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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Writing Memoirs
#2041 - 2013-10-10 04:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: 2pt
Sophie Hunter wrote: you say?

I enjoy somerblink. Actually i deposited x isks and ended up with x+x/2, so i have no complaints. The site is enjoyable, the game is fun and you don't force anyone to deposit. Players play cause they want to play, and that's cool.

What's not cool is to make fools out of the players, making them believe that every raffle is honest. It's very common to see the same person win 2 or more promoblinks in a row, and many in the same day. What are the odds on that happening? Statistically impossible, if not rigged.

I can tell you i already played more than 500 promoblinks and have won nothing. Unlucky me. Cry

The regular blinks also have their funny "coincidences". Sometimes there is someone who wins a lot. That someone even wins ship bonuses in every raffle and, even funnier, they also win Bonks, Minibonks and Gigabonks. Must be the luckiest guy on earth. When he leaves, another one comes wiping most of the raffles, to give place to another lucky guy or gal, and so on.

But i really like Somerblink. Otherwise i wouldn't have lost the time to write my experience in this fantastic game!
I leave you with a printscreen that i think sums it all! God Bless...

Big smile

Don't want to be accused of quoting out of context. I'm sorry that random events don't happen the way you think they ought to. Please Visit Random.Org and see it is not just sub-fansite of Blink. Look into how they arrive at the the numbers and how they arrive on blink's site. Look at the operations for which that site provides random numbers, talk to some of them

Please don't let your skepticism and lack of information give you the mistaken right to label thousands of other people as "fools". Please seperate the events where a player can increase their odds and events from where they cannot be increased.

Gigas are notorious for being bought by the one with the most tickets, yet there are instances where players have had more than half the tickets in a giga and lost to a player with one ticket. Promos will occasionally have one player who has an incredible spurt of luck, but check that player out in 6 months or a few thousand promos from now and you'll see how things have evened out a liitte.

Blinks, Bonks, Mini-bonks, Gigas can all be influenced by the number of tickets, each of which has a fair chance of being drawn, that a player can accumulate. Anecdotal screen shots really don't stand up as evidence in statistical data. Every bank of statistical data will have at least one patch that seems to defy reality, but because there are clumps of such data in each data set, it proves that random is just that - random.

The Bonk and the minibonk are pure casino events where players with the funds or tokens gathered by having the funds to deposit, play, win or all three have advantages. Casinos are not designed to re-distribute wealth by giving everyone an equal chance. Fair does not mean equal. Fair means each ticket has the same chance and equal means each person has the same chance. If you own 12 of 16 tickets in a blink and I own one, the odds are in your favor but I am only playing because I fully believe my one ticket has just as much chance of winning as any of the other 15 tickets. Sure, I know if I always have one and someone else always has 12, they are probably going to win more often than I do and they are going to lose more often than I do. That one winning ticket left the player with 11 losing tickets meaning the player just won back more of his/her own ISK than Somer's ISK. My one ticket strategy may not be as exciting with fewer wins over a given amount of time, but it also gives me fewer losses and preserving your bankroll is a prime directive for gamblers. Show me a gambler who has lost everything and I'll show you a gambler who does not know when to stop and therefore, will always lose everything.

It serves no real purpose to get butt hurt over being out won by someone who outbuys me in the ticket sales. Some one was going to buy those other 12 tickets before the blink would be over with.

If I thought for the tiniest measurable part of a second that the out come was rigged. I would never play. I encourage you and anyone else who thinks fools are playing without knowing the game is rigged to leave and never return And Please tell me what kind of a fool would you be to play if you were convinced it was rigged. Leave us convinced 'fools" and go on your way. Jita has many opportunities for ISK vs Risk and they're are some other sites which call themselves gambling sites. Wherever you play games of chance, know your odds and be sure the games are fairly run - each ticket (not person) has a fair chance of winning.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy this game till the last day you play and quit when you no longer do enjoy it.

