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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
#1921 - 2013-09-26 16:31:21 UTC
Forlorn Eskimo wrote:

the amount of people moaning and crying over this is silly ...if there are none of the gold magnate's left how does it effect any price ? there are none left to effect as for the other ship's comon dont be daft there more isk then that blown up on a daily basis around new eden grow up stop crying and get over it already ...

I take it you haven't been around for long? Because a big point of this is that there are some of us who remember when those ships were spawned, and when they were destroyed. Some of us also remember previous CCP favoritism. We also remember that plenty of groups like SOMER have gone up in smoke, with somebody RMTing or simply stashing away trillions of isk. And by CCP handing over these ships for free and giving SOMER free iskies, if at any point in the future SOMER goes AWOL, CCP has become somewhat culpable. Sure, they can hedge their bets and say "We can't promise these ships won't be stolen", but there is still a strong implication of CCP endorsing/giving trust to SOMER.

Proud owner of an Ibis.

Kenz Raithar
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#1922 - 2013-09-26 16:32:41 UTC
This is so ******** I don't even have words for it.
Rob Crowley
State War Academy
#1923 - 2013-09-26 16:34:07 UTC
Dear CCP, there are several terrible ideas here:

  1. Re-introducing unique ships that don't exist anymore (i.e. Gold Magnate)
  2. This is the least terrible idea involved here, but it's still pretty bad. As many others have already said, this doesn't create content (because the ships will likely never undock), it just damages Eve's history and the myths around those ships. I started playing years after the Gold Magnate was destroyed yet somehow I still managed to learn about it and I liked it that way. You should value that your 10 year old game has a history instead of mourning that not all of the players were there at the time.

  3. Re-introducing very rare ships that still exist (i.e. Guardian-Vexor)
  4. This is pretty much the same as #1 except that you additionally show the finger to the current owners of the remaining ships by making them less valuable. There was some kind of promise in place about their rarity, if maybe not explicit in all cases then at least implicit.

  5. Giving almost priceless items to a player group
  6. This is by far the biggest issue here and I'm a bit shocked that you'd think this kind of favouritism would be alright. I really hope your Internal Affairs guys didn't know about this cause if they waved this through they are pretty useless. Your intentions are good here and you're open and up-front about it, but in principle this is not much better than the t20 incident. If you want to make a sandbox game you have to keep your fingers out of the sandbox and not endorse or support single player organizations, particularly when they're in-game and profit-oriented, i.e. in competition with other player organizations.

And JFTR: Somer Blink is not philanthropic. If they close down their gambling site and continue sponsoring all kinds of stuff then it's philanthropy, as long as they run the site it's simply called marketing.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#1924 - 2013-09-26 16:39:30 UTC
Destoya wrote:
Oh hey, giving out priceless ships (that there literally will be TWO IN THE GAME OF) exclusively to third party websites is a thing now?

I mean you could have at least done a frigate tournament at fanfest '14 if you wanted to "add content back into the game", this way is completely misguided though.

Tell me about : BIG Lottery.
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1925 - 2013-09-26 16:42:05 UTC
This is dumb, you are stupid.

No this is not a personal attack, this is an attack on your dumb idea, dumb ideas come from stupid people. I don't know you as people.
Callic Veratar
#1926 - 2013-09-26 16:42:16 UTC
There are no Gold Magnates, they have no value. Something that doesn't exist can't have a price.

That being said, this is definitely a bad idea. If the idea is releasing cool, limited edition ships via third party sites, contact several sites and give them each their own ship, let them pick the hull and have a say in the skin and have MULTIPLE sites, not just one. When one is destroyed, you can give them another to sell, if the goal is indeed to funnel isk into a few people's pockets.

If someone really feels we need to have these old collector's ships available again, the only "fair" lottery option is a public auction contract in Jita 4-4. If you're going to go with a real option, it needs to be suitably noteworthy, like another Amarr Championship, where a new set of Gold and Silver Magnates can be released. (Followed by Championships for the other 3 factions with their own Gold and Silver ships).
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1927 - 2013-09-26 16:47:51 UTC
They don't technically have value but if the Gold Magnate hadn't been lost, it would likely be the most expensive ship in EVE.

That's why it should stay dead, because otherwise it devalues what losing the Gold Magnate meant.
Matari Akiga
#1928 - 2013-09-26 16:53:09 UTC
Let me start by saying I do like blink and I do like CCP, however I think someone has really dropped the ball on this.

Something bad that was done with good intentions is still bad and releasing more of the gold magnates is a great example of this the one and only was destroyed long before I started playing but I know about it because it is part of the legend of EVE because it was destroyed and now they are all gone, it should stay like that, please rethink this seriously.

