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Warfare & Tactics

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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#241 - 2012-01-24 20:14:17 UTC
Galatica789 wrote:
I want CCP to give me a ship that tracks the tears of these 'bitter' vets I recieve

Another brilliant contribution to the discussion Gala. FW would be lost without you as part of our think tank.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#242 - 2012-01-24 22:20:06 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Galatica789 wrote:
I want CCP to give me a ship that tracks the tears of these 'bitter' vets I recieve

Another brilliant contribution to the discussion Gala. FW would be lost without you as part of our think tank.

:D plus 1
Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#243 - 2012-01-24 22:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
Im just going to throw out some ideas about what I think might be some good fixes to FW with out having to revamp the whole thing like CCP seems to be implying. I almost completely disagree with CCP wanting to use us as a "test" bed for Sov Warfare. Instead I think a few smaller changes can be made to really make FW shine.

1. We don't need our own CMS special elected leaders for FW. We need a person that speaks for us on the current and future CMSs. If we cant put aside our differences and work towards a better FW and get some one on the CMS that will speak for us I would hate to see what our own so called leaders of FW would be like. Mostly I see a group joining FW with tons of alts to take over elections and just ruin it because they can. I would like to see FW as drama free as possible for corps that want to join for the PvP.

2. We don't need to be the test bed for Alliance Sov Warfare. I would rather see there being a small impact with factions conquering space but if it becomes a matter of "leaders" making choices for the Faction like Alliance leaders make for Alliances I see FW getting trolled more often then not. Currently we fight because we enjoy fighting. If we get some kinda Faction "leaders" that run the whole thing on some power trip I don't see things ending well. With such low voter count its way to easy to "fix" elections with such a small player base in FW. A 3000 man alliance joining for the lullz of crushing it all into the ground and then leaving would be something I could see happening. Basically I don't think Militia should be treated like an Alliance, I don't mind Alliances joining but they shouldn't be able to have any true "control" over the faction.

3. I like the Alliances joining FW part of the patch and don't see it having a huge impact one way or the other (As long as we don't become a test bed or have our own "special" elections). Corps already work together closely like a very loose alliance. At most this allows for corps in FW to band together a bit easier. Since FW is well established at this point I hope that any single FW faction could handle a big alliance moving in. I don't see it forever changing the carefree shoot everything that moves nature that is FW in its current form.

4. Plexing - Remove the current rats all together, no need for them to be there. Plexing should have a reason more then standings. I think a good fix here would be to have Plexing effect LP payout (More controllable systemed own the more LP reward for missions). Also if an agent is in a conquered system, they no longer give out missions. Other then that plexing is kinda nice since it restricts ship types (maybe a change to not allow faction ships in minors but not 100% needed). I also think that if a system is going vulnerable that Militia chat should be spammed with a auto counter every 15 min telling what system and when it will coming open to attack by having some kinda reinforce timer. Currently there is little time to prep for a system being conquerable or easy way to find out about it. If conquering systems becomes important there should be a quick easy way to find out when and where your militia should be defending or attacking.

5. Missions - Give them Sleeper AI and make it a fleet event. I think this would stop people from farming missions just for isk and never having a real reason to join in the PvP. You can become rich with out ever shooting another player and do it from the safety of a stealth bomber and interceptor currently.

I don't mind the single minded nature of the missions. Fly in kill somethings and get out is IMHO awesome and I think that theme should stay but I don't think the rats should be so easily handled by a SB and Cepter. If they had Better AI, where made more fair across the board, and focused on forcing players to move a fleet through Lowsec. You would have more fights coming out of them and less people joining FW just to farm the easy isk. Currently they are super easy and do nothing but make me rich in the game. The potential is there for so much more.

A Sleeper AI along with a reward bump for doing the missions would make people actually have to fly a fleet out to lowsec and roam around. Currently you only have fleets roaming around looking for other fleets. If scouts don't find anything to kill no one goes out. There are allot of fights don't get me wrong but if we had people having to fleet up and head out into lowsec with a fleet to face off with Sleeper AI they can also stand and fight most lowsec gangs and actually draw more people out of stations into fleets which in turn will cause more PvP. The idea behind Missions should not only be to fund your PvP but to also provide something to do while you look for a fight and also be a catalyst for creating PvP.

