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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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#2161 - 2013-11-04 12:36:12 UTC
Cayell wrote:
@Nanatoa - While you've posted a lot of correspondence, I've yet to see any hard evidence regarding the in-game communication, or the initial deposit. It might help your case if you could post a screenshot of the wallet transaction or something.

Screenshot of deposits [The 15B had to be picked up by the API, so I deposited another 1B later for a pre-authorized deposit.]
Screenshot of message exchanges

Let me know if you'd like to see anything else. (I'm saving the exact content of the messages for a later post.)

Cayell wrote:
I have to admit that personally, I thought you were trolling from the start because 16B is one hell of a deposit to make.

It is one hell of a deposit to make, but it was for a chance to win a Gold Magnate. A Gold Magnate. I find 16 Billion a reasonable amount to get a shot at winning an unique ship with such historic value.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Memnon Shepard
The Occupation.
#2162 - 2013-11-04 15:49:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Memnon Shepard
Nanatoa wrote:

It is one hell of a deposit to make, but it was for a chance to win a Gold Magnate. A Gold Magnate. I find 16 Billion a reasonable amount to get a shot at winning an unique ship with such historic value.

IIRC the special (CCP donated and then adjusted, not bait-and-switched by SOMER) prizes were awarded based on total blinks played, each blink/win giving a set amount of tickets depending on the value of the Blink. I could see a request for a refund of Bonk plays prior to prize drawing being refunded because you wouldn't have purchased any equity on other prizes. Being able to put 16B on Blink, bid on as many Rorquals as possible, then ask for a refund later is an easily exploitable system (that would also cause issues for the people who lost the blinks you won and now want to return), and I can understand why a request like that would be denied.

I haven't followed the entire story so this may have been covered before but I'm wondering, did you spend the 16B blinking on actual prizes that you won/lost in order to gain tickets to the GM, or did you put it all into a Bonk @500k apiece without hope of winning other items?
#2163 - 2013-11-04 16:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanatoa
I played Blinks. I'd never done any Blinking before and I didn't know Bonks existed until I figured I had free points which could be put into things that were not Blinks. CCP Navigator's post didn't mention Bonks and even said:
With SOMER Blink anyone who plays a single blink (even a free promo blink) will gain a ticket to the main Blink Blast so you have a chance to win. Clearly, the more you play the more chances you have to win the blast.

(emphasis mine)

So I played pretty much every Blink I could get into for a few hours, spending my ISK to get 'free' tickets for the Gold Magnate lottery.
I'd much rather have had the option of dumping 16B in exchange for (for example) 16000 tickets, but that was not an option. I had to play Blinks to participate. First requiring me to play Blinks to enter a lottery for a Gold Magnate and then later saying "you played Blinks so you got what you paid for" when I complain I couldn't actually win a Gold Magnate, that doesn't fly. It was not my decision to set up the lottery that way.

Edit to add:
Memnon Shepard wrote:
Being able to put 16B on Blink, bid on as many Rorquals as possible, then ask for a refund later being an easily exploitable system (that would also cause issues for the people who lost the blinks you won and now want to return), and I can understand why a request like that would be denied.

It's only 'easily exploitable' if you make a habit of requiring Blink being played for participation in a lottery and changing the prizes for that lottery. It is not exploitable at all if you stick to what you promised you'd do.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2164 - 2013-11-04 17:42:28 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
I played Blinks. I'd never done any Blinking before and I didn't know Bonks existed until I figured I had free points which could be put into things that were not Blinks. CCP Navigator's post didn't mention Bonks and even said:
With SOMER Blink anyone who plays a single blink (even a free promo blink) will gain a ticket to the main Blink Blast so you have a chance to win. Clearly, the more you play the more chances you have to win the blast.

