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Sell Orders

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First post
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#221 - 2016-01-30 00:06:24 UTC
Kathao Crendraven wrote:
If you mean station access, yes, you have access to all stations in the region. You are free to use all functions that a station offers - refinery tax is at 15%.

Jump Clones, Ship Repair and similar stuff is free, of course.

Yes all newcomers to the Section 8 program will find a safe protected home in 5ZXX-K, probably the best system to base from for renter newbro's.
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2016-02-02 12:56:28 UTC
No worries, we do have better options consisting out of stations that were built directly and managed by us.

Also, bump!
Andrew Xadi
Get Off My Lawn
#223 - 2016-02-03 15:37:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrew Xadi

I'm not interrested in renting yet(EDIT: may be later), but would like to get few more details:

1. I was in SMA and i'm familiar with First come rule, and there was also rule to not do sites outside sma's territory, unless it's an escalation. Is it also apply to renters?

2. From what i understand, taxes are from ratting and towers, so if i'm doing only industry(building stuff) i'm not paying anything, but fee while joining, right?

3. Let's say, that there is some free moon with valuable moon goo, and i take it. Will you ask me to leave it? And if First come rule also apply to moons, and from what i remember when you fly away from site, it's not your's anymore, is that mean, that if somebody's pos was destroyed, i can set mine there as soon as hostile fleet left it, or there is some time, previous owner can get it back, or i can't take it until previous owner say so?

4. Some fleet put my pos into reinforcement. Can i contact some1 and you'll send a fleet to get there to protect it when it gets out of it? Will you rep it then, that i could refill strontium bay?

5. Is there any super upgrade in any renter's system?

a if not, can i buy and install it on my own?
b If yes or i install one, can i build this super?

7. I heard about the rule, that as a part of imperium, you can't sell supers out of it, are renters a part of imperium then(can buy them from imperium corp), or not(but can sell them outside)

8. If i somehow get a super, either i build it or buy it from other imperium's corp, are there any regulations about how can i use them? I mean can i do mining/ratting in super carrier if i want, and i can afford to lose it? And what if rental program would be closed again? Can i keep it, as i technicly not selling it anywhere? Will you help me get it out of there safely? Or i can't keep it in that case? But then will you pay me for it, or just confiscate?

9. If i can participate in goons fleet, can i leave rental area to get to starting system for example? Or will you take fleet to pick me up? But then can i enter non-rental area while in fleet?

10. You said, that you'll make a hub in rental's space, but then hek is also a hub, but there is not so many stuff as in jita, so can i go to some system in goons teritory, that is not in rental area to buy something that is not available in rental's hub?

11. Will we have access to every imperium's intel channel? like pb.imperium, or fade.imperium?

12. Can i be a renter as a 1 man corp? What if i join as a 1 man corp and pay fee for a 1 man corp and then 500 peoples will join me next day?

13. I've found a nice system, but without outpost. Can i install it there? If i do, can i keep it? Can i put a docking fee, even for allies and alliance members, to get my money back? What if you lose this system? Will you pay me for this outpost if you say, that i have to transfer it to other corp, or when you close the program?
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#224 - 2016-02-07 15:20:38 UTC
Happy to answer your questions!

1. First come, first served is the regular ratting rule for all members of this coalition, including renters. Apart from that, the rule is similar to SMA's boundaries: For Section 8 it's Pure Blind only, ratting elsewhere is not allowed, unless it's neutral/hostile/empire space, of course.

2. Exactly!

3. No, all free moons are available for you and first come, first served applies to moons, too. If you have a moon and it got moon goo on it, it's yours and yours only. However, there are certain types of goo that are always in the hands of the state (to be precise: R64s, Technetium and Cadmium) and while you are allowed to tower a moon that got those goo types on it, we reserve the right to take over it at any time.
Any other goo is free for all and if you find a free moon, it's yours.

4. Yup! You can hand in your timer to me or another manager, we give it to the FCs and unless something important is going up at that time, we will help you. However, there is no official guarantee that we protect your private asset, but de facto all reinforced towers always have been saved by our troops.

5. No, we deactivated all SCSAA upgrades in all iHubs outside of designated super capital facilities and we are not installing new ones either. Building supers or titans is not possible in Section 8.

6. a) You can upgrade every system with as many upgrades as you like, except SCSAA upgrades. We are not installing those at any time.

7. Regarding that building them is not possible, this is relatively redundant but in fact you are able to buy supers and titans from coalition members, while we prefer to keep sales inside of the coalition.