Level 1 - 4 should be like a class 1 - 4 wormholes possibly Class 2 - 5 wormholes depending on mission payouts. Force players to bring logi, ECM, ECCM, DPS and tactics. Make the missions simular for all sides so no one joins a faction just to farm the easier rats. Missions should be about getitng into fights and making enough isk while doing it to make it worth while.

The more small gangs of 5 to 20 people we have roaming lowsec the better IMHO. I also think it would give something to do while you are roaming looking for a fight. Might as well make some money and have a reason to roam all around FW space.

I like the idea of having everyone pick up lots of missions like it currently is but the take over of systems should limit your ability to do so and having Hisec agents giving much lower pay out to make control of systems matter. Still having a good amount of agents in highsec is need (possibly more then currently) to allow for a factions best money supply to be protect in a way but still hurt.

Thank you for your time

Frozen Fallout
Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#244 - 2012-01-24 23:48:35 UTC
Frozen Fallout wrote:
Lots of good stuff.

I support this man and his ideas.

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Caldari State
#245 - 2012-01-25 00:53:11 UTC
Although FF has good ideas I disagree on the missioning part.

The missions do not need to be altered. If you have ever run any other type of 00 pirate missions, its the same thing, same risk, etc. In FW the risk is actually even greater due to the fact the mission pops on overview.

FW missions also take a long time to complete (not the objective but to do the mission)

The travel time in FW missions is what justifies the return on isk. Missions in 00 are simply 1-2 or 0 jumps out from your contact. You do an objective rinse and repeat.

The FW missions are fine. No AI adjustment needed

What needs to change is the REASON to do FW pvp, by linking the system with LP us exactly what needs to happen. Make plexes the reason to fight. The concept of plexes is AWESOME.

I know from my days in Gal Mil we stopped roaming and started delibertly camping minor plexes to get fights. Were there blobs, sure but the fights were awesome and the ships balanced.

I think plexes should have a limit or a counter balance number that can enter determined by how many people are in the plex. Id you dont want it to turn to sov warefare, LIMITING the blob is what needs to happen in these plexes.

I also think captured system should shut out ALL services in stations. You want people to HAVE to fight.

The more effects you allow on the opposing faction the more fighting will take place for the shear harassment and tears to be enjoyed, which is called EVE

FW is actually very simple if you use the plexes as the core method of pvp in FW. Dont mess with the rats, dont mess with the missions, just change one thing the way the system is capped due to plexing and the results from it.

PS sorry for spelling toddler sitting on my lap

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#246 - 2012-01-25 01:26:43 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

The FW missions are fine. No AI adjustment needed

The thing that I think is broken the most about FW missions is they pay out more isk then almost anything else I have seen and are the easiest missions I have ever seen. IMHO they just attract hoards of PvEers that just want to use FW for the isk that it give you. If I was to make an isk alt for a 0.0 character I wouldn't have him in an Empire level 4 mission corp I would stick him in FW in the NPC corp and just have him farm me isk with no risk.

In the end if FW doesn't fix missions its always going to be more of an alts isk making Haven then a PvPers dream. I can understand if people are not going to be happy having one of the easiest isk faucets in the game being turned into a team game rather then the solo/duo game it is now. But the more FW can be about small fleet PvP and less about just joing for the isk the better I think FW will be.

Just looking at the number of people that are in FW and the number that actually PvPs in FW is mind blowing. I think the most (not all but most) that would be opposed to some kinda change that would stop a solo person from making billions of isk in a night are also the same people in FW just to make said billions. I don't think the pay out should be lowered for FW missions infact I think maybe even a boost might be in order if they made them a Team activity where you actually need to put more on the line then just 50 million isk that is nearly impossible to catch. Linking it to Sov as it currently is will just make it worse with everyone running missions in SB and Cepters and never PvPing because their isk faucet will be shut of if they ever stop missioning.

I do agree that FW sov stuff could have an impact on station stuff be it docking or station services but doing so has much greater effects on FW then just kicking them out of lowsec if they cant plex. I am happy to see more FW corps be it Gallente or Caldari moving into lowsec to do FW operations. If you set something up where they basically cant live in FW lowsec unless they keep the system under control I forsee more people just living in hisec for fear they may just get kicked out of their space. Although this would make fighting over space that much more important which might not be a bad thing for PvP.
Caldari State
#247 - 2012-01-25 01:39:04 UTC
Making billions of isk in a night is an over statement.

At best when I used to run them with Dop, Saidra and others it would take about 4 hours to make enough isk to get a Domi

The Domi would sell around 360-400m but the cost to get the domi was what 80m or so.

