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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Jack Breacher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2241 - 2013-12-02 01:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Breacher
Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
Jack Breacher wrote:
Doesn't this look odd
Winning every Crow with #1 ticket

Jack Breacher wrote:
One question...
I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?

You really have to work on plausible deniability.

On the crow issue, I stand with the original response - no it does not look odd to anyone who knows how to read the link you provided.

You could have said something like, "Seems odd that someone only wins crows with ticket #1. How does he do that? Or you cold have just looked at the bar chart and found that over over 1000 #1 tickets win a blink every day and he happened to have had six which may have spanned several days, but you chose to give it the menacing conspiratorial spin of your orignial post.

On the, " One question...
I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?" which has now turned into,"The reason why I couldnt find my tickets was that it took ages for it to load on my tablet."

Not having enough patience to use the equipment you have is very different from "you put it there, now you can't find it - You want to know where it

Communication is a skill which can be learned.

Ok problem solved now correct other ppl on this whole thread.
RUS Comannder
Writing Memoirs
#2242 - 2013-12-02 23:49:21 UTC
Jack Breacher wrote:
Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
Jack Breacher wrote:
Doesn't this look odd
Winning every Crow with #1 ticket

Jack Breacher wrote:
One question...
I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?

You really have to work on plausible deniability.

On the crow issue, I stand with the original response - no it does not look odd to anyone who knows how to read the link you provided.

You could have said something like, "Seems odd that someone only wins crows with ticket #1. How does he do that? Or you cold have just looked at the bar chart and found that over over 1000 #1 tickets win a blink every day and he happened to have had six which may have spanned several days, but you chose to give it the menacing conspiratorial spin of your orignial post.

On the, " One question...
I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?" which has now turned into,"The reason why I couldnt find my tickets was that it took ages for it to load on my tablet."

Not having enough patience to use the equipment you have is very differis ent from "you put it there, now you can't find it - You want to know where it

Communication is a skill which can be learned.

Ok problem solved now correct other ppl on this whole thread.

I remember reading the minibonk list question and thinking he is looking in the minibonk list but can't find his tickets. The implication I got from his post was he bought tickets and they are not on the list of tickets. So yeah, I thought he was reporting a sinister event had occurred, that the minibonk winner was chosen and his tickets were not in the hat to be drawn.

So I made a mental note to wait for the typical polite Blink response about the tickets being in the bonk or in a different minibonk than he thought they were in or some other error the poster had made. And then the usual response form the OP thanking Blink and apologizing for having made the error.

Good call, Be'Goode!
Ona Bender
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2243 - 2013-12-03 03:15:52 UTC
For those of you who question fairness (or question people who have questions about fairness), here's a fun experiment:

  • For one month, 3 times a day, stop in at the promo blinks page (
  • Highlight / Select the 50 promo results displayed (or only those that are new since your last visit)
  • Copy (ctrl + c)
  • Paste (ctrl + v) into notepad first (plain text editor) <-- this part is important
  • Now copy that, and paste into a spreadsheet where you're keeping your results.
  • Optionally take screenshots to paste together images later
  • At the end of the month, sort by user, then by date (at the same time)

It did not take a whole month for me. I found what I was looking for in about 3 weeks. Not "proof" of anything, mind you, but enough to trip my own personal "common sense" alarms.

Want to make sure I'm being clear here - this fun experiment is meant to provide individuals with results on which they can make their own decisions - everyone's "common sense" alarm has a different threshold.
#2244 - 2013-12-04 23:13:29 UTC
Hi everyone, I'm still here. I've been busy for a while, but the good news is CCP has made a final response to my petition regarding my 16B which is in SOMER BLINK's coffers since the Gold Magnate fiasco.
CCP disagrees with SOMER that this is something I should take up with them. A lead GM has confirmed that this contest was run by SOMER BLINK and that CCP was only involved as a sponsor. The lead GM would not take a stance regarding my claim that SOMER should provide a refund after the prizes were changed. That not offering a refund makes this a bait-and-switch scam is irrelevant for the lead GM, as no one from CCP had said that SOMER BLINK wouldn't scam, only that they haven't scammed in the past.
(To comply with forum rules all of this is paraphrased while keeping as close to the original intended meaning of the petition response.)

