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In Response to Sugar Kyle - Highsec development

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Salvos Rhoska
#161 - 2015-10-09 14:20:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

4) How tanked someone is, is immaterial to the fact of an illegal action perpetrated against them.
If I am attacked while riding in a armor plated Mercedes, the fact I survived the attack, in no way mitigates the severity of the crime attempted against me, nor the culpability of its perpetrators.

No, but being in that armored car as opposed to an unarmed scooter makes the difference in the only thing that counts in this physical universe: You live long enough for police to respond and kill/capture/chase off the bad guys. ie you continue to exist..

1) To the illegality of the act, It doesnt matter what Im driving, whether an armored hummer, mercedes, bicycle or walking on my own twofeet. Its illegal, whether its in a pod, shuttle, or massively tanked ship of any type. It certainly doesnt matter to CONCORD. Im not responsible for the crime. The perpetrator is.

2) My proposal changes none of this anyways. Only the extent of the punitive measure. Illegal crimes can still be committed (as a meta) in EVE exactly the same way as before. CONCORD is not changed. Faction police are not changed. The parameters of what constitute a ceime in HS are not changed.

3) As you point out, the victim of a HS illegal crime continues to live, in a clone. But so does the perpetrator of that illegal crime. Infact illegal transgressors in HS are IMMUNE to pod destruction from CONCORD/faction police, whereas the victim of their crime is not f3om their aggressors This is an other interesting incongriguity. And again, which obviates the principle and precedent of pod killing reducing sec status even further, as in existing game mechanics.

Increasing the security status penalty of HS illegal actitivirsmakes emminent sense, especially considering its recent and current rate of occurance.

Any rational system that perceives an increase in illegality, would move to counteract it, atleast to maintain its frequency as was before. One of these core options, is to increase the punitive result. In this case, in EVE HS, to increase the security status drop, so asto moderate illegal behaviour at non-problematic levels, and also, in the case of EVE, to conducively create more content elsewhere as a result, as these security penalised illegal aggressors then have to move to other sectors of space to recoup it in PvE, and themselves beco ing targets and incentive for more content and PvP.

Its win, all around. Nobody loses anything. Everyone gains.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#162 - 2015-10-09 14:23:59 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

HS ganking, in its prepoderance, has become more pronounced and frequent in recent years.
It used to be rather more infrequent.

Ha ha, what? Before the barge buff and the insurance nerfs, you would see gankers in half the systems in highsec. Ganking was everywhere.

Now it's a pale shadow of what it was, in both potency and frequency. Heck, if it weren't for two groups in particular, it basically wouldn't happen at all.

It needs buffed, not nerfed.

You got some numbers for us? I'd e interested to see the number comparison.

I have nothing but my experience from playing back then. I doubt you'd get those numbers from anywhere, considering the state of killboards back then.

But to suggest that ganking was less prevalent when it was much, much more powerful? That's beyond foolish.

The "there's too much ganking these days" is just a lie to try and advance the carebear agenda. It's classic concern trolling, right out of a playbook.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#163 - 2015-10-09 14:36:27 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

I'm still trying to figure out where this bizzaro world thinking comes from in which the space with magical infallible unkillable space police is 'less safe' than areas where the only thing that can get you from getting killed is actually knowing how to play. It's not just on this forum, I've heard guys I play with say the same thing: "high sec fells safer because i don't know who is going to kill me whereas in null i can see it coming".

And yea, it's as stupid when people say it on comms as it is here. It's the same as saying "I feel safer in the woods because in the woods i can see a bear coming but in my house the bear could be hiding in a closet waiting to kill me and eat my porridge....never mind the fact that my house is bear free and i don't even know wtf porridge is".