The time investment is fine for the isk, the point I agree on is the isk faucet however fixing it so capping a system locks out an agent or greatly reduces the LP is what stops people from missioning.

I see no problem with having people "locked out" of a stations services, as they can always go a couple jumps to high. It forces them to fight. If they leave, good then they werent really there for the pvp.

Just like in all alliances in 00 if someone is getting rofl stomped they move into another systme. Same thing will happen to FW however by making systems lock down and virtually remove all station benefits as well as fw mission benefits you make fw an alliance (both faction vs both faction) instead of cheap thrills at best.

Reason to fight = griefing others and protecting your isk

fight over resources always brings war

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#248 - 2012-01-25 01:48:42 UTC
I do realize that mixing PVP with PVE is a hard thing to do. Usually 1 of the 2 suffers, and it's usually the PvE. I've gone on a couple of 'fleet' FW missions with battlecruisers, and it was dicey at times. Still, objectives melted quickly and we were on our way within 2 minutes of getting the missions popped. Would I like for the actual FW missions to be harder? ......No. Would I like them to keep the same amount of difficulty but reward 'fleets' instead of solo flyers? Yes.

I think that either Sleeper or Incursion AI would be great, and have rewards scale along with the size of the fleet like the Incursion curve. I positive I'm not the 1st to suggest this. It's a great way to get fleets out and get fights. If there's 2 opposing factions running FW mission fleets, there's a high chance of combat. So this also proposes a few questions:

1: Should FW missions be only picked up by a fleet?
2: What would be the LP payout? Combat is expected, ships are expected to be lost. Should LP increase per mission knowing that the risks are greater? I wouldn't want to do PvE when the possibility of losing a ship outweighs the LP/ISK gain.

Just my thoughts.

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#249 - 2012-01-25 01:55:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
BolsterBomb wrote:
Making billions of isk in a night is an over statement.

At best when I used to run them with Dop, Saidra and others it would take about 4 hours to make enough isk to get a Domi

The Domi would sell around 360-400m but the cost to get the domi was what 80m or so.

The time investment is fine for the isk, the point I agree on is the isk faucet however fixing it so capping a system locks out an agent or greatly reduces the LP is what stops people from missioning.

I see no problem with having people "locked out" of a stations services, as they can always go a couple jumps to high. It forces them to fight. If they leave, good then they werent really there for the pvp.

Just like in all alliances in 00 if someone is getting rofl stomped they move into another systme. Same thing will happen to FW however by making systems lock down and virtually remove all station benefits as well as fw mission benefits you make fw an alliance (both faction vs both faction) instead of cheap thrills at best.

Reason to fight = griefing others and protecting your isk

fight over resources always brings war

I have made well over a billion isk in one night of solo running level 4s in an Ishtar before I could take 6 missions at once. Depending on how you do it and what faction you are in you can make way to much isk for almost no risk. If I was a Caldari I could have done the same with a SB solo. If you dual or Tri box and do it right you can make billions of isk in a night with out a problem. Im not saying that everyone in FW can do this but the isk farmers know how easy it is to make the isk off FW missions.

The point is they are too easy to make them meaning full with out changing them. Just making them worth doing doesn't make them any better. People already do them for the crazy isk. If you put more meaning into them with out any changes more people will just do them the price on Navy T1 ships will keep coming down like they are and does nothing to fix them. And you cant get much easier of a mission then FW missions. Even if you lock people out of systems theres always hisec missions agents for FW and you will never stop the hoards of alts from doing missions if they are so easy. Besides if its all about locking out stations to stop the Isk farmers all the farmers will just join the winning factions and because the losses will have so little isk compared to the other side and smaller numbers keeping systems which requires little PvP currently to do it will just be a PvEers dream rather then PvPers Dream.

Also I don't want us to be like 0.0 so locking us out of a station does just that. Make it more like 0.0. Although I don't fully disagree that having a station lock out of some kind wouldn't force us to fight but I think there are better ways of doing it that can be tried first before we start locking people out of a station in Empire. The idea does have appeal though as it does make sense that an enemy faction wouldn't like you dock in there space.
Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#250 - 2012-01-25 02:13:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
Garr Earthbender wrote:
I do realize that mixing PVP with PVE is a hard thing to do. Usually 1 of the 2 suffers, and it's usually the PvE. I've gone on a couple of 'fleet' FW missions with battlecruisers, and it was dicey at times. Still, objectives melted quickly and we were on our way within 2 minutes of getting the missions popped. Would I like for the actual FW missions to be harder? ......No. Would I like them to keep the same amount of difficulty but reward 'fleets' instead of solo flyers? Yes.

