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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1381 - 2017-06-10 21:50:58 UTC
Why is there so much isk?

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1382 - 2017-06-10 21:52:33 UTC
C0ATL wrote:
Longtooth wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote: late... was looking for another game...
Did we get any response from CCP?

No I don't think we have. But, then again, is anybody really surprised by CCP silence?

Ultimately, I don't care if they answer, as long as they get their heads out of their asses....both for this nerf and for future 'genius' decisions.

I think you can file CCP removing their heads from their asses as "never going to happen" I mean after all have you seen some of the genius moves they've pulled over the years?

I do really think CCP leadership needs a massive shake up starting at the top and working down until we start getting to people who actually know how to take care of this game. If, that is, any such people are left at this company.

Vendoor Zenjarr
0.0 Massive Dynamic
Pandemic Horde
#1383 - 2017-06-10 21:54:02 UTC
Just here to say it's not the 1% of the 1% of the players who are affected.

Nerfing is never a good answer to a problem, you could for example change the bounty payouts.

I would suggest you (CCP) stop EVERYTHING and start reading the forums/ reddit. Read what your playerbase want's and start fixing those issue's. Stop doing new stuff (like pushing out skinns every single ******* week).
Chevy Caputtos
Goonswarm Federation
#1384 - 2017-06-10 21:57:08 UTC
Vendoor Zenjarr wrote:
Just here to say it's not the 1% of the 1% of the players who are affected.

Nerfing is never a good answer to a problem, you could for example change the bounty payouts.

I would suggest you (CCP) stop EVERYTHING and start reading the forums/ reddit. Read what your playerbase want's and start fixing those issue's. Stop doing new stuff (like pushing out skinns every single ******* week).

Such as $30 charcoal-dipped banana skins...
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1385 - 2017-06-10 21:58:29 UTC
Vendoor Zenjarr wrote:
Just here to say it's not the 1% of the 1% of the players who are affected.

Nerfing is never a good answer to a problem, you could for example change the bounty payouts.

I would suggest you (CCP) stop EVERYTHING and start reading the forums/ reddit. Read what your playerbase want's and start fixing those issue's. Stop doing new stuff (like pushing out skinns every single ******* week).

You aren't the only one out there ratting you know. Perhaps if you pulled your nose away from your particular tree and looked around a bit more....Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Tessa Sage
Long Pig Luncheon Meat
Sending Thots And Players
#1386 - 2017-06-10 22:01:11 UTC
Gabriel Karade wrote:

The root cause to your problem, is NPC's sitting in one place to be farmed to the extreme. Conceptually, why would any military organisation keep on feeding meat into the grinder once it becomes clear it's hopeless?

(i.e. make NPC activity dynamic, so that they gradually 'give up' and leave an area, moving elsewhere)

NPCs are what keep me subbing: they don't commit to aggressing your stuff and will warp off if you bring too much help; they only call in reinforcements in combat sites and the newer scripted events. It isn't so much meat grinder, but the method to npc madness is slowly but surely changing.
Wolf theQuarrelsome
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1387 - 2017-06-10 22:04:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolf theQuarrelsome
Gimme Sake wrote:

I agree that it is a panic nerf but perhaps the end game means are too easy to handle? Just how much skill (not skills) is required from a pilot to operate these end game means. Never been interested in caps but I can imagine anyone can pilot those, given the trained skills and isk to sit in them, otherwise there wouldn't be such a sudden isk inflation.

Stupid forum ate my reply... Carriers are for normal people 1 per person to farm. Those who don't are either super skilled people or cheating with stealth input broadcasting.

Rorqs however stack a little too easily while multiboxing.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1388 - 2017-06-10 22:12:52 UTC
I don't like these changes. Down with this sort of thing!
Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1389 - 2017-06-10 22:17:00 UTC
Wolf theQuarrelsome wrote:
Gimme Sake wrote:

I agree that it is a panic nerf but perhaps the end game means are too easy to handle? Just how much skill (not skills) is required from a pilot to operate these end game means. Never been interested in caps but I can imagine anyone can pilot those, given the trained skills and isk to sit in them, otherwise there wouldn't be such a sudden isk inflation.