So some how, if I'm standing in a room full of body guards (who will shoot anyone who tries to so much as slap me in the face), I'm less safe than if I were standing alone in a desert surrounded by hungry wolves? That's the difference between High Sec and the the other 83% of EVE-space, a mechanical response the rest of the game doesn't get.

in High Sec, ALL you have to do to be safe is tank your ship enough to survive initial contact. You could run missions in a super buffer Proteus and be physically immune to ganking (because enough ships on grid to kill you will probably cause module activation lag enough to let you escape in hull as CONCORD pops your last aggressor). You literally can't get safer than that, while you can't even come close to that outside of high sec.

The koolaid is showing.

- This just in. There are no PVPers(Bears) in HS (the house) good analogy Roll

- There are no bodyguards in the room though, there's some in a different part of the house though and it takes them a while to get to you so you have plenty of time to kill that freighter (that isn't a super tanked proteus) before the bodyguards arrive. And then, this is the best part, after the guards kill you some random 'unafiliated' guy calmly walks up and takes all your valuables off your corpse while they just watch.

You analogies are so broken it's pretty sad.

What's sad is needing (not wanting, NEEDING) to believe that the space with magical npc police and fewer per captia kills is less safe than the space with no magical npc police and the 2nd most per capita pvp kills. It's delusional.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#164 - 2015-10-09 14:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Estella Osoka wrote:

Your analogy of the "bear in the woods" and the "bear in the house" is inaccurate. It's more like walking around Times Square and everyone has a gun, with some police around; versus living on your own ranch in Montana with sensors all over the place telling you exactly who is who, and what they have.

So yeah, being in a big alliance in null, with good intel; is safer than hisec.

What's really funny is someone saying an anology is incorrect then giving an analogy that's isn't even possible (everyone in Times square with a gun lol, someone has never been to New York and dealt with their Draconian gun laws i see).

Good intel doesn't make NPC police spawn if someone shoots you. Good intel doesn't keep you from being pointed by an NPC when someone rolls a wormhole into you system and bad guys come out of it.

"Safety" isn't a feeling, it's a condition (ie your either are safe, or you are not). People confuse this all the time, it's actually a real psychological condition, 50 years ago you had people from my country signing up to go back to a South East Asian warzone because coming back to 'the world' was "too scary".

No, they weren't actually safer in that South East Asian jungle than they were back home, they had just become accustomed to it's dangers, and they could see who the bad guys were whereas at home any old thug on the street could come up behind them and shank them for their wallet (the fact that this wasn't at all common in the 1960s didn't matter, the brain doesn't perceive threats based on relative chance). The the fact was, they were more likely to die in that jungle than they were at home...unless "home" was Detroit of course.

Every single player in this game is provably, mechanically safer in high sec than in null unless under a war declaration, that's just the truth. That physical safety is also scale-able too because of other mechanics too (see the various failed Incursion fleet smartbombing attempts, I was in a TVP fleet when one happened and didn't even get to half shields before CONCORD killed that INIT fleet).
Salvos Rhoska
#165 - 2015-10-09 15:13:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
CONCORD reaction times and Faction Police efficacy are largely irrelevant to the issue of HS illegal actions as they currently stand.
Thats why I propose a more severe sec standing malus modifier instead.

On CONCORDs part:
-The reaction timer is reactive (as in not preventative). I dont see reason for reducing the reaction time.
CONCORD timer reductions might save some ships from destruction by illegal aggression, but so what.
As has been pointed out, using your brain, taking pre-emptivr measures such as travel fits and not uber-blinging are primary in EVE, everywhere.
-Furthermore changing reacrion timers would inordinately complicate matters for aggressors (in their legit meta) extending far beyond its purview into ship balance issues.

-There is the issue of the double edges sword, in terms of CONCORD, as a simple AI entity, blowing up simply the first aggressor. This means their is no recourse for a potential victim for initiating aggression, before they are aggressed upon, uniquely in HS.
There is no way to reconcile this. It is what it is. EVE has no judiciary AI element which weighs the issue of self-defence vs that of the anticipated criminal act of an aggressor. CONCORD will kill whoever first aggressed, whenever they arrive, and thats that.
However, thats also where the increased sec status malus I suggest comes into effect, as a natural and reasonable result of capsuleers (whom though immortal), are still personally culpable for their illegal acts, even after rrsurrecting in a clone.

