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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Grarr Dexx
Blue Canary
Watch This
#1901 - 2013-09-26 15:19:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Grarr Dexx
You've already successfully tested the waters with the Ishukone Watch Scorpions. Why did you feel it necessary to reduce the value of Gold Magnates and GVexors and **** on their place in EVE history? The Golden Magnate had its place in EVE as a completely unattainable legend.

So many ships and unusual paintjobs and you opt to destroy a valuable part of our history in this game... Sad. And who is all this ******* money going to? Why does SOMER.blink get all the proceeds from these lotteries? You've just created incredibly valuable ships out of thin air and it's all going to a single person? Way to ******* go, CCP.

You're making me lose my will to play, a feat you haven't been able to do in my five and a half years of playing EVE. This isn't the EVE I want to play at all.
Imiarr Timshae
Funny Men In Funny Hats
#1902 - 2013-09-26 15:27:28 UTC
Dear CCP,

I have run a public business in Eve for the last 4 years. I help pilots get standings for player corporations and factions while paying mission runners (who are bored with the 25 missions they have had for the last... 8 years?) more ISK.

This has seen about 360bn ISK change hands.

I would greatly appreciate some Guardian Vexor ships and some Gold Magnate ships to offer to my clients and also to my mission runners. Perhaps 500th customer and 1000th customer, or to most dedicated mission runner?

In some ways it would make more sense since Blink is a lottery, whereas my service helps people play the game the way they want to - with standings to people they like. I take out the grind so they don't kill themselves grinding the god-awful abandoned mess that highsec missioning is!

Please let me know when to expect delivery.

Network Dynamics
#1903 - 2013-09-26 15:33:20 UTC
Manic Velocity
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1904 - 2013-09-26 15:40:58 UTC
Re-releasing extremely rare ships not only diminishes their rarity and significance within the game's history, but it sets a precedence for the future. If it's acceptable to do it once, then it's acceptable to do it twice, or a hundred times more.

The Gold Magnate was handed out back when most players playing today did not know that EVE existed. As a single one was handed out and then destroyed it actually removes content from the game and that is not always a good thing.

I've heard this exact same line before. Many years ago I played an MMO in which all beta testers were given unique sets of clothing for their efforts in play-testing, reporting and squashing bugs, optimization efforts, etc. Participation was measured in tiers, and the most active testers were given exceedingly rare and unique beta items. For all intents and purposes, these items were the "Gold Magnates" of that game. They had a history and a gravitas associated with them.

Then a couple of years into the game's life, these rare items were given out as rewards in various live events in the game. Plenty of players were wantonly rewarded in random draws with these items simply for showing up. This understandably sent the beta testers into a rage. The excuse they were given?...

"These items were given out back when many people didn't know about the game, or may not have had the chance to participate in beta testing. We need to make sure all players get a fair chance at experiencing the game's content."

Obviously I'm paraphrasing, but that was essentially it. The value and rarity of these items, their history, their gravitas, and the status they imbued, was instantly rendered meaningless for the sake of pandering.

That game doesn't exist anymore. Subscriptions dropped regularly due to many poor decisions like this one that angered the majority of an extremely passionate community.

CCP, please don't make the same mistake.

"The most punchable face in New Eden."

Be excellent to each other.

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Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1905 - 2013-09-26 15:41:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Wedgetail
sorry fellahs, but this is on the lines of

"hey, you know what, most of the people alive today weren't around for the second world war, lets have another one because those losses aren't as important to the current generation as they were to those immediately involved."

don't go debasing history just because it's history and your players never bothered to learn it (myself being one example of someone who wasn't aware of the magnate's history)

I'm all for your idea of handing out cool hulls as events - but don't go debasing the efforts and actions of the guys who came before just to satisfy the ones who're here now - give the newer guys something of their own to work with - develop new hulls and hand those out, give them something special to draw their own pictures with without smudging up someone else's, yes those stories have been and gone but that's what makes them so awesome to have in the first place.
Josef Djugashvilis
#1906 - 2013-09-26 15:47:56 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
The CSM was not consulted about this lottery, and if we had been, we would have had concerns similar to those raised by many in this thread.

We hope to arrange a meeting with the relevant CCP staff members to discuss the matter in the near future, and will keep the community as informed as possible.