A Random Guy in the Crowd who used to teach stats.
Josef Djugashvilis
#2042 - 2013-10-10 04:40:59 UTC
SOMER Blink: proof that a fool and his isk are easily parted.

This is not a signature.

Sophie Hunter
Gallente Federation
#2043 - 2013-10-10 12:28:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Sophie Hunter
2pt wrote:
A Random Guy in the Crowd who used to teach stats.

If you used to teach stats, you really should know that winning 2 promoblinks in a row, with 2 different numbers, in a 350 or 525 numbers pool, is virtually impossible. There is another example where someone wins a promoblink, then a Bonk, a Minibonk, Gigablink... and... is part of the Blink Blast and party event winners. Where in your statement is this random? Even if he bought many tickets, "many" is far from being "12 out of 16". We are talking about 10k, 20k, 30k in more than a million tickets. That's 1-3% winning chance. And the winners are always the same: Mr De, Kaldor Mintat, L'amour Sauvage, Ripley12, Cheiya....

But don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against Somerblink. I actually find the game quite amusing and i even ended up with a little profit. I sometimes lol when i see a noob with 1 blink played, winning 2 or 3 promoblinks in the same day, or a well known player that everyday wins a promoblink, or 2, and i mean... everyday! Don't throw at me the "" excuse. That's a poor excuse to a programmer like me.
I have no reason to be butthurted. I ended up with profit, did you not read? My lack of faith is about the promoblinks, bonks, minibonks, gigabonks, blasts and party event raffles, as i explained before, which is very easy to understand the mechanics. Also, tokens are offered like hot buns as an excuse for people to keep playing in the regular blinks. That's ingenious. Somerblink is very clear on the game he provides and everyone has the option to be part of it or not.

I don't expect to end somer business. I wish him the best of luck. At least i made people think about it for a while, which is fine to me.

Good luck to you too!
Steamhouse Enemy Engagement Division
#2044 - 2013-10-10 22:06:10 UTC
Sophie Hunter wrote:

If you used to teach stats, you really should know that winning 2 promoblinks in a row, with 2 different numbers, in a 350 or 525 numbers pool, is virtually impossible.

Not so. If you change numbers after a win, you've just as much chance of winning as anyone else.
Virtually impossible would be the same thing happening, but with the player using the same number on both promos. It can still happen though - I've seen the same number come up within 3-4 promos before, though never to the same person.

Remember: The chances of getting a coin to land heads-up ten times in a row are slim. However, every time you flip the coin there is still a 50% chance of it being heads, even if it's been heads 7 times in a row already.

There is another example where someone wins a promoblink, then a Bonk, a Minibonk, Gigablink... and... is part of the Blink Blast and party event winners. Where in your statement is this random? Even if he bought many tickets, "many" is far from being "12 out of 16". We are talking about 10k, 20k, 30k in more than a million tickets. That's 1-3% winning chance. And the winners are always the same: Mr De, Kaldor Mintat, L'amour Sauvage, Ripley12, Cheiya....

Think about it. If there are a 10 prizes on a bonk, a million tickets, and a few (10+) people who buy 30-40k tickets.
Now because each of those people can only win once, every time one of them wins their tickets are removed from the pot. This means that for every multi-ticket buyer that wins, the odds go up for the others. By the time you get to the 10th prize, 400k tickets have gone from that pot and their odds are now closer to 10% - and compared to the odds of someone who bought 50 tickets, that's very, very good.
Writing Memoirs
#2045 - 2013-10-11 02:36:23 UTC
Sophie Hunter wrote:
2pt wrote:
A Random Guy in the Crowd who used to teach stats.

