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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#321 - 2012-01-25 23:39:29 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
As already stated w.r.t differences between missions and plexes:
FW Missions require multiple jumps through low sec to complete. Shoot and scoot (if you and your buds pick up 20 of them). Running battles in plexes, at gates, etc..., if enemy fleet is hounding you.

FW Plexes are about attacking/defending a specific location. Sit and orbit. Wait for opponent to ship up or down to get a fight.

Anyways, farmers will farm. That's what they do. My Caldari alt and I will be moving to Saranemi to farm FW plexes when FW missions are removed. I will run a minor in my afk AB fit repper comet. My alt will run the medium in his Kestrel. We'll keep doing this, contesting and then decontesting, until I'm fat, rich, and very satisfied.
Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#322 - 2012-01-25 23:39:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
Garr Earthbender wrote:
Lotsa good stuff in here. There seems to be good arguments on keeping or removing FW missions. Both sides of the arguments have merits for sure.

The other question to ask (thanks Shaalira) is 'What about Dust 514?' I mean, all this theorycrafting is just CRAP without knowing how Dust will be implemented within the EVE universe, and specifically FW. *le sigh* Oh well.

I guess the question I would ask is do we want Dust 514 to be a big effect on FW or if it will just be about planets (not directly related to our sov) Do we want to be the test bed or whatever for the Dust Eve Connection.

I personally don't want that. I would rather see small fixes and a rewards system for plexs and capturing systems but not to be a test bed for the New Sov System. I personally think that CCP currently things this is a good idea. And since we don't really have anyone on the CSM that is there to protect and enhance our aspect of the game. No one is really being able to stand up to CCP and say No and present them with something better for FW.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#323 - 2012-01-25 23:43:54 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

I say missions are fine as they are now when balancing mechanics affects income.

It is not only FW missions that affects income you get from lp, most higsec missions give mostly same items, so nerfing only fw missions does not bring lp price up enough on level where it was at the beginning.

Main reason why isk/lp was high when fw got boost was that ccp banned 6000+ rmt guys.

Edit: also now when people have lot of unused lp example some federation navy tags has gone up approx 3,5m/tag , so if you do certain fw plexes and loot those tags you can do quite much isk/day.

Are you daft?? No one here is talking about nerfing mission income. Some people have mentioned getting rid of them, since they're a form of PvE and FW is mainly about PvP. You consistently protest every step of the way .... saying "income is fine, income is fine".

You keep calling me a greedy bastard while you wear the monocle and explain to everyone here how make the most isk from FW. You're as transparent as glass, my friend.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#324 - 2012-01-25 23:53:00 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:

I say missions are fine as they are now when balancing mechanics affects income.

It is not only FW missions that affects income you get from lp, most higsec missions give mostly same items, so nerfing only fw missions does not bring lp price up enough on level where it was at the beginning.

Main reason why isk/lp was high when fw got boost was that ccp banned 6000+ rmt guys.

Edit: also now when people have lot of unused lp example some federation navy tags has gone up approx 3,5m/tag , so if you do certain fw plexes and loot those tags you can do quite much isk/day.

Are you daft?? No one here is talking about nerfing mission income. Some people have mentioned getting rid of them, since they're a form of PvE and FW is mainly about PvP. You consistently protest every step of the way .... saying "income is fine, income is fine".

You keep calling me a greedy bastard while you wear the monocle and explain to everyone here how make the most isk from FW. You're as transparent as glass, my friend.

So you want to remove FW missions totally? Now tell me how FW players are supposed to make isk then?
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#325 - 2012-01-25 23:59:04 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

So you want to remove FW missions totally? Now tell me how FW players are supposed to make isk then?
Orbit buttons of course.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#326 - 2012-01-26 00:02:35 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:

So you want to remove FW missions totally? Now tell me how FW players are supposed to make isk then?
Orbit buttons of course.

oh, then i would be even richer than now. Hans will be mad about it.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#327 - 2012-01-26 00:41:10 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

oh, then i would be even richer than now. Hans will be mad about it.
You can set up plex farming shop in Ladistier, and I'll set one up in Vifr.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#328 - 2012-01-26 00:48:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Bad Messenger wrote:

oh, then i would be even richer than now. Hans will be mad about it.

Hahahaahah. See, I'm not really mad about your isk, I don't really care how wealthy anyone is in the game, in the end. If you had read any of my posts, you'd know that.

If I'm frustrated with anything, its the fact that you keep posting about the isk. This isn't a thread about how to farm FW missions. I start to lose patience with anyone who sticks to the same subject, and only posts about one thing. You have consistently only surfaced in FW threads to defend isk incomes, than you pretend you're not there for the isk, and call others greedy, and than you say stuff like this ^^ that just proves my point anyways.

