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0.0 Investigation - Terminated

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2011-12-17 10:10:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Galaxy Drones wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I’m hoping that new players will find this interesting and educational, high-sec players will get an insight into how the ‘other half’ live and the 0.0 players get to talk about themselves, their alliances and share their passion.

There is not the ‘other half’, less than a 5% players live in 0.0

stop confusing characters for players...

As a player I live in 0.0.

However, only 2 out of my 9 characters are currently in 0.0.

There were times when I didn't consider myself a 0.0 dweller but had more characters in 0.0 (mostly cyno alts) than I have now.
Yuki Crowfeet
#42 - 2011-12-17 10:19:47 UTC
Florestan Bronstein wrote:
Galaxy Drones wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I’m hoping that new players will find this interesting and educational, high-sec players will get an insight into how the ‘other half’ live and the 0.0 players get to talk about themselves, their alliances and share their passion.

There is not the ‘other half’, less than a 5% players live in 0.0

stop confusing characters for players...

As a player I live in 0.0.

However, only 2 out of my 9 characters are currently in 0.0.

There were times when I didn't consider myself a 0.0 player but had more characters in 0.0 (mostly cyno alts) than I have now.

That's a distinction that I hadn't considered before. For the purpose of this project I would consider you a 0.0 player, providing you use 0.0 to some degree (in fact, your opinions and reasons for being there could be vastly different from players who live there with their 'main' characters). I'm interested in anyone who has experienced null.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

#43 - 2011-12-17 11:26:49 UTC
Yuki, I just finished reading 1, 2 and 3 and they were wonderful. I anticipate reading part 4, make it happen soon or I'm calling a lawyer.
Yuki Crowfeet
#44 - 2011-12-17 20:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 4

While I appreciate that 0.0 is a dark and dangerous place, I daresay that you will agree that podding a man while he is talking to you is the height of rudeness! Observe below the exact point in our proceedings when my flesh was torn asunder!

Never the less I was determined to interview the vagrant. Jiul was clearly shamed by his earlier behaviour and could not bring himself to face me so instead requested I send him a questionnaire which he could fill in and return like a meek little boy who had been caught stealing sweets.

I am especially interested in Rolling Thunder, I had been informed that they rented space from Raiden and I have seen many players talk negatively of ‘renters’ and I wanted to see their response to this.

My time in 0.0 has taught me many skills which I utilised to rapidly break into Raiden (rolling thunder) space – No bubbles would stop me now!

I have to say, the pilots of Rolling Thunder that I met were really nice guys who were happy to chat. Here is who I met:

Draco Amatin – A quiet miner:
He appears to be a man of simple tastes and enjoys the relatively safe life on null sec mining.

Duke Antares:

A pacifist 0.0 player? This is a rare specimen indeed but his quest to identify a wormhole back to Earth is admirable and I wish him well in this pursuit. It does appear that the harsh environment of 0.0 is capable of supporting a wide variety of play styles and it simply takes a bit of courage and determination to carve out your life.

Coburn Vor gives me some more information about the DRF v NC war but it appears that Rolling Thunder were not involved and I would need to head further north to get my answers. Coburn also provided some insight into being a ‘renter’:

Speaking to these seasoned veterans left me feeling ashamed and inadequate. I had to ask Coburn to teach me the facts of life…
… about sovereignty of course!

Two pictures showing a Territorial Control Unit (plus a POCO in the foreground I believe)

Now two pictures of one of Rolling Thunder’s POS’s
I hope that was suitably educational for everyone.

Using my powers of persuasion I was able to negotiate a coveted photo opportunity with Coburn while he destroyed some evil NPC pirates.

Unfortunately our little rendezvous was cut short:

My first roam! I was overcome with excitement and was determined to get a picture of the assailants. I found one sitting at a gate, heedless of my safety I got rather snap happy.

Naturally, this was the result…

0.0 is full of different people and this is what inspires me to continue my journey, a fear of death has no place in this world and as my mother always said to me, death is but an opportunity to die again.

Next time:
I watch some space acrobatics.
And I go on a little holiday

Part 5

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2011-12-17 23:12:08 UTC
You should investigate w-space inhabitants next.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-12-17 23:20:26 UTC
Keat0n wrote:
You should investigate w-space inhabitants next.

Pfft, they're even more tight-lipped than the 0.0 folks.
Or there was just never anyone in the wormholes I've visited. Its hard to be sure...
Yuki Crowfeet
#47 - 2011-12-18 06:21:49 UTC
Be hard to find people without local. I suppose it might work if someone invited me there. Long way to go in 0.0 yet though :)

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2011-12-19 14:41:54 UTC
A good part 4. Like how the miner is the most tightlipped of the three Smile
A general question. When you eventually get podded. Do you contunie your adventure from the station you end up in, or do you go back to where you met your end and contunie from there?

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Yuki Crowfeet
#49 - 2011-12-19 17:16:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 5

Waking up in a new clone can be disorientating, especially as my laptop takes several seconds to load. I found myself in my ‘home’ system once more but I was happy to trade 80,000 isk (clone and shuttle) for some exciting pictures of a true 0.0 pvp’er. To my surprise, I was contacted instantly on ‘arrival’ in the system – had I gained a stalker?

Fortunately he appeared to be a travelling acrobatics expert who was mastering his art in a new ship, I instantly wanted to photograph this incredible feat.

I do wonder at what point I will finally learn that screenshots do not capture movement particularly well.