Nice to see that CCP take you guys so seriously.

This is not a signature.

Fancypants Inc
Pandemic Horde
#1907 - 2013-09-26 15:48:31 UTC
Wedgetail wrote:
sorry fellahs, but this is on the lines of

"hey, you know what, most of the people alive today weren't around for the second world war, lets have another one because those losses aren't as important to the current generation as they were to those immediately involved."

don't go debasing history just because it's history and your players never bothered to learn it (myself being one example of someone who wasn't aware of the magnate's history)

I'm all for your idea of handing out cool hulls as events - but don't go debasing the efforts and actions of the guys who came before just to satisfy the ones who're here now - give the newer guys something of their own to work with - develop new hulls and hand those out, give them something special to draw their own pictures with without smudging up someone else's, yes those stories have been and gone but that's what makes them so awesome to have in the first place.

This is exactly what i wanted to say Lol
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#1908 - 2013-09-26 15:53:21 UTC
Stoogie wrote:
How do we contact internal affairs for ccp because this is clearly a issue of playing favourites .

This seems to be the only way. I'm drafting a message to them myself right now.
Dr Felonius
Civilian Purposes Limited
#1909 - 2013-09-26 15:53:33 UTC
CCP should never support an in-game organization like this. This is a horrible decision, and it's a shame that some people at CCP don't seem to understand the full implications of a PvP sandbox game.
Forlorn Eskimo
Pulling The Plug
#1910 - 2013-09-26 15:55:35 UTC
probag Bear wrote:
Stoogie wrote:
How do we contact internal affairs for ccp because this is clearly a issue of playing favourites .

This seems to be the only way. I'm drafting a message to them myself right now.

I saved you some time and drafted it for you copy and paste / send it on


me want stuff you have stuff but you give stuff to them


gl with it let me know how you get on
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1911 - 2013-09-26 15:56:27 UTC
CCP I thought you had the smartbrains. This is a f***ing awful idea.

Dodixie > Hek

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#1912 - 2013-09-26 16:00:18 UTC
I have two issues with this. The first is the obvious lack of care given to the history of EVE. This could have been (and still can be) very easily solved; make the item ids unique, use the same skins but give them the name of "reconstructed" or "Second Run".

The second, and what I believe to be the bigger, issue is handing them over to Somer Blink. Why couldn't CCP have run the lottery, or demanded that the lottery be free to participate in? Basically they're handing over player ISK to a third party, and since the CSM wasn't consulted on this it seems that CCP, once again, doesn't care about the potential impact to the greater game.

Personally, I think the best possible outcome of this is that Somer steal the ships, and have them blown up on the Jita undock for all to see.

Proud owner of an Ibis.

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#1913 - 2013-09-26 16:03:22 UTC
This is bullshit


Angry Mustellid
#1914 - 2013-09-26 16:07:19 UTC
1. Why was the CSM left completely out of the loop on this?

2. Why exactly has SOMER been handed a huge fortune without oversight or proper safeguards?

I thought CCP had given up on this kind of dumb, shame I was wrong.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#1915 - 2013-09-26 16:08:54 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
Forlorn Eskimo wrote:
probag Bear wrote:
Stoogie wrote:
How do we contact internal affairs for ccp because this is clearly a issue of playing favourites .

This seems to be the only way. I'm drafting a message to them myself right now.

I saved you some time and drafted it for you copy and paste / send it on


me want stuff you have stuff but you give stuff to them


gl with it let me know how you get on

That's pretty much it. CCP is forbidden from showing such favoritism towards a certain set of players, in this case the SOMER Blink corporation. That is the main reason the internal affairs division was created. "me want stuff you have stuff but you give stuff to them" should, in theory and if supported by proper evidence, be enough to make internal affairs start an investigation.
Forlorn Eskimo
Pulling The Plug
#1916 - 2013-09-26 16:14:35 UTC
probag Bear wrote:
Forlorn Eskimo wrote:
probag Bear wrote:
Stoogie wrote:
How do we contact internal affairs for ccp because this is clearly a issue of playing favourites .

This seems to be the only way. I'm drafting a message to them myself right now.

