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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

First post First post
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#661 - 2012-12-09 14:05:42 UTC
"Remain calm, we will return and attempt to rescue you." These words comprised the communication given to survivors in 3 death cans found in a tight vicinity. I was recently counseled that as a ship captian, I need to make decisions regarding what risks to crew and equipment are meritted from situation to situation. On the last rescue, we calculated the risk to crew to be within reason. On this resuce the situation was different.

Upon approaching the patrol area, we observed two large combat vessels parked in the area along with a few small combat vessels also not just passing through. I told the crew, much to their protest, that we were going back and that would return with a small sig rad ship and perform a container transfer. After returning to the patrol site with a shuttle, I was able to transfer the first death can occupants and speed away without being targetted. 15 minutes later my crew and I returned in the DSS Rescue and rescued all 82 people and 2 hounds. Over the next half hour the two remaining rescues were performed in a low sig rad small vessel since the numbers were few in each can.

There is always a concern on such runs that the combat pilots will see what is happening and be ready to target the instant a rescue is attempted. Escape speed is vital at those times. Such was the case on the very last rescue. There was an attempted targetting on my ship, but not successful. All the survivors in all three cans made it back to the temp center. This time it turned out to be the right strategy. How long, though, will we succeed in our rescues before there are more casualties?

114/12/08 22:00... 40 militants, 4 slavers, 2 hounds, 38 former slaves (My apologies on not recording the pilot name on this rescue. There was too much going on and no time to concern myself with that detail.)
Jaso Lopez 13 people
Life Time 10 former Elite Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#662 - 2012-12-10 01:34:49 UTC
Adjustments need to be made in our rescue procedures to insure detailed reporting. Under the old system, owners of the death cans were listed under the aggression timer countdown. This is no longer the case. When complicated operations such as the second rescue listed are performed, I have failed to record the pilot's name until it was too late.

The first rescue involved two death cans both dumped by the same pilot. The first to be rescued were the 17. They were quickly returned to the temp center. 15 minutes later the second group was rescued. Since they are legal passengers, we crossed into State territory and I brought them to our Center there. We are unsure if they will remain there or go elsewhere.

The second rescue was another transfer procedure. We arrive in the DSS Gratitude and immediately discovered that we lacked cargo space to rescue the whole group. We decided to put the whol;e group in a fresh can to secure added time and breatable air for them. We quickly made a crew transfer back at the station to the larger and nimble Mayflower then went back and rescued the whole group.

For the time being, I am suspending all weapon confiscations in any areas where there is active traffic. It simply is not worth the risk of human or material resources. There were multiple weapon cargoes that could have been confiscated, but the people are what matters when high risk is involved.

Thank you to my crew who kept calmer than I did during these operations.

114/12/09 19:44 Raynar2 17 people, 20 freed slaves
114/12/09 23:59 287 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#663 - 2012-12-10 23:34:09 UTC
A group of militants identified as a boarding party was abandoned near a station. We rescued them. Militants are often quite silent about the particulars of who they are and where they are from. We rescue them and they most often are taken to our Yulai center. They are a strange sort.

It has been a quiet day patrol-wise after a very active day yesterday. I need to find time to continue the development of supply production facilities for our centers. Perhaps a few minutes while crews break for supper...

114/12/10 23:23 10 Militants rescued from blue can

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#664 - 2012-12-11 14:13:53 UTC
Ethnocentric Hatred is one of the most troubling "viral agents" in our cluster.

There are many people whom I consider to be good people on the level from all the races. However, press the right button and one is surprised at the amount of latent ethnocentric hatred lurking underneath the surface. History, the way it is written, tends to generalize the nations and their ethnic components narrow summarizing statements that often become fixed in the DNA of self-perception. Those, then, who do not fit that mold become outcasts. Why? It is probably because they are perceived as a threat to the ethnocentric angst that fuels and perpetuates our ongoing wars and endeavors to assert dominance. Heaven forbid that we should let our guard down for a moment lest we lose the dogmatism that sustains war.

