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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2221 - 2013-11-21 08:28:15 UTC
Gee, and I got mine the old fashioned way, I set my alarm clock for 55 after, played a blink waited 6 minutes and played another one, then set my clock for just under 2 hours to wake me at 55 after, rinse repeat.

But I guess if someone will cheat on one award, one blink, one anything - they will cheat everytime they think they will not be caught. Cheaters actually just cheat themselves in the long run - and over an internet space ship game - lol you probably change price tags in the grocery store and held a candy bar in your hand to stick it down in a kid's halloween bag and came up with three bars.
#2222 - 2013-11-22 16:53:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Esppiton
Thanks! I'm in GAME!
Federal Navy Academy
#2223 - 2013-11-23 00:24:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
When I heard about Somer Blink I thought it was pretty much the dumbest thing ever.

Then I met some people that actually played Blink. I realized they were also very dumb.

Then I heard about a guy that sold his character and blew all his isk on blink, and only had enough to buy a character with about 1/5th of the SP. And this 3-month old newbie who had made 10s of billions and spent every other breath encouraging new players to play it.

And CCP gave out all this crap directly to Blink, which turn around and made a bunch of IRL cash.

Blink went from being a stupid game for stupid people to being real abomination that I have to hear about. Wouldn't have minded a chance at those sweet SOE ships myself you know. Should have just been more lame Scorpions, and saved the ultra-unique ships for an actual tournament prize.

CCP deserves the PR nightmare they've created for themselves.

EDIT: And I don't care to even wade into the discussion of weather its a legit lottery or not. The potential for social engineering and other manipulation is huge, and its not really something CCP can or should bother to check on. Even if we assume Blink is a legit lottery, its still a lottery, which exists to take in more money than it gives out, and then to use that isk to support itself. The blatant RMT cash out following CCPs request to change their policy is a pretty big middle finger to CCP and any player that cared about RMT.

Amanda Peewith wrote:
Nanatoa wrote:
...SOMER announced they'd do something if you'd play and they didn't do it. That is a **** move...

Yes, you deserve your 16B. Here's what I want to're clearly not an idiot, so
  • You know your complaint is actually with CCP.

  • This is pretty much complete BS. If Somer can't deliver on the promise of (a chance at) a Gold Magnate, then they should offer refunds to everyone that signed up for (a chance at) a Gold Magnate. The fact that CCP decided not to make Gold Magnates available is an entirely separate issue. For example, if no prize had been given out at all, would Somer be justified in keeping the isk? And the fact that the replacement prizes were also very good is completely irrelevant. It would be one thing if Somer was selling tickets for a "CCP approved limited edition mystery prize." But they weren't, and that's not what people were throwing down isk for. Note the above is only valid if the refund was requested before the drawing actually took place.

    "**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

    Never forget.

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #2224 - 2013-11-23 05:28:49 UTC

    someone is watching who wins the plex promos on the website and putting in contracts to the individual who wins to pay them the plex they won. In my case I was a bit tipsy and thought i got the bonus win for two plex and stupidly gave it away.. just be careful folks. I will win another so ... meh.
    Niclas Solo
    Amarr Empire
    #2225 - 2013-11-24 05:16:04 UTC
    So i had 23 mil left, what can you do with that? Well i guess i buy some bonk tickets, you never know, and Yes i won 2 plexes :D

    My first bonk win, thanks :)
    ISD Suvetar
    ISD Community Communications Liaisons
    ISD Alliance
    #2226 - 2013-11-26 01:15:46 UTC
    Hi Everyone,

    I couple of posts were deleted in this thread.

    Please note that flaming, ranting and rumor mongering are all against the forum rules.
    You should bear that in mind as further intervention can lead to having ones forum privileges revoked.


    [b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

    Sgt Ocker
    What Corp is it
    #2227 - 2013-11-27 04:52:09 UTC
    I have a small problem..

    I have sold the toon that was registered on blink. Can someone from blink message this toon in game and let me know how to transfer/ close the account.

    My opinions are mine.

      If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

    It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

    JusFooling Around
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #2228 - 2013-11-27 05:17:26 UTC
    SGT Ocker - your best bet is to send Somerset Mahm or Andrev Nox an evemail so they can sort out the issue. I don't think they read this forum on a daily basis, but they do seem to have quite fast responses to evemails.

    You could just follow the Blink Chat shown in the MOTD as almost always in prime hours someone from blink will be able to solve this issue.
    Forlorn Eskimo
    Pulling The Plug
    #2229 - 2013-11-27 06:30:19 UTC
    Sgt Ocker wrote:
    I have a small problem..