CCP dont need to change everything to suit your play style.

Improvise, adapt and overcome!

#1929 - 2013-09-26 16:53:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenus
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hehe, how fitting that I should read this after posting about favouritism in a different thread. My personal take on it is this (note, this is not something we have discussed within the team): Events should be their own reward, but there are certain events that render a large impact on people and for these I do think there should be some kind of memento. An Imperial Apoc is NOT a mememto Lol

Seriously, we won't be bringing back the old unique ships for events. We might give other stuff away that is interesting, but no Guardian Vexor, Opux Luxury Yacht, Fedthron, Impoc, SIR, etc, etc.

No ingame ships for events, but giving away ships for lotteries to earn ISK for a third party to CCP is apparently fine
Captain StringfellowHawk
Forsaken Reavers
#1930 - 2013-09-26 16:55:17 UTC
So many Tears... This is better then any CFC Interdiction or Miner Bumping or hi-sec Ganking. I find it GREAT that CCP Single handedly Griefed the small amount of Forum Warriors without even having to fire a single shot. All These Pages and Still no where near the player population complaining. Just the typical forum Warriors or Warriors on there Alts. Not as much Drama as TMC led there to be. Semi-Depressed. Was hoping to see more True Bitter Vet Tears.
J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1931 - 2013-09-26 16:56:10 UTC
The whole concept of Blink is stupid and like all casinos, the only true winner is the house. The next time a corpie says "promo" in corp chat im going to awox him.
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1932 - 2013-09-26 17:11:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Iamien
I am unsubscribing both of my accounts right after I make this post.

Between this, the TOS change, and the general trend of how things have been progressing; the writing is on the wall and EVE is not committed to being a sandbox any longer. If I'm going to be playing a non-sandbox game, I am going to play a good one by playing GW2. No amount of monument shooting will fix this one.

Antagonistic Tendencies
#1933 - 2013-09-26 17:14:10 UTC
Honestly a bit perplexed as to what all the fuss is about. Would be different if it happened every day.
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1934 - 2013-09-26 17:19:15 UTC
Captain StringfellowHawk wrote:
So many Tears... This is better then any CFC Interdiction or Miner Bumping or hi-sec Ganking. I find it GREAT that CCP Single handedly Griefed the small amount of Forum Warriors without even having to fire a single shot. All These Pages and Still no where near the player population complaining. Just the typical forum Warriors or Warriors on there Alts. Not as much Drama as TMC led there to be. Semi-Depressed. Was hoping to see more True Bitter Vet Tears.

There's always an idiot like you.

Look at all the keywords.

Forum Warriors
Bitter Vet

You're pathetic buddy.
Troy Tyrion Lanister
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1935 - 2013-09-26 17:22:26 UTC
I do use it, would be nice if there was some sort of community. The channel is dead 99.9% of time unfortunately. But the website itself is nice. =)
Inner Geek
#1936 - 2013-09-26 17:25:35 UTC
Iamien wrote:
I am unsubscribing both of my accounts right after I make this post.


Can I have your stuff?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1937 - 2013-09-26 17:36:17 UTC
I'm all for special events, hell i'm not that bothered about some of the assets being added (apart from the Gold Magnete, let it stay dead). But I believe the way CCP are favoring an organization like this and essentially giving them the keys, is a very bad idea. At the very least run the event yourself, or just stop this all together, you're making yourself look bad and putting a bad taste in the mouth of the community. it is clear from some reactions within this thread that the community may very well stand against it as a majority. Ofcourse there will be the vocal minority (which could work both ways), but think about it, this is not right.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1938 - 2013-09-26 17:40:17 UTC
T'kimat wrote:
Iamien wrote:
I am unsubscribing both of my accounts right after I make this post.


Can I have your stuff?

That would require reinstalling the client.
Ice Liberation Army
#1939 - 2013-09-26 17:41:44 UTC
It needs to be clear which ships will be handed out in the future and which are locked.

I don't think any collectors would have ever imagined more G-Vs hitting the market after so many years. I am glad CCP acknowledged that G-Vs are top tier collectors items, but I still think that handing them out via Somer of all places cheapens the ship.

I understand why the golden magnate would be re-released, but it's too bad about the guardian vexors... Yes, I own some, but it's mostly the history that I care about, all of the hands that each has been passed through, etc. One of mine has even seen combat Cool
Thoroughly Incompetent
#1940 - 2013-09-26 17:46:14 UTC
mechtech wrote:
It needs to be clear which ships will be handed out in the future and which are locked.

It's not like CCP has a history of going by everything they say is set in stone and will never happen so we are kind of past that. We need to get CCP to stop backpedaling with all their statements without talking about it to anyone first.