Let me use myself as an example. I am Achuran but I do not act that way; i.e. the way that historical summary says I should be and act. As such, I am an outcast within my own community and in the State as a whole. I consider myself to be a loyal citizen working for the good of my nation and people, but in my own way. However, most consider me fringe. I am not the acceptable vessel of emotional reserve that Achurans are supposed to be. I also do not embrace war for the State. Am I a traitor? A man without honor? Some might say so.

This isn't to say that there are not genuine turncoats, double agents and those who intentionally set out to harm their own people. It is to say that Ethnocentric Hatred stands in the way of peace. Ultimately, we are all branches of the same root. There is a community that I believe best exemplifies how to overcome ethnic hatred. I have noted it in observing our Center in Khanid Prime. People of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds who have shared the suffering and oppression of slavery tend to view each other more as brothers and sisters than as "the other." Amarrian political dissidents, Ni-Kunni, Matari, Achura, Khanid, Civire, etc. all having suffered a similar oppression look at each other in their new found deliverance and do not see what divides them but more what they shared that helped them endure.

We thought that the infrastructure challenge in setting up the Khanid Center would be to build separate communities to keep the peace. We were wrong. While the separate ethnicities and races have a love and longing for their individual homes, they have no animosity toward their fellow rescued slaves. Hmm? Perhaps what this cluster needs more than anything else is shared suffering. Perish the thought? I'm not sure

Wall of Shame:

114/12/11 13:44 Leona Law 20 Militants, 10 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#665 - 2012-12-12 13:51:51 UTC
More at ease but not at ease. There is a tension as we get more accustomed to the new "retribution" regulation set forth by Concord. We have discovered a cautiousness in high security, highly patrolled areas of space. As a result, we have seen little in the way of increased violent activity. Recues continue. Our temp center is currently beyond maximum capacity and we are preparing to transfer to Dresi. The staff is in need of a break, no doubt.

Concord has a perverted view of justice, law, and order. To define, as they have, the capsuleer role as retributive, is to devolve society to a primitive level. On the bright side, the free-for-all that we aticipated has not taken place; at least not yet. Our work has gone relatively unhindered albiet more stressful. Will it continue this way? Well, that is the question.

I will need to lighten my patrol schedule soon, to visit production facilities and give instruction to construction supervisors regarding upgrades and production schematics.

Thanks to some timely advice and suggestions, I will be continuing training to improve safety in our rescue vessels. We cannot achieve invulnerability, but we can take positive steps toward making our work safer both for crews and for those we rescue.

Wall of Shame

114/12/11 23:22 Wolf2012 10 people
114/12/12 13:33 Trucker 43498 17 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#666 - 2012-12-13 21:19:54 UTC
The sound of exhalation. Our temp center gets a short break now until the next rescue. Two trips to Dresi in the Mayflower brought 875 and 597 from our temp center to Dresi 1/5 facility. I am also reporting these three rescues. The third rescue was from two separate deth cans within transport range of each other. Aboard the Generosity, there was room for all but 6 of the freed slaves. From the condition of those we rescued, my gut said that there was not time for the counter to expire before returning to rescue the 6. So, I took a patrol frigate back and quickly recovered the 6. There was no incident and no attempted targetting.

We do not tire of the special feeling when a single person is rescued. The middle rescue was such an occassion. The whole crew commits to the safety of that one. It is an amazing expression of the dignity of a single human life. To see it and to experience it is good medicine against the hopelessness of the wholesale death that is common fare.

It is...humbling

Wall of Shame:

114/12/12 18:37 Gloorin 27 people
114/12/12 22:24 matt dillinger 1 person
114/12/13 13:17 Amduana, 10 former slaves, 42 freed slaves, 6 freed slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#667 - 2012-12-14 19:41:18 UTC
Some say that universal peace is not possible to achieve. Certainly that is the case if we persist with that attitude. "Since peace cannot be acheived, why not join the violence?" Not everyone expresses the attitude that way, but it is definitely played out in our cluster among the players we call "capsuleers." I believe that universal peace is the only logical way of survival. Violence as an evolutionary principle is itself a vestige. It must be "evolved out of" so to speak. We must see that survival is no longer predicated upon violent hostility but upon mutual peace and brotherhood.