(emphasis mine)

So I played pretty much every Blink I could get into for a few hours, spending my ISK to get 'free' tickets for the Gold Magnate lottery.
I'd much rather have had the option of dumping 16B in exchange for (for example) 16000 tickets, but that was not an option. I had to play Blinks to participate. First requiring me to play Blinks to enter a lottery for a Gold Magnate and then later saying "you played Blinks so you got what you paid for" when I complain I couldn't actually win a Gold Magnate, that doesn't fly. It was not my decision to set up the lottery that way.

Edit to add:
Memnon Shepard wrote:
Being able to put 16B on Blink, bid on as many Rorquals as possible, then ask for a refund later being an easily exploitable system (that would also cause issues for the people who lost the blinks you won and now want to return), and I can understand why a request like that would be denied.

It's only 'easily exploitable' if you make a habit of requiring Blink being played for participation in a lottery and changing the prizes for that lottery. It is not exploitable at all if you stick to what you promised you'd do.

I'm not taking sides on this and I have followed your efforts on this forum however this reply didn't answer the question he asked on whether you wagered. If you did and this was purely an exercise as you have described (i.e. You were only doing it for the tickets to the draw of that ship) then I, and I think everyone else reading your posts, would have expected you to take every seat on every ultra or megablink to get an isk return.

Did you do this? And if not why not? The loss if you did would have been minimal (70-80% of isk invested) and would add a lot of credence to your posts and efforts.

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

#2165 - 2013-11-04 18:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanatoa
AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
this reply didn't answer the question he asked on whether you wagered.

As I said in the first three words of my reply, I played Blinks. I didn't do whatever else he/you might have thought I might have done (as I said, I'm not intimately familiar with all the stuff you can do on SOMER Blink; the contest announcement said play Blinks, I played Blinks).

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
I, and I think everyone else reading your posts, would have expected you to take every seat on every ultra or megablink to get an isk return.

There's time involved to. For a couple of hours I played every blink, megablink, ultrablink, promoblink that I could enter, burning through my credits asap to get as many 'free' lottery tickets within a reasonable timeframe.

Edit: just now realised you said "take every seat". How would that give me a better return? I wanted as many tickets for the Gold Magnate as possible, the optimal strategy for that was to take 1 ticket in every Blink.

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
Did you do this? And if not why not? The loss if you did would have been minimal (70-80% of isk invested) and would add a lot of credence to your posts and efforts.

I did win some stuff, but I am not interested in that stuff. I have offered to return everything I won in exchange for the refund of my 16B.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

#2166 - 2013-11-04 18:20:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanatoa
As an aside, while I understand the requests for "hard evidence" and people wanting me to "add credence", lets not forget that there has be no public statement by SOMER Blink regarding this matter. None at all. If there was no truth to my claims, don't you think someone would have said something? Perhaps a "we never received 16B in deposits" or a "you already played before the announcement" or a "you requested your refund after the draw was made" or something to negate any of my claims? Remember that Andrev Nox had no problem calling out Poetic Stanziel for 'hypocrisy'. Why hasn't he publicly said that I am in the wrong? I'll tell you: because everything I say is true.

I'll give you all the hard evidence you need, but meanwhile, remember that SOMER has given you nothing to balance the scales.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2167 - 2013-11-04 19:28:18 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:

Edit: just now realised you said "take every seat". How would that give me a better return? I wanted as many tickets for the Gold Magnate as possible, the optimal strategy for that was to take 1 ticket in every Blink.

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
Did you do this? And if not why not? The loss if you did would have been minimal (70-80% of isk invested) and would add a lot of credence to your posts and efforts.

I did win some stuff, but I am not interested in that stuff. I have offered to return everything I won in exchange for the refund of my 16B.

a: From what I understood it was going to work like every other Blast does i.e. The more big Blinks you win the more tickets are added to the draw.

b: What stuff did you win? Was it anywhere near the 16 billion isk worth?

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

#2168 - 2013-11-04 19:38:00 UTC
AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
a: From what I understood it was going to work like every other Blast does i.e. The more big Blinks you win the more tickets are added to the draw.

It was 1 ticket for participating in a Blink, a few more for winning a Blink (but not enough more to warrant buying all the tickets).

