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CSM Campaigns

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Gevlon Goblin for CSM XI

First post First post
Hanura H'arasch
Tears and Trading Inc.
#41 - 2015-12-19 20:07:16 UTC
You don't know me. You don't know what I'd do in the council, especially if I get a high vote. Maybe I'm a narcissistic little **** who just enjoys being important. Or maybe I can be "convinced" to participate, just like Blawrf was convinced by The Mittani to reconsider his position.

It is known you spent hundreds of billions fighting Goons. While it's possible that you'll change overnight, the risk of that happening is low enough (for a serious space ship game) to take it.
Konrad Kane
#42 - 2015-12-19 20:45:30 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Abla Tive wrote:
Voting for Gevlon gives a strong "none of the above" option. In other words, CCP will get a quantitative idea of how many engaged players believe that the CSM in its current form is broken beyond repair.
I strongly suggest you to not vote at all! CCP sees which players who were busy voters in the previous years stopped voting.

One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences. You don't know me. You don't know what I'd do in the council, especially if I get a high vote. Maybe I'm a narcissistic little **** who just enjoys being important. Or maybe I can be "convinced" to participate, just like Blawrf was convinced by The Mittani to reconsider his position. It's easy to judge Corbexx, but you don't know what happened to him and how you'd act in his place.

You can trust in devs, since their employer would stand behind them in the case of a doxxing/cyberbullying/defaming attack but would destroy their career or even press charges if they'd take bribe. The company has money, lawyers and a very strong reason to not let EVE be destroyed. You can trust in this institutional system, you can trust capitalism and the legal system. You definitely can't trust a random nerd who use to rant about EVE.

Don't vote for me, vote for nobody!

I think you'd be surprised how many votes you'll get at a none of the above candidate.
Invisible Exchequer
#43 - 2015-12-19 22:04:20 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

You can trust in devs, since their employer would stand behind them in the case of a doxxing/cyberbullying/defaming attack but would destroy their career or even press charges if they'd take bribe. The company has money, lawyers and a very strong reason to not let EVE be destroyed. You can trust in this institutional system, you can trust capitalism and the legal system. You definitely can't trust a random nerd who use to rant about EVE.

Don't vote for me, vote for nobody!

You seem to be unaware of why the CSM was formed.

luobote kong
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2015-12-19 22:46:45 UTC
So torn. What do FC?
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2015-12-19 23:28:40 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?
Konrad Kane
#46 - 2015-12-20 00:06:38 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

I'll give you a clue - Gevlon only ever talks about Goons
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2015-12-20 00:16:34 UTC
Konrad Kane wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

I'll give you a clue - Gevlon only ever talks about Goons


Everyone is so cryptic in this game. Sad
Invisible Exchequer
#48 - 2015-12-20 00:19:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Konrad Kane wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

I'll give you a clue - Gevlon only ever talks about Goons


Everyone is so cryptic in this game. Sad

Corbexx changed political parties after being elected. This is a terrible thing to have happened, and he should have had serious consequences or something.
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2015-12-20 01:06:25 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Konrad Kane wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

I'll give you a clue - Gevlon only ever talks about Goons


Everyone is so cryptic in this game. Sad

Corbexx changed political parties after being elected. This is a terrible thing to have happened, and he should have had serious consequences or something.

Who did he change it to?
Invisible Exchequer
#50 - 2015-12-20 01:16:11 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:

Who did he change it to?

He swapped from Noho to Goons.

If it had been the other way round, Gevlon might view it differently.
Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#51 - 2015-12-20 01:46:00 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
[He swapped from Noho to Goons.
If it had been the other way round, Gevlon might view it differently.
Likely true, hence I shouldn't be a real candidate. Goons are players too and shouldn't be cheated out of their votes any more than WH-ers.

Mike Azariah wrote:
Passive aggressive is a poor substitute for actual work.
Stand, dammit, stand.
Lovely to see this from someone who never contributed to anything in his countless CSM terms.

My blog:

Tarojan Corporation
#52 - 2015-12-20 03:48:05 UTC
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

Corbexx was the wormholers CSM candidate that they voted in to represent them. So he took their votes, took his seat then moved/defected to Goons, basically taking his CSM seat with him and giving the goons an additional CSM member. This was seen as a betrayal by many. Drame ensued and much pop corn was consumed.