Steps... Let us eliminate individual hostility. War has its root in the collective of individually hostile people. If the capsuleers want to show what evolved beings we are, let us show it. Peaceble people create peace. Pick some...any... persistant hostility that you feel. Choose to put it to rest. Step one is taken.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/14 00:06 Emelora 20 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#668 - 2012-12-14 22:38:42 UTC
What's in a number? The number ten is a common number in our work. Without exhaustive research, I would say that the number ten represents the most common number of people rescued at any given time from a death can. Three numbers of immediate concern for me would be 68 slavers on the way to the Yulai detention center, and 48 freed slaves that just arrived in Sirppala at our repatriation center there. We now have a fine staff of 88 technicians, service workers, counselors, educators, physicians, etc awaiting the arrival of the first Caldari Matriculants. We anticipate that the first group will be 125 Achuran monks who were enslaved while trying to establish monasteries in Khanid territory. These are just a few of the numbers of today.

I conclude this just as I arrive in Yulai where the 68 rescued slavers will begin their new lives at our center in Yulai.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/14 20:33 Hephasistos DREAMER 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#669 - 2012-12-15 21:36:41 UTC
Water: 5,114,800 liters delivered to Dresi II Center

To spend effort and resources on the nurture and care of others is what makes us who we are.

We understand what moves an individual to save lives, care for others, provide for others; but we cannot fully grasp the motivation to destroy life. What sickness, what putrid evil, what perversion of soul moves a person to so despise life that they would mindlessly destroy it?

How does one counter such evil? I do not have the full answers to this, but I would say that the best anyone can do at any moment is to give themselves to others in unselfishness. Care for those around you and give what is good to them. Overcome evil with good.

Wall of Shame:
114/12/15 18:41 Teirei Akero 10 people
114/12/15 20:04 Sydaphex 10 former Elite Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#670 - 2012-12-16 13:26:08 UTC
After the last rescue yesterday, my crew and I threw a waffle party for the children in the temp center. Since we are relatively few in number, we thought it a good time to hold this labor-intensive meal. A waffle is made by pouring flour based batter into a heated iron with square indents and raised portions. The resulting cake is crispy on the outside and tender inside. They are served with fruit or sweetened syrup. It was a curious experience for all of the children who had never had such a treat. Parents and adults also enjoyed the festivity. Songs were heard afterward. Some of the music was bright and happy, but much of it was wistful and weighty.

The rescue below invovled both the DSS Generosity and the DSS Mayflower. The 94 refused to board the Generosity unless all could go at once. We left with the 2 slavers and immediately returned with the Mayflower for the rest. In spite of an active aggression timer, no attack occurred and all were returned safe and sound. They were part of the waffle party later on.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/16 00:31 Kazak Nalelmir 2 slavers, 94 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#671 - 2012-12-16 22:09:23 UTC
This was another rescue that required first the DSS Gratitude and then the Mayflower. Upon the second rescue there was an attempted targeting of the Mayflower, but she slipped away be for a target lock could be achieved. The temp center is bustling again.

A recent exchange has reminded me how violence has become so much a part of the core of capsuleer thinking. For some it is part of the DNA of self-concept. For those individuals, there seems little hope that peace will ever be a part of their thinking. It is a shame that there are not more who possess enough self-control to break free of the societal expectations that they accept violence as the norm. It is a shame that more do not use their imaginations to conjure peace rather than new ways of perverted violence. It is a shame that the angst of life doesn't drive more to acts of mercy rather than acts of destruction.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/16 14:04 unnax 46 people
Lawless Billy 350 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#672 - 2012-12-17 13:53:47 UTC
Today's first patrol was completed a short time ago with a rescue of 19 former slaves, 3 slavers and 6 hounds. Yesterday's last rescue once again had to be conducted with the Mayflower. DSTON is glad to have access to excellent equipment and fine functioning rescue ships. We are also hoping to add vessels in the future that will have the capability of remaining in patrol areas for greater periods of time even if targetted. There are times when multiple death cans need to be scanned and multiple rescues performed. Planning is now underway to determine the best ships and fittings for this work. The piloting knowledge is not yet in place but is in process.

