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[March] Rorqual and Mining changes

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Ghillie Troll Askold
Singularity Dynamics
#881 - 2017-03-22 16:15:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghillie Troll Askold
Henry Plantgenet wrote:
Ghillie Troll Askold wrote:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I can now go to hisec and make more ISK/hr running incursions in a 500m battleship than in a 10b rorqual no? And it's probably safer too.

Well to be fair mining is mostly AFK anyway.
You just sit there scooping up asteroids with 2 fingers in an orifice (I'll pick "Nose" this time)

You would think that, but actually I'm sitting there making sure my 4-6b worth of highly vulnerable drones sitting in space aren't getting

- Stolen
- Killed by rats (I've had one insta-blapped by them before I could recall it so far)
- Killed by players

As well as making sure my Rorqual isn't being attacked or killed.

You tend to pay a lot of attention to Eve when you have 8-9b floating in space, especially when 4-6b of it can be killed by rats in under two minutes under the right circumstances.

At least with yield nerfs I only worry about my Rorq now, given that it's more efficient and effective for me to own a load of barges, be static in one place the whole time, and not bother moving the damn thing and losing ICore boosts on the barges.
Laphroaig Inc.
#882 - 2017-03-22 21:49:24 UTC
Can you PLEASE reduce the cycle time of the Industrial Core down to 3 minutes for T1 and 1 minute for T2? Perhaps give the T2 IC a bigger drone yield buff to give some kind of actual reward for trudging through the 30 odd day training time?

At least let us reposition our rorqs more easily.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Ghost Blackman
#883 - 2017-03-28 22:47:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghost Blackman
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 "ice" mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 "ice" mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#884 - 2017-03-29 01:17:41 UTC
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.

uhhh, what?

Rorq bandwidth is 125 Mbit/sec

For use with

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Ghost Blackman
#885 - 2017-03-29 09:45:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghost Blackman
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.

uhhh, what?

Rorq bandwidth is 125 Mbit/sec

For use with

Yes, please ask to have it updated. You can only deploy 2 "ice" mining drones because of the bandwidth is 50 for these things. It's a capital ship. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allow to use 5 of them instead of just the 2...
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#886 - 2017-03-29 17:17:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.

uhhh, what?

Rorq bandwidth is 125 Mbit/sec

For use with

Yes, please ask to have it updated. You can only deploy 2 "ice" mining drones because of the bandwidth is 50 for these things. It's a capital ship. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allow to use 5 of them instead of just the 2...

Ice mining drones and ice excavators are two different things. Try using the excavators... as was intended.
Penance Toralen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#887 - 2017-03-30 00:16:32 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.

uhhh, what?

Rorq bandwidth is 125 Mbit/sec

For use with

I am guessing from the text, the guy is using stock Ice Harvesters I or II which are 50mbs. "Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone" are 25mbs.
Ghost Blackman
#888 - 2017-04-03 09:28:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghost Blackman
Not saying i'm not at 9.88 sec a load of ice per drone 35m in 5mins.

I seen people run 10 rorquals for 350m in 5 mins.

Nasar Vyron wrote:
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Ghost Blackman wrote:
Boy was I sad when I found out I could not USE 5 mining drones with the rorqual. Please increases the bandwidth. I would like to be able to use 5 mining drones with my rorqual. Currently with our set up you only allow 2 as it;s set to 50 and not 25. How sad.

uhhh, what?

Rorq bandwidth is 125 Mbit/sec

For use with

Yes, please ask to have it updated. You can only deploy 2 "ice" mining drones because of the bandwidth is 50 for these things. It's a capital ship. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allow to use 5 of them instead of just the 2...

Ice mining drones and ice excavators are two different things. Try using the excavators... as was intended.
Sim Cognito
Obani Gemini Corporation
#889 - 2017-04-23 10:47:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Sim Cognito
The ore belts and anomalies of any kind should be randomized in location, shape, composition and quantity, be depletable, not instantly regenerate and have a significant scanning element.

Instead right now the exact same anomaly respawns, forever. No scanning, no variety, no RNG, no gameplay, only an illusion of substantial conflict in the form of lame sneak attacks.

Some people mentioned Delve, why does ore have to be infinite? Would it hurt the game if the forces there moved to another region to find more ore while Delve regenerates its supply? How's that for content?

At least the new refinery structures and moon mining seem to be in the right direction... it took what, almost two decades?
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#890 - 2017-04-23 23:03:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Ocker
Sim Cognito wrote:
The ore belts and anomalies of any kind should be randomized in location, shape, composition and quantity, be depletable, not instantly regenerate and have a significant scanning element.

