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0.0 Investigation - Terminated

Yuki Crowfeet
#61 - 2011-12-27 22:46:54 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Curious when you're going to scoot over and visit us :) But yeah, still following. Good work!

Something tells me that most Goon pilots would just try to pod me constantly. But I shall surely come to visit, but first I wish to go south and visit the Russians.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Back In The Saddle
#62 - 2011-12-28 06:10:15 UTC
Wait its over?

Man I knew I shoulda waited til the whole series was out on DVD!!
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2011-12-28 10:04:21 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I write this with the risk of sounding like a popularity hungry loser.

Are people still finding this entertaining/interesting? No one is really commnenting now and I don't really want to waste my time doing this if no one cares :) Or are people just reading and not commenting? (Which I don't mind, I just didn't want to be talking to myself as this takes a lot of time to do).

Still interested. Been a busy holiday so I haven't had mutch time to check the forums.

But I'm back at work now!

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Clyde ElectraGlide
Emara Entertainment Inc.
#64 - 2011-12-28 10:41:16 UTC
Interesting (and good) experiment you're doing Yuki. Awaiting the next installment in anticipation. Big smile

In Need of a New Signature

Yuki Crowfeet
#65 - 2011-12-29 20:31:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 6

Leaving the luxurious hotel was a struggle but I finally undocked and continued onwards on my journey of discovery. I was hunting for White Noise pilots and searching the majority of systems in their southern territory. There are no screenshots for this as precisely nothing of interest happened.

Well, I tell a lie. I did find systems held by the highly secretive Northern Associates but as I failed to screenshot this we shall gloss over this detail.

I had decided that I would have to head to the very north of the universe to find a White Noise pilot and so turned my attention to the Northern Coalition. I had heard a lot about them in my travels and was eager to meet them.

But first, on my route north I re-entered a system I had not long ago being verbally ejected from and found the very same assailant still there. Except now I had discovered some of their systems and I was convinced this would give me the upper hand.

Instead we appear to have discussed my motivations. Then I discovered that I was talking to the most intense pilot I have ever met.

I wonder how many pilots out there are this invested in the game and whether they make more effective PVP’ers due to their dedication; I imagine they are good fun on voice communications!

I found my new favourite station and instantly regretted my choice of holiday destination. I don’t know what it is, but it looks so…purposeful

I also took a picture of another POS, showing all the heavy equipment that an alliance packs inside them.
And a heavily edited picture because I don’t know if the alliance in question would appreciate me posting such valuable intelligence as this

I somehow managed to leave Northern Coalition space, enter White Noises’s and meet a couple of Rolling Thunder pilots – Who continued the tradition of politeness and helpfulness.

Perhaps “a while” means “a week” in 0.0 slang. I shall have to remember this.
Zero Conscience was willing to discuss the issue of renting in a bit more detail.
Then a little personal piece:

This is a short part because…
Next time: I meet quite possibly the most evil man in EVE and I feel really privileged to have been able to talk with him.

Part 7

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#66 - 2011-12-30 00:26:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
I was wondering if there were any specific types of player people would like me to talk to, or specific issues people would want me to investigate? For example, would you want me to find logisitic, cap, tackler etc pilots and talk to them about that? What about trying to find the oldest player still playing or the first ever player owned station?

If people post up ideas then I will pick some and investigate them secretly (to stop people from contacting me with the informtion as that is cheating).

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#67 - 2012-01-01 06:00:44 UTC
Bump for a Sunday morning as I don't know when I'll be able to post the next part.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Klovnia Ganosh
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2012-01-01 16:59:06 UTC
Nice read, keep up the good work :)
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#69 - 2012-01-03 05:22:19 UTC
Good reading. Keep it up.
Yuki Crowfeet
#70 - 2012-01-04 01:13:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
This morning at 00:45 chapter 1 of the 0.0 investigation ended. I had explored the designated area of the north (meeting Imperial Legion, United Pod Service, Raiden, Rolling Thunder, Northern Coalition, Northern Associates and White Noise (in the upcoming parts) plus a few other pilots from various places) This is every major soverignty holding alliance.

There are still several parts remaining to be posted in this chapter which I will be pushing out as fast as possible over the next 2 weeks, but for now I have been successfully podded (I got a picture) and returned to my home station so that I can strike out in a new direction.

I'd just like to thank all the pilots who have given up their time to talk to me and for everyone else for reading and giving positive feedback.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#71 - 2012-01-04 02:45:23 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I was wondering if there were any specific types of player people would like me to talk to, or specific issues people would want me to investigate? For example, would you want me to find logisitic, cap, tackler etc pilots and talk to them about that? What about trying to find the oldest player still playing or the first ever player owned station?

If people post up ideas then I will pick some and investigate them secretly (to stop people from contacting me with the informtion as that is cheating).

I have a request, can you talk to those who do the industrial part of 0.0 with no care for pvp? I am legitimately curious to those cap builders and market seeders what htey get out of the 0.0 experience, whether its the dealing with larger alliances, the blockade running or purely making their internet wealth go up in leaps and bounds?

I know probably nobody else is interested in this, but its always be a curiosity for me
Yuki Crowfeet
#72 - 2012-01-04 16:01:20 UTC
Argaral wrote:

I have a request, can you talk to those who do the industrial part of 0.0 with no care for pvp? I am legitimately curious to those cap builders and market seeders what htey get out of the 0.0 experience, whether its the dealing with larger alliances, the blockade running or purely making their internet wealth go up in leaps and bounds?

I know probably nobody else is interested in this, but its always be a curiosity for me

Consider it done. I think it will be harder to find logistic/industrial pilots though - oddly the most talkative are the flying aces of the alliances!

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#73 - 2012-01-05 21:49:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 8

The history and politics of EVE is one of the facets I’m most interested in discovering in this investigation, therefore the recent DRF vs NC war and its lasting consequences are something I’m keen to discover.

And at last I meet my first Northern Coalition pilot!

Short, sharp and to the point. With the personal stuff out of the way I move deftly on to demonstrating my complete ignorance of 0.0 politics
And the article linked:

Now, a lot of people will be laughing at me for having absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, but let me explain. I read somewhere that Wildly Innapropriate. (who were an alliance) were merging with someone (turns out it was Goonswarm), and because everyone referred to them as WI. or WIDOT when I heard of NCDOT I instantly made a connection of Northern Coalition + Wildly inappropriate. Fortunately, my investigative skills prevented me from erring any longer and I finally understood the complexities of the situation – Even though the conversation ended there and I found out nothing concrete

As SimPro had said, most of the alliance were out on business and I found the rest of their space deserted. Except for these guys, whose alliance name left me in no doubt that they weren’t meant to be there…

I found two of them sitting on a gate and decided that I had to get some pictures of them.
But somewhere between that picture and this one:
I got podded again… I think I warped to a bubbled gate, got disorientated, got blown up and most importantly, failed to screenshot it!

I bought up a stock of shuttles, insuring my future as a shuttle wielding reporter. In the background you can see me berate my attacker.

I engaged him in conversation:

I had not expected to meet a Razor pilot, and had in fact not planned to meet their alliance yet as I had determined that Northern Coalition would be as far west as I’d venture for the time being.
Here is the linked killmail:
Wait? Most expensive pod in EVE? I think I spend about 90,000 isk on the clone and shuttle each time.
Turns out Giullare is a toughened veteran with strong opinions on the state of affairs in 0.0. I listened closely to his wisdom. I felt somewhat inadequate in his presence and felt compelled to reveal that I too had been around when the first titan was built. He ignored me…
Giullare raises an interesting point regarding alliance logistics, one which I make a note of to investigate further. I also begin to understand the political structure of the north (I think).

I finish up by getting a veterans perspective on two issues I’m keen to explore.

Next time:
I prostitute myself for a story.
I am invited to a ceremony!

Part 9

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

#74 - 2012-01-06 03:56:43 UTC
Next time: I meet quite possibly the most evil man in EVE and I feel really privileged to have been able to talk with him.

if this is not me I'm going to be fuckin pissed
Yuki Crowfeet
#75 - 2012-01-06 18:27:46 UTC
Soldur wrote:
Next time: I meet quite possibly the most evil man in EVE and I feel really privileged to have been able to talk with him.

if this is not me I'm going to be fuckin pissed

I'm afraid that the part in question occured about 3 weeks ago - but it could be that you are indeed more evil than this pilot. I will let you decide (when I finally get the green light to post it).

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#76 - 2012-01-06 18:41:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 9

I’m not really sure what the context for this conversation is, I think I may have been trying out new strategies for luring in pilots.
I thought 23isk was well worth it… Everyone else does interviews for free!

It might be interesting to explore my exact methods of obtaining interviews at this juncture. As you know I aim to meet at least one pilot from every major 0.0 alliance and therefore fly wildly through their space in search of a pilot. If I land in a system with a pilot from an alliance I wish to speak to then I create 2 or 3 safe spots so that I can talk in local safely, greet them and introduce my project; more often than not this results in silence. When a pilot expresses any kind of inclination to talk to me (a simple “umm” will suffice) then I invite them to a conversation. If I land in a ‘hub’ for that alliance – usually a system with a station – then I engage the pilots in conversation in local and get trolled or harassed for a bit but I normally find that there is one pilot who is willing to talk. Alternatively, sending conversation invites to anyone who speaks in local tends to work eventually.

I had a short conversation with my friend Rancyin (who was attempting loop-the-loops previously) who I bump into almost every time I’m podded and then received this mysterious proposition:

This is Imperial Legion who I met right at the beginning of my quest, fortunately I was nearby as a result of my podding. I was so excited to see what the ceremony was all about that I forgot to get into a new shuttle!

This was my view as I reached the station:
Without the UI:
Aligning for warp:
Then podding me:

Oh well. I hadn’t seen capital ships before so it was really cool to be invited to see them. Unfortunately I warped in quite far from them and before I could get really close they warped off.

Meanwhile my in-game channel received its first ever visitors:
A player called ‘Dark Threat’ also joined us. We ended up having a conversation about the project before I headed back north for the last leg of this chapter (as in, I won’t get podded again).

White Noise were the only alliance missing from my collection, I had previously nosed around their southern territory but found it mostly deserted and so I now needed to venture to the farthest north to see where they are hiding.

On my journey north I met several people, first off is ‘Wind Wendy’ who was involved in her own project.

It is an interesting idea. I’m not sure how new alliances are traditionally formed, although I suspect it occurs when several corporations work together for a long time. So this approach of just inviting random people to a new alliance is certainly ambitious. I make a note to check up on Wind Wendy in the future.

Next time:
I meet a capital pilot.
I finally meet White Noise!

Part 10

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#77 - 2012-01-07 20:19:52 UTC
Bump because I'm bored and avoiding my essay - plus a new part is some days away.
Hope you're all enjoying :)

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2012-01-07 20:28:39 UTC
You found White Noisedot? Tell me where they are, we've been looking for them for three weeks now (while eating most of their space)
Yuki Crowfeet
#79 - 2012-01-07 21:15:02 UTC
Feligast wrote:
You found White Noisedot? Tell me where they are, we've been looking for them for three weeks now (while eating most of their space)

They were surprisingly forthcoming about their current... situation.
I can provide you details of their whereabouts, for a fee of course.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2012-01-07 21:20:07 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
Feligast wrote:
You found White Noisedot? Tell me where they are, we've been looking for them for three weeks now (while eating most of their space)

They were surprisingly forthcoming about their current... situation.
I can provide you details of their whereabouts, for a fee of course.

They have more problems internally than externally, certainly.