I think that either Sleeper or Incursion AI would be great, and have rewards scale along with the size of the fleet like the Incursion curve. I positive I'm not the 1st to suggest this. It's a great way to get fleets out and get fights. If there's 2 opposing factions running FW mission fleets, there's a high chance of combat. So this also proposes a few questions my reply would be:

1: Should FW missions be only picked up by a fleet?
2: What would be the LP payout? Combat is expected, ships are expected to be lost. Should LP increase per mission knowing that the risks are greater? I wouldn't want to do PvE when the possibility of losing a ship outweighs the LP/ISK gain.

Just my thoughts.

I agree it should be about fleets not about solo people.

1: Should FW missions be only picked up by a fleet? :

No I think the lower ones should be geared twords possibly being done solo in the right ship but leaving it the way it is for pick up missions is fine. The way it is if you had 10 people pick up 6 missions most of those 60 missions will be in only 10 to 20 systems that will be clustered together which is perfect for a fleet. Doesn't seem like they need to do any real changes but maybe make it possible for more then 10 in a fleet when doing group reward.

2: What would be the LP payout? Combat is expected, ships are expected to be lost. Should LP increase per mission knowing that the risks are greater? I wouldn't want to do PvE when the possibility of losing a ship outweighs the LP/ISK gain.:

No leaving it simple where LP that which the agent tells you it is upon maybe a system where you get more LP out of agents if you own more Controllable systems. But leaving it simple makes it easier for both programmers and players just increasing the Pay out might help but most missions pay for a BC hull.
Caldari State
#251 - 2012-01-25 02:18:20 UTC
but you must dual or triple box, if your willing to do that then you are really making that money over TWO characters not one.

When EVE starts gimping my isk because someone wants to dual or triple box and then say "that is the norm" is balogne.

What is the normal amount of isk you can generate with ONE account, and for the record the ishtar would die if FW was populated more.

I remember jumping through a gate in a gila....and it dieing in a blaze of fire due to a roam. Thats what happens when you do it solo, real risk.

Dual boxing and triple boxing is not solo

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#252 - 2012-01-25 02:18:49 UTC
Heh. yeah. lvl 1 and 2 FW missions should totally be soloable. I have no problem with that at all. Good input. thanks.

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#253 - 2012-01-25 02:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
BolsterBomb wrote:
but you must dual or triple box, if your willing to do that then you are really making that money over TWO characters not one.

When EVE starts gimping my isk because someone wants to dual or triple box and then say "that is the norm" is balogne.

What is the normal amount of isk you can generate with ONE account, and for the record the ishtar would die if FW was populated more.

I remember jumping through a gate in a gila....and it dieing in a blaze of fire due to a roam. Thats what happens when you do it solo, real risk.

Dual boxing and triple boxing is not solo

Solo if I was a squid I could make about the same as my Ishtar with warp while cloak which is better then the Ishtar with the mwd cloak trick. I could easly make a billion isk in one sitting completely solo no dual boxing. I would think the Caldari could do about the same with even less risk. It comes down to NPCs and ships that can do the missions. Even doing it with a friend I make about the same with a cepter and SB or 2. With a cepters and an SB we normally do a set or two of missions netting us a half billion+ worth of isk in under 3 to 5 hours of work. Its just to easy for the risk which is almost none if you are in warp while cloak ships and cepters. Even the Ishtar with mwd and cloak is almost impossible to catch with out a good cepter bumping ship with a gate camp.

And its not just about be able to solo or dual box them its about how damn easy they are for the risk involved. If you say had to actually bring a small fleet to actually do the mission you would have a chance for PvP but the way it is now I don't think I have seen any mission running fleets of SBs and cepters go after anything other then the very odd gank. Almost every time they cloak up and run and hide. Not even a chance at really catching one mission running fleet unless your lucky and they are stupid,

The point is they are just to damn easy as they are which is why there are 6000 people in Caldari militia and only 100 PvPers. Make them a fleet activity and you will have more PvPers and less PvEers IMHO.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#254 - 2012-01-25 03:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
I do not really understand cry about FW missions, those are not so good isk anymore. You can make lot of is with those, but example incursions are much better for small gangs and wormholes are even better. Farming sanctums in 0.0 is better too.