Since SOMER BLINK persists in refusing to do the trustworthy and reliable thing, I have sold everything I "won", doubled it and donated the 20 billion to PLEX4GOOD via Amarr Citizen 155's 1 trillion ISK donation matching. (Proof here, for all the people who demand more proof from me while SOMER keeps silent.).

Lessons learned:
1) SOMER BLINK will scam when it suits them.
2) CCP will not intervene in scams, even when someone uses CCP's sponsorship to bait people.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#2245 - 2013-12-05 10:48:29 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm still here. I've been busy for a while, but the good news is CCP has made a final response to my petition regarding my 16B which is in SOMER BLINK's coffers since the Gold Magnate fiasco.
CCP disagrees with SOMER that this is something I should take up with them. A lead GM has confirmed that this contest was run by SOMER BLINK and that CCP was only involved as a sponsor. The lead GM would not take a stance regarding my claim that SOMER should provide a refund after the prizes were changed. That not offering a refund makes this a bait-and-switch scam is irrelevant for the lead GM, as no one from CCP had said that SOMER BLINK wouldn't scam, only that they haven't scammed in the past.
(To comply with forum rules all of this is paraphrased while keeping as close to the original intended meaning of the petition response.)

Since SOMER BLINK persists in refusing to do the trustworthy and reliable thing, I have sold everything I "won", doubled it and donated the 20 billion to PLEX4GOOD via Amarr Citizen 155's 1 trillion ISK donation matching. (Proof here, for all the people who demand more proof from me while SOMER keeps silent.).

Lessons learned:
1) SOMER BLINK will scam when it suits them.
2) CCP will not intervene in scams, even when someone uses CCP's sponsorship to bait people.

Do you really expect a refund after you already gambled all your ISK away? Roll
BooZe N 5luts
#2246 - 2013-12-05 14:04:44 UTC
noticed that the isk won total has slowed drastically since ccp stopped the free blink credit. Wonder whether blink will try to do a work around as its clearly effecting business.
#2247 - 2013-12-05 20:23:25 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Do you really expect a refund after you already gambled all your ISK away? Roll

I expected a refund before I realised SOMER was running a bait-and-switch scam.
Read my previous posts if you want to know why and how this came about, I'm not going to retype it every time someone feels the need to make a one-sentence comment that has been made (and answered) several times already.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Maxxor Brutor
Borderline Procurements
#2248 - 2013-12-07 19:00:21 UTC
Nicely done donating all those plex!
Deadspace Depot
#2249 - 2013-12-08 04:40:44 UTC
Swifo wrote:
noticed that the isk won total has slowed drastically since ccp stopped the free blink credit. Wonder whether blink will try to do a work around as its clearly effecting business.

Yeah, it's literally slowed down to what seems like 10x less isk going in. Used to have celebrations practically before the old one was over, now we're barely over halfway to the next one and tis been weeks. =(
L'amour Sauvage
Underworld Group
#2250 - 2013-12-08 17:17:54 UTC
Go Aerokella go! Almost at 1 tril!

Since Blink is moving lil slow for the moment, players should take opportunity to complete-
Staring Contest- win a blink that took 24hrs to complete
(This really might be impossible now, but ppl might give it a shot)
Sixteens a Crowd- pretty sure this is complete a mega/ultra w/ fifteen other ppl.
(I've not gotten this one and would prob take a cabal team effort to achieve but nows best time to try)
UnaLaLuna Inc.
#2251 - 2013-12-10 22:13:44 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
CCP disagrees with SOMER that this is something I should take up with them. A lead GM has confirmed that this contest was run by SOMER BLINK and that CCP was only involved as a sponsor.

Well I didn't read your story (as there is like million pages) but I don't know, reading above is like wtf? I assume that CCP promised some price to SOMER , than changed their mind, removed price and now SOMER is guilty?
Sounds like CCP's fault.
Zajic Zajicova
Bohemian Veterans
Pandemic Horde
#2252 - 2013-12-12 18:36:48 UTC

Why can not I register?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2253 - 2013-12-13 09:29:54 UTC
coz blink have access to the API and your attempts are futile, u know...
#2254 - 2013-12-14 12:16:08 UTC
Dizirgee wrote:
Well I didn't read your story (as there is like million pages) but I don't know, reading above is like wtf? I assume that CCP promised some price to SOMER , than changed their mind, removed price and now SOMER is guilty?
Sounds like CCP's fault.