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
b: What stuff did you win? Was it anywhere near the 16 billion isk worth?

No. My "winnings" are worth slightly less than 70% of what I put in. That valuation is according to the website and does not take into account any costs, time and effort required to liquidate a wide variety of items.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2169 - 2013-11-04 20:24:15 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:

It was 1 ticket for participating in a Blink, a few more for winning a Blink (but not enough more to warrant buying all the tickets).

Actually winning a large Blink is 8 times the tickets I think on a Blast so fail maths there.

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
b: What stuff did you win? Was it anywhere near the 16 billion isk worth?

No. My "winnings" are worth slightly less than 70% of what I put in. That valuation is according to the website and does not take into account any costs, time and effort required to liquidate a wide variety of items.

Sorry but conclusion drawn here from me. Sounds to me like someone wanted to win a lottery, didn't (or realised the odds were stacked miserably high without doing research) and claimed foul.

There is absolutely NO reason why you wouldn't have bid every or nearly every single ticket in every major blink if your sole intention had been to win that Magnate. With the deepest respect and as someone who has gambled insane amounts compared to that 16 billion I can only say this sounds to me like it falls into one of two scenarios :

a) You went for the magnate, you played along the way, you are down 30% (so in reality you really should have been asking for 4.8 billion anyway to have legitimized any of the threadnoughting) and you feel hard done by. Fair enough, you'll get over it.

b) (And I have to say what is looking more the truth) You went for the Blast anyway regardless of what it was, saw the number of players going for it and did some basic maths to realize 16 billion was nowhere near going to get you even a remote chance against those numbers.

I don't see why you should be refunded and if you want to be then it can only be from CCP and not from Blink as it was CCP's U-Turn not Somer's. if Blink are legit (and I have never had any reason to call foul) then sending you an entire isk deposit back and issuing a formal statement or letting you crow about it here anyway would open the door to everyone and that's just not going to happen. Any business be it virtual, real or combo would act the same way.

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

#2170 - 2013-11-04 21:13:05 UTC
AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
Sorry but conclusion drawn here from me. Sounds to me like someone wanted to win a lottery, didn't (or realised the odds were stacked miserably high without doing research) and claimed foul.

I'm sorry but you're the one not doing research here. I claimed foul immediately after the announcement the prizes were changed. That was only a few hours after I played - the odds of winning hadn't changed in that timeframe - but the prize had. As for your claim that I should have bought every ticket in every major blink, it would have reduced the number of free tickets I would have gotten for the Gold Magnate lottery. As I said it was 1 ticket just for playing a blink, much less than 16/32 tickets for winning a big blink. And why in heavens sake would CCP have to refund me? SOMER Blink has my 16B! (They can get their 10.9B in stuff back from me.)

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

X ATM092
The Hatchery
#2171 - 2013-11-04 21:51:22 UTC
Blink announced that they were selling gold magnate lottery tickets with their normal blinks. People took that deal. Blink then gave them the normal blink prizes but not the gold magnate lottery tickets then said "you got what you paid for". It's not that difficult to understand that the guy got screwed here. What he was trying to buy was dumb and he was being dumb but he did buy raffle tickets trying to win a prize that was subsequently withdrawn. If it didn't set a precedent for refunding everyone who blinked in that period it'd be an obvious case for a refund.
Steamhouse Enemy Engagement Division
#2172 - 2013-11-04 22:06:04 UTC
No. My "winnings" are worth slightly less than 70% of what I put in. That valuation is according to the website and does not take into account any costs, time and effort required to liquidate a wide variety of items.


You deposited 16 Billion, with the goal of winning a Golden Mandate through the promotion.
You proceeded to gamble with all of that money, as required to gain as many tickets as you could with that money.
You won around 70% of that 16 Billion back in prizes (a pretty good return rate given your buying of 1 ticket per blink).
The Golden Mandate prize was switched for another, of less value or desirability to you.