    I have sold the toon that was registered on blink. Can someone from blink message this toon in game and let me know how to transfer/ close the account.

    you need to mail Somerset Mahm with a link to the sale thread of the old blink toon :)

    maybe also add the current balance of your blink credit and or last 3 blinks

    will save you sending mails back and forth if you do all that first.
    JusFooling Around
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #2230 - 2013-11-28 08:50:20 UTC
    What Forlorn said... you can always trust a guy with hair. I could just never afford hair.
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #2231 - 2013-11-30 19:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lapanillla
    Very nice game! Thanks! I feed blink 187m and win typhoon in first bigblink... (just registred)
    and ME BANNED
    Only one Blink account per person allowed.

    I HAVE NO account anymore in BLINK, and no alt.

    do not you think that a new player ready when winning spend and spend for the sake of further wins
    and you want to ban it and find a player able to play again
    playing and think how you would like more trick and deceive pick up more.
    This is bad policy at the slightest suspicion throw ban.
    So if you so wish, and we will do.
    JusFooling Around
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #2232 - 2013-11-30 20:33:05 UTC  |  Edited by: JusFooling Around
    Support questions are best to be asked in the Blink Chat as the Blink staff who can sort this out for you rarely visit this forum, but are on the chat site almost always.

    It may be a roommate with the same IP playing blink or even an issue of living in a dorm which shares an IP. Perhaps you bought this character and the previous owner played blink. There are dozens of possible answers

    Support solves these kinds of problems every day. Evemail Andrev Nox or Somerset Mahm or lurk in the Blink Chat channel for a support person to appear. You will get a full answer pretty quickly. This forum is mostly populated by tin foil hat people who believe Blink is the reason for the decline of Western Civilization or people like me who marvel at the leaps people take from one wrong assumption to the next wrong assumption.

    grats on the win!
    ISD Tyrozan
    ISD Community Communications Liaisons
    ISD Alliance
    #2233 - 2013-12-01 00:58:38 UTC
    A non-English post has been removed.

    Forum rule 28. Please use the correct language when posting on the forums.

    ISD Tyrozan


    Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

    Interstellar Services Department

    @ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

    Jack Breacher
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #2234 - 2013-12-01 02:40:23 UTC
    One question...
    I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?
    slickboy Danny
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #2235 - 2013-12-01 02:56:11 UTC

    so how much has blink pumped into plex for good?
    Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir
    Tremor Recorded
    #2236 - 2013-12-01 08:29:12 UTC
    Jack Breacher wrote:
    One question...
    I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?

    Would you say that you entered draw one with about 91 or 92 tickets (remember how many tokens it takes to obtain one ticket) and you entered draw three with 20 tickets?

    After I read your post, I looked for your tickets and found them right where they would always be. In draw one, you picked them in small groups or picked them very slowly and many others got tickets in between yours. You first ticket number was 51,538, just after Lotti Arkaral and just before Kru Kred. Your last ticket (I may have made a mistake of miscounting one ticket, so it was either 91 or 92 totsl tickets and I was not going back to count them again) was number 670,364 and it was followed by Necaos with 670.365.

    In draw 3 , you obtained twenty consecutive tickets starting with 430,004 following Bio Mc Banes' ticket and your last ticket was number 430,023 followed by LoCho.

    I could easily explain to you exactly how to find the ticket lists which are posted and readily found, but I think it would be more instructive for you to take the effort to wander again to find them for yourself.

    After I saw your earlier ineffective attempt in another post to raise suspicion about a player who won 6 straight crows with ticket number one, describing it as "strange", when anyone with the facts of the matter at hand, which are easily obtained from that player's personal stats page and the Blink Stat page it was not strange that a player with about 170 plays out of a total of 340 plays were all crow lotteries and just a quick glance at the vertical bar chart on the Blink stat page shows over 1000 wins in the last day or so with each of the 1-8 numbers, then no, winning 6 crows with ticket number one is not strange.

    Given your demonstrated inability to find your own ass with both hands leads me to believe that if you took the time to find something on your own, you might improve your credibility above minus 2 for 2. It might be time for you to ditch that character and get a new one if you intend to continue to attempt to rouse the rabble.