And i do not see how it is bad that you can solo FW lvl4 because some people solo even LVL5 missions.

There is always risk in lowsec to get caught, bombers and ceptors may be hard to catch but still people lose those daily.

If you nerf too much FW missions or make those much harder it goes like it was at the beginning of FW, no one does those.

And if someone joins to FW to just farm missions, he is still one target more to opposing factions, maybe hard to catch but still a target. If you do not want to hunt him down it is not missioners fault really.

It is just good that there is different ways to play this game.

Edit: also you have to remember that when you join FW you limit lot of your highsec PVE possibilities.
Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#255 - 2012-01-25 05:05:38 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
I do not really understand cry about FW missions, those are not so good isk anymore. You can make lot of is with those, but example incursions are much better for small gangs and wormholes are even better. Farming sanctums in 0.0 is better too.

And i do not see how it is bad that you can solo FW lvl4 because some people solo even LVL5 missions.

There is always risk in lowsec to get caught, bombers and ceptors may be hard to catch but still people lose those daily.

If you nerf too much FW missions or make those much harder it goes like it was at the beginning of FW, no one does those.

And if someone joins to FW to just farm missions, he is still one target more to opposing factions, maybe hard to catch but still a target. If you do not want to hunt him down it is not missioners fault really.

It is just good that there is different ways to play this game.

Edit: also you have to remember that when you join FW you limit lot of your highsec PVE possibilities.

I do agree that FW mission running has taken a hit for isk per hour and there are better isk per hour activities out there. I also agree that its not that bad as it currently is. I also agree that over time it has become much less isk per hour and Incursions are great isk. I also think that its just going to get worse as Navy T1 BSs continue to flood the market.

The thing about FW missions isn't that there is better isk per hour its that the effort is much less compared to other tasks. You mention Lvl 5 missions. I don't know very many 1 year characters running Level 5 missions solo or duo. I have seen and worked with many young characters (or alts) that joined FW and made tons of isk with little effort. Incursions take a small gang and has the new AI which I think FW should have.

I don't want to nerf the missions so that people cant make money and I don't really want to make them harder per say. Keep the theme of Warp in kill a couple things and leave with out salvaging or dealing with the left over rats. But get rid of the one faction is easier to farm then the other and make them omni damage and omni ewar (ECM, Web, Scram, Neut, ect). Give them the new AI so the cepter SB no longer works and people start running them with small fleets. Bump up the pay out so that its still worth doing even with 5 to 10 guys. Getting more fleets running around lowsec is just asking for PvP. It shouldn't hurt the bottom line just the fact that now there is risk and more PvP to be had for all in FW lowsec.

One thing I would like to say quick is that I don't think FW sucks in its current form. I actually like it allot and with the new patch I think some of the fixes have made it even better. I just see allot of potential with small tweeks to the current system to foster more of a PvP environment then a PvE environment.

I guess I just see adding the new AI as a simple elegant solution.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#256 - 2012-01-25 06:16:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
Frozen Fallout wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
I do not really understand cry about FW missions, those are not so good isk anymore. You can make lot of is with those, but example incursions are much better for small gangs and wormholes are even better. Farming sanctums in 0.0 is better too.

And i do not see how it is bad that you can solo FW lvl4 because some people solo even LVL5 missions.

There is always risk in lowsec to get caught, bombers and ceptors may be hard to catch but still people lose those daily.

If you nerf too much FW missions or make those much harder it goes like it was at the beginning of FW, no one does those.

And if someone joins to FW to just farm missions, he is still one target more to opposing factions, maybe hard to catch but still a target. If you do not want to hunt him down it is not missioners fault really.

It is just good that there is different ways to play this game.

Edit: also you have to remember that when you join FW you limit lot of your highsec PVE possibilities.

I do agree that FW mission running has taken a hit for isk per hour and there are better isk per hour activities out there. I also agree that its not that bad as it currently is. I also agree that over time it has become much less isk per hour and Incursions are great isk. I also think that its just going to get worse as Navy T1 BSs continue to flood the market.

The thing about FW missions isn't that there is better isk per hour its that the effort is much less compared to other tasks. You mention Lvl 5 missions. I don't know very many 1 year characters running Level 5 missions solo or duo. I have seen and worked with many young characters (or alts) that joined FW and made tons of isk with little effort. Incursions take a small gang and has the new AI which I think FW should have.

