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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

#341 - 2012-01-26 08:49:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
There is a simple reason why using plexing mechanics or the ability to fail another player will never work. Soon as that happened all the ISK bears would join what ever Militia was the strongest at that time and they would continue their ISK grinds with safety in numbers. This would cause the weaker side to never over come the stronger because they simply wouldn't get enough help because they won't be able to make as much ISK to make it worth while on the weaker side.

Once they get run out of the plexes over and over they will just swap side and farm away. The "only" way you could do something like that is to limit the LP reward by the number of active Militia pilots in what ever specific system. Even then it would be very easy for 1 side to bulk up and be able to run the weaker side off at will.

LP for plexing in place of missions simply would not work and would hurt FW even more than the ISK farmers do.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#342 - 2012-01-26 10:40:07 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
There is a simple reason why using plexing mechanics or the ability to fail another player will never work. Soon as that happened all the ISK bears would join what ever Militia was the strongest at that time and they would continue their ISK grinds with safety in numbers. This would cause the weaker side to never over come the stronger because they simply wouldn't get enough help because they won't be able to make as much ISK to make it worth while on the weaker side.

Once they get run out of the plexes over and over they will just swap side and farm away. The "only" way you could do something like that is to limit the LP reward by the number of active Militia pilots in what ever specific system. Even then it would be very easy for 1 side to bulk up and be able to run the weaker side off at will.

LP for plexing in place of missions simply would not work and would hurt FW even more than the ISK farmers do.

Confirming I would just make an alt to farm fed navy webs, navy comets, and hookers.

Biggest proponents of the whole remove faction war missions are the gallente who currently pretty much have had the one sided fight in their favor for so many months now. Now they want more ways so that they can "magically" get noobs en mass to give them free killmails or the proverbial "good fight". I don't know about you but I kill plenty of gallente stealth bombers in missions. It's not a garuenteed kill everytime, they often get away. I catch plenty of snowflakes in the missions though. Infact it is quite enjoyable to go farm "noob mails" in the back pockets, rather than bring a small gang of 5 guys out only to get bitched out in local by the other militia for not fighting a gang twice (sometimes four to five times) in number and twice in ship size. Roll I don't know if my blocked list has anymore room.

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#343 - 2012-01-26 13:32:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
Super Chair wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
There is a simple reason why using plexing mechanics or the ability to fail another player will never work. Soon as that happened all the ISK bears would join what ever Militia was the strongest at that time and they would continue their ISK grinds with safety in numbers. This would cause the weaker side to never over come the stronger because they simply wouldn't get enough help because they won't be able to make as much ISK to make it worth while on the weaker side.

Once they get run out of the plexes over and over they will just swap side and farm away. The "only" way you could do something like that is to limit the LP reward by the number of active Militia pilots in what ever specific system. Even then it would be very easy for 1 side to bulk up and be able to run the weaker side off at will.

LP for plexing in place of missions simply would not work and would hurt FW even more than the ISK farmers do.

Confirming I would just make an alt to farm fed navy webs, navy comets, and hookers.

Biggest proponents of the whole remove faction war missions are the gallente who currently pretty much have had the one sided fight in their favor for so many months now. Now they want more ways so that they can "magically" get noobs en mass to give them free killmails or the proverbial "good fight". I don't know about you but I kill plenty of gallente stealth bombers in missions. It's not a garuenteed kill everytime, they often get away. I catch plenty of snowflakes in the missions though. Infact it is quite enjoyable to go farm "noob mails" in the back pockets, rather than bring a small gang of 5 guys out only to get bitched out in local by the other militia for not fighting a gang twice (sometimes four to five times) in number and twice in ship size. Roll I don't know if my blocked list has anymore room.

That is the reason why draketrain left militia, Gallente does not fight not even outnumbered.

But if plexing fights get even some more boost there could be some nice small fights. Let 0.0 have blob war.
#344 - 2012-01-26 14:08:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Bad Messenger wrote:

That is the reason why draketrain left militia, Gallente does not fight not even outnumbered.

But if plexing fights get even some more boost there could be some nice small fights. Let 0.0 have blob war.

