:36 pupupu land 70 people, Cheri Shimaya 105 people
16:35 (name withheld) (weapons), Shadaam IV 10 people, Burning Desire1 8 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#809 - 2013-04-04 20:04:32 UTC
There was a great commotion during the last rescue listed below. While most of us were busy with the rescue, a battle commenced nearby and several ships were destroyed by one lone aggressor followed by his destruction by Concord. We left as quickly as we could and returned the 19 people to safety.

What so torments the souls of men and women that their imaginations are dominated by violence? If we are to be healed of this sickness, we must give up the notion that violence is a means to any good. We will always hold violence as an option as long as it remains in our minds eye as a means to what we perceive as good. The paradigm shift needed is a radical one.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.03 19:41 Rhnra Pahineh 8 people Mike Erne 12 people
115.04.04 13:06 Olo Moss 41 people (10 Elite and 31 former slaves)
115.04.04 18:33 Mira Lin 19 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#810 - 2013-04-05 12:57:04 UTC
We somewhat get used to the smaller numbers we see abandoned in deathcans. This is not good. We should be appalled each time we witness the flagrant disregard of life whether it is one life or many. We feel a tension, because we need to be removed enough to do our jobs and get the rescues done. We need to be connected enough to fuel our values and passion for the lives we rescue.

That said, we never get used to the rare situation where a death can contains more than a thousand people. The Mayflower has a passenger capcity of 875 people. In the rescue reported below, there was no time to consult over who would be rescued and who would be left. The first rescue was to capacity. Krik and I made the decision not to wait out the agro timer but to return immediately for the other 310 while the emergency med staff dealt with the 875 trumatized first group. We knew we could warp back in cloaked right into transport range and then activate the jump gate before being targetted, if all went according to plan. It did.

SInce we had only time to tell the remaining 310 that we would be back for them and no time to brief them on how long it would take we took the risk to go back while on the timer. We also had suspicions that the can was about to expire. Losing 310 people was not an option and the whole crew was behind the calculated risk. This time it paid off. The temp center in Caldari space will be very busy the next few days with this larger group.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.05 12:32 Methos High 1185 people (875 people first rescue 310 people second rescue)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#811 - 2013-04-06 19:20:16 UTC
"Universal Translator ON!" Back in the dusty corners of history when activation switches were manual, I would have placed a peice of tape over the switch to keep it on and to prevent it from being turned off. "Universal translator on" means that I do not shut out others of differing culture, religion, race or ethnicity when communicating with my own ethnicity, etc. I do not use code that is intended to value one over another.

Lately, I have noted an increase of verbal traffic designed to create ethnic and racial disparity; to say to one, "you are an insider, a friend," and to another, "you are an outsider; I tolerate you at best." This is not leading to peace and mutual understanding. I am not just talking about the obvious in your face race hate that is shovelled by some, but also the more subtle, culturally based communication that belongs in private conversation, not the public forum. In the public forum, we ought to have the universal translator on at all times.

Turn on your universal translators and put the tape over the switch!

Wall of Shame:

115.04.06 19:06 Domian Dorn 12 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#812 - 2013-04-07 13:43:46 UTC
This is very disturbing.

Wall of Shame:

Merimeth Sarum

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#813 - 2013-04-07 17:17:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Che Biko
Mr. Momaki,

While I agree a little with your sentiment about translators, I must point out that some words and phrases do not have suitable substitutes in (some) other languages. In some situations, the miscommunications created by having them translated anyway could lead to more disparity, not less. I've seen it happen.

Edit: Moderation is key, of course. Very few man-made rules, if any, are without exceptions.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#814 - 2013-04-08 12:50:06 UTC
Thank you for the comment Mr. Biko. I agree with what you are saying, and I am sorry I wasn't clear about the fact that I was referring specifically to public discourse where un-translated terms are used as pejoratives in conflicted interactions. An example is the use of racial designations that identify those outside of our own race as inferior or undesirable. There are a range of subtleties in how this is done from outright bigotry to slight patronization. A good universal translator is preprogramed to avoid such terminology whenever possible and should only be overridden when absolutely necessary.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.07 19:02 Hegia Rilemack Opper 1 person, number7 Arkaral 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#815 - 2013-04-10 13:05:21 UTC
What if this leads to a reform in Amarrian religious society? Without reading too much in to the short news quip, it does spark some hope that a new generation of forward thinking leaders may counter the recent draconian approaches of House Sarum.

