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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Frood Frooster
EVE University
Ivy League
#1961 - 2013-09-26 18:42:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Frood Frooster
Bad idea. Bad CCP. Next time think more please before doing so or contact the CSM which exists for exactly that reason.

Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#1962 - 2013-09-26 18:43:02 UTC
I have nothing bad to say about Somer Blink. However, this is ****ing terrible precedent for CCP, regardless of claims that favoratism is out the door. Either do the lotto through a CCP-devised scheme or don't do it at all.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Cynosural Field Theory.
#1963 - 2013-09-26 18:48:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Niraia
GrammarNazi wrote:
...I thought I'd give a few basic answers to explain (and in a few areas, reiterate) where we at Blink stand on the issue.

1. My favourite fansite didn't get anything to give away. Why you, and not them?

This is a hot point of contention, and I can understand why. Favoritism is not something anyone wants in Eve, and I'm absolutely certain that CCP Navigator is aware of the company's policy in that area. "Why Blink?" is certainly a valid question, and to be honest, I can only speculate. I would like to believe that it is because we have dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present. It may be because we reach a certain critical mass of players that is optimal for CCP to test third party event partnership. There's likely other criteria that I can't begin to guess.

What is important to remember is that CCP has not stated that this is a one-off with Blink. As far as I am aware, if they are pleased with the outcome of this event, then there is the opportunity that CCP will conduct more of these events with other organizations. Other sites such as Eve Bet and EOM, or independents like Chribba or Darknesss, would certainly deserve it. However, I don't work for CCP, so this is all speculation on my part.

Do you think that other services haven't "dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present"? Those services and independents might be inclined to take offense.

I don't think that you should be attempting to answer this question. It will only be perceived as damage control, or at worst, smugness.

CCP should answer.

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#1964 - 2013-09-26 18:55:11 UTC
GrammarNazi wrote:
If there is a way we can improve on our service, please mail myself, Andrev Nox, Somerset Mahm, or Sylvie Blinkhelper, and we'll do our best to address concerns. If you're concerned with the way CCP is planning events, please contact their support staff; I'm sure they would love to hear feedback on this test. To the people who do decide to play; best of luck. Smile
Please talk to CCP tell them that you do not want Gold Magnates or GV's as handing out such ships will ruin the history/lore/legacy surrounding them, and instead ask for a ship with a new hull/texture that would more suit creating a new line of history when being used through you.


PS. Wanted to make a deeper comment on the 'quadrillion' statement but feel I shouldn't as it will lead nowhere and we both know that numbers can be presented in the way to make it look better than they are Ugh

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Darth Khasei
Wavestar Business Ventures Inc.
#1965 - 2013-09-26 18:57:40 UTC
Respect. Cool

CCP this idea is not good on many levels.

Please re-think this and come up with new different ships so you don't completely destroy the market for those rare one off ships.

Please don't keep doing stupid things. Stupid things generally center around not consulting the players on special things like this first.Roll
Caldari State
#1966 - 2013-09-26 19:06:39 UTC
Andrev Nox wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Pull Chribba Dice support in protest.

Do you feel any hypocrisy posting that 32 minutes after you claimed your free gift on our site?

Just curious if you'd prefer to withdraw your use of our gifts in protest :)

this is soo wrong. some douchebag having access to our account informations on a 3rd-party site using it to argue on the official forums and using it to influence a discussion. so wrong.
Bastard Children of Poinen
#1967 - 2013-09-26 19:14:42 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:

Q4, So you said earlier that SOMER Blink are trusted. Does that mean CCP is promising they will always deliver?

A4, Not at all. What I am saying is that to date they have been 100% trustful and we expect that will continue. Can I promise that Somerset Mahm will not shut up shop some day and go live in Polaris with piles of ISK? Nope, a scam can happen at any time and if that does, we will react accordingly and review how we support others in future.

CCP Navigator, by posting this CCP (With you as their official rep) is endorsing a player corporation, something your own EULA says you won't do.

What's the deal?
Telepathic Death Mimes
#1968 - 2013-09-26 19:20:06 UTC
Gospadin wrote:
CCP Navigator wrote:

Q4, So you said earlier that SOMER Blink are trusted. Does that mean CCP is promising they will always deliver?

A4, Not at all. What I am saying is that to date they have been 100% trustful and we expect that will continue. Can I promise that Somerset Mahm will not shut up shop some day and go live in Polaris with piles of ISK? Nope, a scam can happen at any time and if that does, we will react accordingly and review how we support others in future.

CCP Navigator, by posting this CCP (With you as their official rep) is endorsing a player corporation, something your own EULA says you won't do.