If you used to teach stats, you really should know that winning 2 promoblinks in a row, with 2 different numbers, in a 350 or 525 numbers pool, is virtually impossible. There is another example where someone wins a promoblink, then a Bonk, a Minibonk, Gigablink... and... is part of the Blink Blast and party event winners. Where in your statement is this random? Even if he bought many tickets, "many" is far from being "12 out of 16". We are talking about 10k, 20k, 30k in more than a million tickets. That's 1-3% winning chance. And the winners are always the same: Mr De, Kaldor Mintat, L'amour Sauvage, Ripley12, Cheiya....

But don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against Somerblink. I actually find the game quite amusing and i even ended up with a little profit. I sometimes lol when i see a noob with 1 blink played, winning 2 or 3 promoblinks in the same day, or a well known player that everyday wins a promoblink, or 2, and i mean... everyday! Don't throw at me the "" excuse. That's a poor excuse to a programmer like me.
I have no reason to be butthurted. I ended up with profit, did you not read? My lack of faith is about the promoblinks, bonks, minibonks, gigabonks, blasts and party event raffles, as i explained before, which is very easy to understand the mechanics. Also, tokens are offered like hot buns as an excuse for people to keep playing in the regular blinks. That's ingenious. Somerblink is very clear on the game he provides and everyone has the option to be part of it or not.

I don't expect to end somer business. I wish him the best of luck. At least i made people think about it for a while, which is fine to me.

Good luck to you too!

BECAUSE I used to teach stats at the doctoral level I really know how winning two promo blinks in a row with two different numbers in a 350 or 525 numbers pool is possible, rare but quite possible. Different winning numbers in consecutive promos are not rare only that the same person happened to be holding the winning tickets back to back introduced rarity. Depending on when the promo occurred, the lucky winner may have selected more than one number before finding one not taken and that number won. As Cayell implies, the numbers have no memories and do not know when they have last been selected or by whom. Random is often doing the virtually impossible. The essence of random is doing the virtually impossible. "Virtually impossible" is a human term used to describe randomness. True Randomness.

Yes, I said true randomness to a programmer like you. It is obvious you have not visited as a programmer like you should know that any Random Number Generator based on any algorithm no matter how sophisticated would eventually establish a pattern. It may take several years of producing alphanumerical sets for an identifiable pattern to emerge and based on the intricacies, some advanced algorithms may require a few more years for the world's fastest supercomputer to detect a pattern, but a pattern will be found when using any algorithm based RNG. does not use algorithm based RNG to produce the billions of number sets it has produced in which no pattern has ever been discovered. Take a stretch beyond the normal mind of a programmer and find out you don't know everything about random number generation. Go beyond DOS, beyond 1s and 0s - beyond Boolean and anything else you know about RNG. Approach it with a scientific mind and forget for a while that you know all there is to know about generating randomness. Visit the site.

Anyone who has determined how to predict numbers will probably not spend their time and talent winning pretend money and pretend space ships in an internet game, when they could be winning the national lotteries for which provides numbers. Perhaps, they might even be selling the knowledge to one country so it could use the technology to break coded messages of another country.

If you go back through this forum, you will find dozens of other posts extolling a list of the players who” win every Bonk, Mini-Bonk, Giga, Blink and Promo” except the names change. I did not mention anyone being a repeat winner on the Blink Blast as it can only be won once. Nonetheless, I think a name was mentioned as a repeat winner. My take on it is that players will sometimes have a lot of ISK or tokens, buy lots of tickets, win something big and then try to do it every week after that until the ISK runs out. People see the same names a couple of times and there ya go.

If ya think its rigged – get out while you can! Big guys with bad breath will visit your house in your sleep and from then on your computer or any replacement you buy will only be able to log in to Blink!
Sophie Hunter
Gallente Federation
#2046 - 2013-10-11 04:47:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Sophie Hunter
2pt wrote:
BECAUSE I used to teach stats at the doctoral level I really know how winning two promo blinks in a row with two different numbers in a 350 or 525 numbers pool is possible, rare but quite possible. Different winning numbers in consecutive promos are not rare only that the same person happened to be holding the winning tickets back to back introduced rarity. Depending on when the promo occurred, the lucky winner may have selected more than one number before finding one not taken and that number won. As Cayell implies, the numbers have no memories and do not know when they have last been selected or by whom. Random is often doing the virtually impossible. The essence of random is doing the virtually impossible. "Virtually impossible" is a human term used to describe randomness. True Randomness.