I've been critical of others who bring all FW discussions back to the same topic within the feature. And yes, I'm taking about Cearain, just so no one thinks I'm being passive aggressive. I like Cearain, and I appreciate his tenacity in sticking up for FW and he's offered some good ideas on how to improve it as well. I just don't have any problem pointing out that whether he realizes it or not, he has a tendency to bring all discussions back down to NPC's in plexing, even if they start elsewhere.

You, on the other hand, are NOT bringing anything constructive to the conversation, nor do you stick to the topic of the threads you post in. You also either don't read people's posts carefully, or you do and deliberately choose to use straw man arguments to try to derail ideas. Like the last one, asking if I wanted to remove FW missions - despite the fact that I've never proposed that idea, not once, not anywhere in the entire forum. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now because I'm hoping its just a language barrier issue that causes you to completely misunderstand every post someone makes.

I'm all for free speech, but you abuse the privilege by wasting time and space in FW threads by repeating yourself over and over again unnecessarily. We all know you by now, and why you are here.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#329 - 2012-01-26 01:37:52 UTC
I'm working on a concept for that contest someone said they'd run. While brainstorming, I realized the obvious solution to limit farming if the current plexes started giving out LP rewards:

Have once per day missions, one for each plex type (and maybe one for defensive capping). Scale the rewards for 10-20 mil isk/day if you do all of them (personal opinion on that amount, whatever is best for the game).

This, along with having to clear the field of enemy npc's before a cap, should sufficiently limit farming LP's (or isk) from plexes.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Caldari State
#330 - 2012-01-26 01:42:04 UTC
What is wrong with people farming missions?

it happens in every other sec, you say farming like its a bad thing.............

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#331 - 2012-01-26 01:55:32 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:

What I would also suggest:
1. Completion/Denial of FW mission counts towards system occupancy.

The obvious problem with that is you could easily exploit it against your own militia if you were up to no good.

The missions would also have to be directed to enemy occupied systems. The more systems your side occupies, the bigger pain in the butt missions would become. I guess you wouldn't necessarily have to change it, but you would if you wanted to have missions incorporated in the capture mechanic in a balanced manner.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#332 - 2012-01-26 02:03:49 UTC
Carebears will still avoid pvp is they are in FW just to make isk. If you removed missions, they would orbit plexes as proposed. Then, say they've been running a medium plex for ten minutes, you arrive and ofc they warp away. You now have to spend 30 minutes closing said plex while they open new medium one elsewhere and begin to run it, taking them 20 minutes. See the problem here? LP farmers will always avoid pvp to maximize efficiency. Now blackrise has resources beyond just FW missions, there's PI and moons, and DED plexes. DED plexes are so valuable in blackrise with the newly introduced deadspace invul fields that are selling for 1-2 bil each. These sites were profitable before crucible 1.1 and every time you see a russian in blackrise, they're likely scouring for one of these sites. If you are forced out of these sites, there isn't going to be an abundant source of them elsewhere (whereas FW missions and plexes are beyond number). You have to fight for these resources.

Now there's the whole meaningful occupancy thing. If there were rewards for holding/taking occupancy that are separate (ie better) than just grinding LP in missions, then its possible that the gallente will have something to blob. Under current system there is no reason to fight out numbered. There is no reason to think inovatively to punch above your weight class to hold systems. It is easier to just welp it and go home.
Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#333 - 2012-01-26 02:03:54 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
What is wrong with people farming missions?

it happens in every other sec, you say farming like its a bad thing.............

I get my foodstuff from a supermarket. ****** farmers who farm on farms.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#334 - 2012-01-26 02:06:11 UTC
Also, just to chime in to the above comment. FW missions have been devaluing and will continue to devalue. 200 million isk navy geddons? Caldari are lucky their navy scorpions haven't dropped that far yet.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#335 - 2012-01-26 02:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
BolsterBomb wrote:
What is wrong with people farming missions?

it happens in every other sec, you say farming like its a bad thing.............

This is why I ask Bad Messenger to stop posting if he's not going to read people's comments. He keeps assuming that we are against the farming of missions on a matter of principle. In being quick to defend mission income, he misleads others to believe that was our point as well.

Our argument has never been that farming missions is bad. Even if this very same thread I've talked openly about the fact that I farm missions. The difference is that folks like X Gallentius and myself actually participate in FW PvP, and use the farmed isk to keep our hangars stocked and to fight alongside our friends.

Stocked hangars = more fights = more active scene = more fun for everyone.

Those who bring up the farming issue take fault with alt farming by non-participants. Just as a nullsec Alliance is going to take up arms against people who invade their space to farm their resources without contributing to defense and without paying rent, FW pilots object to other pilots farming missions and not contributing to FW PvP.

We now have a militia with thousands of enrolled pilots, only a fraction of which actually end up on the killboards. That is not what FW is about, nor was this the result CCP intended when they designed FW. The solution is extremely simple - simply beef the AI in the missions, to make bomber-farming obsolete. Bomber-chasing is not fun PvP. Chasing just about anything else that's non-cloaky is.