On Faction Police part:
-Lolwut. Who cares. Easily bypassed and laugably innefficient.
-Perhaps something to consider buffing, but beyond the purview of my suggestion, and irrelevant to it.

My suggestion:

Increase the sec standing negwtive modifier for illegal actions:
-This does not remove the meta of illegal HS activity
-This does not change the meta of illegal HS activity

All it means, is you can potentially do it less often, before you have to recoup sec standing elsewhere, which nonetheless creates content for other players hunting YOU in PvP, according to the legalities of those sectors. Alternatively, you can, if you so wish, remain in HS on your sec standing red character, and continue your activities. But you will beset by PLAYERS now open to engage you.

As a result, sum total of player based content creation remains the same, and is probably increased.

The issue here, is not whether HS ganking/aggression (without due cause from attack or wardec) is ILLEGAL.
It is clear, tabled and accepted, that it is , categorically, ILLEGAL within the games own mechanics.

Does tha mean we should alter CONCORD reaction times?
Does that mean Faction Police should be more efficient?
Does that mean HS bling carebears should fly irresponsibly with impugnity?

Does that mean the sum result of illegal acitivities should promote more PvP against their perpetrator?
Hell yes.

The means to do that, is very simple.
Just increase the security standing loss for ILLEGAL HS activitites.

Therafter, PLAYERS will handle the rest. PvP. Thats what we all want, right?
Not the current PvE vs CONCORD and Faction Police.
Faenir Antollare
For Ever And Ever
#166 - 2015-10-09 15:19:38 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
CONCORD reaction times and Faction Police efficacy are largely irrelevant to the issue of HS illegal actions as they currently stand.
Thats why I propose a more severe sec standing malus modifier instead.

On CONCORDs part:
-The reaction timer is reactive (as in not preventative). I dont see reason for reducing the reaction time.
CONCORD timer reductions might save some ships from destruction by illegal aggression, but so what.
As has been pointed out, using your brain, taking pre-emptivr measures such as travel fits and not uber-blinging are primary in EVE, everywhere.
-Furthermore changing reacrion timers would inordinately complicate matters for aggressors (in their legit meta) extending far beyond its purview into ship balance issues.

-There is the issue of the double edges sword, in terms of CONCORD, as a simple AI entity, blowing up simply the first aggressor. This means their is no recourse for a potential victim for initiating aggression, before they are aggressed upon, uniquely in HS.
There is no way to reconcile this. It is what it is. EVE has no judiciary AI element which weighs the issue of self-defence vs that of the anticipated criminal act of an aggressor. CONCORD will kill whoever first aggressed, whenever they arrive, and thats that.
However, thats also where the increased sec status malus I suggest comes into effect, as a natural and reasonable result of capsuleers (whom though immortal), are still personally culpable for their illegal acts, even after rrsurrecting in a clone.

On Faction Police part:
-Lolwut. Who cares. Easily bypassed and laugably innefficient.
-Perhaps something to consider buffing, but beyond the purview of my suggestion, and irrelevant to it.

My suggestion:

Increase the sec standing negwtive modifier for illegal actions:
-This does not remove the meta of illegal HS activity
-This does not change the meta of illegal HS activity

All it means, is you can potentially do it less often, before you have to recoup sec standing elsewhere, which nonetheless creates content for other players hunting YOU in PvP, according to the legalities of those sectors. Alternatively, you can, if you so wish, remain in HS on your sec standing red character, and continue your activities. But you will beset by PLAYERS now open to engage you.

As a result, sum total of player based content creation remains the same, and is probably increased.

Spoken of a man of actual experience and one that might even know or even understand the subject in discussion ??

For some reason I somehow doubt it.