Yes, I said true randomness to a programmer like you. It is obvious you have not visited as a programmer like you should know that any Random Number Generator based on any algorithm no matter how sophisticated would eventually establish a pattern. It may take several years of producing alphanumerical sets for an identifiable pattern to emerge and based on the intricacies, some advanced algorithms may require a few more years for the world's fastest supercomputer to detect a pattern, but a pattern will be found when using any algorithm based RNG. does not use algorithm based RNG to produce the billions of number sets it has produced in which no pattern has ever been discovered. Take a stretch beyond the normal mind of a programmer and find out you don't know everything about random number generation. Go beyond DOS, beyond 1s and 0s - beyond Boolean and anything else you know about RNG. Approach it with a scientific mind and forget for a while that you know all there is to know about generating randomness. Visit the site.

Anyone who has determined how to predict numbers will probably not spend their time and talent winning pretend money and pretend space ships in an internet game, when they could be winning the national lotteries for which provides numbers. Perhaps, they might even be selling the knowledge to one country so it could use the technology to break coded messages of another country.

If you go back through this forum, you will find dozens of other posts extolling a list of the players who” win every Bonk, Mini-Bonk, Giga, Blink and Promo” except the names change. I did not mention anyone being a repeat winner on the Blink Blast as it can only be won once. Nonetheless, I think a name was mentioned as a repeat winner. My take on it is that players will sometimes have a lot of ISK or tokens, buy lots of tickets, win something big and then try to do it every week after that until the ISK runs out. People see the same names a couple of times and there ya go.

If ya think its rigged – get out while you can! Big guys with bad breath will visit your house in your sleep and from then on your computer or any replacement you buy will only be able to log in to Blink!

Until this point i never insulted you, as i tend to be condescending to people who lack to see reason. You insulting me proves that i'm right, and it made you angry for some reason. It's easy to write a lot of expensive gibberish, but that doesn't take away the experience I had on the site. Yes, it's because i'm a programmer and you're not, that i know how the mechanics behind this kind of business work, what can be done and how.
What's the fuss about That's just a site made by a company to make money. What does that even have to do with the whole point? I care less about where somerblink says he goes for the numbers. I can sell you a potato that was grown with water from mars and because i'm a doctoral teacher of potatos you must believe me? That's pathetic. Your main goal here is to advocate for somerblink. That makes me wonder...

Oh and btw, if you want to throw academic titles or professional experience i'm game for that. You would probably become embarassed and i don't want you to have bad dreams. Consider taking some valium for the next three weeks to avoid boogie man.
I really think i already made my point. If you are still confused, you can go back and read my posts again. I don't want to make this a novel and you really are not that important. I'm sorry.

2pt wrote:
national lotteries for which provides numbers

That made me laugh. Thank you!
Samorost Gallente
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2047 - 2013-10-11 08:16:05 UTC
Hi i have a problem i can register to "SOMER Blink" if i try it in in-game browser he say the same report as in real browser
"You must register using the EVE In-Game Browser. If you haven't trusted the site, please do so now-- this helps ensure that no one except you registers using your name. After you've registered, you can then play Blink from any web browser!"

I try to find answer on internet but I found nothing. Tan you help me?

Thank you
Lukas Rox
Aideron Technologies
#2048 - 2013-10-11 11:19:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lukas Rox
Somerset Mahm wrote:

We use to draw random numbers. At the conclusion of each Blink, we contact and request a number that we then plug into that Blink as the winner. We do not pre-download the random numbers or otherwise maintain them beforehand-- they're drawn immediately at the conclusion of the Blink so that we have no foreknowledge of the number that will be the winner.