I feel the need, at the risk of repetition and redundancy, to keep focussing on the need to govern our imaginations so that they produce good motivations and actions as opposed to the evil that is so prevalent. Killing does not make you a man nor does it make you a lady. Wars do not produce great warriors. The role of a great warrior is to bring wars to an end with the least amount of violence possible. The greatest warriors hate killing even more than a pacifist such as myself.

Blood guilt begins in the heart where we lose the shame that should be attached to even the thought of killing. Violent imaginations should be starved until they fade away and die. Gentle, merciful, kind, and just imaginations should be fed until they are strong enough to seep into reality and generate good for all. Capsuleers and capsuleer technology could be honed for peace, could be honed for doing good, could be honed for showing mercy.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/16 23:16 Keops Rha 76 people
114/12/17 13:32 George Jenkins 3 slavers, 6 hounds, 19 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#673 - 2012-12-17 21:09:42 UTC
Dr. Nalthkh insisted that I train for and begin to pilot a blockade runner for use in our rescue work. I now understand both the logic and wisdom in that directive. Today, the Mayflower did exactly what she was designed and fitted to do; successfully rescue people from multiple death cans and escape after being targetted and attacked. The First rescue below was routine and the DSS Gratitude was sufficient to the task. The second rescue involved two cans and numbers exceeding the Gratitude's capacity. My crew and I went back for the Mayflower. We had marked a position between and in range of both cans because there were about a dozen war vessels camping in the location. I imagine that they had already noted our presence and the bounty and would be ready should we return. We were able to make full rescues from both cans but were targetted and began to take fire. Our shields took 19% damage before we escaped into State Space. Having cloak enabled us to make it to station undetected and wait out the timers. We then returned to the temp center. The combination of the Gratitude for patrol and most rescues along with the Mayflower for larger rescues seems to be working for the time being.

It has been an active rescue season the last few days and we are already almost at capacity again in the temp center.

I wonder of the Brutor pilot that fired on us knew that we were rescuing some of his brothers and sisters. I am glad that we were able to escape his bloodlust.

Wall of Shame:

114/12/17 19:06 Maksim Oleshevich 25 former slaves, 7 hounds, 2 slavers
114.12.17 20:24 Mork Grok 68 former slaves, 10 former Elite Slaves
gjordklomp 79 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#674 - 2012-12-18 14:06:32 UTC
We barely escaped, but we escaped. This is the first time we have had to activate ECM's and they saved the lives of my crew and the lives of the 50 we rescued. We were targetted quickly and began receiving damage before we could lock the attacker. We were webbed and scrambled. Once the attacker was locked, we activated all four modules, broke lock and were able to warp out. By then, shields were gone and we were in armor. But, the modules worked as designed and we made it.

I would like to thank all those who advised and counseled us to begin using ECM as peaceful, life-saving tools. We also thank the person who provided the fully fit blackbird. Lives saved, salute you!

Wall of Shame:
114.12.17 22:42 Teirei Akero 5 slavers, 10 former slaves
114.12.17 23:44 Kila Dunlavy 50 people
114.12.18 13:55 888 Mr 50 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#675 - 2012-12-19 22:17:31 UTC
It smelled like a trap, so I made the decision to balance risk with the safety of my crew. 4 cans were in the area; the first was quickly evacuated and 43 people were retuned safely to the center. 15 minutes later another 49 together with three hounds were safely evacuated. In the mean time the thrid can was scanned and there were two slavers aboard (not to be confused with yesterday's rescue listed below) When we returned the third time, that can was gone as was the fourth can. I think perhaps it was a combination of trap set and genuine death cans. Target lock was attempted on us, but unsuccessfully.

Another story: Yesterday a sole can with 2 slavers aboard was scanned and the slavers rescued. "We are not illegal passengers, why were we left?" I asked them if they were on their way to the state to trade slaves illegally. Silence! I asked what happenedto the slaves they were transporting. Silence!

Soon we will need to transfer our temp center residents to Dresi. There have been many rescues recently.