Sorry, but I don't know of any gambling establishment that would offer you even a partial refund under these circumstances. I don't know if SOMER has a legal section that states this anywhere, but usually with these things prizes are subject to change.

Had you deposited 16 Billion ISK, and then used the tokens to gamble on promos, never winning any and never actually spending any cash - I can see SOMER stretching to refund the cash as a sign of good faith when the prizes changed. I can't see anywhere refunding anything given your actual circumstances, though.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2173 - 2013-11-04 22:19:00 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
As for your claim that I should have bought every ticket in every major blink, it would have reduced the number of free tickets I would have gotten for the Gold Magnate lottery.

Because you buy all tickets 16 out of 16 (or as close as you can get to it) you win and get 8 extra tickets, you take Blink credit on winnings, you rinse repeat with those winnings collecting 8 tickets every single time until the spiral ends through lose of credit. I can do the cascade down maths for you if you want but seeing as win value + 5% on credit it's actually a long cost effective and most important easier way to get more tickets into the draw before the cascade closes itself down.

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2174 - 2013-11-04 22:19:57 UTC
Cayell wrote:
No. My "winnings" are worth slightly less than 70% of what I put in. That valuation is according to the website and does not take into account any costs, time and effort required to liquidate a wide variety of items.


You deposited 16 Billion, with the goal of winning a Golden Mandate through the promotion.
You proceeded to gamble with all of that money, as required to gain as many tickets as you could with that money.
You won around 70% of that 16 Billion back in prizes (a pretty good return rate given your buying of 1 ticket per blink).
The Golden Mandate prize was switched for another, of less value or desirability to you.

Sorry, but I don't know of any gambling establishment that would offer you even a partial refund under these circumstances. I don't know if SOMER has a legal section that states this anywhere, but usually with these things prizes are subject to change.

Had you deposited 16 Billion ISK, and then used the tokens to gamble on promos, never winning any and never actually spending any cash - I can see SOMER stretching to refund the cash as a sign of good faith when the prizes changed. I can't see anywhere refunding anything given your actual circumstances, though.

And this but put far more eloquently than I ever could. Well done Cayell

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

#2175 - 2013-11-04 22:46:09 UTC
X ATM092 wrote:
Blink announced that they were selling gold magnate lottery tickets with their normal blinks. People took that deal. Blink then gave them the normal blink prizes but not the gold magnate lottery tickets then said "you got what you paid for". It's not that difficult to understand that the guy got screwed here. What he was trying to buy was dumb and he was being dumb but he did buy raffle tickets trying to win a prize that was subsequently withdrawn.

You know, with the benefit of hindsight, I fully agree. I got screwed and I was dumb, but at the time I thought it was legit, with the promotion being run by a long-running business and being endorsed by CCP and all.

Cayell wrote:
I don't know if SOMER has a legal section that states this anywhere, but usually with these things prizes are subject to change.

SOMER has a statement saying that prizes are subject to availability and they might offer the ISK value of the prize if the prize is unavailable. SOMER offered neither the Gold Magnate nor its ISK value (whatever that may be).

AssassinationsdoneWrong wrote:
Because you buy all tickets 16 out of 16 (or as close as you can get to it) you win and get 8 extra tickets, you take Blink credit on winnings, you rinse repeat with those winnings collecting 8 tickets every single time until the spiral ends through lose of credit.

I haven't done the math but that does sound pretty effective. This 'loophole' may be obvious to regular Blink players, but as I said I was unfamiliar with all the intricacies of Blinks, Bonks, and Blasts. I had heard of SOMER Blink but never bothered trying it, until the recent Gold Magnate lottery. At first glance buying 1 ticket in every Blink seemed most efficient.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Niclas Solo
Amarr Empire
#2176 - 2013-11-05 01:02:32 UTC
How do i choose more then one number before i start a blink?
Khumaak Flying Circus
#2177 - 2013-11-05 02:19:32 UTC
JusFooling Around wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Dizirgee wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

Because the bonus violated Section 6B of the EULA and CCP's lawyer decided that the GTC Resellers agreements and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar should not override the EULA.