If students are encouraged, required, allowed to think in their religious studies instead of merely regurgitating, then perhaps a new generation of theologian will discover a theology that supports abolition and supports peace.

Think, student, think!

Wall of Shame:

115.04.10 12:37 Sehnjor Aakiwa 88 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#816 - 2013-04-11 16:52:35 UTC
The cowardice of terrorism has once again occurred. May those who seek mutual understanding and cooperation not be deterred by such acts and the aftermath of anger, blame, chest thumping, etc. Peace always necessitates the path of self-control following the waste of violence. Grief need not lead to the kind of anger that furthers violence and stifles peace.

Instead, may many brave leaders arise to calm the people and refocus all toward the goal of a peaceful and productive society. Let us mute the voices of hate, prejudice, and bitterness that rise at these times. Find and converse with those of reason and restraint.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.11 16:40 Bruno Tron 3 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#817 - 2013-04-12 14:37:07 UTC
DSTON thanks and commends Jack Jomar, Grideris, Anslo, and Liuni Kalthis for speaking words of restraint and encouraging peace in a dangerous situation. I read the news this morning of the standoff yesterday and was, besides concerned, pleased that capsuleer pilots were acting responsibly and positively. While others were trying to incite the first shot, these four were pleading for calm and order. They should be commended as agents of peace. DSTON bows in appreciation.

The prospect of the Republic and Federation in military conflict is mind boggling. How could we be so naive that the very goal and hope of the terrorist is fallen in to so easily? This act of terror will be defeated if and only if the Federation and Republic remain friends and act like friends. This is not a time for rash behavior.

The rest of yesterday's and early today's rescues are reported below.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.11 17:00 commander X 50 people
115.04.11 18:19 Prometey Fire 37 people ,openeye 10 people
115.04.11 12:18 Eclavaldra 10 people, Cheri Shimaya 22 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#818 - 2013-04-13 12:14:03 UTC
If given a choice, how and where would you chose to die. Eggers, as we are sometimes called, have forgotten how to think about this question. Our non-clone crew members think about it all the time and while they may not want to die in a ship explosion in space, they take the risk that it will happen this way. My crew chief told me yesterday, that he hopes he dies in the act of doing good. That's probably the best any one of us could say.

Wall of Shame:

15.04.13 11:41 Mac Knife 48 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#819 - 2013-04-14 00:56:49 UTC
The Mayflower was attacked by one Jeric Saris while on a rescue op involving two deathcans just outside of transport range of each other. Scans indicated injured people aboard one of the cans. We determined we could rescue both with minimal damage even if targetted. We were targetted and shots were fired at us, but no measurable damage was taken. We were able to activate a gate jump and escape into State territory where we proceeded under cloak to a safe facility. 13 injured people are now tended to in Caldari hospital facility. They'll make it.

The pilot who fired upon us did so legally under the current Concord regulations regarding the looting of jetcans. Even when those jetcans contain abandoned people who will die within 2 hours if not rescued, it is legal to attack anyone attempting a rescue. A good pilot that we know lost crew and vessel yesterday in a similar situation. We commend her bravery and hope that the memory of her crew will live on in those she rescued.

We live in sad times. Weapons abound to hurt and mame others, to strike and injure. Weapons of technology, weapons of spite and hate vented through angry speech, weapons of unforgiveness waiting to expode and wreak their havoc. Such are the times in which we live. There are lights among us though; those who steal out of the darkness moments of compassion even toward their enemies. We strain our eyes to see these flickers and rejoice when they flash occasionally on the horizon.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.14 00:33 Resami Stetille 63 people (13 injured), mioeu1976 59 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#820 - 2013-04-14 18:46:52 UTC
I apologise that the usual specific attribution under the wall of shame is missing today. The three-can rescue was complex and so we had to make just a general accounting.

What is a mystery is the large number of Marines who happened to be in the same transport as the group of 86 slaves and 9 slavers. We will try to sort out the details today and tomorrow.

We continue to hold out in our hearts the Minmatar people who grieve the loss of those killed in the terrorist attack and now watch over their loved Ray of Matar back home with her people. We only wish there was some way we could help. Our hearts feel for you. We also hold out both the Gallente and the Minmatar leaders that they may be wise and gracious in these difficult days.

Wall of Shame:

115.04.14 12:30 Pioner zzz, jonny4, DARKVICTORY81 ( The Following groups were rescued from deathcans from the three pilots: 20 former Elite Slaves, 72 Marines, 9 Slavers, 10 Former Slaves, 1 Former Slave, and 85 Former Slaves)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace