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Dev blog: Skill trading in New Eden

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Berrice Silf
Academy of the Imperial Guards
#2201 - 2016-02-25 08:08:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Berrice Silf
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Berrice Silf wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Berrice Silf wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
you can use XP boosters to max out, granted when combined with activity, but then the isk used to buy injectors always originates with some activity.
Yeah takes alot of determination to crack open the wallet and type them numbers into the website to buy your plex !!!

Im so pleased you mentioned activity because i will point you back to one of the first things i said to you, what is the point of even starting something when with no effort you can have everything in the game ?
PLEX doesn't originate isk. That should be obvious enough to go without saying. One cannot pay directly to create isk, so any mention of credit card numbers is wholly irrelevant to the time it takes to actually generate isk. I'm not here to judge what people spend their isk or money on though, we apparently have you for that.
CCP don't seem to agree with you Lol

Since the collapse of the EVE Gate, humans in New Eden have longed for never-ending piles of ISK. CCP recognizes this demand, and provides PLEX – as a completely legal option for turning your real life cash into precious space bucks.

Sweet, so we're back on semantics over reality. Glad we took this productive turn. Lets just ignore what we know about how PLEX and RMT work due to that statement, even though that's the relevant context of the statement.
No this is the whole point you just don't grasp, they're not even unabashed about the whole affair that your so vehemently defending as something other than a huge cash grab and making lame excuses to pass it off as anything but what it actually is.

There is no presupposition to there actions and they have sat by watching all this unfold probably laughing regardless of it's implications knowing that once your hooked the first thing your going to need is an easy access route to isk and now skill points. So they're certainly not going to be letting RMT take a big slice of what has probably been the largest generator of cash they have produced even out stripping the plex.

I think if anyone is in need of a reality check its you.
Edit : Ever noticed that when you get to something that your silver tongued approach can't explain it's way out of you cry semantics.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2202 - 2016-02-25 20:13:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Berrice Silf wrote:
No this is the whole point you just don't grasp, they're not even unabashed about the whole affair that your so vehemently defending as something other than a huge cash grab and making lame excuses to pass it off as anything but what it actually is.
No, you're not getting that I never said it wasn't a cash grab. I said it wasn't detrimental, cash grab or not, since CCP getting paid from it doesn't make it inherently bad. I actually detailed the whole idea of this cycling cash in conjunction with PLEX and how well it could work, so I'm not sure how through anything other than not reading my posts and instead working from random assumptions that you would think I don't see the profit motive here.

Berrice Silf wrote:
There is no presupposition to there actions and they have sat by watching all this unfold probably laughing regardless of it's implications knowing that once your hooked the first thing your going to need is an easy access route to isk and now skill points. So they're certainly not going to be letting RMT take a big slice of what has probably been the largest generator of cash they have produced even out stripping the plex.
Non-CCP RMT was always illegal so I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Of course they aren't going to let this or any other mechanic be RMTd. That leaves aside the fact that even if skill injectors were RMTd the only income even potentially lost is the PLEX income from those who want injectors and selling PLEX to afford them, not the extractor or training time income.

Berrice Silf wrote:
I think if anyone is in need of a reality check its you.
Edit : Ever noticed that when you get to something that your silver tongued approach can't explain it's way out of you cry semantics.
There is a big difference between semantics and misrepresentation. You stating that I don't recognize this as a cash grab when I've said as much is just plain misrepresentation. It's a lie in the face of what I've stated. That's not semantics, but nice try.

On the other hand, just taking a line from the blog to derail what you and I both know about how PLEX works is just a semantic argument. Unless you actually believe PLEX creates isk, in which case I'd be wrong calling it semantics instead of simply ignorance regarding PLEX. I'll let you decide which it is.
Ken Bekle
Jednota Inc
#2203 - 2016-02-27 20:04:01 UTC

Must you always play with your prey?!

Big smile
Emmer Doodle
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2204 - 2016-03-08 07:25:08 UTC
Happy Now?
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Suede wrote:
CCP have Trashed this game

Ironbank who ever he is 2016 toon over 475M SP. total joke on CCP what a waste of 10 years of paying CCP sub to get to 220mill SP
Nothing is the least bit trashed unless your time only amounted to 220mill SP and nothing more. If that's the case the fault lies squarely on you, not CCP. I'm happy with my best char @ 7 years, 150m SP as I was back at the beginning of October before even the initial announcement. None of what I trained was taken from me, and I have no desire to deny it to anyone else just because the way I got it was mandated at the time.

Berrice Silf wrote:
what's with your playing dumb approach ??
Rise stated that rapid respeccing of skills was not the stated goal now the first line of the ad is respecing of skills, when helmar released his grovel letter about the money and time it drew a line under all that has previously passed, from 2012 clean slate no under handed tactics, MCTC are not under handed no different than having multiple accounts until now where you can use the slots as farming characters to increase the main or sell.
This isn't underhanded. There is no deception involved. Everything is so incredibly straightforward and clear to everyone, so much so that no one denies a profit motive played a hand in this, that the claim of being underhanded doesn't even make any remote sense.

