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March release - General feedback

First post
Zoranthia Atram
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2016-03-09 19:00:11 UTC
I actually like the SCOPE playing in station.


A) It comes up in the rotation far, far too frequently.
B) Everytime it plays it eats up all my bandwidth, looks like it downloads every single time. ???? Why no local caching for this?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#82 - 2016-03-09 19:00:48 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
EVE is a highly social sandbox. Seeing the right people online at the right time can open up doors to many opportunities from reconnecting to old friends to finding new corp or alliance. Yes, some of these can still be done by first emailing someone and asking for a mutual watchlist. But it makes basic communication with others unnecessarily awkward, difficult and annoying. We should be making it easier for people to contact and discover each other, not more difficult. And for what? To help some characters who don't even login!

I can't imagine it being too difficult to make an option to always show your status to others. Im at work right now but from what I hear even recruiters online status was removed from corp adverts. CCPlease realize one size doesn't fit all. More options are good especially in a game like Eve.

I don't know how difficult it would be, but I would love to see a statistic on how many people convo someone they have on the watchlist that doesn't have them added back.

On the Intel side I'm generally all for putting Intel gathering in the hands of players but the fact that this will greatly tip the balance towards larger and more organized groups should have been discussed.

Last note on watchlist changes, I didn't see an official forum post discussing this feature so looks like another failure to communicate with the players.

Very well said, especially the part about this never officially being announced or open for discussion like every other major change.
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#83 - 2016-03-09 19:01:13 UTC
I would like a single player offline version of Eve to play. Why?

You've killed my grudge AND friend lists.
The new camera is still not ready for next month's requirement to use it alone.
Still no ETA on promises ignored or silently broken.
I find out more on what's happening for future changes from Twitter and Reddit than official CCP webpages.
^^ this is bad communication methods between a company and their customer base

Think about it CCP. $60-70 bucks, one time purchase, and some of the non-evolving can head into skies more favorable for amusement for them while you change for change's sake and give a reason of 'cuz reasons on TQ to your heart's content.

Not being sarcastic or ranting. Honest request here. I'm just resigned to having to leave TQ in a month or so as the one last straw pushes me out in your determination to be shiny form over functional game.


Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#84 - 2016-03-09 19:02:14 UTC
Another couple of things for Project Discovery:

The filling up motion of the experience bar is too slow. You can just skip it, but otherwise you sit there for a couple of seconds and watch that bar crawl upwards until all XP are applied. That should be faster, at least 50% faster. And the bar should be taller, not as narrow as it is. You can easily overlook it in my opinion.

You should be able to select the solution hexagon by clicking on the enlarge preview/explanation window. I find myself always clicking on the solution preview picture that meets the properties of the sample picture only to notice that that does not do anything and then I scramble the mouse to the hexagon but by then have moved over other hexagons that open other solution previews which in the end makes it a bit of a pain to get the right hexagon.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Mac deKiev
#85 - 2016-03-09 19:10:49 UTC
CCP why do you insert a gong type sound and wake me up every time i do afk ratting.

please remove this horrible sound so i can get some sleep when ratting.

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#86 - 2016-03-09 19:13:51 UTC
Jeven HouseBenyo wrote:
I would like a single player offline version of Eve to play. Why?

You've killed my grudge AND friend lists.
The new camera is still not ready for next month's requirement to use it alone.
Still no ETA on promises ignored or silently broken.
I find out more on what's happening for future changes from Twitter and Reddit than official CCP webpages.
^^ this is bad communication methods between a company and their customer base

Think about it CCP. $60-70 bucks, one time purchase, and some of the non-evolving can head into skies more favorable for amusement for them while you change for change's sake and give a reason of 'cuz reasons on TQ to your heart's content.

Not being sarcastic or ranting. Honest request here. I'm just resigned to having to leave TQ in a month or so as the one last straw pushes me out in your determination to be shiny form over functional game.


Single player Eve is available. X series, or Elite Dangerous. I'm most baffled at the number of CSM candidates who think that EVE's development is headed in the right direction when almost every single release has bad mechanics that were poorly communicated. Death by a thousand cuts is what I see here. Already lost so many good players and friends because of these constant annoyances.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Ni Neith
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2016-03-09 19:24:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ni Neith
Amarrius Ibn Pontificus wrote:
Only one thing to add to what previous posters stated.

The Project discovery, how about making a mobile app for it too? Play on your phone, reap the rewards ingame.

This post is so good, I want to have his children.
Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#88 - 2016-03-09 19:25:48 UTC
Removing the static hangar background is the latest in a long string of bad changes made in terms of the camera. Yes, I read , but if you think the static hangar is too complex or not cost effective enough, just introduce a wallpaper image. You are killing my notebook with utterly useless blinkenlights in the hangar -- I don't need this, I don't want this!
gravim bain
Altair Federation
#89 - 2016-03-09 19:34:58 UTC
Found a issue w/ project discovery. The classification i selected was in the nucleus category and a green check box appeared in the cytoplasm category after submitting from the previous slide. I think it is just highlighting the wrong correct choice. Linked below is an image of the bug.
Yossarian Toralen
M and M Enterpises
#90 - 2016-03-09 19:59:20 UTC
Having to zoom out every time I undock will get old quickly.

Did anyone get paid for producing that blinky, flashy annoying animation that gets forced upon you when you destroy an enemy?

I'll raise my hat to them if they did.
Major Natalya
Systems Alliance
#91 - 2016-03-09 20:06:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Natalya
The ship kill animation and gong is total overkill. Looks like something from an '80s Nintendo game. Who at CCP looked at that and said 'Yea, that's what we want'? I would keep an eye on them. And the guys that said, 'No, that is total crap' are the ones you should listen to.

For anyone who actually plays Eve the previous subtle animation where the target flickered as it disappeared was perfectly clear.

This animation and gong is EXTREMELY ANNOYING. Please get rid of it for the love of God.
Hawke Frost
#92 - 2016-03-09 20:10:25 UTC
If I wanted iOS graphics and animations with terrible gong sounds I'd play an iOS game, it's annoying and completely different from the normal EVE design language (and that had better not change to this). Also it feels as if it's slower to update to the new available targets.

It's a step backwards.
rufotris Andedare
Isk N Tears
#93 - 2016-03-09 20:21:24 UTC
Blood Ruin wrote:
Is there any possibility that we will be able to turn off the "gong" when a target is killed? I enjoy the new graphic notification for feedback on a kill but the gong is a bit annoying. I didn't see an option in the "Inactive Client Muting" ( *I think this is a typo and should be "Interactive"* )

Also, From what I can tell the "invert zoom direction" option does not actually invert the zoom direction. I have relogged multiple times between turning the option on and off without much effect (*I may be doing something wrong*)

The gong...just.. why... there is no way to turn it off yet so I will be playing without sound today it looks like... please at least add an option to turn this sound off for us could ya?!
Unholy Qabalist
Goonswarm Federation
#94 - 2016-03-09 20:22:47 UTC
Can we turn off this gong that goes off when we kill a rat? thats really unnecessary.
Falcon Xodor
Caldari State
#95 - 2016-03-09 20:26:16 UTC
Useless gong, I don´t like it. I wanted shoot some sec4, not today. Again error with fitting. You see empty slots, event if they are used as see in fitting description of ship.
Canceled subsription.
Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#96 - 2016-03-09 20:26:47 UTC
Target's icon animation and stupid sound in March release?
Fool's Day is celebrated every year on 1 April not on March!!!

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”

Gali goyl
Vertical Industrial Partners Limited
#97 - 2016-03-09 20:27:26 UTC
Okay. You do know you're early for April Fool's Day? The X and gong sound has got to be a joke. Especially when looting a can. Whooppee! I killed a can!

Seriously, Just let rats and cans die in peace....
Pix Severus
Empty You
#98 - 2016-03-09 20:33:30 UTC

I'm trying to run a mission and it's like I'm living in London, right next to Big Ben, and it's permanently 12 o'clock.

MTU Hunter: Latest Entry - June 12 2017 - Vocal Local 5

MTU Hunting 101: Comprehensive Guide

Tyranis Marcus
Bloody Heathens
#99 - 2016-03-09 20:34:17 UTC
I can't wait to play with all these new and rebalanced modules! Interesting looking set of changes this time. Looks like Fozzie did some really cool work.

The stasis grappler will make my life more dangerous, but that's interesting, too!

I'm going to miss the old watchlist, though. There are other methods, at least for the use I tended to put it to, but they're less convenient. People must die, though, so we'll adapt. I actually have a really neutral and undecided opinion on this one.

Do not run. We are your friends.

gravim bain
Altair Federation
#100 - 2016-03-09 20:42:16 UTC
Project Discovery broke! Dammit Bill!