Stupid forum ate my reply... Carriers are for normal people 1 per person to farm. Those who don't are either super skilled people or cheating with stealth input broadcasting.

Rorqs however stack a little too easily while multiboxing.

However the graphs show carriers responsible for the isk influx. Even if there are other factors that stack.

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

blaedin jordan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1390 - 2017-06-10 22:17:06 UTC
LordShazbot wrote:
I don't like these changes. Down with this sort of thing!

Very, very few people like these changes b/c they are far too much, too soon. What's worse is that they tried to roll this out just days before the patch like some kind of an after-thought instead of coming to the community and giving us an opportunity to test for, plan, and talk about the pros and cons of such a move. CCP should be ashamed for becoming such a good example of bad developer-client communication.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1391 - 2017-06-10 22:17:12 UTC
Chevy Caputtos wrote:
This PR blunder has probably cost CCP more in lost subscribers than the supposed supercarrier ratting RMTers. My subscription will not continue much longer if CCP continues to mistake ignoring players for knowing better.

Seriously, what other company would alienate their highest paying and most invested players? Much less reply to a paying customer's inquiries by calling them an "edgelord" and posting cat pictures.

Your second picture can't be real...

How on earth they even dear to disrepect us like that?
Aeon Herzog
Haven's Reach Core
#1392 - 2017-06-10 22:22:34 UTC
This is a late as hell April Fools right? Or are you just that inane.
Silent Knights.
#1393 - 2017-06-10 22:29:21 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Cismet wrote:

Your final line was describing yourself? There have been many other suggestions for how to fix it that don't involve destroying Carriers for both PVP and PVE.

No, it was aimed at the idiots suggesting things like: nerf all bounties. That is compounding a bad decision with and even worse one. Or the one's trying to claim that having a 6 fold increase in ISK entering the game is not going to cause problems. Those jerks are literally destroying the purchasing power of everyone else's ISK for their benefit. There is very serious stupid in this thread...stupid from people who don't understand even rudimentary economics.

Cismet wrote:
Two excellent ones are capping tick sizes and diminishing returns on bounty payouts. The latter has the benefit of removing the problem of afk-droneboaters from the ISK stream. The problem isn't the concept that the money stream needs to go (Though the actual net money going into the system is +15T ISK, not 60, but by all means continue to spout the histrionics you were so adamantly against earlier), the problem is the method and demographic targeted. Why don't you try not being a monumental tool and be constructive, rather than just insult people who are justifiably angry by a MASSIVE nerf for which they aren't even necessarily the problem.

Some issues with this:

First off if this applies to everyone it is taking a bad idea and compounding it and applying it to those who are not the problem. Second, the cap/diminishing return is not a one and done number. It will have to continuously monitored and changed regularly as players change in game behaviors. Look at my signature, the idea of getting it "just right" even with constant monitoring is going to be problematic. You'll know how much ISK has entered the system, but you won't necessarily know how much is going too, so your policy will always be looking backwards, not forwards. In other words, it assumes a degree of information that nobody possesses not even the Devs.

As it stands right now this is being applied to large numbers of people who are not the problem. Nothing is a one and done number either and everything CCP does requires monitoring, changing and refined as player behaviour changes. The point is that a diminishing returns (or cap, though I would favour the diminishing returns).

CCP look backwards constantly because until the data is in and it can be seen how much has entered the system you can't make any adjustments. There's no way other than looking backwards. A diminishing returns after a certain point leaves people who will be subcap ratting largely alone and only players beyond a certain point in a given day would be affected. I agree that it would require work and refinement but it has to be better than a straight 20%/30% nerf with (seemingly) no further consideration of the greater effects this would have.