8. Not at all, you can rat with them, mine rocks with it and lose ten supers a day if you want. There also are no plans to ever close this program again, as we designed it the way to survive any kind of new icelandic invention, but that would be a special case anyways, so I cannot answer that generalized.
We will never confiscate any private asset of any member, no matter if we close stuff or not.

9. Yes, inside of a regular fleet you are free to move everywhere the fleet needs you to be and you can act and fly just like any other fleet member without any special restrictions.

10. We currently have two trade hubs around, one being the capital of Section 8, DK-, the other one being the (ex-) staging system of Goonswarm, D2-. Currently Saranen ist getting stocked up, too, as we moved there recently. Additionally, the shipping service makes it possible for you to import anything from Jita directly to your home for a small price. Due to that, using other tradehubs (that currently also are worse than our own, due to our deployment) is not possible.

11. Yup! Including Intel visualisation tools, standing fleet, Imperium mumble, Jabber and organized patrols and roams that clear the area.

12. Sure, you can have as many or as few members as you want. Recruiting more people afterwards is also fine, as it's a one-time entry fee
If we see that you just removed members of your corp to lower your entry fee and get them back just to screw us, you'll be in trouble, but regular recruitment afterwards is cool.

13. Due to the upcoming citadel changes we are currently not installing new stations unless someone wants to spend money really really badly.
However, the station will be transferred to GoonWaffe and managed from there, docking fees are basically blue ******* and as such, not allowed.
If we lose a system, we will get it back, including all assets inside of it. The outpost will always be considered alliance asset and we will protect and manage it with our full might and leadership structure. Also, we transfer the outpost to streamline management and not have dozens of private stations lying around that cause drama and problems, not because we steal it from you. The outpost still is considered yours and we give you huge bonuses for it (for example, exclusive access to all moons in the system), but we do not pay it off you - because then, we simply could install it ourselves.
Andrew Xadi
Get Off My Lawn
#225 - 2016-02-07 17:51:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrew Xadi
Ok, it clear almost everything :) I still need some time to decide, but it's not so bad. However you missed few parts and also i forgot about something or just need more specific answer:

1. Can i enter SMA/TNT space inside PB?

2. Can i go to starting system while joining fleets, or you'll pick me up?

3. Do you have some kind of SRP for renters while in fleet?

4. "while you are allowed to tower a moon that got those goo types on it, we reserve the right to take over it at any time." I guess, that mean, that you'll ask me to leave it within few days/weeks, not destroy it, but will you help me take it down safe?

5. Pos is under attack and you'll protect it in most cases, but will you rep it at least to 50% so i can refill strontium bay?

6. " in fact you are able to buy supers and titans from coalition members, while we prefer to keep sales inside of the coalition." What does that mean? Is renter part of coalition, or not? If i can buy it inside, can i sell it outside?

7. "The outpost still is considered yours and we give you huge bonuses for it (for example, exclusive access to all moons in the system)" So if i install it in system with moon goo like R64s, Technetium and/or Cadmium, i can ask you to leave this moon, or this was just example? Let's say i'll install minmatar outpost with all processing upgrades, will i have any tax on processing, or you'll set 0% for my corp(no idea if game allows that, or it's just standing, just guessing), or every outpost in PB/Goons/Imperium have no processing fee?(never've been processing while i was in sma). Can i decide what name will it have and what processing tax will there be? If it's in GoonWaffe, i'm not reciving any money for processing and officess(not sure if it goes to owner, or ccp)., can i ask you to set it to 0 for every1 who can dock then? Is there any minmatar outpost with all processing upgrades in PB?


8. If i pay you 250m to get inside PubSwarm, to fly there few days and check if it's ok 4 me without paying 2b for corp without any knownledge about it, and i decide to get my corp inside, do i still have to pay 2b, or 1,75b?


9. Does PubSwarm have any POSes in PB with compression array or every alliance pos(non renter's) is open for renters and do you have POSes i could use in most of PB's systems?
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#226 - 2016-02-07 18:42:37 UTC
1. Yup, free to travel and be there, but ratting/mining/towering is limited to GoonSwarm's part of Pure Blind.

2. Sure, every fleet movement, including movement that needs you to get to the fleet, is not restricted by usual boundaries.

3. No, currently there is no SRP for Section 8 active.

4. More like "Please remove that tower as soon as possible or tell us who to annoy to get it removed by tomorrow or the day after, so we can take over soon. But yes, we will not destroy blue assets and deal with those major timers when we can simply reach out and talk to you.