RiP BooBoo 26/7/1971 - 23/7/2014 My Lady My Love My Life My Wife

Salvos Rhoska
#167 - 2015-10-09 15:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Faenir Antollare wrote:
Spoken of a man of actual experience and one that might even know or even understand the subject in discussion ??

For some reason I somehow doubt it.

Ad hominem.

I demonstrably have more actual experience and knowledge/understanding of the subject in discussion than you.

Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#168 - 2015-10-09 15:29:09 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:

So for once the PvE community is in a thread spouting back at you

Funny, I don't remember electing you to speak for me.
Or, as a matter off fact, for me.

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#169 - 2015-10-09 15:32:35 UTC
I'm not sure if larger sec status losses would be very useful. Career gankers usually lI've indefinitely with very low sec status and it doesn't prevent or even particularly impede their activity.

At the most it would affect part time or occasional gankers and then not in a very big way.

People would like to see faction police nerfed or removed because it limits low sec status players to being in totally disposable ships, which in turn leads to the "there's no way to get back at them" complaint. The continuous NPC enforcement means there's no opportunity for player enforcement.

It may seem counterintuitive but less pervasive NPC enforcement might actually make carebears happier.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#170 - 2015-10-09 15:40:36 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
CONCORD reaction times and Faction Police efficacy are largely irrelevant to the issue of HS illegal actions as they currently stand.
Thats why I propose a more severe sec standing malus modifier instead.

On CONCORDs part:
-The reaction timer is reactive (as in not preventative). I dont see reason for reducing the reaction time.
CONCORD timer reductions might save some ships from destruction by illegal aggression, but so what.
As has been pointed out, using your brain, taking pre-emptivr measures such as travel fits and not uber-blinging are primary in EVE, everywhere.
-Furthermore changing reacrion timers would inordinately complicate matters for aggressors (in their legit meta) extending far beyond its purview into ship balance issues.

-There is the issue of the double edges sword, in terms of CONCORD, as a simple AI entity, blowing up simply the first aggressor. This means their is no recourse for a potential victim for initiating aggression, before they are aggressed upon, uniquely in HS.
There is no way to reconcile this. It is what it is. EVE has no judiciary AI element which weighs the issue of self-defence vs that of the anticipated criminal act of an aggressor. CONCORD will kill whoever first aggressed, whenever they arrive, and thats that.
However, thats also where the increased sec status malus I suggest comes into effect, as a natural and reasonable result of capsuleers (whom though immortal), are still personally culpable for their illegal acts, even after rrsurrecting in a clone.

On Faction Police part:
-Lolwut. Who cares. Easily bypassed and laugably innefficient.
-Perhaps something to consider buffing, but beyond the purview of my suggestion, and irrelevant to it.

My suggestion:

Increase the sec standing negwtive modifier for illegal actions:
-This does not remove the meta of illegal HS activity
-This does not change the meta of illegal HS activity

All it means, is you can potentially do it less often, before you have to recoup sec standing elsewhere, which nonetheless creates content for other players hunting YOU in PvP, according to the legalities of those sectors. Alternatively, you can, if you so wish, remain in HS on your sec standing red character, and continue your activities. But you will beset by PLAYERS now open to engage you.

As a result, sum total of player based content creation remains the same, and is probably increased.

The issue here, is not whether HS ganking/aggression (without due cause from attack or wardec) is ILLEGAL.
It is clear, tabled and accepted, that it is , categorically, ILLEGAL within the games own mechanics.

Does tha mean we should alter CONCORD reaction times?
Does that mean Faction Police should be more efficient?
Does that mean HS bling carebears should fly irresponsibly with impugnity?

Does that mean the sum result of illegal acitivities should promote more PvP against their perpetrator?
Hell yes.

The means to do that, is very simple.
Just increase the security standing loss for ILLEGAL HS activitites.

Therafter, PLAYERS will handle the rest. PvP. Thats what we all want, right?
Not the current PvE vs CONCORD and Faction Police.