My point is that no solution is a one/done number. If that's the aim then we may as well stop now as no game ever stops, they always require monitoring etc.
Legbeard Catfood
Goonswarm Federation
#1394 - 2017-06-10 22:35:51 UTC
Don't nerf our ratting ability, give us something to do instead of ratting all day.
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#1395 - 2017-06-10 22:36:11 UTC
So ccp is crying about iskies...

- where is most ratting?
- who is using most ratting carriers and supers?
- where is most mining?
-where is most production?
- oh where spawned the new titan thinngy (aka pirate faction Titan)?.,...

is it all in goon space?

Why not just nerf goons?

NCPL (Necromonger of new Eden) will make EVE great again!

Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1396 - 2017-06-10 22:40:29 UTC
So ccp is crying about iskies...

- where is most ratting?
- who is using most ratting carriers and supers?
- where is most mining?
-where is most production?
- oh where spawned the new titan thinngy (aka pirate faction Titan)?.,...

is it all in goon space?

Why not just nerf goons?

Why doesn't the rest of Eve nerf goons? No better reason for conflict than goons destroying the economy?

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Ms Caroline
Amazing Super Slackers
#1397 - 2017-06-10 22:42:10 UTC

For gods sake, this is like the 3rd or 4th time you nerf fighters, your current actions are difficult to understand.
We spend billions to be able to fly carriers/supercarriers, and they are not ships that allow players to replace them like every day socks.

Honestly, i fly a super and with the amount of risk to be able to replace it while only playing with two accounts is insane.
I spent months accumulating money to be even able building one, and now you are making most of the carrier pilots regretting training into carriers in the first place even more.

So this is my opinion and I'll be honest to say that this nerf is UNNECESSARY and makes me angry to know that almost every month my beautiful capital is becoming a useless junk of metal lying around offline .

I've also quit EVE before for around half a year just because of your nerfing, so having another one was not a wise decision game creators.

Ian Hestia
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1398 - 2017-06-10 22:42:37 UTC
Fl4chz4ng3 wrote:
Chevy Caputtos wrote:
This PR blunder has probably cost CCP more in lost subscribers than the supposed supercarrier ratting RMTers. My subscription will not continue much longer if CCP continues to mistake ignoring players for knowing better.

Seriously, what other company would alienate their highest paying and most invested players? Much less reply to a paying customer's inquiries by calling them an "edgelord" and posting cat pictures.

Your second picture can't be real...

How on earth they even dear to disrepect us like that?

F*k this. How in the world they could say such thing to their subscribed players?
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#1399 - 2017-06-10 22:44:49 UTC
Gimme Sake wrote:
So ccp is crying about iskies...

- where is most ratting?
- who is using most ratting carriers and supers?
- where is most mining?
-where is most production?
- oh where spawned the new titan thinngy (aka pirate faction Titan)?.,...

is it all in goon space?

Why not just nerf goons?

Why doesn't the rest of Eve nerf goons? No better reason for conflict than goons destroying the economy?

Because this time around you don't have trillions of casino isk to pay for it all and we are dug in a lot better than we were in dek. However you are welcome to try. We could use some content at home.
Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1400 - 2017-06-10 22:48:56 UTC
Axhind wrote:
Gimme Sake wrote:
So ccp is crying about iskies...

- where is most ratting?
- who is using most ratting carriers and supers?
- where is most mining?
-where is most production?
- oh where spawned the new titan thinngy (aka pirate faction Titan)?.,...

is it all in goon space?

Why not just nerf goons?

Why doesn't the rest of Eve nerf goons? No better reason for conflict than goons destroying the economy?

Because this time around you don't have trillions of casino isk to pay for it all and we are dug in a lot better than we were in dek. However you are welcome to try. We could use some content at home.

Well, there you go then. Super nerf is the only sollution. Lol

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato