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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Igor Nappi
#1941 - 2013-09-26 17:52:45 UTC
It's hardly a question of what is handed out, it's a question of the principle that a group of players is being blatantly favoured and handed free stuff. If CCP gave out ordinary Vexors and Magnates it would still be an issue.

Furthermore, I think that links must be removed from the game.

Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#1942 - 2013-09-26 17:54:37 UTC
Un f-ing believeable. The only way I could support this would be if it was a random drawing done by CCP, and even then it really shouldn't be done. To give these items to a 3rd party to distribute is an absurd idea given things that have happened in the past that resulted in monuments being shot.
Tyrrax Thorrk
Guiding Hand Social Club
#1943 - 2013-09-26 17:56:00 UTC
CCP was quite clear that there wouldn't be any more Gold Magnates, Silver Magnates, impocs, imparmas, state ravens, tribal tempests, and the rest of the newer tourney frigs and cruisers (adrestia, etana, utu etc)

Ships I'm not sure whether they said there wouldn't be more of; Guardian Vexor, Federate Issue Megathron, Opux Luxury Yacht..
(releasing more does kinda suck for the collectors who already have one or more, and releasing more via a lottery is moronic)
Ships I know for a fact they've never promised to limit the number of, quite the opposite; Ishukone Scorpion, Gnosis, Quafe haulers..
Dex Slim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1944 - 2013-09-26 17:58:02 UTC
I don’t care if you want to re-release old ships, but you have opened Pandoras box by giving them to a player corporation. It reeks of favoritism.

CCP Navigator wrote:
SOMER Blink have a history of being trustworthy and honoring every blink played without exception. With that level of trust we were looking at ways of expanding on that good will and allowing players to play for some very unique prizes in that trusted environment.

What good will are we talking about? SOMER Blink is not a non-profit organization, SOMER is like any other business - it is profit driven. Everything the corporation does is towards profit maximization.

CCP Navigator wrote:
We thought hard about how we could reintroduce the model back in, still in a super limited basis, and a lottery seemed the fairest way to do this. With SOMER Blink anyone who plays a single blink (even a free promo blink) will gain a ticket to the main Blink Blast so you have a chance to win. Clearly, the more you play the more chances you have to win the blast.

Fairest for whom I might ask? Why is SOMER different from any other corporations out there? Is it fair towards other corporations providing similar 3rd party services that SOMER is now raking in billions, maybe trillions, of ISK? Is it fair towards the average EVE player? CCP introduces hyper rare ships and the only way to have a chance to get them is to pay for a 3rd party service driven by a player corporation. These new “special prizes” at SOMER will then lure thousands of new players to become customers. The gamblers will then have to pay for ordinary blinks just to get one ticket for the big prizes, which in turn will result in an insane demand for blinks. CCP is not only directly giving invaluable ships to SOMER, but is also indirectly pouring billions of ISK over them. I want hyper-rare ships and a couple of trillions for free as well, what can I do to collect?

CCP Navigator wrote:
SOMER Blink have been one of the most philanthropic groups in EVE.

I am pretty sure you are confusing philanthropy with marketing.
Telepathic Death Mimes
#1945 - 2013-09-26 18:01:59 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
SOMER Blink have a history of being trustworthy and honoring every blink played without exception. With that level of trust we were looking at ways of expanding on that good will and allowing players to play for some very unique prizes in that trusted environment. More importantly, we are looking at ways in which we can grow bigger giveaways with more player participation with other Fansites in the future.

It has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with playing favorites and awarding Somer blink with massive material gains through exclusive access to new content. Why do they get to profit MASSIVELY from this and I don't? Or any other player...?

CCP Navigator wrote:
it actually removes content from the game and that is not always a good thing.
It was not removed. It was exploded. You want to rewrite history. Quit it, plz.

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Ariel Avery
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#1946 - 2013-09-26 18:02:11 UTC
t20 muchShocked
Mycool Jahksn
Amarr Empire
#1947 - 2013-09-26 18:04:34 UTC
This is great. All the people who think unique ships that got destroyed a decade ago should stay destroyed are just dumb.