    I hope you do well in your future endeavors, some place else.
    Ace Boogi
    Republic University
    Minmatar Republic
    #2237 - 2013-12-01 14:10:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Boogi
    wow Carver, you really went out of your way there for an npc alt.

    how about you try posting with your Somer toon instead now? because the shill is already obvious enough, no need to try and hide it.
    Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir
    Tremor Recorded
    #2238 - 2013-12-01 16:26:29 UTC
    You are calling me a shill? Defined on my Google search as "an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others." You are calling me an accomplice of a swindler? Do I seem enthusiastic? Am I enticing others to do anything but read and find information that is available to anyone?

    What evidence besides me demonstrating that I can read difficult words such "this weeks's winners" do one click on a mouse and read the difficult words "tickets" and "mini" again click a few times, copy paste the poster's name into the find window then be able to simultaneously click and count?

    Do you have any evidence of any wrong doing on my part?

    Perhaps what I have done is impossible for you to do and therefore you think I must be acting in collusion with others to be able to access information available to all?

    Do you have someone who chews your food for you?

    I present basic information my grandchildren can understand and instead of just picking apart the information to see if there are any errors, you chose to pick apart me?

    What great secret did I disclose which only an insider could know which gave you the vast knowledge that I am anyone's accomplice?

    I don't suffer fools easily. We live in a world of adults who want to be spoon fed and I want to rip the spoons out of the hands of the enablers and see people become able to do and find things on their own and for that, I have to be someone's accomplice?

    Jack Breacher asked where to find something an idiot with a speck of desire could find. I tossed some bread crumbs in the correct direction hoping the pidgeon inside him could make it the rest of the way. And now you come along with barely a sliver of a kernel of corn and think you have found the entire Kelloggs empire.

    Shame on you.

    Bring evidence or let us keep wondering if you are a fool by keeping your mouth shut instead of opening it and removing all doubt.
    Jack Breacher
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #2239 - 2013-12-01 18:40:30 UTC
    Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
    You are calling me a shill? Defined on my Google search as "an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others." You are calling me an accomplice of a swindler? Do I seem enthusiastic? Am I enticing others to do anything but read and find information that is available to anyone?

    What evidence besides me demonstrating that I can read difficult words such "this weeks's winners" do one click on a mouse and read the difficult words "tickets" and "mini" again click a few times, copy paste the poster's name into the find window then be able to simultaneously click and count?

    Do you have any evidence of any wrong doing on my part?

    Perhaps what I have done is impossible for you to do and therefore you think I must be acting in collusion with others to be able to access information available to all?

    Do you have someone who chews your food for you?

    I present basic information my grandchildren can understand and instead of just picking apart the information to see if there are any errors, you chose to pick apart me?

    What great secret did I disclose which only an insider could know which gave you the vast knowledge that I am anyone's accomplice?

    I don't suffer fools easily. We live in a world of adults who want to be spoon fed and I want to rip the spoons out of the hands of the enablers and see people become able to do and find things on their own and for that, I have to be someone's accomplice?

    Jack Breacher asked where to find something an idiot with a speck of desire could find. I tossed some bread crumbs in the correct direction hoping the pidgeon inside him could make it the rest of the way. And now you come along with barely a sliver of a kernel of corn and think you have found the entire Kelloggs empire.

    Shame on you.

    Bring evidence or let us keep wondering if you are a fool by keeping your mouth shut instead of opening it and removing all doubt.

    Ok... Now your acting like a complete ****

    The reason why I couldnt find my tickets was that it took ages for it to load on my tablet. Secondly, I DIDNOT try to raise suspicion with the crow thing. I just found it odd that the guy won crows with the same ticket over and over.

    If you like being a complete douche just stfu and read the posts.
    Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir
    Tremor Recorded
    #2240 - 2013-12-02 00:54:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir
    Jack Breacher wrote:
    Doesn't this look odd
    Winning every Crow with #1 ticket

    Jack Breacher wrote:
    One question...
    I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?

    You really have to work on plausible deniability.

    On the crow issue, I stand with the original response - no it does not look odd to anyone who knows how to read the link you provided.

    You could have said something like, "Seems odd that someone only wins crows with ticket #1. How does he do that? Or you cold have just looked at the bar chart and found that over over 1000 #1 tickets win a blink every day and he happened to have had six which may have spanned several days, but you chose to give it the menacing conspiratorial spin of your orignial post.

    On the, " One question...
    I put so many tickets in 2 mini bonks and I cant find mine in the minibonk list. Where are they?" which has now turned into,"The reason why I couldnt find my tickets was that it took ages for it to load on my tablet."

    Not having enough patience to use the equipment you have is very different from "you put it there, now you can't find it - You want to know where it is?"

    Communication is a skill which can be learned.