Instead right now the exact same anomaly respawns, forever. No scanning, no variety, no RNG, no gameplay, only an illusion of substantial conflict in the form of lame sneak attacks.

Some people mentioned Delve, why does ore have to be infinite? Would it hurt the game if the forces there moved to another region to find more ore while Delve regenerates its supply? How's that for content?

At least the new refinery structures and moon mining seem to be in the right direction... it took what, almost two decades?

I think you need to try mining. Mining isn't about PVP although it is a part of it, it isn't about trolling around different systems every day to find belts or anoms. It is about keeping Eve provided with the things it needs to be a game.
If miners were forced to go to different systems, constellations or regions every time they killed an innocent asteroid belt, many would simply quit which would push up the price of everything on the market.
Eve is a world wide game, miners in different TZ's are affected differently by how asteroid belts spawn, for example I'm an Aussie and when I used to mine ore in highsec I'd often have to wait until after dt because other TZ's had mined out everything.
Ice mining was better, as long as the person or group who killed the anom last did so to get it to spawn in the few hours I was online each day, if not it meant spending time looking for a system that had a belt, reducing my ability to earn isk. Mining is not so easy as some might imagine - Yes it has decent rewards but you have to earn them. Unlike running missions, mining entails some risk.

Asteroid belts never used to deplete, they lasted forever, they now deplete and yes they respawn in the same system but have different quantities of ore - the more often a belt is mined out the less ore it will contain when it respawns. Leave it alone for a few days it will again be worth mining.

Anoms used to be sig sights, you had to scan one down to find, this changed a few years ago. Anoms in nulsec require iHub upgrades and a lot of mining to get them in the first place. Yes they re-spawn pretty much straight away but only because people are mining them, those same miners are at risk of PVP because a group hunting miners no longer has to scan them out as the anoms can be seen as you jump into system, reducing the time miners have to get safe.
Making anoms a scan sig again would increase the safety of miners - Good thing if you're a miner, not so good if you're a hunter.

You mention Delve, I'm not sure of the context unless you're saying Delve has more ore than elsewhere in nul, it doesn't. It has Goons who over the years have become some of the best miners in the game. They also die a lot, the amount of Rorquals that die each day in Delve is content for many, thank you Goonies.

As for moving to another region while Delve anoms/belts regenerate - Do you understand how the whole sov system works?
* Sorry guys, Delve ore sites have been depleted and will need time to regenerate - We need to move the alliance and take sov, then upgrade that sov so our miners have something to do.
*Eventually you would (quickly I'd imagine) end up with pretty much all of New Eden's ore supplies depleted and Eve would come to a standstill.

As for the new moon mining structures, they will be great for those large groups who can put them to use (have full TZ coverage) and have the backup to defend them. So far they just look like another nail in the coffin of smaller groups who eek out a living in nulsec.

Devs are doing a stellar job of opening the door for the creation of unassailable coalitions again.. And why not set New Eden back a few years.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#891 - 2017-04-24 00:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Punctator
CCP could you make decent cargo for minig ships - now ******* mining frigate have near same cargo as hulk.
You nerfed ice mining doing dynamic belts ok, ships now can be buffed...

mining is dangerous as it is, people dont need to be bots to move from cargo to space or other container every 30s of mining.
this all hype bonusys done one think - cargo is to small again.

make carier a carier. You nerfed its battle capability, just give them big cargo for ships.
Now carier have cargo for ships like drednaught. It is so ******* stupid.

Give them back thair jump ranges too so we can jump to good minign belts easly.
this new expensive fighters/mining drones are perfect for any carier.
they have no triage, no sentrys, no buffor, no rep power or remote, literaly cariers are ideal for mining.


make rorqual even more expensive, we like that.
special when game crash and some rat kill drone for near 1b
Tessa Sage
Long Pig Luncheon Meat
Sending Thots And Players
#892 - 2017-04-29 19:56:01 UTC
It is strange that we refer to reduction of value as 'Nerf', when that is a trade good IRL for efficient, well-packaged foam fun. Rorquals are now being repackaged in unprecedented restocking to the area markets. I very much liked the accompanying price decline in Rorqual paraphernalia after this change, made for piecing together decent psuedo-Jump Freighter haulers of compressed raw mats.

By the way, who uses / used to use Rorquals to mine ore? Can't fly an Excavator through a Mercoxit cloud too often.