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Anti-Cloak that doesn't break the game

Jack Tronic
#141 - 2011-12-22 09:33:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Tronic
Two scenarios
Cloaky is a bomber
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Bomber tackles you
3. You abandon any current drones and launch light drones
4. Laugh as he gets ripped apart

Cloaky is anything else
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Cloaky decloaks
3. Warp off as he has 15 second delay until he can start target locking

I don't see anything wrong. If he has a cyno fit well only the bomber can insta tackle you and even then cyno jam the system or just get a free bomber kill anyway if you are going to die.
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#142 - 2011-12-22 11:36:06 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
You are free to say whatever you want, the game is balanced around cloaking ships existing.

Not in a sence I feel is correct. If it was only the cov-ops ships that could use the cloaks to full effect I wouldn't have any problem with it. The fact that any ship can have a cloak and see everything going on around it is not a good balance. If the ships could get a limit to their field of view then I wouldn't have had any problems with it either.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2011-12-22 11:43:09 UTC
Jack Tronic wrote:
Two scenarios
Cloaky is a bomber
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Bomber tackles you
3. You abandon any current drones and launch light drones
4. Laugh as he gets ripped apart

Cloaky is anything else
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Cloaky decloaks
3. Warp off as he has 15 second delay until he can start target locking

I don't see anything wrong. If he has a cyno fit well only the bomber can insta tackle you and even then cyno jam the system or just get a free bomber kill anyway if you are going to die.

Third scenario:
1. You are jewing in a belt or anom
2. A bomber tackles you.
3. The rest of the gang uncloaks and rips you a new one.

Also, you realize how blackops cynos work, yes?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#144 - 2011-12-22 12:20:05 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Jack Tronic wrote:
Two scenarios
Cloaky is a bomber
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Bomber tackles you
3. You abandon any current drones and launch light drones
4. Laugh as he gets ripped apart

Cloaky is anything else
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Cloaky decloaks
3. Warp off as he has 15 second delay until he can start target locking

I don't see anything wrong. If he has a cyno fit well only the bomber can insta tackle you and even then cyno jam the system or just get a free bomber kill anyway if you are going to die.

Third scenario:
1. You are jewing in a belt or anom
2. A bomber tackles you.
3. The rest of the gang uncloaks and rips you a new one.

Also, you realize how blackops cynos work, yes?

And if you are solo and they have a gang prepared with a solid gameplan, you should die. Simple as that.

It's not changing Lord Zim. There isn't going to be a fix that allows you to safely warp around nullsec in a multi billion dollar ship farming endlessly with minimal risk. You are Goonswarm. To hear this from one within a corp with the absolute best chance at forming defensive fleets is sad. (The unity of the Swarm is awe inspiring)

I honestly lose respect I have for Goonies when I find multiple posts from every page with this transparent approach and opinion. Someone from your corp needs to tell you to harden the **** up and come back to reality. You have no right to safety and that's that. It doesn't require proof or validation. So i'm not going to waste time doing so. If you want safety, leave the Swarm and go back to hisec.

Stating the obvious intended mechanics in a question phrased to imply it's not as it should be doesn't make for a solid argument. I mean that as respectfully as it can be made while at the same time telling you sternly to stop crying.
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#145 - 2011-12-22 12:45:25 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
It's not changing Lord Zim. There isn't going to be a fix that allows you to safely warp around nullsec in a multi billion dollar ship farming endlessly with minimal risk. You are Goonswarm. To hear this from one within a corp with the absolute best chance at forming defensive fleets is sad. (The unity of the Swarm is awe inspiring)

I honestly lose respect I have for Goonies when I find multiple posts from every page with this transparent approach and opinion. Someone from your corp needs to tell you to harden the **** up and come back to reality. You have no right to safety and that's that. It doesn't require proof or validation. So i'm not going to waste time doing so. If you want safety, leave the Swarm and go back to hisec.

Stating the obvious intended mechanics in a question phrased to imply it's not as it should be doesn't make for a solid argument. I mean that as respectfully as it can be made while at the same time telling you sternly to stop crying.

He don't care about PvE, he has said as mutch, he just wants juzy targets. And if local gets removed altogether without any form of added security or incentives to the PvE'ers in null-sec, they will leave, simple as that.

I also do believe he don't give a damn about any afk cloakers either.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#146 - 2011-12-22 12:53:30 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
You are free to say whatever you want, the game is balanced around cloaking ships existing.

Not in a sence I feel is correct. If it was only the cov-ops ships that could use the cloaks to full effect I wouldn't have any problem with it. The fact that any ship can have a cloak and see everything going on around it is not a good balance. If the ships could get a limit to their field of view then I wouldn't have had any problems with it either.