What, exactly to you hope your idea would accomplish?

If the idea is that "players will be able to handle gankers", well, players already can. I did. For years.

What would happen with your idea is what already happens:

-people who didn't need addtional CCP implemented game mechanics help vs gankers/code whatever and already use existing tools (ie people like me) will just keep doing that stuff

- people too lazy to use existing tools to fight back and/or protect themselves will continue to fail and just switch over to the next "CCP help me meme" (like they did with the CONCORD respoonse time buff, the miningship EHP buff and the introduction of Anchor rigs).

-The ganker types will just evolve new ways to draw their currency. Their currency is tears. if you would just understand that and teach people not to "pay" them with tears, you wouldn't need to advocate over-complicated "Nerf CODE" stuff like this.

You are like CCP Salvos, you think handing lazy people more tools will somehow help. It won't, they are lazy.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#171 - 2015-10-09 15:40:51 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
only one more nerf

But highsec was already perfectly balanced back when CCP nerfed awoxing. So we don't need another nerf, everything is fine now. The more important topic is who will train all the new players once the awox-nerf subscription wave hits eve.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#172 - 2015-10-09 15:42:30 UTC
Salvos Rhoska
#173 - 2015-10-09 15:49:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
I'm not sure if larger sec status losses would be very useful. Career gankers usually lI've indefinitely with very low sec status and it doesn't prevent or even particularly impede their activity.

At the most it would affect part time or occasional gankers and then not in a very big way.

People would like to see faction police nerfed or removed because it limits low sec status players to being in totally disposable ships, which in turn leads to the "there's no way to get back at them" complaint. The continuous NPC enforcement means there's no opportunity for player enforcement.

It may seem counterintuitive but less pervasive NPC enforcement might actually make carebears happier.

HS is peculiar in many ways.

One of them is that, unlike most other sectors, once you drop below -5.0, you become content for everyone else.
But everywhere else, you are ALREADY free game, regardless of sec status (as far as CONCORD is concerned).

The NPC enforcements are irrelevant to HS illegal action, as either reactive or innefficient (CONCORD and Faction Police respectively).

What could, however, police against proven criminals in HS, is other players.

As such, increasing the sec standing malus, will make illegal criminal CHARACTERS more immediate content for other players.

CONCORD only reacts to the criminal act itself, responsively.
Faction police, inneffectively, react to sec standing players according to specific rules.

PLAYERS, however, have been largely cut out from acting upon proven criminal players.

STANDINGS, and in this case for sec, are real and dynamic states that govern the relstion of a CHARACTER to their environment in terms of NPCS, and through sec, to other players.

Repeat illegal activity characters should, and can be, content for everyone else, as in thr only sector (HS) where it rrally matters.

Increasing the sec standing loss for illegal actions, as close to the -5.0 loss as possible, allowing for multipliers in the sec standing calculations, creates more content in terms of PvP in HS should they choose to remain there, but also commensurately in other sectors where they must farm PvE inorder to recoup sec standing, and where they are vulnerable and content to other aggressive players within those sectors rulesets and deliniations.
Salvos Rhoska
#174 - 2015-10-09 15:53:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
Still mising the point

Explain to me what harm there is in increasing the negative security standing modifier for HS illegal activities?

CONCORD is unaffected.
Faction Police, pfft.
HS illegal action meta is unaffected.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#175 - 2015-10-09 16:01:34 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
only one more nerf

But highsec was already perfectly balanced back when CCP nerfed awoxing. So we don't need another nerf, everything is fine now. The more important topic is who will train all the new players once the awox-nerf subscription wave hits eve.

While i did actually laugh, I also have to say that what you describe is frustrating on some small level. All the time I think "how many times does a way of thinking have to fail before you realize that it's that way of thinking that is faulty"?