Wall of Shame:

114.12.18 14:46 Harmon Solette 2 slavers
114.12.19 21:12 Dragomir Arji 43 people
vellean 3 hounds, 49 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#676 - 2012-12-20 13:59:11 UTC
I probably have as much right by experience to be as cynical as anyone. But, I chose not to be. The advantage in choosing a non-violent lifestyle is that I need not be combatively defensive at all times. Two recent experiences have shown me that in the ideal balance between caution and optimism, this capsuleer community is tipped toward caution even cynicism.

I believe there is hope that Sansha abductees might recover and live their lives again. I chose to believe that a fellow pilot can change her heart and move in a different direction. Idealistically naive? Probably yes. I choose to ere on that side and I hold that it is reasonable to do so. Scientific advancement is an example. Every generation has its nay-sayers who shake their heads, "It can't be done, it can't be done." The next generation "does it." There are those who say, "He'll never change. She'll never change." Then, the person changes.

I shall put on the scale of happiness and satisfaction two people: the cynic who is "always right" and the naive idealist who is "often wrong." Many may disagree, but I think the later has a better life.

Wall of Shame:

114.12.20 02:02 Ohno no Borrox 10 people
114.12.20 02:21 Fine Rip 14 people
114.12.20 11:39 Alex Doshu 3 slavers, 13 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#677 - 2012-12-20 15:35:33 UTC
How long is 15 minutes? No, I am not trying to trap you in a tautological circle. I am talking about how the passage of time feels. Today, we had room for 61 of 65 people in a death can. "Four will have to stay behind. We will return in 15 minutes to get you. There is a risk the can will be destroyed or someone else may pick you up." Two brave women and two brave men volunteered. It turns out that they are brothers and sisters, all Sebiestor. How do you think the 15 minutes passed for them?

I don't know what these four will do eventually now that they are rescued, but I would love if they went to work for DSTON. These are gutsy people.

Wall of Shame:

114.12.20 13:45/14:01 Apoccolipse 61 people and 4 very brave preople

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#678 - 2012-12-21 01:52:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
The Middle rescue happened within the first minute of this day. As part of my official log, it sort of stands as symbol to those rescue of the new beginning they are making. This is a second chance.

I have also noted an increase of traps being set in our patrol areas. The first rescue was one of two death cans. The other can was labelled "free stuff." Its only free if it is blue. We recued the first group, brought them back and immediately headed back out in the Mayflower so we could sit in cloak and watch the patrol area. I wanted to see if the bate would be removed. It was. I am saddened by the fact that people were used to create a violent trap. I hope that on another day perhaps we can help those people. My crew has been teaching me more effective piloting techniques that have resulted in very efficient rescue operations the last few days. Thank you, crew.

Good news: Dr. Nalthkh will soon be able to help with our planetary production facilities. Water production is well past surplus. Food and other material is on the way in that direction.

Wall of Shame:

114.12.20 (edit: time entere incorrectly) Resartus 7 people
114.12.21 00:00 Vritia 16 people
114.12.21 01:36 Pillager Gauntlets 12 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#679 - 2012-12-21 19:29:29 UTC
Contemplating your death as you float helplessly in a jet can is not a routine experience. To be rescued from that situation is also not a routine experience. We my crew and I meet together before patrols I tell them that nothing that we do is routine. Our focus is to step into what would otherwise be death and bring another chance for life. That is not routine. It may not always be exciting and it is sometimes dangerous, but to us it is worthwhile.

The work continues.

Wall of Shame:

114.12.21 17:03 Kosmo Traild 24 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Just Keep Hanging On
#680 - 2012-12-22 05:13:35 UTC
The normal routes have been clear when i have been able to check, but today I found a can. Upon further investigation, it had 33 abandoned people in it. There were a couple of other ships fairly close by who were doing nothing to save these poor people from a lingering death. Suspecting a trap, a quick transfer was made. It was a bit rough on some, but all were gotten safely. Unfortunately, I did not have time to note who had abandoned them and they did not know the name of the ship or pilot who put them there.

So, I have no name for the wall of shame, but 33 people are now free.