I don't want to nerf the missions so that people cant make money and I don't really want to make them harder per say. Keep the theme of Warp in kill a couple things and leave with out salvaging or dealing with the left over rats. But get rid of the one faction is easier to farm then the other and make them omni damage and omni ewar (ECM, Web, Scram, Neut, ect). Give them the new AI so the cepter SB no longer works and people start running them with small fleets. Bump up the pay out so that its still worth doing even with 5 to 10 guys. Getting more fleets running around lowsec is just asking for PvP. It shouldn't hurt the bottom line just the fact that now there is risk and more PvP to be had for all in FW lowsec.

One thing I would like to say quick is that I don't think FW sucks in its current form. I actually like it allot and with the new patch I think some of the fixes have made it even better. I just see allot of potential with small tweeks to the current system to foster more of a PvP environment then a PvE environment.

I guess I just see adding the new AI as a simple elegant solution.

You can do every factions mission with speed tank and bomber. Also you can do those with ishtar solo. Fits may differ a bit but it is possible and easy.

edit: ´by asking that make same npc for all is something that will break whole idea of different races in EVE.
If you think some side is easier to farm you are free to change side.
Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#257 - 2012-01-25 06:36:02 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

You can do every factions mission with speed tank and bomber. Also you can do those with ishtar solo. Fits may differ a bit but it is possible and easy.

edit: ´by asking that make same npc for all is something that will break whole idea of different races in EVE.
If you think some side is easier to farm you are free to change side.

Those are just excuses to keep the farming going. Whats so horrible about having the new AI in missions other then "I don't want to" or "I like the lazy isk I make." Saying races should hold true to their EW just because the old AI did it that way and it sucked isn't a good reason to keep it. You have to admit the old AI is horrible and sure they will never get rid of it for fear the hisec mission farmers will stop playing but the new AI is much better and I haven't heard a good reason for not including it in FW missions. Also I don't see why a Caldari ship should have to be restricted to Caldari damage types and EW when clearly they aren't. Just because the old system had that restriction doesn't make it true, just proves how sad the old system was. Any ship in this game can have any kind of tank, EW, and damage types. I don't see why NPCs should always be restricted by such an out dated AI.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#258 - 2012-01-25 06:49:59 UTC
Frozen Fallout wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:

You can do every factions mission with speed tank and bomber. Also you can do those with ishtar solo. Fits may differ a bit but it is possible and easy.

edit: ´by asking that make same npc for all is something that will break whole idea of different races in EVE.
If you think some side is easier to farm you are free to change side.

Those are just excuses to keep the farming going. Whats so horrible about having the new AI in missions other then "I don't want to" or "I like the lazy isk I make." Saying races should hold true to their EW just because the old AI did it that way and it sucked isn't a good reason to keep it. You have to admit the old AI is horrible and sure they will never get rid of it for fear the hisec mission farmers will stop playing but the new AI is much better and I haven't heard a good reason for not including it in FW missions. Also I don't see why a Caldari ship should have to be restricted to Caldari damage types and EW when clearly they aren't. Just because the old system had that restriction doesn't make it true, just proves how sad the old system was. Any ship in this game can have any kind of tank, EW, and damage types. I don't see why NPCs should always be restricted by such an out dated AI.

I do not care about how AI is, if i grind isk i grind isk no matter what AI does it usually lose sooner or later.

If i want some challenges i do not search those from AI.

I can tell you story about how we farmed isk for titan, we had several machariel pilots who had their own constellation where they shot down all missions alts were opening, we did a lot LP / day. So if you really want to do it efficiently you do not do it with solo bomber.

Crying about something that is not even efficient is just waste of tears.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#259 - 2012-01-25 07:18:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrett
Doing level 4 missions with a bomber and inty is bullshit and needs to be nerfed. Those ships are essentially 0 risk for someone who isnt asleep at their keyboard. Cloaky T3s suck too, but its possible to catch them at least on occasion.

Bottom line, the lucrative part of FW should not be set up to favor non-fighting carebears, or if it does, they should have to fly real ships to do the missions. So there is some risk. The system needs to reward PVP - which is the reason for FW, and right now, it doesnt.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#260 - 2012-01-25 07:22:54 UTC
Dosen't it Honestly feel like plexing and missioning should get switched? As in missioning is about spinning a buttion and staying in one place for a time and plexes are about a acopmlishing a set goal very fast.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats.