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Catiz I Coronation Sept. 27th

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Freedom Resources
#21 - 2016-09-27 23:18:31 UTC
Somebody managed to create a transscript of Catiz's speech. Most important things are there, I believe, but I think it's incomplete as I remember that Catiz sent her personal greetings to Chribba in local which can't be found in the transscript. Maybe more is missing. But with every sentence surrounded by like 50 or 100 spam messages with ISK doubling offers, scam contracts and what not, it's not surprising that something might be missing in the transscript. Perhaps she also asked why a lot of her praised capsuleers were shooting an hour non-stop against large collidable objects and if they need medical help, but nobody saw that line.

Anyway, a dedicated channel or filter for her speech had been a must imo. With over 2800 players in Amarr it was clear in the first place that messages in local are not going to work.
Quin Mansa
#22 - 2016-09-28 02:03:14 UTC
Thanks to CCP and all who participated. Watching Da Opa's twitch stream while at the office allowed me to catch some of the fireworks, but I was reliant on someone among the playerbase scraping the logs to have any idea what the circumstances of the event were. Thankfully the players did just that.

Maybe something in the incursions code could be used, just make it read-only for non-devs. Local chat did not deliver the goods satisfactorily in my opinion.

"Today, our future is in our hands, and His light shines down upon us." - Her Holiness Catiz I

tasman devil
#23 - 2016-09-28 04:59:58 UTC
@ISD ; @CCP Staff.

Thanks for the event, I enjoyed it, mostly... A bit of out of character discussion here:


  • Imperial Guard fleet was a sight to behold! I loved the way they were aligned there and you could fly to them and around them.
  • Loved the way the staff allowed themselves to be a bit carried away an let the pack loose on Lysus really, honestly added a LOT to the flair. - Do please invite and involve capsuleers more !


  • Catiz just disappearing at the end... that was kind of a bummer. Great speech, great presence. And then suddenly *poof* She is gone. *Magic* I honestly would have preferred even a Cyno animation to this.
  • Alternatively you could increase her Titan's inertia/mass so that it won't be so easily bumped and just align her out once the speech is done.
  • The whole 'the 'Matars are coming!' and then they don't show up beside her (but I digress, you can argue that the vets in those ships might have taken a dislike to the new empress when she allows to be seen on a troop assembly with (one) of her arch rivals on a national level.
  • Local chat was repulsively bad. Lot of fun trolling lots of not so fun trolling and just generally a losing battle against the scrollbar.
  • Also kind of immersion-breaking was the fact that none of the static ships sported any turrets whatsoever. That was kind of a bummer.

Overall I was pleased with this event, but it could have been a bit more dynamic, NPC ships patrolling the area, some NPC chatter before the arrival, not just "oops She is here!"

I don't belive in reincarnation I've never believed in it in my previous lives either...

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#24 - 2016-09-28 06:28:10 UTC
Chiara Fenice wrote:

Worst Event of All Time.

Where was the Minmatar Fleet? What about the Amarr-Oposition? You could not barely read anything because of the shitstorm in local. Lags of infinite terror... the funiest moment was the nestor-fleet which had a standoff against everybody else for arround 20 minutes.

congratulations. 2h of waisted time.

On the contrary, the declaration of Lysus as a heretic and his subsequent execution was one of the finest things CCP have ever done. Not because I dislike Lysus, but because actions should always have consequences.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

York Saissore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2016-09-28 10:21:40 UTC
I want to see the next in-game event being inspired by Lysus - Call it the Lysus Rebellion.
Martin Vanzyl
EVE University
Ivy League
#26 - 2016-09-28 16:16:14 UTC
+1 For dedicated moderated live event channel

The Empress of Amarr was getting drowned out by local spam. In what universe would any monarch tolerate her voice competing and getting overwhelmed by anyone. If it was me, I'd demand the head of my Communcations Minister on a platter.

We shouldn't have to look at our chat logs after an event to get the full picture of what she said to us.

Seriously CCP, Live Events aren't quantum mechanics, but even after more than a decade you still haven't got it down right...
#27 - 2016-09-28 18:27:02 UTC
Martin Vanzyl wrote:
+1 For dedicated moderated live event channel

The Empress of Amarr was getting drowned out by local spam. In what universe would any monarch tolerate her voice competing and getting overwhelmed by anyone. If it was me, I'd demand the head of my Communcations Minister on a platter.