I don't care who's fault it is. This was SOMER's competition, SOMER has my 16 Billion, SOMER is responsible. That SOMER got screwed by CCP does not mean SOMER has to screw me. They could've easily offered a refund, but refused.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Coiled Spring Inc
Goonswarm Federation
#2255 - 2013-12-14 18:15:19 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Dizirgee wrote:
Well I didn't read your story (as there is like million pages) but I don't know, reading above is like wtf? I assume that CCP promised some price to SOMER , than changed their mind, removed price and now SOMER is guilty?
Sounds like CCP's fault.

I don't care who's fault it is. This was SOMER's competition, SOMER has my 16 Billion, SOMER is responsible. That SOMER got screwed by CCP does not mean SOMER has to screw me. They could've easily offered a refund, but refused.

Maybe don't gamble what you can't afford to lose? You're just coming off as horribly bitter from what I see. If they refund your isk then they have to refund everyone's don't they?

Not trying to offend you, just saying it as I see it.
#2256 - 2013-12-14 19:48:06 UTC
Clavin wrote:
You're just coming off as horribly bitter from what I see.

Don't confuse my brevity for bitterness. I'm just giving the short condensed story since enough long posts have been written about this, addressing every point that's being raised now (including your point. Short answer: no they don't.) If you want the long story, read up on previous posts.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2257 - 2013-12-14 23:52:23 UTC
Your vocabulary and sentence structure indicate an age much higher than your ability to reason.

This war with Blink, well it is not even a war, or a battle, hardly a skirmish, actually more like a gnat landing on an opposing soldier's forearm, is over and done with, completed. You did not prevail. You hardly got any love from the hordes of the tinfoil hat crowd. As the guy said, you are coming off badly. Or as has been said before, you are looking like a kid in a grocery cart screaming for something from the rack at the checkout. But unfortunately, you have no adult with you who will checkout and remove you from the situation only a two year old could not see as an embarrassment.

I feel sorry for you. Not because you foolishly, as you have admitted, rushed in to a casino and started gambling without understanding how the whole process worked. Not because you think you lost 16bn after you admitted turning what you won at gambling on Blink into 20 Bn - and thank you for your donation to Plex for Good - not just for what you donated, but for what you contributed with your losses to Blink added to the huge amount Blink donated to the same charitable event.

I feel sorry for you not being able to first exercise a reasonable thought process and second for wasting so much time and emotion in such an unwinnable cause. You have pursued this way beyond making a point, not a very sharp point, but more like a pencil with the lead worn down so much that only wood can contact the paper - still being a point, but a moot point - and into the realm of questioning your motivation, your grasp of reality, your need for attention. You have entered the realm where I hope you seek help in understanding your vendetta with no possible outcome you will find reasonable. Sanity is said to be measured by how many times someone will do the same behavior and expect a different outcome. I am sure you are a sane person, please do not think I am questioning your sanity. The distance from very sane to completely insane is a very wide continuum which contains other continuums such as reasonableness. How many more times will you smash your thumb with a hammer and think the next time won't be like the last time? I ask you that rhetorically, as I hope you do not respond. I just posted hoping I could get you beyond this agonizing process you have dedicated a portion of your of your life to pursue when you have no hope of moving the boulder before you. this is not Tiananmen Square or the Arab Spring. Instead of galvanizing an army of support as the deaths of the stalwarts of the Alamo did which lead to the defeat of Santa Anna just months later and ended the revolution. You have become the person standing on the corner speaking loudly to people who hope the bus arrives sooner to day than ever before. Your screams are making Blinks point.

Of course, CCP gave you the very carefully worded response they gave you - to have said anything else would have been an admission on their part of being the responsible party. They backed away from CCP Navigator initiating the proposition to Blink while maintaining that no one had responsibility. I could have written that response for them without any guidance from them. I may have written that response in an earlier post on this forum when trying to show you how this would unfold and you cold have saved all the energy and emotion you was pissed upstream on this non-issue to anyone but you. And you can say you are not emotional about this, but if this were not an emotional vacuum cleaner sucking on you, it would have been over long ago. Your emotional dedication to this hopeless is what keeps driving you back.

