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Dev blog: Command Bursts and the New World of Fleet Boosting

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Balder Verdandi
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
#1541 - 2016-10-21 21:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Balder Verdandi
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Some of you have expressed concern that the "Mining Equipment Preservation" burst isn't valuable enough. I'll start out by saying that not every link needs to be of equal power and that the consolidation of cycle time and cap use into one link is a big buff even if the new 3rd link isn't something you'll always use. However we are interested in hearing from you about what kinds of bonuses you think would be interesting as a replacement for the Mining Equipment Preservation effect. We'll give consideration to your ideas and see if a better option comes up.

How about a specialized AoE invulnerability to webs and scrams for 20 seconds.

Can only be mounted to Orca and Rorqual.

Limit ability to mining barges, exhumers, the Orca and Rorqual.

Require it to use 2500 m3 of Oxygen Isotopes since all mining vessels when blown up show as Gallente wrecks.

No training to reduce the amount of Oxy-topes, so it's always 2500 m3.

Can either pull Oxy-topes direct from cargohold, or have the module load 2500 m3 of Oxy-topes.

Will not activate when there is less than 2500 m3 of Oxy-topes available.

Will activate only if 2500 m3 of Oxy-topes are in one stack. Cannot have Oxy-topes spread across cargohold, fleet hangar, or the module itself.

Cannot be used more than once every 30 minutes.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#1542 - 2016-10-21 23:05:25 UTC
so you want a get out of jail free card?

just make a link that supercharges ship mass making them harder to bump. basically make a stronger link version of the higgs rig
Balder Verdandi
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
#1543 - 2016-10-22 03:39:06 UTC
Orca running boosts = no MWD. That means two cycles for the 500mn AB.

If you knew how to fly the Orca, you'd know this won't help much but puts it into the same category of "Mining Preservation".

Skyler Hawk
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#1544 - 2016-10-22 05:19:35 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Just to let everyone know, we currently plan on releasing the blueprints for the command burst charges in our October release so people can start building them in prep for the changeover in November.

Am I correct to assume that existing warfare links will be automagically converted into the corresponding burst modules on patch day, and that the existing midslot command processor modules will be converted into the corresponding rigs?
The Happy Shooters
#1545 - 2016-10-22 07:12:03 UTC
Skyler Hawk wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Just to let everyone know, we currently plan on releasing the blueprints for the command burst charges in our October release so people can start building them in prep for the changeover in November.

Am I correct to assume that existing warfare links will be automagically converted into the corresponding burst modules on patch day,

My Orca on Sisi magically got Burst modules, so I would assume YES
Skyler Hawk wrote:

and that the existing midslot command processor modules will be converted into the corresponding rigs?

Might work for unfitted command processor modules. For fitted ones you end up with ships having too many rigs.
#1546 - 2016-10-22 14:54:50 UTC
Big Thumbs down on CCP wonder why your getting RL issues. You stopped listen way back there and now we are all suffering from stupidity. I'm really trying to get over the fact your ideas are messing with with everyone's game-play but when you numbers fall and there nothing in markets like what has happened already you'll find members moving onto other titles. I hope you see this and wake up from you commas sometime soon and realize we pay for your salary in time you lose time you lose salary so get you heads out of the clouds. Big smile
Lugh Crow-Slave
#1547 - 2016-10-22 23:01:10 UTC
what are you talking about? this change is what players have been asking for for years
Disembodied Head
The Sleeper Enclave
#1548 - 2016-10-22 23:11:42 UTC
Tried looking for the answer to the following question, sorry if it's already been hashed out:

What is happening with all the fleet/wing leadership skills? If they are no longer needed are we getting the SP back? Or is CCP just keeping those up to keep the massive time gate on boosting artificially high?
Lugh Crow-Slave
#1549 - 2016-10-22 23:45:43 UTC
they are still needed to increase range no SP refund
#1550 - 2016-10-23 00:11:55 UTC
"Dear" CCP, why you guys always changing the good working game mechanics for the majority of players into a bad one, and trying to ruin their gameplay just because you decided that it's gonna be better for us? Why don't you let us vote for each stupid updated gamechanics or changes, I swear, the voting results would surprise you...We are paying for these game! Do what we really need instead making a visibility of work...
Lugh Crow-Slave
#1551 - 2016-10-23 00:35:58 UTC
again this is a change most of us have been asking for for the better part of a decade
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1552 - 2016-10-23 01:51:34 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
they are still needed to increase range no SP refund

Seriously, I would much prefer to have the SP refunded - Spending months training those skills for such a pitiful bonus, Screw Devs and their idea of "balance".

Off grid links needed to be fixed - This is not so much "fixing" the problem - As it is nerfing small gang, small group game play..

Why design mechanics that would involve strategies and tactics - When you can just throw together something that ensures the largest groups benefit from it the most.

These changes unfortunately fit what passes for PVP in Eve perfectly.

No need for structure and the skills to assist a fleet, just get in fleet, wings and squads no longer matter - So, the skills trained for those specific reasons should be refunded.
If you want to keep the skills, you just put the SP back, if not you can use that SP for something useful.

ALL leadership skills should be refunded - I didn't train up leadership skill to run massive fleets (don't have the skills for that - don't want them) I trained up what I did for the passive boosts, for small gang stuff.
I'm losing those so - My current leadership skills aren't worth spit. The implants I have aren't worth anything to me any more.