It's crazy that it took this long for two more to appear.

My interests include but are not limited to throwing rocks at bee hives.

There are more stars in the universe than all of the grains of sand on earth.

Quay Industries
#1948 - 2013-09-26 18:08:12 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This is great. All the people who think unique ships that got destroyed a decade ago should stay destroyed are just dumb.

It's crazy that it took this long for two more to appear.

forget the point about what they are releasing, do you agree with how they are releasing it?
Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#1949 - 2013-09-26 18:09:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Terranid Meester
One of the worst ideas CCP has ever had. CCP not understanding eve yet again. Greed is good, right?

Do they let a bunch of monkeys with typewriters come up with some of stuff you people at
CCP write?

Certainly the gold magnate should never be released again.
Angry Mustellid
#1950 - 2013-09-26 18:10:05 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
This is great. All the people who think unique ships that got destroyed a decade ago should stay destroyed are just dumb.

It's crazy that it took this long for two more to appear.

In reply I leave you this.

Igor Nappi wrote:
It's hardly a question of what is handed out, it's a question of the principle that a group of players is being blatantly favoured and handed free stuff. If CCP gave out ordinary Vexors and Magnates it would still be an issue.

Think about it.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1951 - 2013-09-26 18:19:11 UTC
Hey, guys. It looks like there are quite a few people with... strong opinions on the prizes sponsored by CCP. Since Navigator was kind enough to try to explain things on CCP's end, I thought I'd give a few basic answers to explain (and in a few areas, reiterate) where we at Blink stand on the issue.

1. My favourite fansite didn't get anything to give away. Why you, and not them?

This is a hot point of contention, and I can understand why. Favoritism is not something anyone wants in Eve, and I'm absolutely certain that CCP Navigator is aware of the company's policy in that area. "Why Blink?" is certainly a valid question, and to be honest, I can only speculate. I would like to believe that it is because we have dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present. It may be because we reach a certain critical mass of players that is optimal for CCP to test third party event partnership. There's likely other criteria that I can't begin to guess.

What is important to remember is that CCP has not stated that this is a one-off with Blink. As far as I am aware, if they are pleased with the outcome of this event, then there is the opportunity that CCP will conduct more of these events with other organizations. Other sites such as Eve Bet and EOM, or independents like Chribba or Darknesss, would certainly deserve it. However, I don't work for CCP, so this is all speculation on my part.

2. Blink is a scam! How do we know they're not going to take all of the prizes?

Somer Blink has been operating in its current iteration since October 2010, and in that time, we've dealt with thousands of players, participated in a ton of draws, and we've seen over one quadrillion (that's sixteen zeros) isk pass through our business. Before that, Somerset Mahm was well known as a respected community member and forum lottery administrator. We handle a large amount of limited issue ships and modules, many of which are unique or tournament prizes, as a matter of course. Stealing two limited issue ships, as shiny as they might be, would provide nothing of value to us. They would never be able to be used or sold, and even if there weren't repercussions from CCP, there would be (understandably) from a customer base which relies upon our honesty and transparency. Any theft or dishonesty, no matter how small, would undermine our business model; it would be like breaking down an isk-printing machine to sell as scrap metal.

However, this is Eve, and if there's one thing the past has taught us, it's that capsuleers can be devious. Because of the nature of the game, we have always had the policy that we do not coerce anyone into playing. If you believe CCP is in error with respect to trusting us with this draw, or that we have dishonest intentions, or even if you just don't like us, we encourage you not to play. And as always, as with everything in Eve, do not Blink what you cannot afford to lose.

3. Blink makes money off of this! How can CCP give more to the rich people and not help the little guy?

As I mentioned above, we are a business. We do our best in our niche to accomodate our customers, and we do make a profit on most Blinks. A good deal of these profits go toward paying our employees - all of whom are responsible for the delivery of every single prize - and a significant amount goes towards promo Blinks, which are items we give away for odd tokens that have no real value. After that, a good deal of profits go towards sponsorships - Red versus Blue, the Syndicate Competitive League, and many live events, just to name a few. We generally don't go up and down the aisles telling people how many hundreds of billions of isk we've donated to other organizations that work to generate content in Eve, mainly because advertising is a nice side benefit to helping hardworking people achieve success. Also, because it would make us look rather conceited.

