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EVE General Discussion

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We want to help ccp bring more players into eve!

First post
Seyton Manus
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#361 - 2016-10-08 07:57:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Seyton Manus
Thats great and all Rias but not relevant to what I was saying. Im not saying remove those corps im talking about a new option for new players.

I think you're being hugely presumptuous to tell me as a new player whats turning me off from Eve.
Vincent Pelletier
Pelletier Imports and Exports
#362 - 2016-10-08 08:21:07 UTC
The problem CCP and many players have made is that they think EVE should be open to everyone and be easy to get in to. It shouldn't, it's exactly that mindset that got us in this situation in the first place. If CCP hadn't done the carebear thing then we'd (still) have more pro-active content creators which in turn would reel in and retain more people, assuming it's the right type of people.

Making it easy isn't a good change, it's a BAD change. Trying to retain people who don't agree to the core concept of EVE (open world pvp sandbox) is a waste of time and it'll just drive away the people who DO enjoy it.
Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#363 - 2016-10-08 08:59:31 UTC
Vincent Pelletier wrote:
The problem CCP and many players have made is that they think EVE should be open to everyone and be easy to get in to. It shouldn't, it's exactly that mindset that got us in this situation in the first place. If CCP hadn't done the carebear thing then we'd (still) have more pro-active content creators which in turn would reel in and retain more people, assuming it's the right type of people.

Making it easy isn't a good change, it's a BAD change. Trying to retain people who don't agree to the core concept of EVE (open world pvp sandbox) is a waste of time and it'll just drive away the people who DO enjoy it.

But what does this have to do with the OP?

So many posts that like normal, totally off topic and blaming CCP or someone else. Nothing to do with the thread.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Vincent Pelletier
Pelletier Imports and Exports
#364 - 2016-10-08 09:41:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Pelletier
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
Vincent Pelletier wrote:
The problem CCP and many players have made is that they think EVE should be open to everyone and be easy to get in to. It shouldn't, it's exactly that mindset that got us in this situation in the first place. If CCP hadn't done the carebear thing then we'd (still) have more pro-active content creators which in turn would reel in and retain more people, assuming it's the right type of people.

Making it easy isn't a good change, it's a BAD change. Trying to retain people who don't agree to the core concept of EVE (open world pvp sandbox) is a waste of time and it'll just drive away the people who DO enjoy it.

But what does this have to do with the OP?

So many posts that like normal, totally off topic and blaming CCP or someone else. Nothing to do with the thread.

It has everything to do with the OP because the OP is making the same mistake CCP did back in 2008: "more is better". And just as how "bigger is better" in EVE doesn't necessarily work, "more is better" is probably the wrong approach. N+1 is a bad solution, what we need is quality over quantity.

So rather than asking how to get more people (which invariably leads to "make it easier"), the actual question should be "how to advertise and attract the right type people who are willing or can be persuaded to become part of a true pvp open player run sandbox that is unlike any other game on the market". That might not sound that important, but it really is.

So what we don't need is super safe havens where people can hide behind walls or numbers, but rather find a way to have people be given the tools, knowledge and confidence to deal with the harsh environment that eve has to offer. The ones who need more or can't deal with that, are not EVE material and we shouldn't waste our time nor change the game or our efforts/methods to somehow retain them.
Incursion Omega
#365 - 2016-10-08 21:45:21 UTC
MOre ccp players,means put more"walk instations"or land on planets
Sol epoch
#366 - 2016-10-08 22:00:11 UTC
hipotecadoydesgraciado wrote:
MOre ccp players,means put more"walk instations"or land on planets

Just dumb quote why don't you!
Rias Bane
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#367 - 2016-10-12 10:28:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Rias Bane
Seyton Manus wrote:
Thats great and all Rias but not relevant to what I was saying. Im not saying remove those corps im talking about a new option for new players.

I think you're being hugely presumptuous to tell me as a new player whats turning me off from Eve.

Uncharacteristically I'm going to take you to task on this, You stated what that you wanted to learn with others of a similar skill base and I explained how that could be achieved whilst addressing some of the commonly held concerns regarding newbie alliances. I did not make judgments regarding your feelings or was presumptuous about you directly, I offered advice on how you may achieve some of what you want within existing frameworks in the game as your suggestions are unlikely to be implemented before you pass the newbie stage if they were to be implemented at all...your response comes off a little petulant and consistent with your tone of rejecting education from established players (There in being the only extrapolation on my part regarding you)...c'est la vie

Well, being a glutton for punishment I'll continue, you could create a fleet at any time by inviting a like minded person; fleet invites are not limited to corp/alliance/NPC Race. They can be an informal assemblage of individuals working to a collective goal. Decide on a goal and talk to people in local, or in Corp chat and get some people involved; as I said the content is there if you want to create it.

I shall not address any of your other points but if you genuinely want advice on how you can start driving content your own way I'm happy to help explain the mechanic as I appreciate it is not intuitive and that can be a barrier to accessibility ...want to know more citizen? Mail me for objective advice if you want mate...I don't bite.