I pretty much doubt it. 1st EULA is from April 2012 , so unless it took CCP about a year to notice Blink there is probably some other reason (like other PLEX resellers complaining to CCP or whatever)
2nd I doubt 6B is matching to Blink. It says you basically cannot sell ingame stuff as [a player]. Plex is ingame item and pretty much its legit for certified resellers to sell it. 6B would than match to every plex site.
And I don't see how Blink is selling any ingame items. They give you 200mil virtual credit (not ISK) for free (under condition you buy plex from their friendly Dragon) that you may or may not transform into ingame item/isk based on your luck in lottery.

Unless I'm missing something you cannot simply buy ISK for $$ on Blink like on gold farming sites.

PS: not native English speaker but I wonder if 6B isn't missing clarification that such actions (transfer/buy/sell) cannot be done for real world currencies (mainly 1st sentence)? Now it can be understood like everyone is violating this by using market/auction in eve every single day :)

The information (except for the part about the rules of the Time Code Bazaar) came from a letter that CCP sent out to all of the authorized resellers of Eve time codes. Linking or quoting from the letter would violate the EVE Online Terms of Service, so I cannot do so.

The part about the GTC Resellers agreement and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar overruling the EULA before this change was announced came from the Chief Operating Officer of Shattered Crystal when he explained why SOMERblink was not violating any of CCP's rules by giving out the bonus. Shattered Crystal is the company that SOMERblink affiliated with up until May of this year. I'm not sure if I am allowed to link to the blog post because it does contain some speculation plus contains information that on 7 November will represent a topic that is forbidden to discuss on the EVE Online forums.

So what I wrote wasn't my opinion or speculation.

I live in the Portland Oregon Area and read the newspaper. It is a matter of public record that Shattered Crystal declared bankruptcy which left their affiliates in the cold for their payments. It is a civil court action and available information to anyone who cares to check the public record or who happened to read it in the public notices part of the Portland Oregonian newspaper. It is not a rumor, it is a court record.

So I wrote the reason why SOMERblink was not violating the rules up until CCP sent out the letter, quoting one of the top people at Shattered Crystal explaining why SOMERblink was not violating the rules, and you attack Shattered Crystal. You must really hate SOMER! Shocked

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2178 - 2013-11-05 03:12:21 UTC
Niclas Solo wrote:
How do i choose more then one number before i start a blink?

You start the the blink with a single ticket and then like everyone else, you enter the fray to buy any additional tickets you wish to buy using the main blink page which you are taken to when you buy the first ticket. Because you know exactly ( your server response may vary) and you know which ticket is already taken when you bought a ticket to open the blink, you can have your cursor on your screen in the approximate location of the second ticket you want to buy. If you have started a blink during a heavy player presence of a prize with high popularity, you may or may not get a third ticket. Because your view of each blink does not change until you refresh your browser ( and auto-refresh is against the rules as it that puts strain on the server) others who are not hammering their F5 key to refresh, will not see the blinks change until the either refresh or do something that will cause the screen to refresh, such as buy a ticket which will refresh all blinks on your screen or click on the small green thing in the upper right of each individual blink to refresh that individual blink.

This is really a topic for the blink chat and not one I ever thought anyone who plays blink ever ask, so I answered it here instead of letting the poster sit in the dark about the mechanics of that game.
Niclas Solo
Amarr Empire
#2179 - 2013-11-05 03:21:57 UTC
JusFooling Around wrote:
Niclas Solo wrote:
How do i choose more then one number before i start a blink?