Well, the cloaked ship would be limited to what it can see on DScan, with probes (that advertise his presence), or through the eyeball method, so there's the balance. They can't see local or use that as intel.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#147 - 2011-12-22 12:57:20 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Jack Tronic wrote:
Two scenarios
Cloaky is a bomber
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Bomber tackles you
3. You abandon any current drones and launch light drones
4. Laugh as he gets ripped apart

Cloaky is anything else
1. You are jewing in a belt
2. Cloaky decloaks
3. Warp off as he has 15 second delay until he can start target locking

I don't see anything wrong. If he has a cyno fit well only the bomber can insta tackle you and even then cyno jam the system or just get a free bomber kill anyway if you are going to die.

Third scenario:
1. You are jewing in a belt or anom
2. A bomber tackles you.
3. The rest of the gang uncloaks and rips you a new one.

Also, you realize how blackops cynos work, yes?

If that many ships put in the effort and teamwork to locate you covertly, move into position and spring the trap... in nullsec... well, kudos to them. Tip your hat to a well executed trap, pull your next discount ratting ship (or covetor if you're mining) out of your pocket and try again later. You should not be invulnerable to that degree of concerted effort if you're out and about doing something like ratting or mining.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2011-12-22 13:00:18 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
And if you are solo and they have a gang prepared with a solid gameplan, you should die. Simple as that.

It's not changing Lord Zim. There isn't going to be a fix that allows you to safely warp around nullsec in a multi billion dollar ship farming endlessly with minimal risk. You are Goonswarm. To hear this from one within a corp with the absolute best chance at forming defensive fleets is sad. (The unity of the Swarm is awe inspiring)

I honestly lose respect I have for Goonies when I find multiple posts from every page with this transparent approach and opinion. Someone from your corp needs to tell you to harden the **** up and come back to reality. You have no right to safety and that's that. It doesn't require proof or validation. So i'm not going to waste time doing so. If you want safety, leave the Swarm and go back to hisec.

Stating the obvious intended mechanics in a question phrased to imply it's not as it should be doesn't make for a solid argument. I mean that as respectfully as it can be made while at the same time telling you sternly to stop crying.


I've said this multiple times, I PVP in nullsec, my carebearing is in hisec because I judge the risk/reward to be much more conductive in hisec. I'm not arguing this for me, I'm arguing this for the carebears who are currently trying to make a living in nullsec, who will be the most affected by this. And when they're affected, so will the roamers because they'll have even fewer targets to choose from because the carebears who are less lazy than me will have moved their carebear alts to hisec as well.

Also, what I'm arguing isn't that there should be complete safety (there is none in nullsec, despite what many people will argue to get rid of local, it takes just a bit of inattentiveness at the wrong time to lose a ship, even if there are intel channels and local), what I'm arguing is that changes which will make the act of keeping even half the safety they have now take 10x as much work, without adding to the disadvantages the roamers/system campers have to endure, are unbalanced as ****. You'd go from the inhabitants having a slight advantage, to the roamers/system campers having a huge advantage.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#149 - 2011-12-22 13:03:19 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:


I've said this multiple times, I PVP in nullsec, my carebearing is in hisec because I judge the risk/reward to be much more conductive in hisec. I'm not arguing this for me, I'm arguing this for the carebears who are currently trying to make a living in nullsec, who will be the most affected by this. And when they're affected, so will the roamers because they'll have even fewer targets to choose from because the carebears who are less lazy than me will have moved their carebear alts to hisec as well.

Also, what I'm arguing isn't that there should be complete safety (there is none in nullsec, despite what many people will argue to get rid of local, it takes just a bit of inattentiveness at the wrong time to lose a ship, even if there are intel channels and local), what I'm arguing is that changes which will make the act of keeping even half the safety they have now take 10x as much work, without adding to the disadvantages the roamers/system campers have to endure, are unbalanced as ****. You'd go from the inhabitants having a slight advantage, to the roamers/system campers having a huge advantage.

No... what you'd have is the bots going from operating with absolute safety, being able to dock up as soon as a stranger enters local, to bots becoming vulnerable to planned operations.

But... you're a Goon. You know this.

Now your opposition makes sense.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#150 - 2011-12-22 13:08:49 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
If that many ships put in the effort and teamwork to locate you covertly, move into position and spring the trap... in nullsec... well, kudos to them. Tip your hat to a well executed trap, pull your next discount ratting ship (or covetor if you're mining) out of your pocket and try again later. You should not be invulnerable to that degree of concerted effort if you're out and about doing something like ratting or mining.

Doesn't really take much coordination when it's just a matter of warping to belts or anoms and seeing what they can catch there.