What's the deal?
CCP CCP'in. Oops

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#1969 - 2013-09-26 19:28:43 UTC
We have a new comment on this from CCP Navigator. You can read it here.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Kirren D'marr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1970 - 2013-09-26 19:30:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirren D'marr
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
The CSM was not consulted about this lottery, and if we had been, we would have had concerns similar to those raised by many in this thread.

We hope to arrange a meeting with the relevant CCP staff members to discuss the matter in the near future, and will keep the community as informed as possible.

CCP, with this one announcement you have validated the fears of every player who has believed the CSM to be pointless and powerless. The CSM was established in order to create transparency and restore player trust in CCP after previous scandals involving CCP employees showing favoritism to players and in-game entities.

By proceeding with a decision with such obvious potential for a similar scandal and accusations of blatant favoritism without even consulting the CSM, you have essentially created t20 ver 2.0. Frankly, the only chance you have to restore credibility at this point is to immediately reverse this decision and claim it as a lapse in judgement.

However, I fear that even doing this would be insufficient, as the damage is likely already done. CCP has again shown clear favoritism to a single third pary site and in-game entity, and the one regulation on CCP's integrity, the CSM, has been bypassed entirely, destroying player trust in the effectiveness of this organization and the transparency of CCP-player interactions.

The only difference between this event and previous scandals is that this time, instead of resulting from the actions of rogue CCP employees, this favoritism is officially and publicly endorsed by the company. This makes the situation even worse than any before it, as the favoritism now has a stamp of approval, indicating that it is now standard procedure and official policy for CCP to favor some players/organizations over others.

Good luck restoring trust after this one!

Why a switch on/off? Because the new animation doesn't add anything to gameplay and it's graphically annoying. In other words, it's worse than bad: it's useless. Simple as that.     _ - Kina Ayami_

Seismic Stan
Freebooted Junkworks
#1971 - 2013-09-26 19:35:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Seismic Stan
I sincerely hope that a CCP representative will address this issue in the near future and show something approaching an understanding that has thus far been apparently lacking.

I'm concerned that the processes that led to making this decision are indicative of a regression to the kind of CCP culture that has caused problems in the past.

Sidestepping the CSM, trampling player and game history then a CCP spokesman (in this case CCP Navigator) releasing a wobbly statement claiming that everything is working as intended all seems hauntingly familiar.

I'm aware that there has been a bit of a shake-up with senior personnel of late, meaning new executives, new ideas and so forth, but I suspect some of them may need some orientation before they make any more decisions that indicate they do not understand their customers or their product.

I'm worried that the CCP brain has become detached from the body.


[Edit: Hopefully, my hopes have been addressed in a timely announcement which I'm off to read now... ]
Quay Industries
#1972 - 2013-09-26 19:39:40 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
We have a new comment on this from CCP Navigator. You can read it here.

the changes dont go far enough, no profit making 3rd party should be able to generate more income from gifts given by CCP. In a nut shell, CCP are still giving SOMER Blink ISK, thats way out of line imo.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1973 - 2013-09-26 19:39:43 UTC
Abernie wrote:
There is literally zero way for us to know whether and/or how much of somerblink is a scam or not. No amount of "We wouldn't do that. Why would we. Just trust us." is going to change that. And not many people are assuming you will just go "lol we're not giving away these ships and will keep them in our hangars". Just completely/heavily rigging the lottery on the other hand...

And as I said, if you think we would do this, don't play. Simple as that.

Xaen wrote:

You have such a ridiculous conflict of interest that you should not be talking.

Just trying to clarify a few things that people were angry about..

Niraia wrote:
Do you think that other services haven't "dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present"? Those services and independents might be inclined to take offense.

I think this is a case of putting words in my mouth. Nowhere did I say, or imply, that other parties do not deal fairly with CCP or their customers. If I did give this impression, then I apologize to whomever took offense.

Chribba wrote:
Please talk to CCP tell them that you do not want Gold Magnates or GV's as handing out such ships will ruin the history/lore/legacy surrounding them, and instead ask for a ship with a new hull/texture that would more suit creating a new line of history when being used through you.

At the time you posted this, CCP Navigator was speaking to Somer and discussing that the prizes might change. Since nothing was final, and since I certainly do not control CCP Navigator, I could not comment on that at the time.

Hope that clears a few things up. Thanks to Navigator for the clarification.
Quay Industries
#1974 - 2013-09-26 19:43:56 UTC
GrammarNazi wrote:
Abernie wrote:
There is literally zero way for us to know whether and/or how much of somerblink is a scam or not. No amount of "We wouldn't do that. Why would we. Just trust us." is going to change that. And not many people are assuming you will just go "lol we're not giving away these ships and will keep them in our hangars". Just completely/heavily rigging the lottery on the other hand...