I doubt it. Gallente are all about fighting in plexes "now", only because they have been able to capture systems while Caldari had little to no support to fight back. However you wont see them willing to fight for plexes in systems they don't occupy. Anytime I've ever tried to get a fight out of them in Caldari plexes they always run off and only come back with ******** numbers or not at all. So when they decide to capture a system they wont do it unless they have 15-20 guys near by or it's easy to just run them out because when they are alone they almost never fight.

If you look at the map you notice that they are barely contesting any systems out side their little 5 jump "blob" radius of Nemm & Rakapas. You won't see them contesting the constellations like KIrala, Ieyama, Urpliken ect..ect, because they are more than 5 jumps away from their home, which means their guys would actually have to fend for themselves and would die a lot when dealing with more even sided fights.

It's much easier to sit in the same few systems where they know their help safety net is 2 jumps away at most and complain they can't kill Mission Runners. Big smile
Caldari State
#345 - 2012-01-26 14:16:47 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
There is a simple reason why using plexing mechanics or the ability to fail another player will never work. Soon as that happened all the ISK bears would join what ever Militia was the strongest at that time and they would continue their ISK grinds with safety in numbers. This would cause the weaker side to never over come the stronger because they simply wouldn't get enough help because they won't be able to make as much ISK to make it worth while on the weaker side.

Once they get run out of the plexes over and over they will just swap side and farm away. The "only" way you could do something like that is to limit the LP reward by the number of active Militia pilots in what ever specific system. Even then it would be very easy for 1 side to bulk up and be able to run the weaker side off at will.

LP for plexing in place of missions simply would not work and would hurt FW even more than the ISK farmers do.

Confirming I would just make an alt to farm fed navy webs, navy comets, and hookers.

Biggest proponents of the whole remove faction war missions are the gallente who currently pretty much have had the one sided fight in their favor for so many months now. Now they want more ways so that they can "magically" get noobs en mass to give them free killmails or the proverbial "good fight". I don't know about you but I kill plenty of gallente stealth bombers in missions. It's not a garuenteed kill everytime, they often get away. I catch plenty of snowflakes in the missions though. Infact it is quite enjoyable to go farm "noob mails" in the back pockets, rather than bring a small gang of 5 guys out only to get bitched out in local by the other militia for not fighting a gang twice (sometimes four to five times) in number and twice in ship size. Roll I don't know if my blocked list has anymore room.

QFT this is exactly why FW missions need to be left alone.

Change the plex mechanics to ENCOURAGE plexing. You need both. Remember the whole goal is to BRING PEOPLE TO FW not get them to leave.

And as far as the "we use FW missions to keep our hangars much does a comet cost for XG to stock up? 20-30m it doesnt take tons of missioning to get that. Besides I think if more people flew frigate hulls ther would be more fighting and less worrying about dying....

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#346 - 2012-01-26 14:20:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
So the Faction Warfare is?
A)Missions in low-sec
B)Scannable complexes in a part of low-sec
C)A LP store with uniqe items
D)A free war dec with 2 other groups that never ends and you never pay for it in isk*.
E)losing access to 2 parts of hi-sec space.

So whats the problem? Its all **** you can have any were. Its not even like what we describe FW to be one we talk about it.
We all on our own drive like 90% of what gos on, and most of us are only using 1 of the 4 or so parts of FW.
That one? Most often just the war dec part or the mission part and some times plexing and war dec part.
Thats it.

Ok so I'm just going to take a sec and say some thing about them.

A)I have done them....but my views are tainted. See I have a beef with (C) so I can't get in to them. They seem ok as far as missions go. There like some of the other NPC content in the game. They take more traveling. Pay more LP. Are vs. a medium amounts of NPC's. They have a few triggers to complete them, ether some guys or some thing you have to kill and your done. And lastly you have to do them well war dec'd in low-sec. There pay is ok, but I don't do them. I make more doing other things, and its harder for me to use the LP store. So meh. This is some thing every one else will have to figure out for now. Whats this have to do with the minutes? Well it seems like the CSM, CCP, and most FW pilots (minus that drake train guy) all think that level 4's seem fishy, that they seem a little to commonly done in SB's and in groups under 3.

B)Kind of fun. What if Cosmic Signatures and Cosmic Anomalies had magic ghost baby's that were kinda like Static Complexes? That only some people cared about? They are more engaging than a grav site but less rewarding. They cause a cosmetic change(an in game tag on the system) and a mechanical one(what side they are spawning for). But those aren't the good parts, that would be the gate. It controls ship type and establishes a 0 point that the fight will begin from. Whats the problem? That sounds a lot like an arena and we know what CCP thinks, they don't want to make or have them EvE online. That's mostly what we use them for. Whats this got to do with the minutes? You read them this is kinda mentend but more importantly sov warfare is, witch also uses the cosmetic component of plexing. Whats it mean for this aspect of FW? I wish they would tell us, most of us are left feeling like they're going to kill this and use its place to test stuff we don't like. I wish they were more like exploration, like how you can run missions for serpetis or you can scan there sites for there stuff, keep the Static Complexes beacon in space but put more in them beyond that.....Because I would like cool navy stuff in a exploration like format connected to the theme of FW.

C)The LP store, *sigh* please tell me the're hard to make. Please because the Federal Defence Union one looks a lot like the Federal Intelligence Office one but with a couple more things thrown in and a 50% reduction to some items.(most notable of them are the other ships not eclusive to us) Any one looked up what having another way to get the same crap has done to said crap? I know I haven't but its seems to all be worth less, and its going down(full +5's usta be a bill, 450mill now if ya look). But that's not the worst part. See if you use the F.D.U. LP store and your NOT Gallente or have Galente star ship skills you will have a choice, ether get things you could get any were or do the logistics to get the big ticket items wile making a profit. See you can't get a navy domi in BPC form so you ether buy the domi and nexus chip there at a mark up and sell for a reduced price right there or you get some one else to move the it all around for you. Also most of the stuff in the store can be gotten some were else the only thing that can't are the 2 ships and we don't even use them, also WERE THE F*** IS OUR FRIGATE?! Its the one even if it fallowed the trend and was worse than the other one but cheaper we would use them for plexing, but it's the one they haven't jammed in to the game WTF? Take back the cruiser then, no one likes them. Give me a shiny to turn in to a plex wreck. Whats this have to do with the minutes? Nothing that's what, they said **** and probably won't. so far its just me on this one I take it.

D&E) (D)Ah yes the best part of FW. No one can deny it this is the single best value in EvE online. Zero isk and you get thousands of war targets in hundreds of corporations(and now alliances). what is the value of that? 2 mill a pop a corp X hundreds + all the loose people just soloing in the NPC corp, now add in alliances at 20 mill is it each? Now pay for that for ever. For 0 that seems way sweet! But its not free, see you lose all the space that belongs to the other side and if you made your money there then it dose cost you revenue. How much? Depends me nothing, some a lot. I think its a fine trade, hell I would through in their stations in any space to boot! Still seems like a sweet deal, but also fair. Whats this have to do with the minutes? Well they talked about just just getting rid of (E). That's a hole feature buy some counts, just gone. And that makes (D) way to good, why have hi-sec warfare if you can get a bunch free from this? Why would any one pay?(I guess if they want very specific kills?) I mean most of us feel there should be some cost.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#347 - 2012-01-26 14:20:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
There is some thing else bothering me about the minutes.
No talk of different stuff for different factions? Are the war zones all the same? Have they been? I don't think so.
No talk of the why, just stuff to fight over. Why are the Gallente/Caldari and Amarr/Minmatar fighting? I mean still? I thought the Minmatar and Caldari were doing this for Independence and/or freedom and the Gallente and Amarr were doing this for unification and/or reclamation? It was obvious in the beginning with the intro's and events but now? How many pilots know that now? From a RPing stand point who even go's buy it?

Well that's my up to now rehash. Dose any one else feel the same way? As far as the brake down gos? Were should we push FW from here?

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Plus 10 NV
#348 - 2012-01-26 14:27:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
I know what I say may not be popular but I would say that fw missions were an excellent design by ccp. With one idea after another failing for low sec fw missions are a really good design.

They are a great model on how to have low sec missions. I actually think they should expand this format to other corps with other unique "low sec lp" for the different corps.