Regardless, whether you think we're good or bad, we can offer only one solution if you're unsatisfied with us - don't play. This is the old "vote with your wallet" bit offered to customers time immemorial. If you're a person who can't stand the though of us making a profit on a blink, consider your gilded invitation sent.

In closing, I understand that not everyone will be happy with this event, regardless of the outcome. If there is a way we can improve on our service, please mail myself, Andrev Nox, Somerset Mahm, or Sylvie Blinkhelper, and we'll do our best to address concerns. If you're concerned with the way CCP is planning events, please contact their support staff; I'm sure they would love to hear feedback on this test. To the people who do decide to play; best of luck. Smile
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#1952 - 2013-09-26 18:20:40 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
All the people who think unique ships that got destroyed a decade ago should stay destroyed are just dumb.

The permanent destruction of assets is kind of core to EVE and one of the main things that differentiates it from it's competitors.

It's perfectly reasonable for players that like the game to be concerned by a change in direction which could endanger the long term appeal and viability of the game. Or to be concerned when a publicity stunt that is supposed to positively promote the game on the day of an expansion announcment that is critical to the future prospects of the game turns into a entirely avoidable PR disaster due a string of fundamental errors.

Really, most of us just want CCP to stop self harming.
Quay Industries
#1953 - 2013-09-26 18:21:44 UTC
GrammarNazi wrote:
If there is a way we can improve on our service, please mail myself, Andrev Nox, Somerset Mahm, or Sylvie Blinkhelper, and we'll do our best to address concerns. If you're concerned with the way CCP is planning events, please contact their support staff; I'm sure they would love to hear feedback on this test. To the people who do decide to play; best of luck. Smile

you could give the prizes back to CCP and tell them to do their own lottery, that would be a start.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#1954 - 2013-09-26 18:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
So only people that waste their isk gambling will be able to win one of these...

Well that's ******.

Not to mention how it is being done.

I would love to be able to fly one of these ships but since I don't gamble I guess I will never be able to. Something is not right here...

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1955 - 2013-09-26 18:25:05 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
So only people that give lots of ISK to a private corporation will be able to win one of these...

Fixed that for you.


Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1956 - 2013-09-26 18:25:15 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Tyrozan
Blink, if you want to auction off unique ships, buy them yourself and auction them Profanity deleted. Forum rule 7. Use of profanity is prohibited. - ISD Tyrozan
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#1957 - 2013-09-26 18:25:26 UTC
I would love to fly one of these in combat but I will not "gamble" for something that should be earned by WINNING TH ALLIANCE TOURNAMENT!!

Stupid idea.
so many bad choices in the last few weeks...

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Malcolm Rennolds
Inquisition FiS Division
#1958 - 2013-09-26 18:28:17 UTC
I'm turning off renewal on my accounts, if I have the isk to play eve I'll keep playing. But this lottery of limited edition ships, in conjunction with other recent changes removes what makes eve unique to me.

My primary issue is the re-releasing of limited edition ships. This utterly destroys all the blather by announcers during Alliance Tournaments and reduces the coolness of seeing limited edition ship killmails. Before this idiotic lottery seeing a limited edition ship destroyed meant that you had watched something that was NEVER coming back turn into pixel-dust. Now it just means people have to wait till CCP decides to t20 the ship. Saying this is a one-time event doesn't cut it here, this is a bright line. Either limited edition ships are limited edition or they're not. If they're not than eve is one large step closer to being space WoW.

The secondary issue is that this is CCP selecting a fansite. It's one thing to give people free subscriptions for running cool fan sites or highlighting interesting things the community is doing. It's another to hand them ships worth hundreds of billions of isk, ships that should never exist again (Gold Magnate) and knife eve in the gut while doing so.
Telepathic Death Mimes
#1959 - 2013-09-26 18:33:43 UTC
GrammarNazi wrote:
Hey, guys. It looks like there are quite a few people with... strong opinions on the prizes sponsored by CCP. Since Navigator was kind enough to try to explain things on CCP's end, I thought I'd give a few basic answers to explain (and in a few areas, reiterate) where we at Blink stand on the issue.

1. My favourite fansite didn't get anything to give away. Why you, and not them?

This is a hot point of contention, and I can understand why. Favoritism is not something anyone wants in Eve, and I'm absolutely certain that CCP Navigator is aware of the company's policy in that area. "Why Blink?" is certainly a valid question, and to be honest, I can only speculate. I would like to believe that it is because we have dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present. It may be because we reach a certain critical mass of players that is optimal for CCP to test third party event partnership. There's likely other criteria that I can't begin to guess.

What is important to remember is that CCP has not stated that this is a one-off with Blink. As far as I am aware, if they are pleased with the outcome of this event, then there is the opportunity that CCP will conduct more of these events with other organizations. Other sites such as Eve Bet and EOM, or independents like Chribba or Darknesss, would certainly deserve it. However, I don't work for CCP, so this is all speculation on my part.

2. Blink is a scam! How do we know they're not going to take all of the prizes?

Somer Blink has been operating in its current iteration since October 2010, and in that time, we've dealt with thousands of players, participated in a ton of draws, and we've seen over one quadrillion (that's sixteen zeros) isk pass through our business. Before that, Somerset Mahm was well known as a respected community member and forum lottery administrator. We handle a large amount of limited issue ships and modules, many of which are unique or tournament prizes, as a matter of course. Stealing two limited issue ships, as shiny as they might be, would provide nothing of value to us. They would never be able to be used or sold, and even if there weren't repercussions from CCP, there would be (understandably) from a customer base which relies upon our honesty and transparency. Any theft or dishonesty, no matter how small, would undermine our business model; it would be like breaking down an isk-printing machine to sell as scrap metal.

However, this is Eve, and if there's one thing the past has taught us, it's that capsuleers can be devious. Because of the nature of the game, we have always had the policy that we do not coerce anyone into playing. If you believe CCP is in error with respect to trusting us with this draw, or that we have dishonest intentions, or even if you just don't like us, we encourage you not to play. And as always, as with everything in Eve, do not Blink what you cannot afford to lose.

3. Blink makes money off of this! How can CCP give more to the rich people and not help the little guy?

As I mentioned above, we are a business. We do our best in our niche to accomodate our customers, and we do make a profit on most Blinks. A good deal of these profits go toward paying our employees - all of whom are responsible for the delivery of every single prize - and a significant amount goes towards promo Blinks, which are items we give away for odd tokens that have no real value. After that, a good deal of profits go towards sponsorships - Red versus Blue, the Syndicate Competitive League, and many live events, just to name a few. We generally don't go up and down the aisles telling people how many hundreds of billions of isk we've donated to other organizations that work to generate content in Eve, mainly because advertising is a nice side benefit to helping hardworking people achieve success. Also, because it would make us look rather conceited.

Regardless, whether you think we're good or bad, we can offer only one solution if you're unsatisfied with us - don't play. This is the old "vote with your wallet" bit offered to customers time immemorial. If you're a person who can't stand the though of us making a profit on a blink, consider your gilded invitation sent.

In closing, I understand that not everyone will be happy with this event, regardless of the outcome. If there is a way we can improve on our service, please mail myself, Andrev Nox, Somerset Mahm, or Sylvie Blinkhelper, and we'll do our best to address concerns. If you're concerned with the way CCP is planning events, please contact their support staff; I'm sure they would love to hear feedback on this test. To the people who do decide to play; best of luck. Smile

You have such a ridiculous conflict of interest that you should not be talking.

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Thoroughly Incompetent
#1960 - 2013-09-26 18:41:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Abernie
GrammarNazi wrote:
Hey, guys. It looks like there are quite a few people with... strong opinions on the prizes sponsored by CCP. Since Navigator was kind enough to try to explain things on CCP's end, I thought I'd give a few basic answers to explain (and in a few areas, reiterate) where we at Blink stand on the issue.

