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0.0 Investigation - Terminated

Yuki Crowfeet
#81 - 2012-01-07 21:33:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Feligast wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
Feligast wrote:
You found White Noisedot? Tell me where they are, we've been looking for them for three weeks now (while eating most of their space)

They were surprisingly forthcoming about their current... situation.
I can provide you details of their whereabouts, for a fee of course.

They have more problems internally than externally, certainly.

To be honest, I was in their space 3 weeks ago and I had no idea about the current state of affairs, coupled with the difficulty of finding a) A pilot who spoke English and b) A pilot who wasn't just smack talking constantly meant that I didn't really get into much depth with their pilots.

It was really good fun up there though - one of their pilots posted a killmail for my shutte earlier in the thread (missed my pod though). They have been the most smack heavy players I've met so far.

I decided, I'll tell you where I saw them for... 3 billion isk (shuttles in 0.0 are expensive)

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-01-07 22:06:13 UTC
Excellent read! I like your style!

I really hope you get to go through all of 0.0 eventually. It is a vast place with all different kinds of people. I know you want to discover everyone you talk to, but an interview with some famous players would add a lot to your investigation. I would really like to see you interview The Mittani and Chribba. Also going to hi-sec and wormholes to ask players about what they think of 0.0 would be cool. I like that you have little to no null experience as it compliments your neutrality.

Anyway, best of luck with your adventure! I'm looking forward to further posts!
Yuki Crowfeet
#83 - 2012-01-07 23:31:12 UTC
Kasidis wrote:
but an interview with some famous players would add a lot to your investigation. I would really like to see you interview The Mittani and Chribba.

No comment.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#84 - 2012-01-09 21:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Seriously short part, I apologise. But I'm wiped out and the next part belongs on its own - It's White Noise time!

Part 10

So, I’m in the middle of my final run to the north to meet White Noise, on the way I met a few people from alliances that I had already visited. Today we will meet two more.

First off is Bratzo (AKA: Vlad Nitro). A Northern Coalition capital ship pilot.

Turns out the new NC are hardened combat pilots that fly into the face of danger against insurmountable odds… and prevail! Rather reminds me of myself and my adventure, no?
Duty calls and who am I to stand in the way of noble conquest and explosions? Like my mother always said “an explosion is almost as a good as a sexplosion” – I never did learn what she meant…

Second up is some fresh meat! A new Raiden pilot. She and her friends offer some good old 0.0 wisdom:
But, as I say, everything tends to work out in the end and I get my interview…
And find my first 0.0 (secret) carebear!

Finally I reach the utmost north, home to the infamously quiet and absent White Noise.

Next time:
I get given the run around
I seriously consider abandoning White Noise and failing one of my objectives

Part 11

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

The Greater Goon
#85 - 2012-01-09 21:51:41 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I decided, I'll tell you where I saw them for... 3 billion isk (shuttles in 0.0 are expensive)

and thusly Yuki committed journalistic suicide by selling out a source...
Yuki Crowfeet
#86 - 2012-01-09 23:09:53 UTC
Morganta wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I decided, I'll tell you where I saw them for... 3 billion isk (shuttles in 0.0 are expensive)

and thusly Yuki committed journalistic suicide by selling out a source...

Depends on what my information is as to whether I am 'selling out'. Besides, I would never break a confidence, at least, not as a journalist.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#87 - 2012-01-13 20:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Strictly speaking I have not heard back from the interviewee, but he did give approval to post the story during our interview and I do not believe there is anything too... incriminating revealed. Part 7 is here at last :)

Part 7

I have promised to introduce you to a pilot who is quite possibly the most evil man in the whole of EVE, alternately he may be a misunderstood hardworking soul or a big fat liar pants – you decide!
A promising start for being evil: A perfectly tailored biography is essential for giving the right message.

So let’s find out about our Mr EVE Evil.

I am a sucker for famous people and their exciting stories so naturally I was ready to plunge head first into his tales of devious dealings; but he is also a self proclaimed troll – perhaps I was about to be entangled in his web of deceit. Never the less I was intrigued and delved deeper…

A heinous crime indeed! Accompanied with some good old fashioned EVE mail proof. A bona fide scammer was not someone I expected to meet on my travels, I’ll admit it. I was excited.

Naturally as an experienced journalist I noticed that he had recently joined this corporation and was a member of Rolling Thunder – Could I be a witness to a heist in action?

Interesting. Beneath the cold exterior lies the beating heart of morality that strains to be heard above the voices uttering “steal…steal…steal”

I moved onto the more personal aspects of his game – What makes the game for a man like this?
Interesting to see his perspective on things and the level of morality he brings into the game.

