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June release 118.6 - Issues

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Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#41 - 2016-06-28 15:03:59 UTC
Sobaan Tali wrote:
Fer'isam K'ahn wrote:
Are daily opportunities gone or is the icon just (re)moved ?

The SP one is. The Opportunities Map should be found from the NeoCom dropdown (Click on the "E" at the top and it should be near the bottom the list that shows up between "New Eden Store" and "Help".

That "Opportunities Map" doesn't look like a replacement for the daily opportunities. It looks like a guide for someone just starting the game? I'm not seeing a clear explanation in the patch notes nor in the dev blogs.
Lothius Omanid
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2016-06-28 15:05:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Lothius Omanid
So here's a bug to report: I cannot select a character after the "Processing Bulk Data" box disappears. All I see is a black screen with nothing else. The esc key works and I can change settings and what not. But I can't log on. I reset my cache and settings, and now I got the opening cinematic, but even that stops mid way and the audio continues, but I still can't log on. Just a blank screen with just the loading resource icon in the bottom corner, which does nothing.

UPDATE: I cannot log in on any character yet, I've changed the directx to 9 and I get the processing bulk data box, but then nothing happens. I turn that off so that directx 11.3 is enabled, and nothing at all happens. The character box that's supposed to turn green, does nothing but go back to the play icon. This is DAY 2 of not being able to log in and manage my PI or see the new effects that I hear everyone talk about on mumble.

UPDATE2: I have uninstalled EVE and reinstalled it, I'm waiting for the files to finish downloading and i'll try to log in again.
poCHi GumGum
Stille Gewalt
#43 - 2016-06-28 15:10:39 UTC
1. No "The Scope Network" at the Char Screen and ingame (Neocom).

2. Is there an Option to deactivate the dock/undock Animation.

3. Dock/undock transition: When iam in space and zoom out the Cam then dock/undock the Cam is for the Animation zoomed in.
When i stop the Animation the Cam Pops back to the state it was before the dock.
Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#44 - 2016-06-28 15:10:56 UTC
Joia Crenca wrote:
Sobaan Tali wrote:
Fer'isam K'ahn wrote:
Are daily opportunities gone or is the icon just (re)moved ?

The SP one is. The Opportunities Map should be found from the NeoCom dropdown (Click on the "E" at the top and it should be near the bottom the list that shows up between "New Eden Store" and "Help".

That "Opportunities Map" doesn't look like a replacement for the daily opportunities. It looks like a guide for someone just starting the game? I'm not seeing a clear explanation in the patch notes nor in the dev blogs.

Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#45 - 2016-06-28 15:17:12 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
The Requirements tab on some rigs (eg. T2 Medium Ancillary Current Router, T1 Polycarbon Engine Housing) is gone.
Shouldn't that be normal anyway? It has been months (of not 1 year+ ) since requirements for rigs were no longer valid and you could just slap them onto your ship. The only benefit you're getting with increased rigging skills are less penalties. They just should get rid off that requirement tab altogether and instead throw into the description which rig skill reduces the penalty.

Sir Constantin wrote:
The text for the Exit button was changed to Log Off and when launching the game from exefile.exe we have two Log off buttons.
Yeah I know it's hilarious, right? No way they're trying to force the launcher upon us in any situation, like, never. Ever.

Regardless. Incoming issues:

- Animation when opening the ship fitting view or looking at a 3d model of a ship info card is completely broken. Why would I want to look at a ship from the bottom up after an animation that is even longer and tedious than before? You clearly fashion design over functionality which is clearly a bad choice.

- If you're in the old starmap and open the fitting window or 3d view of an infocard, you get NO animation at all and camera gets stuck deep inside the ship geometry.

- Resetting the undocking animation while changing ships more than once occasionally prohibits you from undocking completely as the animation gets stuck at the end and does not return to the normal view.

- No option to turn off the docking animation = Fail.

- We've had forced undocking camera angle upon exiting the station since forever, and now we just have it in a different flavour. What is so damn difficult to save the camera position we used to dock with, or what is so difficult in having a default sensible camera POV when undocking? One that looks forward, where most of the party happens?

I gotta say though, totally love more overview tabs. Finally. Yet, all of the above makes that little positive thing negligible.
Alstevar Eastern
Caldari State
#46 - 2016-06-28 15:18:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Alstevar Eastern
Wrong Spotlight position in Caldari and Minmatar Stations.

The main spotlight source is wrongly positioned on Caldari and Minmatar station but less visible on this last.

The spotlight :

  • Finish inside the Apocalypse ship model
  • Finish in the back of the Oracle ship letting the top darker
  • Make SOE ships too bright (too close from it)
  • Cover too few parts on large horizontal ships (Barghest, Orca...)

Same bug reported on singularity before release : EBR-85214

Your effective personal standings need to be higher to see the player's signature.

Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#47 - 2016-06-28 15:23:19 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
The Requirements tab on some rigs (eg. T2 Medium Ancillary Current Router, T1 Polycarbon Engine Housing) is gone.

From the patch notes: "The requirements tab has been removed from all rigs and a section has been added to their description to indicate which skill reduces their drawback (where applicable)."
CCP Turtlepower
C C P Alliance
#48 - 2016-06-28 15:27:19 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
the single item buy window dialogue shows the value in white color, not red any more. That should be fixed back to red color.
This is an intentional change, and is included in patch notes.
Testudo Octavius wrote:
Wallet pop-up not working for corp wallet, only for personal wallet. Is it intended?
Yes, we have not implemented this for corp wallets yet.

CCP Turtlepower
Arin Taliac
Omicron BioTech
#49 - 2016-06-28 15:30:14 UTC
Haatakan Otomeya wrote:
So far, this release is great. I have however an issue with the new dock/undock animation.

(snip) This new dock animation is not only distracting from what I want to do, but also slightly nauseating. (snip)

I really hope you will consider implementing an option to turn off the animation.

I have to say I agree here. I suffer from motion induced nausea, and the new animations are really screwing with me. Please give us an option to turn it off, because right now I fear docking and undocking since I might not be able to continue playing afterwards.
Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#50 - 2016-06-28 15:32:00 UTC
Obil Que wrote:
Joia Crenca wrote:
Sobaan Tali wrote:
Fer'isam K'ahn wrote:
Are daily opportunities gone or is the icon just (re)moved ?

The SP one is. The Opportunities Map should be found from the NeoCom dropdown (Click on the "E" at the top and it should be near the bottom the list that shows up between "New Eden Store" and "Help".

That "Opportunities Map" doesn't look like a replacement for the daily opportunities. It looks like a guide for someone just starting the game? I'm not seeing a clear explanation in the patch notes nor in the dev blogs.

Interesting, I thought I was already getting news via the launcher?
Atruin Egivand
Lightspeed Enterprises
Goonswarm Federation
#51 - 2016-06-28 15:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Atruin Egivand
Please do a multisell, check the wallet popup for some minutes to hours and then go read a book about thread synchronisation in parallel processing. And make it opt-in. Its annoying.
CCP Turtlepower
C C P Alliance
#52 - 2016-06-28 15:48:48 UTC
Atruin Egivand wrote:
Please do a multisell, check the wallet popup for some minutes to hours and then go read a book about thread synchronisation in parallel processing. And make it opt-in. Its annoying.

You can just turn it off, or set a threshold, in the wallet window's settings.

CCP Turtlepower
CCP RedDawn
C C P Alliance
#53 - 2016-06-28 15:51:37 UTC
The Scope Network will be activated sometime in this week in tandem with the Shadow of the Serpent event.
We delayed it due to finding some last minute issues that we wouldn't be happy shipping with.

Team Genesis

CCP Maxwell
C C P Alliance
#54 - 2016-06-28 16:00:57 UTC
Tempest Harris wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:

Can you try to keep the window open for a bit, if it shows up after it completes an initial scan?

of course, I did it .. :) here is a screenshot

btw: I've tried out a repair.exe from Eve online instalation folder, but with no effect :(

Although it should not generally be needed, have you restarted your launcher since downtime?

CCP Maxwell - QA Engineer - Team RnB

Tempest Harris
BLUE Regiment.
#55 - 2016-06-28 16:11:50 UTC
CCP Maxwell wrote:

Although it should not generally be needed, have you restarted your launcher since downtime?

yeah, a few times ...
CCP Maxwell
C C P Alliance
#56 - 2016-06-28 16:26:39 UTC
Tempest Harris wrote:
CCP Maxwell wrote:

Although it should not generally be needed, have you restarted your launcher since downtime?

yeah, a few times ...

Ah, would have been too easy.

If you go to Settings->Shared Cache Settings and select the 'Show in Explorer Menu', you will get the folder where the resources and binaries are located. Delete the server folders (i.e., tq, sisi, duality). Restart the launcher. The launcher will download these folders again, and hopefully fix the issue.

Do not delete the ResFiles folder unless you want to re-download all of the resources.

CCP Maxwell - QA Engineer - Team RnB

Little Fawn
New Eden Reclamation
#57 - 2016-06-28 17:19:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Fawn
During the docking animation, if you move your camera, an unpleasant juddering occurs as you fight with the camera animation. (I read that moving the camera was supposed to cancel the animation.)

If you leave or change ship during the docking animation, the animation starts again.

Favourite thing: vectors and orbits in tactical view. Thanks!
Tempest Harris
BLUE Regiment.
#58 - 2016-06-28 17:41:58 UTC
CCP Maxwell wrote:

Ah, would have been too easy.

If you go to Settings->Shared Cache Settings and select the 'Show in Explorer Menu', you will get the folder where the resources and binaries are located. Delete the server folders (i.e., tq, sisi, duality). Restart the launcher. The launcher will download these folders again, and hopefully fix the issue.

Do not delete the ResFiles folder unless you want to re-download all of the resources.


I did it. After launcher restart, I'm able to run 'Verify' on shared cache window... But currently client don't start anymore :). LogLite has only 1 line with message: error: Uncaught TypeError: n.indexOf is not a function 1
#59 - 2016-06-28 17:43:15 UTC
When I click the "Play" Icon, it changes to the "Square" Icon and the "Blue Light" starts moving underneath the account name - As it would normally.

But after a few seconds it stops loading and nothing changes - The game is still not opening.

I tried Verify files and delete TQ folder.

Please Advice.
Shin Obad-Hai
Globus Intergalactic Property Holding
#60 - 2016-06-28 17:45:08 UTC
Launcher doesn't start the game.

The thin blue bar under the name of the selected account seems flashing, but then it stops and nothing happens. Game is starting with the exefile.exe, but in that case all of my settings are gone.

Already deleted the server folders, verified the files, restarted the client and the PC, but no success ast all. Launcher does nothing.