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[AEGIS] Fleet Warp Changes - Please see devblog!

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A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#1621 - 2015-06-18 20:27:44 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
Iowa Banshee wrote:
Amazing -- In a civilization so advanced it has faster than light travel, stargates, A communication channel between players that allows everything from social chat, swapping fits & overviews to instant cash transfers AND the best way to get a spot in space to warp to is Flush it out & scoop it up

That's right - superluminal communications completely unaffected by distances of thousands of light years, and my ship's computer can't give your ship's computer the 3 pairs of numbers that form coordinates when we're 1500m apart.

Meh. According to the lore, your ship's gravity capacitor (not computer) has to lock onto a gravity signal into order to warp to it. So in theory, random bookmarks shouldn't work. Nor should warping to most/all sub-caps work. Nor should any target smaller than a "cluster of asteroids..."

If CCP can completely ignore their lore, then appealing to logic is probably a sub-optimal debate tactic as well.

edit: Gravity capacitor, not computer, decides where you warp.

If you can "lock on" to a gravity signal, you can use the positions of those signals to plot another point in space. It's not lore, it's math.

Of course, CCP ignores math too, so perhaps you are correct.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#1622 - 2015-06-18 20:31:33 UTC  |  Edited by: A55 Burger
Elsa Hayes wrote:

And as of 80 pages "negative" feedback, I see mostly alts and minor scrubs like myself posting against it except I am not against it, I am in favor still does not change that I am a minor scrub none the less while the guys from the major alliance and a lot of vets who actually still know how things used to be a couple of years back are very much in favor of the change.

Please, feel free to tabulate such things, and get back to us. Discounting 80 pages of posts by hand-waving it away as "alts and scrubs" isn't really a cogent argument.

*I'm sure CCP is capable of sorting out who the scrubs are. I imagine they have a spreadsheet or two. Possibly even a database.
Awkward Pi Duolus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1623 - 2015-06-18 20:39:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Awkward Pi Duolus
Elsa Hayes wrote:
People just act as if this was a change to something absolutely unheard in EvE when all it really is is a sort of roll back to how things were a couple of years back when there was far less holding hands and catering to the aut****.

People managed back then, they actually manged just fine and people will manage again.

And as of 80 pages "negative" feedback, I see mostly alts and minor scrubs like myself posting against it except I am not against it, I am in favor still does not change that I am a minor scrub none the less while the guys from the major alliance and a lot of vets who actually still know how things used to be a couple of years back are very much in favor of the change.

It seems that the people against it are the newer ones and people who think that log in, join fleet, assign drones, watch furry smut, come back and admire your increased kill board stats is indeed leet peeveepee.

Extending your confidence in your insignificance to your confidence of the collective insignificance of folks posting here may be a tad misplaced.
Malei Kinra
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1624 - 2015-06-18 20:49:59 UTC
Just posted my two cents on Reddit r/eve; I won't cut and paste (it's a wall o' text) but you can read it here.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#1625 - 2015-06-18 20:52:07 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
Iowa Banshee wrote:
Amazing -- In a civilization so advanced it has faster than light travel, stargates, A communication channel between players that allows everything from social chat, swapping fits & overviews to instant cash transfers AND the best way to get a spot in space to warp to is Flush it out & scoop it up

That's right - superluminal communications completely unaffected by distances of thousands of light years, and my ship's computer can't give your ship's computer the 3 pairs of numbers that form coordinates when we're 1500m apart.

Meh. According to the lore, your ship's gravity capacitor (not computer) has to lock onto a gravity signal into order to warp to it. So in theory, random bookmarks shouldn't work. Nor should warping to most/all sub-caps work. Nor should any target smaller than a "cluster of asteroids..."

If CCP can completely ignore their lore, then appealing to logic is probably a sub-optimal debate tactic as well.

edit: Gravity capacitor, not computer, decides where you warp.

My scan probes can warp anywhere, not even a bookmark required.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Emo Creeper
Star Freaks
#1626 - 2015-06-18 20:56:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Emo Creeper
Rekatan wrote:
Larrikin and others @ CCP need to read and then reread it as many times as it takes. There's way too much "can't see the forest for the trees" going on here. After listening to both of the recorded Q&As, it really boils down to this:

If you're having to explain away more "side effects" and "drawbacks" than the initial change would have provided in terms of benefits, then the entire premise for the change is flawed. The above post does an outstanding job of going into more detail on that.