1. My favourite fansite didn't get anything to give away. Why you, and not them?

This is a hot point of contention, and I can understand why. Favoritism is not something anyone wants in Eve, and I'm absolutely certain that CCP Navigator is aware of the company's policy in that area. "Why Blink?" is certainly a valid question, and to be honest, I can only speculate. I would like to believe that it is because we have dealt as openly and honestly with both CCP and our customers as possible in the past and present. It may be because we reach a certain critical mass of players that is optimal for CCP to test third party event partnership. There's likely other criteria that I can't begin to guess.

What is important to remember is that CCP has not stated that this is a one-off with Blink. As far as I am aware, if they are pleased with the outcome of this event, then there is the opportunity that CCP will conduct more of these events with other organizations. Other sites such as Eve Bet and EOM, or independents like Chribba or Darknesss, would certainly deserve it. However, I don't work for CCP, so this is all speculation on my part.

2. Blink is a scam! How do we know they're not going to take all of the prizes?

Somer Blink has been operating in its current iteration since October 2010, and in that time, we've dealt with thousands of players, participated in a ton of draws, and we've seen over one quadrillion (that's sixteen zeros) isk pass through our business. Before that, Somerset Mahm was well known as a respected community member and forum lottery administrator. We handle a large amount of limited issue ships and modules, many of which are unique or tournament prizes, as a matter of course. Stealing two limited issue ships, as shiny as they might be, would provide nothing of value to us. They would never be able to be used or sold, and even if there weren't repercussions from CCP, there would be (understandably) from a customer base which relies upon our honesty and transparency. Any theft or dishonesty, no matter how small, would undermine our business model; it would be like breaking down an isk-printing machine to sell as scrap metal.

However, this is Eve, and if there's one thing the past has taught us, it's that capsuleers can be devious. Because of the nature of the game, we have always had the policy that we do not coerce anyone into playing. If you believe CCP is in error with respect to trusting us with this draw, or that we have dishonest intentions, or even if you just don't like us, we encourage you not to play. And as always, as with everything in Eve, do not Blink what you cannot afford to lose.

3. Blink makes money off of this! How can CCP give more to the rich people and not help the little guy?

As I mentioned above, we are a business. We do our best in our niche to accomodate our customers, and we do make a profit on most Blinks. A good deal of these profits go toward paying our employees - all of whom are responsible for the delivery of every single prize - and a significant amount goes towards promo Blinks, which are items we give away for odd tokens that have no real value. After that, a good deal of profits go towards sponsorships - Red versus Blue, the Syndicate Competitive League, and many live events, just to name a few. We generally don't go up and down the aisles telling people how many hundreds of billions of isk we've donated to other organizations that work to generate content in Eve, mainly because advertising is a nice side benefit to helping hardworking people achieve success. Also, because it would make us look rather conceited.

Regardless, whether you think we're good or bad, we can offer only one solution if you're unsatisfied with us - don't play. This is the old "vote with your wallet" bit offered to customers time immemorial. If you're a person who can't stand the though of us making a profit on a blink, consider your gilded invitation sent.

In closing, I understand that not everyone will be happy with this event, regardless of the outcome. If there is a way we can improve on our service, please mail myself, Andrev Nox, Somerset Mahm, or Sylvie Blinkhelper, and we'll do our best to address concerns. If you're concerned with the way CCP is planning events, please contact their support staff; I'm sure they would love to hear feedback on this test. To the people who do decide to play; best of luck. Smile

There is literally zero way for us to know whether and/or how much of somerblink is a scam or not. No amount of "We wouldn't do that. Why would we. Just trust us." is going to change that. And not many people are assuming you will just go "lol we're not giving away these ships and will keep them in our hangars". Just completely/heavily rigging the lottery on the other hand...

And some facts people have issues with:
Somerblink can decide who can and can not take part in the lottery.
CCP is giving somerblink ISK straight up T20 style.
CCP is re-releasing unique ships they've said won't come back.

Nice wall of text tho.

Xaen wrote:

You have such a ridiculous conflict of interest that you should not be talking.

Also this in general.