I am pretty sure a lot of people would be surprised to see a real tcpdump of transactions correlated with some freshly finished blinks... just saying ;-)

Proud developer of LMeve: Industry Contribution and Mass Production Tracker: | Blogging about EVE on

Edominar EdoClan
Amarr Empire
#2049 - 2013-10-11 23:17:40 UTC
Just signed up today. A few hours later, I can't log in.

Only one Blink account per person allowed.
Login failed. Please check name and password.

I only signed up once and with this one character. I tried restarting my browser, clearing cookies, ect. This only started happening after I tried using the reload button on my browser instead of using the refresh icon provided by the site.

Tried to reset password and got the following:

Error: this character's account is currently disabled and its password may not be reset.
Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#2050 - 2013-10-12 00:16:28 UTC
Samorost Gallente wrote:
Hi i have a problem i can register to "SOMER Blink" if i try it in in-game browser he say the same report as in real browser
"You must register using the EVE In-Game Browser. If you haven't trusted the site, please do so now-- this helps ensure that no one except you registers using your name. After you've registered, you can then play Blink from any web browser!"

I try to find answer on internet but I found nothing. Tan you help me?

Thank you

This is an IGB bug. If you untrust the site (in the IGB options), and then retrust it, the problem should resolve.

SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

Writing Memoirs
#2051 - 2013-10-12 01:50:53 UTC
I don't have the patience for silly games with people who have so many things wrong, no willingness to even consider a different viewpoint and go from discussion to flamethrower.

I am not an advocate for Blink beyond the point of recognizing their good sense demonstrated by using a T-RNG instead of a P-RNG and they have excellent customer service.

How do you know I am not or have never been a programmer? provides the majority of its services for free but must pay for its costs some way so for some heavy users, of the site they charge $4.95 a month I believe. I have never exceeded 600 sets of 10,000 random numbers in a month so I have never paid anything. I think someone from Blink once mentioned they don't pay for, but you would have to ask them about that. I know when I consulted with DARPA after retiring, they were a paying customer but their needs were in the millions of sets of millions of random numbers.

There are players on blink who go into Bonk and Mini-bonk drawings with more than a million possible winning numbers on rare occasions. It is hard to tell unless the lists are downloaded during the weekly drawings. Not long ago, Somer stated she had traded the bandwidth they used to post the top ticket holders so we players could enjoy the convenience of buying 1000 tickets at a time. I know I've had over 80,000 (the top spot ticket holder for that bonk) numbers on a bonk and lost.

And yes, has provided numbers for small countries which have had one-off national drawings. Their range of requests received, considered and honored is a true testimony to the leadership of Mads Haahr, the founder and builder of I see from the site that he now wants to turn into a business and I wish him well.

The US Government has a huge need for random alphanumeric sets for everything from nuclear launch codes which change more frequently than most people imagine, to radio frequencies and call signs which usually change every 12 or 24 hours for tens of thousands of elements worldwide. Computer usernames, passwords and the passwords demanded from modules within computers. yes, sound cards and SSDs asking for passwords which frequently change. The names of operations and the salients of each, pre-designed routes from one place to another within a city selected just before departure and enroute when high value targets are aboard. Challenges and passwords used by guards at hundreds of thousands of sites around the world and in outer space as encoded directions received, must be authenticated before being enabled. Imagine if 30% of a program you were writing was dedicated to just obtaining challenges and passwords from various sites which were identified in earlier transmissions based on a random number generation of say, 1500 alphanumeric characters which arrived in several future transmissions and the 1500 selected characters which had been from words used in a transmission or a time stamp or line number or an IP or a single character in an error code. Once you get there, toss in something simple like the 321st integer in Pi which will be used to offset what was originally found by counting forward or backward from the original find to know the desired outcome which is being arrived at on the other end of your transmission using an entirely different paradigm meaning it would have to be written backwards but run forward.