I saved you some time and drafted it for you copy and paste / send it on


me want stuff you have stuff but you give stuff to them


gl with it let me know how you get on

That's pretty much it. CCP is forbidden from showing such favoritism towards a certain set of players, in this case SOMER Blink, and more specifically Somerset Mahn. That is the main reason the internal affairs division was created. "me want stuff you have stuff but you give stuff to them" should, in theory and if supported by proper evidence, be enough to make internal affairs start an investigation.

the amount of effort i put into sarcasm and you thought i was serious shame on me i guess

the amount of people moaning and crying over this is silly ...if there are none of the gold magnate's left how does it effect any price ? there are none left to effect as for the other ship's comon dont be daft there more isk then that blown up on a daily basis around new eden grow up stop crying and get over it already ...
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1917 - 2013-09-26 16:23:01 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Please don't reintroduce ships like this. There was one, it was blown up, let it stay that way. That's what makes EVE so great, it becomes a huge part of the lore and history!

Also I'm interested in what type of agreement there is between CCP and SOMER (I woudln't be surprised if you say it's between you guys...) seeing as by the looks, you're donating these rare ships, which I am sure will gather A LOT of attention, which in turn will be tons of people giving SOMER their ISK for a chance to win.

The ISK betted will be returned to CCP or kept by SOMER? Congrats to SOMER for landing the opportunity though, but CCP really you should rethink the items you are giving away because giving out items you said were gone forever is just bad (and I know you can change your mind at any time and reintroduce things - as you just sorta did - but that doesn't make it a smart move).


^^ this
Whim Aqayn
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1918 - 2013-09-26 16:25:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Whim Aqayn
CCP Navigator wrote:
[EA tier bullshit]

No, what the hell are you thinking? Not to mention this is blatant favouritism, but Somer Blink is also a highly questionable business to begin with and definitely NOT a fansite. I'm incredibly disappointed that an idea like this even got through.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#1919 - 2013-09-26 16:27:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
really disappointed in CCP. Thats not how you introduce ships. Giving them out via a profit oriented lottery organization is already stupid. But picking ships which have an actual story which explains why they are limited is the cherry on top of it.

I am sure collectors which already own those ships are now very happy players. // sarcasm

you can give out stupid painted shuttles this way, but not guardian vexors.

do other devs actually review those decisions? How can this even end up on TQ after 10 years of new eden experience? This is not world of tanks after all.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1920 - 2013-09-26 16:30:20 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:

Q2, Why Gold Magnates? Are you trying to ruin the game and release every old legacy/limited model?

A2, Absolutely not. I will address the Gold Magnate first and then the Guardian Vexor before looking at other legacy models. The Gold Magnate was handed out back when most players playing today did not know that EVE existed. As a single one was handed out and then destroyed it actually removes content from the game and that is not always a good thing. We thought hard about how we could reintroduce the model back in, still in a super limited basis, and a lottery seemed the fairest way to do this. With SOMER Blink anyone who plays a single blink (even a free promo blink) will gain a ticket to the main Blink Blast so you have a chance to win. Clearly, the more you play the more chances you have to win the blast. In addition, CCP do not have a lottery system capable of handling this for all interested parties. In this circumstance, we are going to the people who have.

With the Guardian Vexor, this is a model we have given out more than once in the past and something we realize is a collectors dream to own.

Let’s look at some of the other ships. Tournament ships will not be handed out in this fashion ever. These ships require full alliances to work hard over a long period of time so handing them out for free would absolutely cheapen the achievements of teams like Verge of Collapse, HYDRA RELOADED and Pandemic Legion and this is not what we are aiming for.

Other hyper rare items like Imperial Apocs and Federate Megathrons should stay hyper rare so there are absolutely no plans to touch these at all. The only time we would look to reintroduce a model is when it ceases to exist in any form. After all, players should be having fun with these ships and not worrying that a line of ships just dies when the last one is popped.

There are no free items in SOMER BLINK, you have to deposit ISK, and play in a blink with that ISK before your allowed to enter a promo, How in the world is this free?

Again just to be sure you understand what I am saying CCP Navigator: THERE ARE NO FREE BLINKS, NOT EVEN THE PROMOS.

You are basically saying people have to go to a third party who ismaking trillions of ISK off of players to have a miniscule chance of winning an item that you can not even guaruntee will not be given to someones altunder the table, it really seems as though CCP didnt think this all the way through.

I dont mind having a small chance at getting any of these items, but it should have been done in game.