For my play style, Devs are taking a lot and giving nothing in return.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#1553 - 2016-10-23 02:24:04 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Off grid links needed to be fixed - This is not so much "fixing" the problem - As it is nerfing small gang, small group game play..

Why design mechanics that would involve strategies and tactics - When you can just throw together something that ensures the largest groups benefit from it the most.

this is a huge boon to small group/solo play. no longer will a boosting alt be required not to mention ppl who actually wanted to play this role can... you know, play
Skyler Hawk
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#1554 - 2016-10-23 06:13:23 UTC
Disembodied Head wrote:
Tried looking for the answer to the following question, sorry if it's already been hashed out:

What is happening with all the fleet/wing leadership skills? If they are no longer needed are we getting the SP back? Or is CCP just keeping those up to keep the massive time gate on boosting artificially high?

After the patch, they will increase the size of the boost AoE; Leadership will increase the range of the effect by 6%/level, Wing Command by 5%/level, and Fleet Command by 4%/level.
#1555 - 2016-10-23 08:29:31 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
they are still needed to increase range no SP refund

Seriously, I would much prefer to have the SP refunded - Spending months training those skills for such a pitiful bonus, Screw Devs and their idea of "balance".

Off grid links needed to be fixed - This is not so much "fixing" the problem - As it is nerfing small gang, small group game play..

Why design mechanics that would involve strategies and tactics - When you can just throw together something that ensures the largest groups benefit from it the most.

These changes unfortunately fit what passes for PVP in Eve perfectly.

No need for structure and the skills to assist a fleet, just get in fleet, wings and squads no longer matter - So, the skills trained for those specific reasons should be refunded.
If you want to keep the skills, you just put the SP back, if not you can use that SP for something useful.

ALL leadership skills should be refunded - I didn't train up leadership skill to run massive fleets (don't have the skills for that - don't want them) I trained up what I did for the passive boosts, for small gang stuff.
I'm losing those so - My current leadership skills aren't worth spit. The implants I have aren't worth anything to me any more.

For my play style, Devs are taking a lot and giving nothing in return.

100% Right!!!! This my opinion as well!!! just because my English is not so good I couldn't express myself like that.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1556 - 2016-10-23 11:20:33 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Off grid links needed to be fixed - This is not so much "fixing" the problem - As it is nerfing small gang, small group game play..

Why design mechanics that would involve strategies and tactics - When you can just throw together something that ensures the largest groups benefit from it the most.

this is a huge boon to small group/solo play. no longer will a boosting alt be required not to mention ppl who actually wanted to play this role can... you know, play

Seems you have little to no understanding of why small gangs use links.

This - "no longer will a boosting alt be required" - has got to be the most stupid thing I've ever seen you post.

Small gangs use and rely on links because 99.9% of the time they are outnumbered - Removing their ability to use links, is the same as saying, Don't bother undocking for that roam, your only going to die because you don't have enough, DPS, Logi and Links to compete.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1557 - 2016-10-23 11:36:51 UTC
Skyler Hawk wrote:
Disembodied Head wrote:
Tried looking for the answer to the following question, sorry if it's already been hashed out:

What is happening with all the fleet/wing leadership skills? If they are no longer needed are we getting the SP back? Or is CCP just keeping those up to keep the massive time gate on boosting artificially high?

After the patch, they will increase the size of the boost AoE; Leadership will increase the range of the effect by 6%/level, Wing Command by 5%/level, and Fleet Command by 4%/level.

Judging by that poor excuse of a response - You don't fly much in fleets do you.

I can see Devs not understanding fleet mechanics but Your alliance is quite well known for its fleet work (AT included). Yet your response shows no understanding of fleet mechanics and how they are used on a grid during a fight.

I suppose every group has to have one, your Tuskers.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#1558 - 2016-10-23 13:44:49 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Off grid links needed to be fixed - This is not so much "fixing" the problem - As it is nerfing small gang, small group game play..

Why design mechanics that would involve strategies and tactics - When you can just throw together something that ensures the largest groups benefit from it the most.

this is a huge boon to small group/solo play. no longer will a boosting alt be required not to mention ppl who actually wanted to play this role can... you know, play

Seems you have little to no understanding of why small gangs use links.

This - "no longer will a boosting alt be required" - has got to be the most stupid thing I've ever seen you post.

Small gangs use and rely on links because 99.9% of the time they are outnumbered - Removing their ability to use links, is the same as saying, Don't bother undocking for that roam, your only going to die because you don't have enough, DPS, Logi and Links to compete.

They use links because 99.9% of the time so does the other guy
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1559 - 2016-10-24 09:02:24 UTC
I have a quick question.

Based on the numbers ran with the new boost system by myself and members in our corp on the test server it seems like the mining yield for miners will be decreasing, have we missed something?

If this is the case what is the market rationale for this because this is effectively employing artificial inflation?
Pharmi on CharBazaar
#1560 - 2016-10-24 12:44:14 UTC
The 15 % effect of your slot 10 implant will be lost.
With all the moduls (T2), ship boni and implants, your boost will be the same compared with the boost at the moment, without the 15 % of the mining forman implant.