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EVE-Monument in Reykjavik in a bad state

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Vortexo VonBrenner
#81 - 2017-06-16 08:59:26 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
ToBaD wrote:
ocean coast Monuments just don't last long enough reallyUgh.

That's why the Egyptians built their stuff in Egypt.

I'm pretty sure those 2 things are completely unrelated. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Pyramids are built in in Egypt because that's where the Egyptians lived, not some awesome foresight about monuments better withstanding the test of time...

Egyptians didn't build the Great Pyramids anyway. They were built by...ALIENS.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#82 - 2017-06-16 09:06:46 UTC
Vortexo VonBrenner wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
ToBaD wrote:
ocean coast Monuments just don't last long enough reallyUgh.

That's why the Egyptians built their stuff in Egypt.

I'm pretty sure those 2 things are completely unrelated. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Pyramids are built in in Egypt because that's where the Egyptians lived, not some awesome foresight about monuments better withstanding the test of time...

Egyptians didn't build the Great Pyramids anyway. They were built by...ALIENS.

You mean xenomorphs or predators?
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#83 - 2017-06-16 12:26:17 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
It's sad. The EVE monument won't live to see the release of Star Citizen.

You are good!
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#84 - 2017-06-16 12:53:52 UTC
Def sad for those whos names have been wiped Sad

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Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#85 - 2017-06-16 16:28:34 UTC

Can we make jokes about how defacing it wasn't that big of a deal now or is it too soon?
#86 - 2017-06-16 16:31:15 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:

Can we make jokes about how defacing it wasn't that big of a deal now or is it too soon?

Xenuria woz 'ere!
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#87 - 2017-06-16 22:41:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
Was going to reveal the truth about how the people from [a certain constellation] taught the Egyptians how to shape giant blocks of stone and move them around with mental powered physics. But I got There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode
The gods have spoken.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#88 - 2017-06-16 22:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
Rain6637 wrote:
It was made from something that oxidizes? lol cool

It's kind of poetic, really.
Rust in the wind. All we are is rust in the wind. (Sorry).
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#89 - 2017-06-16 22:56:22 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
It was made from something that oxidizes? lol cool

It's kind of poetic, really.
Rust in the wind. All we are is rust in the wind. (Sorry).

Maybe we should go there and write some bad poetry about it while drunk on stale Heineken and harkarl.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#90 - 2017-06-17 06:26:57 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
It was made from something that oxidizes? lol cool

It's kind of poetic, really.
Rust in the wind. All we are is rust in the wind. (Sorry).

Maybe we should go there and write some bad poetry about it while drunk on stale Heineken and harkarl.

Rust and Dust.
badummm tssss....
Laphroaig Inc.
#91 - 2017-06-17 10:32:46 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Lothros Andastar wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Caldari Phantom wrote:
Its gonna be funny in a few hundred years time, when humanity forgets what that monument was for.
In a few hundred years Iceland will have become the new Atlantis. A rumor from the time before the icecaps melted.

That monument will be the least of the things forgotten.

Mr Epeen Cool

Icecaps melting would actually increase the area of farmable and liveable space.

minus the farmable space that gets lost to rising sea levels?

i'd be interested to see the math on that......
It's the same math that proves people lived with dinosaurs, the earth is 7,000 years old, and the moon landings were faked.

Mr Epeen Cool

ooooh, *THAT* kind of math.
I can't quite wrap my head around it.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#92 - 2017-06-20 11:14:19 UTC

Nice. I like that the spaceship is that living space being from that one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Helt Anajkt
#93 - 2017-06-20 22:05:23 UTC
With my gallente Vision.. I can only interpret that the monument in question has freedom of expression and as such is free to express its best form.

As such It has rights and will be welcomed very well by our federation of freedom and open minds people
Helt Anajkt
#94 - 2017-06-21 10:47:49 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Vortexo VonBrenner wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
ToBaD wrote:
ocean coast Monuments just don't last long enough reallyUgh.

That's why the Egyptians built their stuff in Egypt.

I'm pretty sure those 2 things are completely unrelated. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Pyramids are built in in Egypt because that's where the Egyptians lived, not some awesome foresight about monuments better withstanding the test of time...

Egyptians didn't build the Great Pyramids anyway. They were built by...ALIENS.

You mean xenomorphs or predators?

.... and the ALIENS (include predators) known about the oceanic weather of island dont be the better point to anchor a Strategic beacon to warp ( or better known as "the Piramids" )
Arkoth 24
#95 - 2017-06-21 11:00:56 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
We have to make petition for them to build a shiny metal capsule, life size, with those blinking lights, and with a wifi connection to upload current capsuleer names into it.

...And call it "Eve's grave".
Inir Ishtori
Caldari State
#96 - 2017-06-21 11:49:02 UTC
A proper monument would be looking like something out of the game - a pod, a ship's model or even a space structure. What CCP built there is a gravestone and it just assumes its final look.