Most of us could care less if nullsec types want to come farm our missions, provided there is a reasonable chance to catch them. That was the point of the overview - to create risks to offset rewards, and to provide targets for FW pilots to track and destroy.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#336 - 2012-01-26 02:22:46 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
What is wrong with people farming missions?

it happens in every other sec, you say farming like its a bad thing.............

First off, just because it happens in every other sec doesn't mean it's good: For example, see the outcry over making FW like null.

Secondly - to efficiently farm missions you're generally pve fit (unless you're running minmatar missions against amarr rats in a missile boat). This means less pvp, and makes missions boring: Due to the mission mechanic, it's not like you can steal someones mission or get any profit from driving them away.

However, plexes are something you can fight over. The focus is on holding your ground for a set amount of time, giving your opponent a chance to come and get you. They are more pvp focused than missions (and could be even moreso if they fix the NPC imbalance). if you give rewards for plexing, then people can spend less time missioning and more time plexing, which has a greater likelihood of generating fights. If you remove missions and give similar rewards for plexing, you force ISK making into a more pvp focused activity, and that leads to greater fun for all. Yes, you will still have people who will try and run these plexes in pure pve fits. However, pvpers can better interrupt their activity, and they can also get rewarded for doing so (as nicely listed by Shaalira in points a), b) and c).
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#337 - 2012-01-26 02:32:06 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Also, just to chime in to the above comment. FW missions have been devaluing and will continue to devalue. 200 million isk navy geddons? Caldari are lucky their navy scorpions haven't dropped that far yet.

You greedy monster!! Now I see why you are really in FW, Super Chair. How dare you worry about your income. Roll

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#338 - 2012-01-26 03:17:06 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
All the arguments against FW missions can be made against FW plexes. Put the ability to fail a mission, and they all go away.

FW mission fights are just as fun as FW plexes, but different. Quicker pace, less chance to reship, etc

Edit: NPC imbalance haspretty much been addressed by CCP.

Edit2: The difference between my view of FW missions and chatgris' view is that when FW missions really were OP (you could choose the system you were missioning in), I was having the time of my life fighting More Cowbell guys missioning in Vlill with my tristan while everybody else was busy making bazillions of isk. Fights in FW missions are a blast.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#339 - 2012-01-26 05:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
It seems that Hans Jagerblitzen is having some kind of personal attack towards me and my opinions about FW.

It seems that Hans keeps himself as some FW God who knows everything about it and how he is doing everything right.

I doubt he even know who i am and what i have done in past in FW when he throws **** like that.

I am claiming that FW missions are fine just as they are now when balancing mechanism has bring income for quite low level, still it is quite decent to sustain pvp in fw.

Hans does not want to nerf those:

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:

I say missions are fine as they are now when balancing mechanics affects income.

It is not only FW missions that affects income you get from lp, most higsec missions give mostly same items, so nerfing only fw missions does not bring lp price up enough on level where it was at the beginning.

Main reason why isk/lp was high when fw got boost was that ccp banned 6000+ rmt guys.

Edit: also now when people have lot of unused lp example some federation navy tags has gone up approx 3,5m/tag , so if you do certain fw plexes and loot those tags you can do quite much isk/day.

Are you daft?? No one here is talking about nerfing mission income. Some people have mentioned getting rid of them, since they're a form of PvE and FW is mainly about PvP. You consistently protest every step of the way .... saying "income is fine, income is fine".

You keep calling me a greedy bastard while you wear the monocle and explain to everyone here how make the most isk from FW. You're as transparent as glass, my friend.

Allright maybe he want to remove those? no.

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

You, on the other hand, are NOT bringing anything constructive to the conversation, nor do you stick to the topic of the threads you post in. You also either don't read people's posts carefully, or you do and deliberately choose to use straw man arguments to try to derail ideas. Like the last one, asking if I wanted to remove FW missions - despite the fact that I've never proposed that idea, not once, not anywhere in the entire forum.

so what he wants?

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

The more time people come and farm the missions and take the isk elsewhere, the longer we have to grind to be able to support PvP. That does NOTHING to help the FW scene, it just slows everything down.

He thinks that i am greed one Sad

Also one thing more

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

We now have a militia with thousands of enrolled pilots, only a fraction of which actually end up on the killboards. That is not what FW is about, nor was this the result CCP intended when they designed FW. The solution is extremely simple - simply beef the AI in the missions, to make bomber-farming obsolete. Bomber-chasing is not fun PvP. Chasing just about anything else that's non-cloaky is.

Can you Hans link me one post where CCP say why they made FW for? Missions were there from the beginning so how those are not part of FW CCP designed?

Conclusion is that you Hans Jagerblitzen want that CCP boost FW income just for Hans, also CCP should make pvp so easy that Hans can kill everything you see without effort.

At least i understand it so. Hans brings me one word to my mind 'Ankhesentapemkah'.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#340 - 2012-01-26 08:08:37 UTC
Lets remove all forms of isk making from lowsec so all militias can fight with noobships.