CCP had a game that was rough enough to spawn this graphic, and it grew. Then they started trying to 'expand the universe' and 'lower the barriers of entry' and make a game that is 'easy to learn, hard to master' . And it stopped growing. It's this insidious carebearish ideology that hurts the game by trying to comfort the lazy at the expense of the creative.

They increased the safety of high sec (where everyone starts), added all these 'nanny state' pop ups that stop you from doing anything memorable/interesting/emotionally impactful at least until you click the "don't show me this again" box for the 20th time and then wonder why they aren't getting more people, like they don't understand the idea that people who are into space sandbox games are adventurer types for which too much safety is off putting.

If I started playing EVE in 2015 instead of 2007, I don't know it I'd stay, 2007 EVE treated me like an adult in charge of my own space life and destiny, 2015 EVE tells me I need reminding that I'm undocking without a mission item oh and here is a complete in game guide to completing that same mission...
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#176 - 2015-10-09 16:05:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Still mising the point

Explain to me what harm there is in increasing the negative security standing modifier for HS illegal activities?

CONCORD is unaffected.
Faction Police, pfft.
HS illegal action meta is unaffected.

This is what happens when someone holds a prejudice so strong it kills their ability to reason. You know the truth even if you are unwilling to say it. You don't like CODE, your method of hurting them is to 'legislate them to death'.

I'm telling you it doesn't work. It won't affect CODE. It will be a waste of DEV time because the people it might have helped don't need it and the people who might need it don't even use what they have now. If CCP did this tommorow, you'd be right back here next year suggesting more things aimed at CODE.

Just don't give them any tears. CODE (and gankers in general) are a problem that solves itself if you simply don't act like a mental weakling in game. Starve them of tears, they go away on their own.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#177 - 2015-10-09 16:16:25 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Still mising the point

Explain to me what harm there is in increasing the negative security standing modifier for HS illegal activities?

CONCORD is unaffected.
Faction Police, pfft.

My proposal just results in more PvP content as -5.0 standing players can be freely aggressed in HS, as well as more content in other sectors where they have to transit to, and then engage in PvE inorder to recoup sec standing loss, where they are then content for other players as targets (as they themselves earlier found targets for illegal activity in HS).

Look, I get it, you think you are great game developer. But you don't realize how this works. You can't fix stupid.

As an example, here is what will happen if your idea gets implemented:

We don't care because we operate at -10 anyway. The anti-gankers and local heroes on the other hand, who try to kill our bumping ships will now become instant outlaws after only one gank?! And they will not be prepared for the Facpo and probably lose a few other ships until they realize what they have done. They will cry about how unfair it is and how we hide behind this unbalanced mechanic, a mechanic people like you tried to implement to nerf what we do.

It's always people who care about game mechanics vs. lazy people who don't care and there is no patch to fix that.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#178 - 2015-10-09 16:22:26 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

While i did actually laugh, I also have to say that what you describe is frustrating on some small level. All the time I think "how many times does a way of thinking have to fail before you realize that it's that way of thinking that is faulty"?

Never. They worship their feelings.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Bethan Le Troix
Krusual Investigation Agency
#179 - 2015-10-09 16:47:31 UTC
Not entirely sure this comes under your request for ideas but I would suggest removing 'hyperdunking' . It is so obviously an exploit as it subverts the fifteen minute combat timer. I have personally argued with CCP in-game over the issue but to no avail. Don't get me wrong though - I don't support 'afk' hauling, bad ship fittings or overfilling cargo holds with expensive cargo - but I believe 'hyperdunking' has now pushed ganking of haulers to a silly level. I'm not against ganking as a mechanic either. But 'hyperdunking' would be stopped if I had the power to do so.

Apparently 'hyperdunking' may be about to be removed soon according to other posts so maybe my request is about to happen.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#180 - 2015-10-09 17:11:24 UTC
Hisec is CCP the great burger shop trying to sell tofu to vegans, and wondering why the store doesn't ever reach critical mass.

This. (Namely this).

Done, please tip your waiter.