5. Our POS defense fleets always consist out of combat and logistic wings. The latter will rep your POS up to speed up the entire op, yes.

6. No, you cannot sell supers outside of the coalition, as Section 8 is considered as a part of that. So far that situation never happened and the policies are less strict than with regular Goonswarm members, so this is mostly a case-by-case decision.

7. That example was not only a demonstration but is in fact a deal we have in place with people dropping stations. Excluded from the deal are strategic moons, like R64s, Techs and Cadmium as well as staging POSes, but exclusive rights for every other goo type and moon.
You can choose the name of your station and switch it at any time, we usually streamline the taxes to our normal values (0 for everything but refinery, which is 15%) but one can talk about changing that for your station without a problem.
About the upgraded nature of the stations I'd have to look it up, as API does not provide this information currently (blame CCP), but iirc we do have at least one fully upgraded refinery station around, yes.

8. You can do that, but the entry fees will not add up to each other, so you will neither get your 250m back, nor pay less than the usual 2b corp entry fee. Prices are set and not negotionable, except when a lot (<7) alts want to join NOBUX at once (in that case we usually give a discount).

9. Yes, we have two public compression array POSes up in Pure Blind, additionally most JB/staging POSes from GoonWaffe that are considered strategic, are open for use for every alliance member. A good number of private renter corps also put up public POSes along with free compression arrays, too.
Not every POS is open for everyone (as I said, most strategic ones are), private POSes never HAVE to be open for everyone - that's the owner's decision) but usually people are quite liberal when it comes to that.

Hope to hear from you!
Andrew Xadi
Get Off My Lawn
#227 - 2016-02-07 20:09:22 UTC
Ok, that leaves me without any further questions atm, but i still need some time to decide, i'll(or not) contact you when i made that decision.

Fly safe
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#228 - 2016-02-13 16:13:39 UTC
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#229 - 2016-02-19 17:40:05 UTC
Up to the top
Ranik Sandaris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#230 - 2016-02-21 05:39:46 UTC
With all the fun we are having out here, i think this deserves another bump. Come one, come all, the peanut butter is all gooey.
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#231 - 2016-02-23 18:49:33 UTC
February coming to an end, Section 8 is doing great. Join us!
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#232 - 2016-02-26 11:55:26 UTC
Ranik Sandaris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#233 - 2016-02-28 13:35:47 UTC
Been out here a few months now, and really it is fantastic. The space is great, isk is plentiful, and now getting involved in fleets, and the community as a whole is even better. I have not had this much fun in eve for years.

You heard right, eve AND fun can exist in the same place. Who would of thought?

der Sardaukar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#234 - 2016-03-11 11:39:37 UTC
Friendly Bump. Come and have fun in Pure Bling.
Ranik Sandaris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#235 - 2016-03-14 18:35:50 UTC
Come one, come all, pure bling is nice and warm. Join as a loner, join as a corp, or join of the corps out here. Either way we would love to see you :D
MssNova Novafamily
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#236 - 2016-03-14 20:30:44 UTC
i need system in Deklein,can i rent it?

Thank u.
der Sardaukar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#237 - 2016-03-15 08:18:53 UTC
MssNova Novafamily wrote:
i need system in Deklein,can i rent it?

Thank u.

I don't if this a troll or you just didn't read the renting rules.
only Pure Blind is available without any pinned systems in the CONDI SOV.
MssNova Novafamily
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#238 - 2016-03-15 10:32:25 UTC
der Sardaukar wrote:
MssNova Novafamily wrote:
i need system in Deklein,can i rent it?

Thank u.

I don't if this a troll or you just didn't read the renting rules.
only Pure Blind is available without any pinned systems in the CONDI SOV.

I just asked man x)
Kathao Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#239 - 2016-03-16 12:20:01 UTC
No sorry, we currently do not rent out Deklein, but with all of Pure Blind being available and most of it already being upgraded (and if not, upgradeable) you usually can do just fine here already, so Deklein is not even necessary.

Also, bump!
Klonazepam Lee
#240 - 2016-03-17 01:57:26 UTC
Hello. I´ve two questions:

1 - Talking about drama . if i rent as an individual, will i able to mine in every S8 system? even in those "occupied" for a big renter corp? what will happen if they don´t like me around "their" ores ?

2 - About security. i am a miner, so in most part of time i won´t be able to kill someone. if an enemy gang camp systems around me . will be possible ask help or inside pure blind renter is "every man for himself". ?


ps. sorry about my english , i born in Portugal.