We shouldn't have to look at our chat logs after an event to get the full picture of what she said to us.

Seriously CCP, Live Events aren't quantum mechanics, but even after more than a decade you still haven't got it down right...

Designate Amarr as a system that pops up an event chat using a similar system to incursions.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#28 - 2016-09-28 19:05:39 UTC
tasman devil wrote:

  • The whole 'the 'Matars are coming!' and then they don't show up beside her (but I digress, you can argue that the vets in those ships might have taken a dislike to the new empress when she allows to be seen on a troop assembly with (one) of her arch rivals on a national level.
  • They were coming to the Coronation. Not the inspection of the guard. The two were not the same thing contrary to everyone calling that the Coronation. So the Matar will have been down on the planet or already on their way home.
    Nabu Nezzar
    Royal Amarr Institute
    Amarr Empire
    #29 - 2016-09-28 20:52:41 UTC
    As a new player, I thought that the event was interesting and the result sufficient. But I do share tasman devil's sentiments, minus the Minmatar part (Nevyn Auscent mentioned the reason for that).
    It would also have been better to have the coronation on a Satuday/Sunday to allow for more people to attend the coronation. I know I sacrificed some sleep for that and I belong to the lucky people close to Eve's time zone.
    Mitara Newelle
    Newelle Family
    #30 - 2016-10-03 18:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mitara Newelle
    The local spam was horrible, yes, but as Aldrith said without us being able to speak the Lysus thing(which was FANTASTIC btw) would never have happened.

    I *think* the best way to go with that would be to have a pop-up channel similar to incursions as opposed to flat out modding local. This way we can interact with what is going on. I don't know if it's possible, but further limiting it to who's on grid might help?

    Spam aside, the event was really great I thought. Thanks, CCP!

    EDIT: Thinking about it a bit more, what is the wrong with creating a channel for the event and just posting it here a bit before the event starts?

    Lady Mitara Newelle of House Sarum, Holder of the Mekhios province of Damnidios Para'nashu, Champion of House Sarum, Sworn Upholder of the Faith, Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade

    Admiral of Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

    Grooz 2000
    Imperial's Capsulers
    #31 - 2016-10-06 00:39:41 UTC
    Chiara Fenice wrote:

    What about the Amarr-Oposition?

    What is the point ? The script is written "Long life Catiz"
    Here everything was is understandable in advance:
    The Empire is encouraging capsuleers across the cluster to strip the heretics of their colors, and wear them in support of the ascension of Catiz I to her rightful place as the leader of the Amarr Empire.

    Against CCP the scenario does not you will make nothing Ugh

    In this world you can not influence events.

    We can only accept this or leave. (с) Best friend

    Grooz 2000
    Imperial's Capsulers
    #32 - 2016-10-06 00:41:14 UTC
    Mitara Newelle wrote:
    The local spam was horrible, yes, but as Aldrith said without us being able to speak the Lysus thing(which was FANTASTIC btw) would never have happened.

    I *think* the best way to go with that would be to have a pop-up channel similar to incursions as opposed to flat out modding local. This way we can interact with what is going on. I don't know if it's possible, but further limiting it to who's on grid might help?

    Spam aside, the event was really great I thought. Thanks, CCP!

    EDIT: Thinking about it a bit more, what is the wrong with creating a channel for the event and just posting it here a bit before the event starts?

    Everything is done for you ! Starting from August 21, 2015

    In this world you can not influence events.

    We can only accept this or leave. (с) Best friend

    DJ puar
    Covert Economics
    #33 - 2016-10-06 14:17:42 UTC
    I wish she got popped
    Zeerse Solaris
    EVE University
    Ivy League
    #34 - 2016-10-07 11:54:39 UTC
    Not much to add. It was nearly impossible to follow the speech in local, I think that was easy to predict and an alternative found before holding the event, and without any meaningful action I didn't see any value in attending.

    Nice that Kelon Darklight (E-Uni) was recognised as house champion
    Vollhov Jr
    Amarr Empire
    #35 - 2016-10-16 22:00:03 UTC
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