He wasn’t succeeding anyway, but the pictures are nice.

Thanking the man for demonstrating his skill, I kindly advised him not to pursue a career as a ‘Space arrow’ and headed back to the north – I still had not met White Noise, Raiden or the Northern Coalition.

I found a friend in the form of Elyaine to talk to while I travelled north again, she was a low sec player who frequented 0.0 – definitely a perspective worth learning about. The journey was becoming a little over familiar now and I resolved to not get podded again in the north.

During our conversation I had flown through the majority of White Noise space in Vale of the Silent and had found mostly empty systems or pilots who did not speak English. I would continue my search another time. We concluded our conversation as I overshot Raiden’s territory and landed in the heartland of the Northern Coalition that I had heard much about.

I decided that I had been working hard at this reporting and that I was due a short break so I began scouting out possible locations for a holiday.

As I worked my way back towards Raiden’s space I came across a mysterious group known as “Northern Associates” and crucially, a Raiden pilot.

Those tendencies didn’t fail me:

The paranoia in 0.0 keeps surprising me, and that is surprising, I should expect to be surprised by now and to be met with suspicion (and surprise). But as my mother always said to me “you got told son, you got told.” So I left local with my tail between my legs but I wasn’t finished with Northern Associates, I would discover their secrets!

Meanwhile I was talking to Aulinas from Raiden who had brought a dirty friend along for a chat!

Flicking through the holiday brochure led me to check out this station as a possible destination on account of the spas and annual reports of EVE conference.

In the end I chose this beautiful station (5,00.000 isk) situated in a lovely quadrant of the galaxy. I’ll be honest, I heard you could get a full body massage from four voluptuous women (one Amarrian, Gallentean, Minmatarian and Caldarian) while watching a sensuous show of the best exotic dancers in EVE (200,000 isk) and I booked it instantly.

Here I am on my approach to the pleasure zone docking entrance:

After a relaxing bath and 3 course meal I decided to take a leisurely stroll around the station, and like any good adventurer I decided to climb as high as possible.
And admire the view.

Then you have to explore places you’re probably not meant to.

It was a truly stunning station (despite my low graphics settings). I docked again and invited those masseuses up to my Captain’s Quarter (2,500,000 isk).

(That is actually the picture from ‘inside’ the station)

Next time:
I find out the secrets of Northern Associates.
I realise I chose the wrong destination for my holiday!

Part 6

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Yuki Crowfeet
#50 - 2011-12-19 18:16:07 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
A good part 4. Like how the miner is the most tightlipped of the three Smile
A general question. When you eventually get podded. Do you contunie your adventure from the station you end up in, or do you go back to where you met your end and contunie from there?

I don't have a specific route planned, I just know who I want to visit so when I'm podded I just follow the autopilot to my ultimate destination whether it's the same route or not. I've met people on the fly back's so it's worth it in the end and I think it's important to take everything as it comes - which goes for 0.0 in general.

To answer your question more specifically, yeah, I pretty much end up in the same area that I was podded in, because I still wantto meet peole in the bit of space.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#51 - 2011-12-19 18:32:50 UTC
Entertaining yes, but bleh!

I can handle the PVP, just like I can handle any scumbag in a trailerpark or ghetto, but just being around such people is still a downer, and the less people I meet in 0.0, being the "kind of people" they are, the better. This is why it's hard to hate cops sometimes, because they gotta go into these trailerparks and ghettos and deal with this loserfest.

And this is why the people who are most against being "forced" into 0.0 are the ones who have already been there.

"Don't compare RL scum to game scum" I expect to be told. But the underlying reasons behind the scummery still make for a kind of person whose mentality, energy, and interpretation of the world, be it a real one of a fake one, is not entertaining and leaves a feeling on my skin like a layer of bug entrails smeared on.

I'll keep the cloak on and keep using WHs to get around their bubble camps. Screw them.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Yuki Crowfeet
#52 - 2011-12-20 13:02:43 UTC
I'm finding that most people I talk to are actually quite nice. I think people are a little more aggressive when you're obviously a hostile - but that's probably an element of RP.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2011-12-21 15:37:43 UTC
Another nice part, looking forward to the next one

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Yuki Crowfeet
#54 - 2011-12-22 21:01:03 UTC
I write this with the risk of sounding like a popularity hungry loser.

Are people still finding this entertaining/interesting? No one is really commnenting now and I don't really want to waste my time doing this if no one cares :) Or are people just reading and not commenting? (Which I don't mind, I just didn't want to be talking to myself as this takes a lot of time to do).

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Jack Jombardo
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#55 - 2011-12-22 21:18:41 UTC
Following and entertained :).

Nicely done.
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#56 - 2011-12-24 04:37:28 UTC
Following and lurking and liking.

I am eager to see more!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2011-12-24 08:44:42 UTC
Following and lurking here too!
Yuki Crowfeet
#58 - 2011-12-24 22:20:36 UTC
Heh, that's good. I'm really glad people are enjoying it, it's good fun to do.
Next update will be sometime next week - Christmas holidays are insanely busy at work.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2011-12-24 22:53:15 UTC
Curious when you're going to scoot over and visit us :) But yeah, still following. Good work!
#60 - 2011-12-24 23:09:22 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Curious when you're going to scoot over and visit us :) But yeah, still following. Good work!

Maybe she's avoiding the equivalent of a 4chan furry porn thread?