They teach people they can travel through low sec without constant instadeath. The idea that you have to travel somewhere and then once you open the mission it appears on everyones overview is great. It creates a sort of race against the clock feel. I'm not saying I love doing them but they are definitely a bit more tense than other forms of mission running I have done.

The rewards are based on lp so they are self balancing. If too many people do them you won't make as much if fewer people do them then those that do make more. Compare this to the stupid incursions rewards that just print isk so the rewards will never be devalued until the isk is. Also the lp for incursions works in most lp stores so it is never devalued no matter how much incurstions are farmed.

Pirates can keep you out of the missions and be a pia and sometimes even catch you but you can also just move to another mission. Requiring a blob so that you can own every mission system you go in is not a good solution imo.

That said I do agree that in fw you give up many alternate sources of income such as the safe high sec missions. Therefore there is a need to have this form of income protected for people who actually participate in fw. That is why I think your ability to run missions and/or cash in lp should be tied to vp or pvp. In other words prove you are not just an alt driving down the lp market for the others who are participating in the more important parts of fw. I put that in the assembly hall if anyone wants to vote for it.

I do think the risk is in line with the reward. High sec I can run 2 accounts and make as much with no risk. High sec incursions blow this away.

As far as difficulty I think the amarr missions are perfect. Don't make them harder or easier. Really jus the one change and they perfect IMO.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Caldari State
#349 - 2012-01-26 14:46:28 UTC
Cearain wrote:
I know what I say may not be popular but I would say that fw missions were an excellent design by ccp. With one idea after another failing for low sec fw missions are a really good design.

They are a great model on how to have low sec missions. I actually think they should expand this format to other corps with other unique "low sec lp" for the different corps.

They teach people they can travel through low sec without constant instadeath. The idea that you have to travel somewhere and then once you open the mission it appears on everyones overview is great. It creates a sort of race against the clock feel. I'm not saying I love doing them but they are definitely a bit more tense than other forms of mission running I have done.

The rewards are based on lp so they are self balancing. If too many people do them you won't make as much if fewer people do them then those that do make more. Compare this to the stupid incursions rewards that just print isk so the rewards will never be devalued until the isk is. Also the lp for incursions works in most lp stores so it is never devalued no matter how much incurstions are farmed.

Pirates can keep you out of the missions and be a pia and sometimes even catch you but you can also just move to another mission. Requiring a blob so that you can own every mission system you go in is not a good solution imo.

That said I do agree that in fw you give up many alternate sources of income such as the safe high sec missions. Therefore there is a need to have this form of income protected for people who actually participate in fw. That is why I think your ability to run missions and/or cash in lp should be tied to vp or pvp. In other words prove you are not just an alt driving down the lp market for the others who are participating in the more important parts of fw. I put that in the assembly hall if anyone wants to vote for it.

I do think the risk is in line with the reward. High sec I can run 2 accounts and make as much with no risk. High sec incursions blow this away.

As far as difficulty I think the amarr missions are perfect. Don't make them harder or easier. Really jus the one change and they perfect IMO.

The problem with tying FW missions to VP or pvp is what if you suck at pvp or are not actually gaining VP but you are participating in FW. You then get penalized.

Ex: For about a month I was flying different ships of all types and fighting whatever the heck came my way. I lost A LOT of ships and appeared on a lot of kill mails. Did I gain any VP? Some? Did I gain more loss points then Kills, probably.

Point is it will effect innocent pilots

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#350 - 2012-01-26 14:54:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
I will say one things about missions. A couple added in that were like 3 small parts but started closer might be nice. Some times going 8 jumps to the first one is a little boring. EX all 3 legs of the mission are settable as way points. first is just 3-5 out, second is 2-3 from there, and third is 1-2 further. Would brake up the traveling time. Also would make your presence in a area more prominent.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#351 - 2012-01-26 15:52:28 UTC
I think tying some degree of PvP participation to access to FW missions or the LP store does have merit and should be explored further.

With that said, one major shortcoming would be the current situation in the Gallente/Caldari theater where I'm seeing a dramatic decrease in FW based targets (currently about 1/2 of my kills for the month are FW targets). I'm not sure that pilots participating in FW should be penalized for the non-participation of their opponents.

I would also like to see a design change for the FW missions, with fewer but tougher NPCs that have more dynamic AI. At the very least the "support fleet" provided for the main targets shouldn't simply ignore the target proving to be the most serious threat. The level 1-3 missions should be viable to run, just as minor and medium FW plexes encourage players to use a wider variety of ships, and are also a viable means for flipping a system.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#352 - 2012-01-26 16:02:37 UTC
Damn straight

BolsterBomb wrote:

The problem with tying FW missions to VP or pvp is what if you suck at pvp or are not actually gaining VP but you are participating in FW. You then get penalized.

nom nom

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#353 - 2012-01-26 16:27:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Bad Messenger wrote:
It seems that Hans keeps himself as some FW God who knows everything about it and how he is doing everything right.

I doubt he even know who i am and what i have done in past in FW when he throws **** like that.

Can you Hans link me one post where CCP say why they made FW for? Missions were there from the beginning so how those are not part of FW CCP designed?

Conclusion is that you Hans Jagerblitzen want that CCP boost FW income just for Hans, also CCP should make pvp so easy that Hans can kill everything you see without effort.

At least i understand it so. Hans brings me one word to my mind 'Ankhesentapemkah'.

You’re absolutely right Bad Messenger. I’ve let this get personal. My frustration is that I’ve spent months now trying to coordinate the FW community into a single voice – to avoid the amarr vs. minmatar, gallente vs. caldari grudges and trash talk (leave it on the server) so we can all work together to help CCP understand what the community wants fixed about the feature, so it becomes an active warzone again.

I think to continually say “everything is fine in FW” is to be out of touch with the community, and that’s why I’ve reacted to your comments. However, a personal feud between you and me over isk when the reality is we both have farmed missions and both have gotten kills in the millta is completely counter to my overall goal here of serving as a voice for the community. I am willing to lay down the olive branch.

I am not a FW God, nor do I even think my own personal ideas are the best. What I do know is that community’s voice is not being heard at the CSM level, despite all my attempts to distill the collective ideas from FW pilots and deliver them straight to the developers. I will not stop my work until we have a voice on the council itself, and CCP understands the most fundamental principle we all agree upon – FW is not “nullsec lite”, we do NOT want 0.0 style drama or politics, we do NOT want a complicated Sov System, we just want our plexes and missions to encourage regular PvP like they used to, and for the meaningful occupancy consequences that were promised in the original faction warfare vision are finally delivered as they were promised 3 years ago.

I’ll end my own mission arguing by saying I personally only care about one thing – I agree with Cearain, their design intent is perfectly sound, I only think the AI should be adjusted so that you can’t farm missions in bombers. That’s it. I’ve run them before, they’re easy, I rarely get caught, so they’re no longer exciting. I feel that the vast majority of the community agrees on the bomber abuse, ESPECIALLY since the minmatar have been privileged in this respect. Other militias do not have it as easy as we do, and that is not fair. I don’t want easy mission isk. I want challenge. I want danger. I want risk / reward balance – right now there is low risk, high reward.

The dev blog says it all – the missions are there to encourage you and your opponent to shoot each other in the face. If you’re good in a bomber, there is little shooting each other in the face, and a few minor AI tweaks or NPC Ewar tweaks would solve this. X Gallentius says the NPC imbalance is more or less fixed - and I trust his judgement if this is the case, I am limited in my understanding by the fact I am only Minmatar, the NPC imbalance is something I've heard many complaints about but never experienced myself.

Draketrain was a part of the militia, I remember when my old friend Wili19 left to join them. BM - I appreciate your historical contribution to the warzone even if you don’t fight there today. You and I have both gotten defensive, and both accused each other of things we can’t prove, and its time to stop. I’m not a perfect person, I’m sorry if I came off sounding arrogant at any point. I believe drama and conflict is best left on the server – and the forums should remain a place where all of us who want FW fixed worked together – because divided up we will never hope to see any changes.

The community as a whole is the expert here, not any one individual. We are four militias, four cells, each with our own set of issues, and each of us has four lenses with which we view the solution. This has been the greatest challenge I've faced so far, but I am confident if we maintain a positive attitude and cooperate here there are some things that we can agree on militia-wide that need to be shared with CCP to protect and improve our feature.

The way I have spoken to you in this thread has not been positive, and I take full responsibility for that.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#354 - 2012-01-26 16:32:28 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
It seems that Hans keeps himself as some FW God who knows everything about it and how he is doing everything right.

I doubt he even know who i am and what i have done in past in FW when he throws **** like that.

Can you Hans link me one post where CCP say why they made FW for? Missions were there from the beginning so how those are not part of FW CCP designed?

Conclusion is that you Hans Jagerblitzen want that CCP boost FW income just for Hans, also CCP should make pvp so easy that Hans can kill everything you see without effort.

At least i understand it so. Hans brings me one word to my mind 'Ankhesentapemkah'.

You’re absolutely right Bad Messenger. I’ve let this get personal. My frustration is that I’ve spent months now trying to coordinate the FW community into a single voice – to avoid the amarr vs. minmatar, gallente vs. caldari grudges and trash talk (leave it on the server) so we can all work together to help CCP understand what the community wants fixed about the feature, so it becomes an active warzone again.

I think to continually say “everything is fine in FW” is to be out of touch with the community, and that’s why I’ve reacted to your comments. However, a personal feud between you and me over isk when the reality is we both have farmed missions and both have gotten kills in the millta is completely counter to my overall goal here of serving as a voice for the community. I am willing to lay down the olive branch so that everyone can continue the discussion without our interference.

I am not a FW God, nor do I even think my own personal ideas are the best. What I do know is that community’s voice is not being heard at the CSM level, despite all my attempts to distill the collective ideas from FW pilots and deliver them straight to the developers. I will not stop my work until we have a voice on the council itself, and CCP understands the most fundamental principle we all agree upon – FW is not “nullsec lite”, we do NOT want 0.0 style drama or politics, we do NOT want a complicated Sov System, we just want our plexes and missions to encourage regular PvP like they used to, and for the meaningful occupancy consequences that were promised in the original faction warfare vision are finally delivered as they were promised 3 years ago.

I’ll end my own mission arguing by saying I personally only care about one thing – I agree with Cearain, their design intent is perfectly sound, I only think the AI should be adjusted so that you can’t farm missions in bombers. That’s it. I’ve run them before, they’re easy, I rarely get caught, so they’re no longer exciting. I feel that the vast majority of the community agrees on the bomber abuse, ESPECIALLY since the minmatar have been privileged in this respect. Other militias do not have it as easy as we do, and that is not fair. I don’t want easy mission isk. I want challenge. I want danger. I want risk / reward balance – right now there is low risk, high reward.

The dev blog says it all – the missions are there to encourage you and your opponent to shoot each other in the face. If you’re good in a bomber, there is little shooting each other in the face, and a few minor AI tweaks or NPC Ewar tweaks would solve this. X Gallentius says the NPC imbalance is more or less fixed - and I trust his judgement if this is the case, I am limited in my understanding by the fact I am only Minmatar, the NPC imbalance is something I've heard many complaints about but never experienced myself.

Draketrain was a part of the militia, I remember when my old friend Wili19 left to join them. BM - I appreciate your historical contribution to the warzone even if you don’t fight there today. You and I have both gotten defensive, and both accused each other of things we can’t prove, and its time to stop. I’m not a perfect person, I’m sorry if I came off sounding arrogant at any point. I believe drama and conflict is best left on the server – and the forums should remain a place where all of us who want FW fixed worked together – because divided up we will never hope to see any changes.

The community as a whole is the expert here, not any one individual. We are four militias, four cells, each with our own set of issues, and each of us has four lenses with which we view the solution. This has been the greatest challenge I've faced so far, but I am confident if we maintain a positive attitude and cooperate here there are some things that we can agree on militia-wide that need to be shared with CCP to protect and improve our feature.

The way I have spoken to you in this thread has not been positive, and I take full responsibility for that.

Just to let you know, being a single voice for the community does not mean putting your opinion ahead of the community. Your ideas about changing FW missions (to prevent a bomber from doing a mission) is completely inaccurate with what the community has been saying.

As I said before

Be a voice for the community and talk about COMMON AGREEANCES. Plexing mechanics, sovereignty, etc.

When you advocate changes you advocate for changes that will move FW in the right direction not cause a split (which is what you are doing)

The community agrees 100% on two things

1) Plexes
2) Sovereignty control

Focus on those two, how about that. Leave missions alone for later.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Plus 10 NV
#355 - 2012-01-26 16:44:08 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

The problem with tying FW missions to VP or pvp is what if you suck at pvp or are not actually gaining VP but you are participating in FW. You then get penalized.

Ex: For about a month I was flying different ships of all types and fighting whatever the heck came my way. I lost A LOT of ships and appeared on a lot of kill mails. Did I gain any VP? Some? Did I gain more loss points then Kills, probably.

Point is it will effect innocent pilots

I think that is a good point. You are however engaging in pvp so you would gain. The thing is you need to get vp *or* pvp. Although I don't think you should be able to gain vp from losing ships you probably should be able to get some other credit on a similar scale to vp for losing ships.

The idea would be that people either don't get missions or they can't use lp unless there is some measure that they are pvping or plexing. The exact mechanics would have to deal with the prospect of people killing alts or even suiciding themselves. But I think CCP can make take some measures to significantly mitigate this possible exploit.

For example the same victim in a certain amount of time would yield diminishing returns of the cookies needed to unlock the lp. This would be the same whether your victim is the other militia or yourself dying for the cause.

The only people this would probably have to leave out are industrialists. But I don't think that is such a big deal.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Caldari State
#356 - 2012-01-26 16:46:53 UTC
Cearain wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:

The problem with tying FW missions to VP or pvp is what if you suck at pvp or are not actually gaining VP but you are participating in FW. You then get penalized.

Ex: For about a month I was flying different ships of all types and fighting whatever the heck came my way. I lost A LOT of ships and appeared on a lot of kill mails. Did I gain any VP? Some? Did I gain more loss points then Kills, probably.

Point is it will effect innocent pilots

I think that is a good point. You are however engaging in pvp so you would gain. The thing is you need to get vp *or* pvp. Although I don't think you should be able to gain vp from losing ships you probably should be able to get some other credit on a similar scale to vp for losing ships.

The idea would be that people either don't get missions or they can't use lp unless there is some measure that they are pvping or plexing. The exact mechanics would have to deal with the prospect of people killing alts or even suiciding themselves. But I think CCP can make take some measures to significantly mitigate this possible exploit.

For example the same victim in a certain amount of time would yield diminishing returns of the cookies needed to unlock the lp. This would be the same whether your victim is the other militia or yourself dying for the cause.

The only people this would probably have to leave out are industrialists. But I don't think that is such a big deal.

Its a huge deal if you are a care bear industrialist....and now that you have acknowledged my point I will counter your rebuttle by saying

"Oh CCP please implement something else that doesnt exsist (the credits you mentioned)"

This is why I keep saying stop talking about FW missions and focus on the real problems. FW missions will not help get more pilots by altering it........

I sound like a friggen broken record

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#357 - 2012-01-26 16:57:05 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

Just to let you know, being a single voice for the community does not mean putting your opinion ahead of the community. Your ideas about changing FW missions (to prevent a bomber from doing a mission) is completely inaccurate with what the community has been saying.

As I said before

Be a voice for the community and talk about COMMON AGREEANCES. Plexing mechanics, sovereignty, etc.

When you advocate changes you advocate for changes that will move FW in the right direction not cause a split (which is what you are doing)

The community agrees 100% on two things

1) Plexes
2) Sovereignty control

Focus on those two, how about that. Leave missions alone for later.

Those that have been following this debate longest know that even on my main thread, the posts started out tinged more with my personal take on the FW system (being a minmatar pilot) and as I heard more and more feedback from a wider variety of sources, I have been more than willing to update the trend list reflect this.