Will gank for food

Gallente Federation
#53 - 2015-12-20 05:30:42 UTC
Tarojan wrote:
SilentAsTheGrave wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
One of the crucial problems of CSM is the total inaccountability of representatives, members can even do what Corbexx did with no consequences.

What did he do?

Corbexx was the wormholers CSM candidate that they voted in to represent them. So he took their votes, took his seat then moved/defected to Goons, basically taking his CSM seat with him and giving the goons an additional CSM member. This was seen as a betrayal by many. Drame ensued and much pop corn was consumed.

This makes so much sense now. That is why he was so defensive about the Mittani and Digi.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2015-12-20 06:23:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mallak Azaria
I don't always agree with Gevlon (Actually I almost never agree with Gevlon), but I truly believe that he is the CSM candidate that we deserve & this man will have a high place on my ballot list. With Gevlon on board we can finally work to end the real threat to EVE Online: The posting of Lucas Kell.

Now for a question: If elected, will you build a wall around Lucas Kell so we can make EVE great again?

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#55 - 2015-12-20 13:19:36 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
I don't always agree with Gevlon (Actually I almost never agree with Gevlon), but I truly believe that he is the CSM candidate that we deserve & this man will have a high place on my ballot list. With Gevlon on board we can finally work to end the real threat to EVE Online: The posting of Lucas Kell.

Now for a question: If elected, will you build a wall around Lucas Kell so we can make EVE great again?
You're mad! Getting rid of me would mean there's no way for everyone to relate. Right now crying whenever I post unifies even the bitterest f enemies. Without that there would be chaos.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

So you want to be a Hero
#56 - 2015-12-20 14:57:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Freelancer117
You are to late, DJ Yumene from will get my 1st vote.

You do understand that if everyone else boycott's the voting, the Goons will vote and run the entire CSM, if ANY.

Regards, a Freelancer

PS: will throw you a sympathy vote Gevlon Cool

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#57 - 2015-12-20 18:31:28 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Lors Dornick wrote:
Not voting or voting for idiots just for the heck of it is giving away the little impact we can have.
I agree, and that's my goal, because I believe an player impact is bad for the game, as players want advantage for themselves against other players.

User input is never bad for any game, or any other product what so ever.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#58 - 2015-12-20 20:15:18 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Now for a question: If elected, will you build a wall around Lucas Kell so we can make EVE great again?
As I said, we must trust the devs. They also solved this crucial problem, hence the forums are still working. You can left click his name, and a menu comes up, containing "hide posts". Click it for averting the end of your sanity.

Freelancer117 wrote:
You do understand that if everyone else boycott's the voting, the Goons will vote and run the entire CSM, if ANY.
And how would that be different from the current situation?

My blog:

So you want to be a Hero
#59 - 2015-12-20 22:35:57 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

Freelancer117 wrote:
You do understand that if everyone else boycott's the voting, the Goons will vote and run the entire CSM, if ANY.
And how would that be different from the current situation?

You are forgetting the following CSM members:

Sugar Kyle
Mike Azariah
Steve Ronunken
Chance Ravinne
Jayne Fillon

and not even Gorski Car is a Goon (alt) as far as I know.

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

#60 - 2015-12-21 00:25:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Sturmwolke
Lol, interesting idea. Keep in mind though, CCP can defang it somewhat (at least for the fence sitters or the general ignoramus) through bribes like unique collectibles or whatever.
They did that starting from CSM9-10ish, iirc (sorry, cba to dig up links), there isn't any reason not to continue. A simple but effective age old tactic.

Bottomline, there's probably a cost/return threshold somewhere for CCP to maintain the CSM structure as EVE moves along in maintenance mode. The initial CSM works were decent during its earlier years (peaking around Mynxee time, imo) but as time moved on, the whole platform turned into a lobby group, similar to certain countries' political model. Nothing to admire there, same old thing rules. Btw, regardless of NDA, leaks will continue to happen - through convenient errors/accidents, covertly, unoficially or through oral whispers. That's a given.

The CSM needs a systemic overhaul.

Edit: Response to the question whether Goons will control the entire CSM where no one votes, it doesn't matter.
Break the system. Let the whole CSM XI be full of Goons.