The US sought something more dynamic than atmospheric noise, as Dr. Haarh had used it. They went into the ranges of megahertz not heard by humans and by compressing or expanding the time of a pre-recorded atmospheric noise and taking the noise from a place out of this atmosphere. Because there is no sound in a vacuum, the noise might perhaps be seismic readings from a planet with lots of seismic noises above and below the normal hearing range of a human being, or perhaps a satellite capturing the intensity and hue of light spikes observed from a dying star (shooting star to some)as it plummets to a different planet than earth and the light spikes hue and intensity is applied to an alphanumeric grid formed by random numbers. There might even be an operation to capture thirty days of conversation in a pod of whales, then time compress it to one hour and use randomly generated alphanumeric characters in mandarin Chinese to name each spike which rose to its peak between 40 and 60 on the oscilloscope. The security of such systems could be a great leap forward in national defense communications. (Notice how I put the "great leap forward" quote in with a discussion of outer space)

Of course, what I have outlined here was never used as what was used is still classified.

Please don't bother to offer a reply as you have earned your way into the great mass of players who have not seemed capable to generate the interest needed to appear in my evemail, chats or forum posts. I still wish you well in the little box you have constructed around yourself to keep out anything new. And I never was a programmer, I just had to learn enough to be able to mission them, supervise their output and put up with the massive egos of a few of them.
Sophie Hunter
Gallente Federation
#2052 - 2013-10-12 18:04:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Sophie Hunter
Again with the You don't read much of my posts do you? Haven't i told you already i don't care about the site nor whatever source you/they/whoever tell they go for the numbers?! Who cares about that? Why are you talking about potatos when i'm referring to tomatos?

2pt wrote:
How do you know I am not or have never been a programmer?
And I never was a programmer

Your whole speech is full of inconsistency. To be honest i didn't read everything you wrote, firstly cause you're not that important, as i already told you, secondly cause i also don't have the patience for people full of themselves with little respect for opposing views, which are, apparently, the same as many. Try to be more humble and write less gibberish if you want to be read. Otherwise you end up speaking to yourself as it will happen from here forward.

2pt wrote:
...I just had to learn enough to be able to mission them, supervise their output and put up with the massive egos of a few of them.

ahahah, nice try to belittle and annoy me. Cheap insults? That's so typical of small petty people. I was expecting a little more. Anyway.. as i said before, i already made my point. Do keep insulting me as you have no respect for other people. Oh, and btw... it's clear you envy the programmers. There are many courses out there. You just have to accept to learn what you clearly don't know.

Ona Bender
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2053 - 2013-10-12 19:28:14 UTC
Sophie Hunter, you still got that potato grown with Martian water? How much you want for it?
Jack Breacher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2054 - 2013-10-13 12:30:31 UTC
Could someone tell me why filthy rich ppl always win bonks and minibonks?
I always see those players that are generally throwing billions and trillions of isk on Blink.
Im not surprised but shouldnt there be a random draw. Give others a chance to win that cant afford to buy 10000 tickets or more.
Sophie Hunter
Gallente Federation
#2055 - 2013-10-13 14:17:44 UTC
Ona Bender wrote:
Sophie Hunter, you still got that potato grown with Martian water? How much you want for it?

Naah.. 2pt ate it and become obsessed with alien potatos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2056 - 2013-10-13 19:14:29 UTC  |  Edited by: AssassinationsdoneWrong
Jack Breacher wrote:
Could someone tell me why filthy rich ppl always win bonks and minibonks?
I always see those players that are generally throwing billions and trillions of isk on Blink.
Im not surprised but shouldnt there be a random draw. Give others a chance to win that cant afford to buy 10000 tickets or more.