I should have clarified in this case and said the only thing I care about in the missions is the bomber aspect. I don’t see this as being the main factor that cripples Faction Warfare, and I absolutely agree that the plexing system and sovereignty consequences have always been the top community issues. I never really saw the bomber thing as being a personal crusade, because I know I’m not the only one who’s brought the issue up. If other’s agree this is no longer an issue, I’m happy to drop it. I was more pointing out to Bad that my issue with missions isn’t about the isk income in the end (though alt farmers and the market effect annoys a lot of FW pilots) because I care more about the quality of PvP they encourage.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#358 - 2012-01-26 17:02:02 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

Just to let you know, being a single voice for the community does not mean putting your opinion ahead of the community. Your ideas about changing FW missions (to prevent a bomber from doing a mission) is completely inaccurate with what the community has been saying.

As I said before

Be a voice for the community and talk about COMMON AGREEANCES. Plexing mechanics, sovereignty, etc.

When you advocate changes you advocate for changes that will move FW in the right direction not cause a split (which is what you are doing)

The community agrees 100% on two things

1) Plexes
2) Sovereignty control

Focus on those two, how about that. Leave missions alone for later.

A voice need to put forth what we all agree on. Which is nothing. Who the hell is in agreement about Sov control? Are you talking about more systems a faction controls = more perks for that faction? In that case, then yeah. I think we want something that makes plexing or whateverwillreplaceplexing worth it.

His ideas about FW missions is NOT completely inaccurate. Some are in support of it.

So I'll just go ahead and narrow your list from 2 to 1.

1) Plexes

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#359 - 2012-01-26 17:07:56 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
The problem with tying FW missions to VP or pvp is what if you suck at pvp or are not actually gaining VP but you are participating in FW. You then get penalized.

If one sucks at PvP then perhaps signing on with a paramilitary force to wage a war was the wrong decision .. imagine how something like the US revolution would have panned out if 80%+ of the various state militias had said "I suck at the shooting bit, can't I have some corn to sow or some pigs to tend?"
BolsterBomb wrote:
Ex: For about a month I was flying different ships of all types and fighting whatever the heck came my way. I lost A LOT of ships and appeared on a lot of kill mails. Did I gain any VP? Some? Did I gain more loss points then Kills, probably.

I spent the first 2-3 months bleeding ships, 40-50 total I reckon. Before I signed on all I had to my name was blob kills from my life in null and zero PvP experience, I have since (last 2.5yrs) gotten 3k kills or so with about 10% of that in losses ..
If you deliberately suicide your ships ("fighting whatever the heck came my way") and don't practise with some focus ("flying different ships of all types") then it is no wonder that you don't feel like you got anywhere learning wise
BolsterBomb wrote:
Point is it will effect innocent pilots

It is a war of attrition between competing ideologies .. there is no innocence.

As for the 'community' not agreeing on missions being a bit a bit naff and the constant droning of cloaked bombers being annoying .. what game were you playing again?
There are of course nay-sayers, but on the whole they are few and far between since the farming alts don't post in the relevant threads (thank Goddess!).
Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#360 - 2012-01-26 17:08:52 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

Those that have been following this debate longest know that even on my main thread, the posts started out tinged more with my personal take on the FW system (being a minmatar pilot) and as I heard more and more feedback from a wider variety of sources, I have been more than willing to update the trend list reflect this.

I should have clarified in this case and said the only thing I care about in the missions is the bomber aspect. I don’t see this as being the main factor that cripples Faction Warfare, and I absolutely agree that the plexing system and sovereignty consequences have always been the top community issues. I never really saw the bomber thing as being a personal crusade, because I know I’m not the only one who’s brought the issue up. If other’s agree this is no longer an issue, I’m happy to drop it. I was more pointing out to Bad that my issue with missions isn’t about the isk income in the end (though alt farmers and the market effect annoys a lot of FW pilots) because I care more about the quality of PvP they encourage.

Don't apologize. FW missions are still easy mode for 1/2way skilled toons to make isk in low sec with no danger. Low sec DED missions have more risk than FW missions. Even if someone sees the FW mission up in a system, the mission runner still can A) get out before the pirate/opposing FW guy gets there and kill him or B) move on to another mission when the pirate/opposing FW guy camps the warp in.

No risk low sec PVE is not how it's supposed to be. It goes agains what Low Sec is about!!! Risk/reward man!!!

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper