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EVE General Discussion

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Every year, there are less users playing, why??

First post
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1781 - 2016-09-29 19:52:11 UTC
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Galaxy Duck wrote:
This thread can get to 100 pages, we just have to believe.

And yet nothing new will have been said, at all. Its the same sides having the same arguments in the same ways just like every other time this subject has come up.

One side does have an ever growing body of evidence to back them up though.
Galaxy Duck
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#1782 - 2016-09-29 20:29:21 UTC
Sonya Corvinus wrote:
Galaxy Duck wrote:
Hey, nothing stopping you. Knock yourself out grinding those same missions, just don't expect a lot of sympathy from the rest of us or the devs.

Today I learned missions are the only PvE content out there. I'm virtually never in HS, and haven't done PvP in months. That being said, thank you for your kind words. The next time I feel like doing something in a sandbox, I will run it by you first to see if it is actually fun for me or not.

I hereby grant you permission to engage in whatever silly carebear nonsense you want. -so long as you stay outside of James 315 territory.
Rocker Will
Rockstar federation
#1783 - 2016-09-29 20:31:15 UTC
in my oppinion this game costs far too much money, especially if your running multiple accounts, there also needs to be some more emersive features like some real audio and videos from the agents and missions, to bring EVE to life and give you an idea of each factions characteristics, and personalities. because reading is, well OUT of Date.

I'm Batman

Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#1784 - 2016-09-29 20:35:15 UTC
Galaxy Duck wrote:
I hereby grant you permission to engage in whatever silly carebear nonsense you want. -so long as you stay outside of James 315 territory.

You're extremely gracious. Best of luck right back at you in your own carebearing ways. Those indy ships (like rats and sleepers) aren't going to blow themselves up.
Nabu Nezzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1785 - 2016-09-29 21:05:49 UTC
Rocker Will wrote:
in my oppinion this game costs far too much money, especially if your running multiple accounts, there also needs to be some more emersive features like some real audio and videos from the agents and missions, to bring EVE to life and give you an idea of each factions characteristics, and personalities. because reading is, well OUT of Date.

I completely disagree. They probably haven't raised the subscription fee during the whole time and considering rising development costs etc, that's something to keep in mind. Other developers/publishers go with F2P, cash in (via whales) and then the game dies after 1-2 years. In SP games, they charge you full price + microtransactions to cover costs (and there is greedy scum like "current state" Blizzard who just want more and more money). Raise the subscription fee and you lose subs because it becomes too expensive, lower them and you don't earn enough money. From my point of view, their marketing team should target people 20+ to make them aware of the game (and also show that just because it's old, the graphics aren't so). If I wasn't a general game enthusiast, I would have never heard of the game. Heck, before 2010 I didn't even know it existed while WoW had commercials running on TV years earlier and other MMOGs at least got talked about.
You don't need videos for something to be more atmospheric. That would just be a waste of resources. Atmosphere is created by a lot of different factors and videos would only play a really, really small part in it (and it could even be negative in case of a bad voice actor).
I'm not sure on what planet you live but I guarantee you that on planet Earth, reading is not outdated.
Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#1786 - 2016-09-29 22:03:52 UTC
I'm w/ Nabu Nezzar that reading isn't out of date, and it's a door open to your imagination for some roleplay and fun.

And the money... two accounts cost me this year CAD $355.42 (I take yearly subs for the monthly reduced price), people here (in my country) can blow easily the double-to-triple for their cellphones just to look Youtube video, play to angry bird, and send some SMS...
Bogus Brothers Corporation
#1787 - 2016-09-29 22:22:55 UTC
Denavit wrote:
Is is because PLEX prices, i remember buying them at 550mill, 500mill, now is almost 1bill, or is it because the changes are making oldSchoolers quit?