I give you the power of Robert Burns Poem from 1786 here in its standard English translation:

And would some Power the small gift give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us,
And foolish notion:
What airs in dress and gait would leave us,
And even devotion!

The most meaningful part to me has always been the second line.

When my son was growing up, he insisted one morning that he wanted to wear his superman pajamas to his 4year old class of preschoolers. His mother said no, but I suggested it would be a good chance for him to learn the consequences of his own actions. He came home very mad that we had let him go to school that way. I pointed out that it was his choice, and the response he got from his friends was the consequence of his choice. He took a long time to realize and admit the consequences were his. Many times as he grew older and he t old m something he wanted to do and I reminded him about what a great about idea the PJ seemed to be at the time and maybe this decision would turn out the same way after he grew up a little more. Those PJs saved him from a lot bad decisions he felt at a moment in time were a necessity to make or his life would be ruined. When he woke up the next day or maybe a year later, he realized the tattoo of the eagle on his forehead might not have turned out the way he thought.
#2258 - 2013-12-15 12:46:02 UTC
JusFooling Around wrote:
Your vocabulary and sentence structure indicate an age much higher than your ability to reason.

Thank you.

JusFooling Around wrote:
Not because you think you lost 16bn after you admitted turning what you won at gambling on Blink into 20 Bn

Yeah I turned the 10B I "won" into 20B by doubling it with my own money.

JusFooling Around wrote:
How many more times will you smash your thumb with a hammer and think the next time won't be like the last time?

I won't, and I hope others won't either. That's why everyone should know that I was scammed by SOMER Blink.

JusFooling Around wrote:
I could have written that response for them without any guidance from them.

You should apply for a job at CCP. It took their GM team more than a month to decide what to say, before a lead GM wrote a response.

JusFooling Around wrote:
I pointed out that it was his choice, and the response he got from his friends was the consequence of his choice.

I'll take consequences. The consequence for me is that I lost a lot of money. The consequence for BLINK is that they're now known as scammers, and no Dev will ever be able to endorse them again with the words "solid reputation of trust and reliability".

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2259 - 2013-12-16 05:49:35 UTC
Sorry to break this to you, but all your efforts are quite unlikely to cause Blink not to be recognized as an honest game within a game which operates fairly within the constraints of the game mechanics and whims of the CCP decision makers and enjoys a reputation as high as any casino in any community.

Casinos always have detractors. Some are morally or otherwise just opposed to any kind of gambling, yet they are still likely to drive or ride in a car when the odds of a drunk driver being in the oncoming lane are pretty high.

Some have had experiences where they feel the casino took advantage of them in some way. Many will say that real life casinos are regulated by government agencies and Blink is not. Blink is regulated by the customers who know that casinos have games to play and are not to be considered as sources of regular income. People pay to play and sometimes get a nice win.

We see other casinos come and go or come and not thrive, but manage to pollute the local chats of every system with spamming players who would be playing if they felt it was not a stacked deck instead of spamming to the get the referral fees for attracting new players. There are a couple of other gambling sites which fit a niche on Eve and seem to be considered to be operated fairly by their player populations. Blink will not let their players have a referral code until they have played for over 30 days so they know what they are referring people to, and the referral fee is very small. Blink will also not tolerate a player advertising their referral code in chats or forums.

You cannot go on Blink and find a list of the community activities to which it contributes. The only way it is discovered is when the recipient of some sponsorship posts something in chat or on the forums and it is obvious by the posts and who makes thes posts that it is not a Blink alt. I know many probably think I am a Blink alt, but if I were I would not be posting as I'm sure they would rather I did not keep responding to posts such as yours as they tend to die out faster without being answered.

I wish you success in your endeavors in New Eden and IRL.
Le Chourineur
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2260 - 2013-12-16 17:19:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Le Chourineur
If you can answer theses questions somer I will continue to play, otherwise farewell (after 2 years):

- Why I won more prices by blinking 1 blink than 6-8 tics?
- Why I won more when I blink between 2 blinks from the same player or at the end of the blink?
- Why I don't win not much (in comparison with my invest) for 2 weeks after I won a bonk (3 in 2 years.. nice!) but the guy right before or after won of course..?
- Why I don't win (or just small blinks) when one of you guys is connected?
- Why the same row/ numbers win successively? random is not choosing as far as i know!

I guess you will reply "coincidences" or "luck" so I am done.