Beyond that note how the statement you point out doesn't say the loss mechanic was placed to prevent respecing, just rapidly doing so by introducing loss. It acknowledges that this is a thing people are expected to do with it and as a result their limiting efficiency, which they later raised to make it more usable for that purpose.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2205 - 2016-03-09 01:22:32 UTC
Emmer Doodle wrote:
Are my skill sheet and skill queue functioning normally?
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2206 - 2016-03-19 04:11:19 UTC
The question here is : why do we even play this game? If we can find the answer then well the got lucky. There database already failing fast. To few online people in this game. from 60k to 20k drop in 4 years. GG. If the had release the god damn WiS project none of this bullshit was ever happen. Now we get this nonsense. The "easy cash grap" tactics. To ensure there "secret future project" will not be unfinished. And there for lets destroyed eve online and cripple the game more to milk the last money out of it before the game gets dark.. And then move on with a new game.

Very st*pid move CCP.

Now what now? Clearly the do not answer because of every (old) player hate this idea. And (new/meta trolls) love it. I do not care TBH because SP do not make you pro. So there is not the harm. The harm is (that little progress) what eve had is totally gone now. Thats what i do not like. No progress means no meaning to stay playing. My sub is in 8 month over then i stop buying subs because i can wait till the finish a better "dlc/upgrade/patch" and just use SP inject to fly that new ship or whatever the release. No need to pay monthly.

Well done CCP
OutCast EG
Very Industrial Corp.
#2207 - 2016-05-20 14:49:02 UTC
It’s very important to note here that this means all the skillpoints available to buy on the market in EVE will have originated on other characters where they were trained at the normal rate. Player driven economies are key to EVE design and we want you to decide the value of traded skillpoints while we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#2208 - 2016-05-20 20:26:45 UTC
OutCast EG wrote:
It’s very important to note here that this means all the skillpoints available to buy on the market in EVE will have originated on other characters where they were trained at the normal rate. Player driven economies are key to EVE design and we want you to decide the value of traded skillpoints while we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.


CCP are getting pretty good at contradicting (telling lies) themselves and moving the goal posts as it suits them.

Roll on Dailies - Coming May 24 2016 - SP on the market that wasn't trained by anyone at the "normal rate". Player driven economies (the key to eve design) have been replaced with CCP driven manipulation of the value of SP.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Eagle's Talon's
#2209 - 2016-06-23 14:58:05 UTC
Skill Injectors should be a unique item that is awarded to Rookie Pilot's on a special mission they are given after completing all of the Rookie Missions. The Rookie Mission to achieve the Skill Injector would not be simple and would take at least five months of learning mission specific skills in order to complete.

Other areas of the Skill Injector that would need to be upgraded is that Skill Injector's found in Drifter Space, trust me its out there, as well as W-Space would be found in Ghost Sites for both types of space. These types of injectors would provide bonuses when injecting skills into them such as compartmentalized injectors that can hold more skill volume than a normal injector up to cost reduction in skill points lost when transferring.

Watch out for the Black Egg Injector though as its use will cause a skill drain of all skills placed into it.

Goonswarm Federation
#2210 - 2016-06-23 15:00:09 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
OutCast EG wrote:
It’s very important to note here that this means all the skillpoints available to buy on the market in EVE will have originated on other characters where they were trained at the normal rate. Player driven economies are key to EVE design and we want you to decide the value of traded skillpoints while we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.


CCP are getting pretty good at contradicting (telling lies) themselves and moving the goal posts as it suits them.

Roll on Dailies - Coming May 24 2016 - SP on the market that wasn't trained by anyone at the "normal rate". Player driven economies (the key to eve design) have been replaced with CCP driven manipulation of the value of SP.

This is the bait and switch I can't seem to convey to people.
Dark Templars
The Fonz Presidium
#2211 - 2016-06-23 19:10:32 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
OutCast EG wrote:
It’s very important to note here that this means all the skillpoints available to buy on the market in EVE will have originated on other characters where they were trained at the normal rate. Player driven economies are key to EVE design and we want you to decide the value of traded skillpoints while we make sure there is one single mechanism that brings new skillpoints in to the system – training.


CCP are getting pretty good at contradicting (telling lies) themselves and moving the goal posts as it suits them.

Roll on Dailies - Coming May 24 2016 - SP on the market that wasn't trained by anyone at the "normal rate". Player driven economies (the key to eve design) have been replaced with CCP driven manipulation of the value of SP.

This is the bait and switch I can't seem to convey to people.

Was it bait and switch?

I re-upped my accounts just to liquidate a lot of them. 230 extracted so far, probably somewhere around 600 more left to do - and that's before I touch my 5 "mains"...

It's not really a "Bait and Switch" that is going on here, but what they are doing could seriously drain PLEX AND without putting in the huge desire for players to buy ISK. (Err, I mean buy PLEX to conver to ISK).

This was probably not a great idea in the long run. Old players will get fed up one day and liquidate most of their skills. Those chars will then have fixed roles (much of what CCP wants), but once that char wants to go back to something else they will not have the skills for it. So perhaps a loss of a old timer.

New players will not "Value" earnings as much either, as now they will look at it along the lines of "if I buy PLEX, to get ISK, I can buy INJECTORS", so now SP has a direct $/SP Ratio... Not idea.

For now I think it's okay, Game still has a lot of life in it I think, let them take risk. At worst they make a lot of extra cash before they drop EVE, at best the game changes and new blood joins.