I've said this multiple times, and I'll say it again, not giving inhabitants any way of noticing that they're being stalked just means that cloaked ships will become the roaming gang ship of the future, and carebears will leave for hisec, and nullsec will become even emptier and devoid of targets, which would benefit ... who?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2011-12-22 13:09:36 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
No... what you'd have is the bots going from operating with absolute safety, being able to dock up as soon as a stranger enters local, to bots becoming vulnerable to planned operations.

But... you're a Goon. You know this.

Now your opposition makes sense.

Oh, so now I'm a botter, is that it?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#152 - 2011-12-22 13:31:47 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:
No... what you'd have is the bots going from operating with absolute safety, being able to dock up as soon as a stranger enters local, to bots becoming vulnerable to planned operations.

But... you're a Goon. You know this.

Now your opposition makes sense.

Oh, so now I'm a botter, is that it?

You tell us. You're defending a system that would benefit the bots the most. People will make implilcations.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2011-12-22 13:37:06 UTC
So we are definitely into ad hominems, are we?

Why don't you report me as a botter, then? Go ahead, I won't mind. You can tell them to look through my wallet history for my other accounts and check those as well.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#154 - 2011-12-23 09:27:04 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
And if you are solo and they have a gang prepared with a solid gameplan, you should die. Simple as that.

It's not changing Lord Zim. There isn't going to be a fix that allows you to safely warp around nullsec in a multi billion dollar ship farming endlessly with minimal risk. You are Goonswarm. To hear this from one within a corp with the absolute best chance at forming defensive fleets is sad. (The unity of the Swarm is awe inspiring)

I honestly lose respect I have for Goonies when I find multiple posts from every page with this transparent approach and opinion. Someone from your corp needs to tell you to harden the **** up and come back to reality. You have no right to safety and that's that. It doesn't require proof or validation. So i'm not going to waste time doing so. If you want safety, leave the Swarm and go back to hisec.

Stating the obvious intended mechanics in a question phrased to imply it's not as it should be doesn't make for a solid argument. I mean that as respectfully as it can be made while at the same time telling you sternly to stop crying.


I've said this multiple times, I PVP in nullsec, my carebearing is in hisec because I judge the risk/reward to be much more conductive in hisec. I'm not arguing this for me, I'm arguing this for the carebears who are currently trying to make a living in nullsec, who will be the most affected by this. And when they're affected, so will the roamers because they'll have even fewer targets to choose from because the carebears who are less lazy than me will have moved their carebear alts to hisec as well.

Also, what I'm arguing isn't that there should be complete safety (there is none in nullsec, despite what many people will argue to get rid of local, it takes just a bit of inattentiveness at the wrong time to lose a ship, even if there are intel channels and local), what I'm arguing is that changes which will make the act of keeping even half the safety they have now take 10x as much work, without adding to the disadvantages the roamers/system campers have to endure, are unbalanced as ****. You'd go from the inhabitants having a slight advantage, to the roamers/system campers having a huge advantage.

I understand the subtle difference but it would still essentially make cloakers a non issue to an alliance with covert ops hunters which will inevitably cut down on those who use covert ops which will inevitably lead to ISK farmers in alliances farming ISK risk free. And while it takes discipline to do the fact is it will happen which is unacceptable.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#155 - 2011-12-23 09:55:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaigar
Xorv wrote:
No your idea fails.

Even if your idea only effected afk cloakers it still fails

Why? Because AFK cloaking isn't a "problem"

Why isn't AFK cloaking a problem you may ask? Because it's the symptomatic imperfect response to the real problem, flawless 100% effortless Intel from Local Chat.

Forget the symptoms, cure the disease, remove Local Chat Intel!

This, and don't rat in your 3 bil isk machariel, just use a drake or raven or something if you are worried.

Most C5/C6 Wholers have come to terms with unexpected surprises. You just need to do damage control. That saying, "Only fly what you can afford to lose"...
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2011-12-23 12:14:10 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
I understand the subtle difference but it would still essentially make cloakers a non issue to an alliance with covert ops hunters which will inevitably cut down on those who use covert ops which will inevitably lead to ISK farmers in alliances farming ISK risk free. And while it takes discipline to do the fact is it will happen which is unacceptable.

You're assuming that there will actually be people who find it fun to roam around an entire region, looking for invisible people who may or may not be there, 23.5/7. They may come through gates, they may come through wormholes, they may log in from a day before, they don't know, but they have to run around and look, all day, every day.

How long do you really think that'd go on before they just say **** it, go do l4s if you must make money?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#157 - 2011-12-23 16:57:45 UTC
Jaigar wrote:
This, and don't rat in your 3 bil isk machariel, just use a drake or raven or something if you are worried.

Most C5/C6 Wholers have come to terms with unexpected surprises. You just need to do damage control. That saying, "Only fly what you can afford to lose"...

Please don't assume to know what we fly around in. It will in most cases be wrong anyway.

To my understanding, damagecontrolling in C5/C6 class w-holes includes closing of entrances. Too bad we can't close a warpgate.

Don't fly what we can't afford to loose. Yeah, why are so many people worried about something that won't ruin it for any clever guy out there. I've been told that the effect of afk'ing is psycological warfare, and I've been told that it can be done just as easily without a cloak. So again, why are som many people worried about something that won't affect any active player in any way.

If you decide that parking a ship in the middle of a busy null-sec area swarming with hostiles, you also should not really care what happens to your ship. So if you leave it for 23 hours and you come back to find yourself in some station, then obviosly it wasn't a big loss to you anyway.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#158 - 2011-12-23 17:03:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Lord Zim wrote:
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
I understand the subtle difference but it would still essentially make cloakers a non issue to an alliance with covert ops hunters which will inevitably cut down on those who use covert ops which will inevitably lead to ISK farmers in alliances farming ISK risk free. And while it takes discipline to do the fact is it will happen which is unacceptable.

You're assuming that there will actually be people who find it fun to roam around an entire region, looking for invisible people who may or may not be there, 23.5/7. They may come through gates, they may come through wormholes, they may log in from a day before, they don't know, but they have to run around and look, all day, every day.

How long do you really think that'd go on before they just say **** it, go do l4s if you must make money?

I think they would do it until they reversed the change. Alliances would start by securing one system that couldnt be penetrated by cloakers. They would boost the alliance tax rate. The tax would pay for even more ships and security which would then be used to secure a second secure farming area. This would continue on until the insanity was stopped. And yes im positive "the Swarm" has contemplated this. Im all for a good plan, but cloaking is the trump card against 100% security and to make it an inconvenience that can be dealt with would have severe consequences.

"Renting secure null sec farming space, 5 billion per month, convo me!"
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#159 - 2011-12-23 17:08:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Jaigar wrote:
This, and don't rat in your 3 bil isk machariel, just use a drake or raven or something if you are worried.

Most C5/C6 Wholers have come to terms with unexpected surprises. You just need to do damage control. That saying, "Only fly what you can afford to lose"...

Please don't assume to know what we fly around in. It will in most cases be wrong anyway.

To my understanding, damagecontrolling in C5/C6 class w-holes includes closing of entrances. Too bad we can't close a warpgate.

Don't fly what we can't afford to loose. Yeah, why are so many people worried about something that won't ruin it for any clever guy out there. I've been told that the effect of afk'ing is psycological warfare, and I've been told that it can be done just as easily without a cloak. So again, why are som many people worried about something that won't affect any active player in any way.

If you decide that parking a ship in the middle of a busy null-sec area swarming with hostiles, you also should not really care what happens to your ship. So if you leave it for 23 hours and you come back to find yourself in some station, then obviosly it wasn't a big loss to you anyway.

As someone with level 5 cloaking I dont want a fuel cost, a timer or a movement check. All are unnecessary changes that only serve to benefit those who want rock solid farming security.

Or perhaps we can make a trade. Ill take the ability to be probed down if I can attack while cloaked. That way if I can absolutely be found, then you absolutely have to have the right equipment to find me. Deal?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#160 - 2011-12-23 17:27:56 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Jaigar wrote:
This, and don't rat in your 3 bil isk machariel, just use a drake or raven or something if you are worried.

Most C5/C6 Wholers have come to terms with unexpected surprises. You just need to do damage control. That saying, "Only fly what you can afford to lose"...

Please don't assume to know what we fly around in. It will in most cases be wrong anyway.

To my understanding, damagecontrolling in C5/C6 class w-holes includes closing of entrances. Too bad we can't close a warpgate.

Don't fly what we can't afford to loose. Yeah, why are so many people worried about something that won't ruin it for any clever guy out there. I've been told that the effect of afk'ing is psycological warfare, and I've been told that it can be done just as easily without a cloak. So again, why are som many people worried about something that won't affect any active player in any way.

If you decide that parking a ship in the middle of a busy null-sec area swarming with hostiles, you also should not really care what happens to your ship. So if you leave it for 23 hours and you come back to find yourself in some station, then obviosly it wasn't a big loss to you anyway.

With C5 And C6 holes, you can reroll them within 5-6 minutes, meaning someone else can reroll them in 5-6 minutes to find you as well. Since there are only 113 C6s, theres a pretty high chance someone will roll into you. And also sleepers scram. So if your crew is running a site and someone rolls a hole into you, you gotta clear the wave as you try jump out before the next wave scrams you or you can just leave somebody. But good scouts and prepared groups can roll into your plexing system and find you in under a minute easily, and theres nothing you can do about it.

And the 3 bil isk ratting machs, yeah, seen alot of those in shadow of death space. Thats all they do besides losing poorly fit carriers and helping strange brew lose a Nyx to a wormhole corp..