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Rate the Avatar above you

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Ceq Lysander
#1 - 2011-09-06 14:18:16 UTC
New forum, same topic as before.

You know the drill!


This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine!

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#2 - 2011-09-06 14:19:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ciar Meara
You like like exactly like my oldest/best friend from way back!

He was a ****, so you only get a 7/10.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Cruor Angelicus
#3 - 2011-09-06 14:36:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Xercodo

Not keen on the pale, stern looking, old Amarrian hehe

(But it's a decent pale, stern looking, old Amarrian) Lol

The Drake is a Lie

Belidos Goveko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-09-06 14:38:37 UTC

Awesome use of a bright background, you lose points for looking like someone shoved something up your butt as the picture was taken though.

Courdorecqe en Faan
#5 - 2011-09-06 14:49:09 UTC
Belidos Goveko wrote:

Awesome use of a bright background, you lose points for looking like someone shoved something up your butt as the picture was taken though.


You've good shading and balanced features, but the overall impression I get from the portrait is a bit generic.


We who follow the Way aim to live a life of moderation, not succumbing to the extremes of self-indulgence or self-denial. Ida is a way of living, we do not have any beliefs in heaven or hell, and do not take any writings or sayings as "truth". Ida is a path, but Intaki are expected to walk it themselves.

Dee Luxx
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-09-06 14:50:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Dee Luxx
Belidos Goveko wrote:

Awesome use of a bright background, you lose points for looking like someone shoved something up your butt as the picture was taken though.


I can't help myself...

"You talkin' to me?! Are you talkin' to me?! You and me... outside! Bring it"

Actually like your image. Background works perfectly with it and your features look natural.


Edit: Ah dang that is what I get for posting slowly. First goof on new forums, yay.

@Courdorecqe en Faan: Well done! Very wise and serene looking. Either a salty veteran or wizened father. 7/10
Tristin Del'astakhos
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-09-06 14:50:51 UTC
@Courdorecqe en Faan

you look like those twins from the matrix.
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2011-09-06 14:51:39 UTC
Dee Luxx wrote:
Belidos Goveko wrote:

Awesome use of a bright background, you lose points for looking like someone shoved something up your butt as the picture was taken though.


I can't help myself...

"You talkin' to me?! Are you talkin' to me?! You and me... outside! Bring it"

Actually like your image. Background works perfectly with it and your features look natural.


Avatar looks hot, like the makeup colours

Reannon Bonaventure
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-09-06 14:53:27 UTC
Need a monocle, sweetheart?
Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#10 - 2011-09-06 14:56:15 UTC
No googles, no ratings.


Shinoe DeValo
Albidus Corvus
#11 - 2011-09-06 14:56:57 UTC
Rakshasa Taisab wrote:
No googles, no ratings.

that are nice goggles, mate therefore 9/10
Ceq Lysander
#12 - 2011-09-06 14:59:07 UTC
@Shinoe DeValo

You look a bit pale and zombie-like. 5/10

This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine!

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2011-09-06 15:01:19 UTC
I love looking like a generic bystander #3.

and anyoen with a monocle looks ridiculous.

also rakshasa, you look horrible.
Jaiden Solo
Chaos arbiter
#14 - 2011-09-06 15:08:16 UTC
Don't like that background.

Samantha Seraya
Tech Builds
Pandemic Horde
#15 - 2011-09-06 15:08:56 UTC
@Nariya Kentaya

You look nice. 9 / 10
Ceq Lysander
#16 - 2011-09-06 15:09:49 UTC
@Samantha Seraya

Like the face tattoos and the short hair.

This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine!

fire runner
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-09-06 15:12:51 UTC
@Ceq Lysander:

Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2011-09-06 15:14:29 UTC
@ fire runner

Nice goatee!

Rev Skyrunner
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2011-09-06 15:15:45 UTC
@ File Runner

You look like the man that used to hang around outside my school gate at lunch time.

You scare me.

CCP Necrogoat
C C P Alliance
#20 - 2011-09-06 15:17:20 UTC

Nice angle, sufficiently smug expression, not so sure about the shades, 7/10

Software Engineer | Team Shapeset

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