This would actually be an idea. I know the "justification" would be similar to "The Bonks have to pay for themselves" and I understand the business model but seriously guys, it would be nice to see you literally go one ticket one player just once.
I understand there are promos for that but really you do make a shedload of isk not just from the Bonks and MiniBonks but from the extremely heightened levels of play around these events. Even the great 1 Q was nowhere near as philanthropic as it was painted out to be.
This isn't even coming from a space poor newb either I just think you can actually shorten the odds at minimal gain for huge events rather than letting the usual suspects shorten them for themselves to the point where there are actually no real surprises except for who of the few won what.
It would be nice, for once to see posts like this answered too and not with the usual Andrev offensive which seems to have become the norm.

Make it fun again guys.

The Nexus 7's

What we fall short of in numbers we more than make up for in stupidity

Stay Feral
#2057 - 2013-10-13 23:17:46 UTC from the 1Q event. i still cry every night.
Jack Breacher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2058 - 2013-10-13 23:47:00 UTC
I just tried to get into SOMER Blink channel and it says im banned O.o

Help ?
Abiding Ormolus
#2059 - 2013-10-14 11:26:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Starbuck05
Jack Breacher wrote:
I just tried to get into SOMER Blink channel and it says im banned O.o

Help ?

I would assume u got banned cause u asked somer in theyr own forum thread to make bonks be winable by the avarage space Joe's instead of all the space Bill Gates in eve .

And at the risk of getting b1tchslapped by the banhammer myself , i must agree .

I enjoy casualy gambling using virtual and in-game money every now and then , and i would like to thank SOMER for providing us with a great and exciting site to do so , even though i get overly mad when i buy half the tickets on several blinks ( low win yield blinks mind you ) and some dude ( sometimes same dude ) wins those blinks with 1 ticket ( has happened many times ) , i still enjoy it . My record says i've lost more then i've won , but in the recent weeks i must say i feel that everytime i deposited some isk i came out with a profit , and thats cool .

Now , what i do not enjoy and dislike is the fact that bonks , minibonks are won by the people that put the most isk in them , sure its understandable that they must be paid in order for SOMER to not have to remove isk from theyr own wallet to pay out the prizes , but as others have said im pretty confident that the site makes alot of money anyway , and if they wouldnt , i don't mind rarer bonks and minibonks .

Not all of us are space rich , not all of us play 10 hours per day ratting doing plexes making bilions to afford buying 10 mil tickets , and i know that at this point people will tell me that if i don't like it i shouldnt play or if i can't spend isk and that i am a noob i should GTFO , true , all fine and dandy but then whats the point of a comunity site where everyone can play ? if only the rich get even richer ?
Whats the point in sayin that everyone has a fair chance with obviously from 100.000 tickets people who got 1000 have such a slim chance they almost never win , and those who win are the dudes that placed 30-40k or more tickets . Basicly those who are rich , win , and get even more rich , thats not exactly fair for the rest .

And i know nothin is fair in this world or EvE , i am not stupid , but at the very least i would think that the site will benefit from more players playin and likeing what they play for if u either limit the ticket buy to say 100 or 1000 .. or either go for 1 ticket per person .. i dunno, i guess what im tryin to say is that if u chose to make a lottery site , i as a player would like to believe i actually HAVE a chance to win somethin instead of lookin at the 1 mil tickets bought by 2-3 players and thinkin oh well , never wanted that prize anyway .

This is just my oppinion , if u wish to criticize thats your problem

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Andrev Nox
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2060 - 2013-10-14 13:04:38 UTC
Jack Breacher wrote:
I just tried to get into SOMER Blink channel and it says im banned O.o

Help ?


You were banned from our channel for trying to scam ISK from people asking for help. Should you ever need help, though, my evemail is always open :)

Starbuck05 wrote:
Lots of stuff about making sure everyone is given an equal chance at the biggest prizes

We already do this. We call them promos, and Bonk runner up prizes. Everyone only gets one ticket each to these giveaways, regardless of the amount they spend (or don't spend). There's several hundreds of billions worth of promos every week, and each Bonk has 5-25 runners up as well :)

Somer Blink - The original microlottery site.