And as I said, if you think we would do this, don't play. Simple as that.

Xaen wrote:

You have such a ridiculous conflict of interest that you should not be talking.

Just trying to clarify a few things that people were angry about..

Niraia wrote:
Do you think that other services haven't "dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present"? Those services and independents might be inclined to take offense.

I think this is a case of putting words in my mouth. Nowhere did I say, or imply, that other parties do not deal fairly with CCP or their customers. If I did give this impression, then I apologize to whomever took offense.

Chribba wrote:
Please talk to CCP tell them that you do not want Gold Magnates or GV's as handing out such ships will ruin the history/lore/legacy surrounding them, and instead ask for a ship with a new hull/texture that would more suit creating a new line of history when being used through you.

At the time you posted this, CCP Navigator was speaking to Somer and discussing that the prizes might change. Since nothing was final, and since I certainly do not control CCP Navigator, I could not comment on that at the time.

Hope that clears a few things up. Thanks to Navigator for the clarification.

which part of 'CCP should NOT give any 3rd party FREE ISK' do you not understand?
Thoroughly Incompetent
#1975 - 2013-09-26 19:45:54 UTC
GrammarNazi wrote:
Abernie wrote:
There is literally zero way for us to know whether and/or how much of somerblink is a scam or not. No amount of "We wouldn't do that. Why would we. Just trust us." is going to change that. And not many people are assuming you will just go "lol we're not giving away these ships and will keep them in our hangars". Just completely/heavily rigging the lottery on the other hand...

And as I said, if you think we would do this, don't play. Simple as that.

I don't give a rats ass if I win or not.
What I care about is the fact that CCP is giving you unique ships that you can give to who ever you want to and directing players to your site to give you ISK. Just stop.
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#1976 - 2013-09-26 19:53:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
Confirming my Somer Blink account got banned when i never bothered to read the rules of a 3rd party website not affiliated with CCP and tried to promo blink with 2 accounts not knowing this was not permitted Big smile

I pay my subscription to CCP just like everybody else - Why am I therefore being marginalised and excluded from being able to participate in this "community event" facilitated by CCP ?

The underlying principles here are exactly the same as why CCP Falcon decided to withdraw from several player run channels recently to create their own, given that player moderation / actions were potentially preventing all players from having free and unilateral access to CCP related content.

My Somer Account is blocked - I pay my eve subscription, yet I cannot take part in this event despite me abiding by and adhering to the terms and conditions as layed out by the EULA..

Unless everybody has access to participate in this lottery, then by its own actions, choices and decisions CCP are marginalising and excluding members of their own community since clearly there will be players who cannot take part in this even if they wanted to.

Utterly dreadful decision making, clear favouritism, and by default, not fair to the "whole" community.


Concord Approved Trader

Bob FromMarketing
Space Marketing Department
#1977 - 2013-09-26 20:01:11 UTC
I despise that I have to open a third party website to have a shot of winning a frigate before being tempted to sell it back to SOMER as part of SOMER's overinflation of the rare-hull market, something which very often benifits them and only them.

Why are we not able to participate as PAYING SUBSCRIBERS, without having to take part in any third party lottery.
Telepathic Death Mimes
#1978 - 2013-09-26 20:07:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Xaen
Boom Boom Longtime wrote:
Confirming my Somer Blink account got banned when i never bothered to read the rules of a 3rd party website not affiliated with CCP and tried to promo blink with 2 accounts not knowing this was not permitted Big smile

I pay my subscription to CCP just like everybody else - Why am I therefore being marginalised and excluded from being able to participate in this "community event" facilitated by CCP ?

The underlying principles here are exactly the same as why CCP Falcon decided to withdraw from several player run channels recently to create their own, given that player moderation was potentially preventing all players from having free and unilateral access to CCP related content.

My Somer Account is blocked - I pay my eve subscription, yet I cannot take part in this event despite me abiding by the terms and conditions as layed out by the EULA..

Unless everybody has access to participate in this lottery, then by its own actions, choices and decisions CCP are marginalising and excluding members of their own community since clearly there will be players who cannot take part in this even if they wanted to.

Utterly dreadful decision making, clear favouritism, and by default, not fair to the "whole" community.


I am also excluded because I am not and never have been a SomerSucker™.

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Kira Corlum
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1979 - 2013-09-26 20:09:37 UTC
also how is it that you are allowing someone to profit so much from this? it isn't that every account get a "ticket" it is more you play and win the more chances you have to win......

not so balanced.....
Bob FromMarketing
Space Marketing Department
#1980 - 2013-09-26 20:11:38 UTC