Now we really delve deep into the personal side.
I think this really shows the human side of the player behind the keyboard – a truly fascinating insight.
Is this man really a monster? I am unsure…

Just for your interest, here is his full corporation history:

Well. it was a really interesting conversation to have and a one in a million chance for me to happen upon such a person who is willing to share their story. I truly hope it’s been a good read for you.

Next time: I begin to get to the bottom of this NC vs DRF business.
I get podded again!

Part 8

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2012-01-13 20:26:51 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
Morganta wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I decided, I'll tell you where I saw them for... 3 billion isk (shuttles in 0.0 are expensive)

and thusly Yuki committed journalistic suicide by selling out a source...

Depends on what my information is as to whether I am 'selling out'. Besides, I would never break a confidence, at least, not as a journalist.

And finding someone willing to buy Cool
Yuki Crowfeet
#89 - 2012-01-13 21:04:20 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
Morganta wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I decided, I'll tell you where I saw them for... 3 billion isk (shuttles in 0.0 are expensive)

and thusly Yuki committed journalistic suicide by selling out a source...

Depends on what my information is as to whether I am 'selling out'. Besides, I would never break a confidence, at least, not as a journalist.

And finding someone willing to buy Cool

I'm sure I could find out lots of things that people would be willing to buy. I just wanted to see how easy it was to get 3 billion off a Goon - I assure you, I took a long time to think of that scam.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#90 - 2012-01-17 03:24:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 11

So, at long last I had reached the stronghold of White Noise (at this time I knew nothing of the war between them and GoonSwarm). I was feeling optimistic about finding a pilot to talk to until I was reminded of my first few days in 0.0:

Ok. Yeah… a good start! Accusations of spying are quite common for me, it is quite difficult to assuage such suspicions.

I decided that my best approach was to show my determination, honesty and an unflinching acceptance of the dangers of my task.

I was on to their game: bluster and trolling. I decided to play along and see what little gems of information fall out. To show my disregard for their threats I flew right up to their station and defiantly photograph it!

To further show my fearlessness we arranged to meet up so I could get some pictures of them blowing up some rats; but I maintained a healthy suspicion of their motives. I did not trust these vagabonds.

Although I managed to obtain these wonderful pictures without being turned into space dust Applejack’s companion felt it necessary to repeat the oft thrown insult of: “Spy!” That nagging feeling that they just wanted to blow me up was constant now and I couldn’t shake the suspicion that this was them merely playing with their food.

Luring me to a POS I wagered, to let their machines do the killing so their hands stayed clean or to lead me to some backwater moon where my corpse could float for months, alone.

The Mining Complex:

I was then invited to a new and exciting location, where we grouped up for some ‘small gang’ shots; needless to say, my suspicions were aroused.

The planet:
Forming up:
Being blown up (inevitable, eh?):

The fact that I was in the middle of taking the screenshot when they fired probably cost me my ship and more infuriatingly, prevented me from getting a picture of it! At last, their true nature is observed:

We’ll just leave it there. Oddly they accuse me of being outsmarted; considering I was sat in a shuttle, 5km from them and taking a screenshot when they fired, the fact that I got away in my pod says more about them than me I think. That 10-man gang never arrived either.

I had been on the trail of White Noise for some time and had covered a lot of space in my search, I’ll admit, I despaired at this point of ever getting a legitimate interview with them. I logged off and didn’t return for a few days…

Next Time: I head to NPC space to complete this chapter of the journey.
I daringly complete the next part in a pod!

Last part of Chapter 1 coming next!
Part 12

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#91 - 2012-01-18 15:05:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 12

So, we reach the end of this leg of the adventure; I logged back in after my somewhat demoralising encounter with two White Noise pilots with renewed determination to interview everyone. I plotted a course to NPC space in Venal (to find some pilots from 0.0 corporations instead of alliances) and trusted to my luck to meet a White Noise pilot en route.

The EVE Gods smiled upon me this day:

I just hoped that this would not be some elaborate troll attempt, for another failed attempt might just break me.

Success! A bona fide White Noise combat pilot who isn’t just trying to troll me.

It appears that I’m speaking to a leader of men, a noble general, a fleet commander:

I can’t lie, I’m very happy to have successfully completed my objective of talking to a pilot from every alliance. I had arrived in Venal and docked at a Guristas station, I wanted to know what goes on in NPC space, so I asked:

Apparently this:

Naturally, if there is something that sounds like a good photo opportunity then I’ll fly there instantly, because, as my mother always used to say “A photo lasts a life time but your pants can be washed afterwards.” Here is the ensuing conversation in local.

Poor guy, apparently camped in the system. So I warped to all the gates to find the viscous pirates; alas they were empty.

I found some people at the station however:

Nothing was really forthcoming from the locals on this day, so I logged off and had Christmas instead. I logged on 2 weeks later to this argument:

1v1 is serious business apparently? Eager to demonstrate my accumulated knowledge of 0.0 I weighed in on the subject, failing epically:

I’ll just shut up now.
NPC space appears to be the most smack filled place in null sec (notice that some of these pilots are White Noise), but at least I learnt something of value. I log off for the day, but I still need to find some independent corporations to talk to!

The next day I met a pilot who convinced me that White Noise must truly be 90% trolls (Knight Jedi excepted, of course):

Just in case you hadn’t worked it out, Soldur is in White Noise, and yes, I got podded. Fortunately I had pre-emptively moved my clone to the station. Surprise is one of many tools in a reporters repertoire. Here are pictures of the podding.

Just for any interest Goon pilots (Feligast), the events recorded here took place on 3rd January; in case you were still wondering where their pilots were. (This information is old and probably useless, so I feel alright in an ethical sense for releasing it).

Now, for you astute readers, I wonder if you can guess which accusation is presently thrown at me?

My reporter senses were tingling, usually these bully mouthed fellows had a secret desire for someone to just listen to them and I provide a shoulder to cry on free of charge as well.
Score 1 for reporter senses? So, let us discover the true heart of a smack talker:

Not only have I met a griefer, but he is now camping the station for my 40k clone! Genuine disasters of this magnitude do not occur everyday and the readers support is vital at this juncture. In the meantime I decided to comfort myself with some delicious hate mail.

The forum thread showing why EVE is the game for him (tl;dr: EVE is a griefers haven)

Unfortunately he had deleted all the hate main and then my laptop crashed. However, I decided that my time here was finished, I would return to base and plan my next move (independent corporations would have to wait for a probing). I utilised a handy feature I had heard of to move my clone to my corporation office thus avoiding the tiresome flight back (or being podded relentlessly by Soldur who was still camped outside). I then issued a challenge:

Ninevite, who I had previously met, took up the challenge to pod me:

Thus, the journey in the north east ends, but attentive readers will have noticed one loose end. The pilot Jiul, who first podded me, I received his reply to my little questionnaire. Short and to the point are his answers:

Next time:
I catch up with some old friends.
I try and meet someone famous

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#92 - 2012-01-18 15:06:42 UTC

I think it is pertinent to look back on my adventure at this point, draw some conclusions, learn some lessons and improve my investigation.

Interviews conducted: 19
Times podded: 7
Not a bad ratio for a neutral in a shuttle, I think

I have also established my corporations Rules of Engagement: Pod And Do An Interview (PADAI)

I have learnt a lot about the people in 0.0 and how the whole business of empire building works and I can say with relative authority that there is no ‘one type’ of pilot out here. It is also interesting that a lot of pilots are willing to do an interview if you persevere long enough. I lament my failure to provide coverage on current events (WN vs Goons) as pilots have not really discussed the present situation (and indeed refuse to) but I hope to rectify that in future. I want to continue to meet different types of pilots and maintain the diversity of my interviewees, which also includes meeting people with various roles within alliances.

Let’s look back at the map from when I started the adventure and compare it to now
When I chose my first destination:

Large view (Present):

Focusing on my area of travel (Present):

A lot has changed indeed. White Noise now only hold the smaller section of territory that was desolate when I visited it, I wonder if it will now be full of life? GoonSwarm now cover an even larger area – I’m glad I got out of there when I did.


I’d like to get some feedback at this point, to help keep people interested and hopefully draw in new readers. I’m having a great time doing this and don’t want to have to stop. So please leave some comments!

What parts of the investigation are good and work well?
What is not so good/doesn’t work?
What would you like to see in the next part?
Other comments?

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#93 - 2012-01-23 23:21:46 UTC
As a result of declining interest I will be terminating this endeavour. I apologise to any who were following the investigation, but the time investment doesn't seem worth it currently. Perhaps I will return to the adventure in the future.

Particular apologies to those whose interviews occurred in the past two weeks that were not published (Wind Wendy, Chribba and a couple of others).

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#94 - 2012-01-24 00:02:06 UTC
Your investigation only confirms that much of 0.0 is full of people who cannot string sentences together, want to be evil but are doing it wrong (in a video game - they should become cops or go into politics), breaking the EULA with sexist comments, and are pod happy.

Nothing new.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Hibernator X
Standing Wave Society
#95 - 2012-01-28 20:20:29 UTC
Really enjoyed this, sad to see it come to an end. Perhaps you will get some more attention by conducting investigations on multiple aspects of the Eve experience. Good luck to you!
Jeyson Vicious
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2012-01-28 20:47:58 UTC
That last conversation post was funny.