If I recall I was paying 200 Mill at one time which allowed me to float a few accounts. While skyrocketing prices at one point did result in me canceling multiple accounts I don't believe the price of Plex is the major factor of player loss, but is a contributing factor, like many of eve's mechanics. The unwillingness to adapt to attract and keep new customers, catering to a specific segment of the player base and marketing themselves to the most anti-social behavior crowd probably weighs more on this. Also removing the ability to use isboxer was another blow. Eve game mechanics push players into having multiple accounts, taking the ability to use them efficiently lost some customers. Again not a 'huge' blow but it contributes.

Eve chose to appeal to a super niche player base and market themselves to a player 'type' that the majority of online gamers simply want nothing to do with. The marketing video that glorified befriending people for long periods of time as to bring yourself into a position where you have access to corporation funds/inventory with the intention to steal years of peoples hard work is a good example. While I'm all for PvP and risk I would not want to associate with any person that find that type of behavior appealing nor do I think most players do.

When you combine that with an extremely poor new user experience, poor conversion and retention rates you are headed for rough times. They have tried to compensate for this by putting in mechanics to squeeze more and more money out of single customer. The new 'injector' attempts to push new players into spending even more money at the start of their eve experience. Push that plex! (want to increase your conversions on buying injectors? Give new players an injector to start with.) The average player is not going to spend this type of money to start a 'new' game experience. They are not going to spend hundreds on plex to purchase a pilot off the bazaar either. I did find it absolutely hilarious that there was a claim that injectors was a to 'respec'. Give me a break. This is no way, shape or form a respec. Most of my pilots are all over 50M SP I will NEVER use these injectors! A real way to fully respec I would LOVE to see.

I've just recently returned after over a year break purely because a friend of mine started a trial I gave him over a year ago. I could not just let him face the vastness and complexity of Eve by himself. I can tell you that if I would not of re-upped my subscription and helped him by his own words "I would of quit the first day" . The new user experience still needs work.

I can honestly say I'm not very impressed by changes since I last played. Well let me take that back, somewhat. This throne event was nice. Little sites I could get in quick and get something done in 10 minutes was good. I don't have much time to sit down anymore for long game sessions so this was an interesting and nice change. Also, as a wormhole dweller, the new citadels are awesome! Living out of the pos was a nightmare and pos management was utterly horrible. Seriously, sometimes it made me want to put my fist through the monitor. In the end though I'll probably stick around for a couple months (assuming my buddy continues to play) and then I'll be gone again. I have no desire to be nickle and dimmed to try and make up for the dwindling customer base.

Adapt or Die.
#1788 - 2016-09-29 23:17:38 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Galaxy Duck wrote:
This thread can get to 100 pages, we just have to believe.

And yet nothing new will have been said, at all. Its the same sides having the same arguments in the same ways just like every other time this subject has come up.

One side does have an ever growing body of evidence to back them up though.

I really wonder where CCP gets it's data from. If it's just from the "Reason for unsubscribing" drop down box, I feel that data is flawed. Because of pride.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#1789 - 2016-09-29 23:27:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Arcelian wrote:
"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Yet it does, you missed out the concept of revenge.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Gonna hunt that mofo down and kill his ass!" *sub*

Worked for me, inherited 2 of his corpses from my first character; took me a year, revenge is a dish best served cold.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

#1790 - 2016-09-29 23:51:25 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arcelian wrote:
"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Yet it does, you missed out the concept of revenge.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Gonna hunt that mofo down and kill his ass!" * re sub*"

Worked for me, inherited 2 of his corpses from my first character; took me a year, revenge is a dish best served cold.

If that was true, we wouldn't be back down to 2006 levels player base wise.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1791 - 2016-09-30 04:42:45 UTC
Arcelian wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Galaxy Duck wrote:
This thread can get to 100 pages, we just have to believe.

And yet nothing new will have been said, at all. Its the same sides having the same arguments in the same ways just like every other time this subject has come up.

One side does have an ever growing body of evidence to back them up though.

I really wonder where CCP gets it's data from. If it's just from the "Reason for unsubscribing" drop down box, I feel that data is flawed. Because of pride.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Maybe you have heard of the old adage, don't put all your eggs in one basket?

Seriously stop being imprudent. Once you are imprudent and somebody notices they will take advantage of it.

Stop blaming the game and look to your own decisions and behavior. You lost everything because you screwed up.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1792 - 2016-09-30 04:53:07 UTC
Arcelian wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arcelian wrote:
"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Yet it does, you missed out the concept of revenge.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Gonna hunt that mofo down and kill his ass!" * re sub*"

Worked for me, inherited 2 of his corpses from my first character; took me a year, revenge is a dish best served cold.

If that was true, we wouldn't be back down to 2006 levels player base wise.

I was not around in 2006, but I was here in 2008, 2009 and 2010 when if you suicide ganked people you got insurance when CONCORD killed you. This reduced the gank threshold, BTW, if most of your ship loss was covered by insurance you could gank a freighter with less ISK value in cargo and still make a profit. Not sure when they reduced CONCORD response times, but that happened too.

In short, when ganking was easier the game grew the fastest. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm inclined to think not.

Here is a hint, do not put everything you own in a freighter and undock. Do not go out and buy lots of PLEX then buy purple mods for your CNR and go ratting. Do not go AFK while mining in a 0.5-0.7 system.

All of these things will most likely leave you upset as you made yourself vulnerable to other players.

You have no safe space. You, to a large extent, determine the amount of risk you face. Be prudent and you'll be fine.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#1793 - 2016-09-30 05:43:46 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Arcelian wrote:
"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Awesome!" * re sub*

I just don't see that happening.

Yet it does, you missed out the concept of revenge.

"Wow someone just blew up everything I've worked for over the past two weeks! Gonna hunt that mofo down and kill his ass!" *sub*

Worked for me, inherited 2 of his corpses from my first character; took me a year, revenge is a dish best served cold.

You have watched too much of Hollywood movies when you were child.... Not many people really ready to spend effort for 'revenge'. Else we would have completely different world Lol

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#1794 - 2016-09-30 05:50:06 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

In short, when ganking was easier the game grew the fastest. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm inclined to think not.

- Eve had 'easier ganking'
- Eve had not t3 destroyers (coincidence?)
- Eve had no SP trading (injectors/extractors)
- Eve had different carriers
- Eve had no jump fatique and SOV was about shooting structures
- ....
- Eve had learning skills Shocked

It's just an example of what had changed for last years. You (and some others) are inclined to connect decline of subscriptions to nerfs of ganking ignoring all other changes. You know for sure: this is not the way science can be? Roll

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1795 - 2016-09-30 06:08:27 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

In short, when ganking was easier the game grew the fastest. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm inclined to think not.

- Eve had 'easier ganking'
- Eve had not t3 destroyers (coincidence?)
- Eve had no SP trading (injectors/extractors)
- Eve had different carriers
- Eve had no jump fatique and SOV was about shooting structures
- ....
- Eve had learning skills Shocked

It's just an example of what had changed for last years. You (and some others) are inclined to connect decline of subscriptions to nerfs of ganking ignoring all other changes. You know for sure: this is not the way science can be? Roll

You forgot the training queue of 24 hours, the unlimited training gueue as well. Roll

The removal of learning skills was a good thing. Now instead of training a horribly boring set of skills, people can move one. SP trading has been in the game and was known as character trading. And seriously, players online stopped growing in 2011 because at some point in the future T3 destroyers were going to be in the game?

The game, in terms of characters online, stopped growing around 2011. It wasn't until mid 2013 that the trend became negative. Most of your list post dates this change in trend.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1796 - 2016-09-30 07:17:30 UTC
Arcelian wrote:

If that was true, we wouldn't be back down to 2006 levels player base wise.

CCP have removed a large amount of pvp from EVE, mostly in highsec. Its no coincidence that as safety has gone up the retention has gone down. You can't remove a large body of content from a game and not expect subs to go down.
Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1797 - 2016-09-30 08:06:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Shae Tadaruwa
March rabbit wrote:
You (and some others) are inclined to connect decline of subscriptions to nerfs of ganking ignoring all other changes.