You start the the blink with a single ticket and then like everyone else, you enter the fray to buy any additional tickets you wish to buy using the main blink page which you are taken to when you buy the first ticket. Because you know exactly ( your server response may vary) and you know which ticket is already taken when you bought a ticket to open the blink, you can have your cursor on your screen in the approximate location of the second ticket you want to buy. If you have started a blink during a heavy player presence of a prize with high popularity, you may or may not get a third ticket. Because your view of each blink does not change until you refresh your browser ( and auto-refresh is against the rules as it that puts strain on the server) others who are not hammering their F5 key to refresh, will not see the blinks change until the either refresh or do something that will cause the screen to refresh, such as buy a ticket which will refresh all blinks on your screen or click on the small green thing in the upper right of each individual blink to refresh that individual blink.

This is really a topic for the blink chat and not one I ever thought anyone who plays blink ever ask, so I answered it here instead of letting the poster sit in the dark about the mechanics of that game.

No they are using a program that that autobet on your numbers. I start a blink and before i have time to pick a 2nd number someone else have already got number 8-16. I would like that program also, where can i find that?
JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2180 - 2013-11-05 04:07:59 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
JusFooling Around wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Dizirgee wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

Because the bonus violated Section 6B of the EULA and CCP's lawyer decided that the GTC Resellers agreements and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar should not override the EULA.

The part about the GTC Resellers agreement and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar overruling the EULA before this change was announced came from the Chief Operating Officer of Shattered Crystal when he explained why SOMERblink was not violating any of CCP's rules by giving out the bonus. Shattered Crystal is the company that SOMERblink affiliated with up until May of this year. I'm not sure if I am allowed to link to the blog post because it does contain some speculation plus contains information that on 7 November will represent a topic that is forbidden to discuss on the EVE Online forums.

So what I wrote wasn't my opinion or speculation.

I live in the Portland Oregon Area and read the newspaper. It is a matter of public record that Shattered Crystal declared bankruptcy which left their affiliates in the cold for their payments. It is a civil court action and available information to anyone who cares to check the public record or who happened to read it in the public notices part of the Portland Oregonian newspaper. It is not a rumor, it is a court record.

So I wrote the reason why SOMERblink was not violating the rules up until CCP sent out the letter, quoting one of the top people at Shattered Crystal explaining why SOMERblink was not violating the rules, and you attack Shattered Crystal. You must really hate SOMER! Shocked

First, I do not hate any person and I do not hate Blink or Shattered Crystal. There are very few things I actually hate and besides discrimination, human trafficking (which may be more prolific now than at any time in human history), dictatorial oppression, abuses of power and hatred itself. I am working to end my cognitive dissonance of harboring hatred and hating hatred.

Because so much innuendo has been used to skirt rule infractions on this topic and innuendo leads to assumptions being made about the intention of an innuendo, I made the now apparent to me incorrect assumption the reference to information being available after November 7 might include the back and forth discussions which might or might not be (innuendo again) taking place between an affiliate and an authorized third party reseller who may not have upheld the affiliate incentive for one reason or another.

Because Shattered Crystal was mentioned and an item of fact exists about them which many readers here are not likely to have caught the public announcements of the Portland Oregonian Newspaper, I took the opportunity to inject at least one point of fact, to join the many you have provided about the EULA and affiliate rules and facts mentioned by you and others I am sure I have failed to mention.

The matter of Shattered Crystal declaring Bankruptcy in the Multnomah County Oregon court system, is not innuendo, conjecture, opinion, speculation, tinfoli hat size, but a matter of public record available to all who care to pursue it or happen to read about it during a daily perusal of the public notices in the local newspaper of record. In the United States, every court jurisdiction publishes notices of matters of public record in the most local newpspaper to the jurisdiction.

I will apologize for reaching into my magic bag of possible things which this or that innuendo may or may not have have been attempting to skirt and choosing poorly.

It is not my place or perhaps anyone's to apologize for Shattered Crystal declaring bankruptcy and no longer having their link on Blink but one more fact in a virtual tsunami of conjecture could probably not hurt, but I do regret a mention of fact was taken as an act of hate.

I am sorry the limit of 6000 characters on a post does not count the characters on the quoted posts, but I under stand why and hope the redaction does not cause any misunderstanding as I meant to include what seems related to the this reply, and we will see what we get when I hit "post".