I think that's a little bit the reverse of the normal argument.

It normally goes something like this:

Post A: Ganking is killing Eve (and all the various versions of that theme)
Post B: Eve was growing when ganking was easier/more common.etc.

Post B is rarely used as justification for why numbers are now falling. It's mostly used as a counter to carebear whiners who claim ganking is the reason for the decline, ignoring all other changes.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#1798 - 2016-09-30 08:18:25 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

In short, when ganking was easier the game grew the fastest. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm inclined to think not.

- Eve had 'easier ganking'
- Eve had not t3 destroyers (coincidence?)
- Eve had no SP trading (injectors/extractors)
- Eve had different carriers
- Eve had no jump fatique and SOV was about shooting structures
- ....
- Eve had learning skills Shocked

It's just an example of what had changed for last years. You (and some others) are inclined to connect decline of subscriptions to nerfs of ganking ignoring all other changes. You know for sure: this is not the way science can be? Roll

You forgot the training queue of 24 hours, the unlimited training gueue as well. Roll

The removal of learning skills was a good thing. Now instead of training a horribly boring set of skills, people can move one. SP trading has been in the game and was known as character trading. And seriously, players online stopped growing in 2011 because at some point in the future T3 destroyers were going to be in the game?

The game, in terms of characters online, stopped growing around 2011. It wasn't until mid 2013 that the trend became negative. Most of your list post dates this change in trend.

This list was given as indication that there was many changes in the last years. I'm pretty sure you got it tho.... Blink

Not sure if it would help if i or some other will really spent effort and compile list of changes which were made exactly in 2011. You will still decline all of it and continue with 'only nerf to ganking matters'....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1799 - 2016-09-30 08:35:56 UTC
March rabbit wrote:

This list was given as indication that there was many changes in the last years. I'm pretty sure you got it tho.... Blink

Not sure if it would help if i or some other will really spent effort and compile list of changes which were made exactly in 2011. You will still decline all of it and continue with 'only nerf to ganking matters'....

Its post 2011 that the decline happened so thats where we need to look.

What we have seen is the removal of a lot of content, all of it just about PvP content and almost all of it from highsec. For example ninja salvaging is gone, an easy to get into activity that new players could do. Jetcan piracy is gone, this was once huge and provided a lot of content. Targeted merc wars are now all but impossible which has removed a lot of content. Mining barge piracy is gone, again, a lot of content went out of the door with that.

There is less to do today in EVE, a lot less, than 6 years ago.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#1800 - 2016-09-30 08:41:15 UTC
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
You (and some others) are inclined to connect decline of subscriptions to nerfs of ganking ignoring all other changes.

I think that's a little bit the reverse of the normal argument.

It normally goes something like this:

Post A: Ganking is killing Eve (and all the various versions of that theme)
Post B: Eve was growing when ganking was easier/more common.etc.

Post B is rarely used as justification for why numbers are now falling. It's mostly used as a counter to carebear whiners who claim ganking is the reason for the decline, ignoring all other changes.

Even in your example B is hardly a good argument about A. Let's talk math:
F = X - Y

F - is growth of population
X - some 'positive' factors
Y - ganking

If X is bigger than Y then we have positive result.
If Y is bigger than X then we have negative result.

Now we can translate your posts to this system:
Post A: F gets lower because of Y.
Post B: in past F was positive and Y was bigger.

Is post A correct? Yes, the bigger gets Y the lower gets F if X does not change.
Is post B correct? Yes, for any value of Y we can find X so F will be bigger than currently.
Does post B counters A? Nope. As long as X is staying outside of formula we cannot connect any changes in values of Y and F.

So at the end i don't support "ganking kills Eve". And i don't support "Eve was growing when ganking was easier/more often/etc".
Former is just personal opinion. Latter is incorrect statistically.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"