Would Eve benefit from removal of fleet warp (what this in fact is for most practical applications)? Possibly. Is CCP prepared for the development time/cost associated with providing adequate replacements so as to enhance the player's experience rather than ruin it? After listening to these two Q&As, clearly not.

Adding more tedium to the game is NOT how you make players more involved... No one wants this change for next month because it doesn't add content, it just adds headache. Once it adds content, it will likely receive a very different reception.

I would honestly be 100% OK with a slight nerf to combat probes. Not only does it achieve the intended goals stated by CCP devs, it doesn't actually take any tools away from fleet commanders.

Also, could we get some sort of dev blog about this? Because both of the round tables weren't very informative. Sorry CCP Larrikin, but you didn't exactly give players an intended goal for this change and what it would fix.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#1627 - 2015-06-18 21:14:51 UTC
Emo Creeper wrote:
Also, could we get some sort of dev blog about this? Because both of the round tables weren't very informative. Sorry CCP Larrikin, but you didn't exactly give players an intended goal for this change and what it would fix.

Palming your forums (and their moderation) off onto Reddit is much cheaper. It also is easier to hide responses there, without having to resort to pesky rules.
Dr Leech
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1628 - 2015-06-18 21:52:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Leech
I cant say how much this would suck comging from a small wormhole group, I feel CCP should add useful game content and not just make the game more awkward to play. If they dislike bombers, introduce a better counter for bomb runs.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1629 - 2015-06-18 21:59:46 UTC
CSM members are still talking to CCP about this.

Some of us are still, here, listening and taking reasonable concerns and suggestions.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

#1630 - 2015-06-18 22:07:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Naglerr
Mike Azariah wrote:
CSM members are still talking to CCP about this.

Some of us are still, here, listening and taking reasonable concerns and suggestions.


This is fantastic news. Protip: Don't look here for additional reasonable concerns, those were all voiced in the first 40 pages. Now most of us are just sitting around complaining and trolling until the verdict is finalized.
Soldari Orion
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1631 - 2015-06-18 22:21:38 UTC
Hi CCP Devs,

I'm /u/jokeres from Reddit.

I've put down my hesitations about your proposed changes and laid out what I think are some possible ideas to get you rolling on something to fix the problem statement here:

As I said I'd do it, i'm posting the text reformatted to this board here, now that we've had some discussion about it, post split into two parts since it doesn't quite fit in one.


I'll start out saying that I respect your vision and have enjoyed your game for quite some time. I've disagreed with many of your decisions (mining anomalies spring to mind) and have come to like some of the changes i thought would ruin some of my enjoyment of the game (warp speed changes). I enjoyed the changes to mining barges, the changes to assault frigates, tiericide was stellar, and I haven't seen a ship design modification that I haven't liked.

Now, that being said: I've understood the rationale behind each of your changes. They made sense. I'm a systems engineer, and from the community opinion, it always seemed like there was a rationale related decision for each of these. Warp speed changes were natural - large capital ships should never have been able to traverse space as quickly as interceptors and while I don't necessarily agree that the correct speed was chosen, the choice was logical. Mining anomalies revealed mining fleets to incoming enemies, rather than only to probers meaning mining fleets could successfully be engaged - the design decision made sense. Tiericide allowed all battleships to be usable, if not preferred in certain situations - fleet variety is awesome.
I don't understand your rationale behind these proposed fleet warp changes. Heck, I'm not even confident you've correctly defined your problem statement.

The stated problem statement is:

The goal of these changes is to encourage more individual fleet member participation and reduce the speed at which fleets can get on top of targets (e.g bombers).

Let's quickly analyze this, we've got two ideas here:

The goal of these changes is to encourage more individual fleet member participation and reduce the speed at which fleets can get on top of targets (e.g bombers).

Let's examine how this proposed change achieves the objective of participation:

  • Forcing a player to perform more actions conceivably increases their participation as they will be performing more actions. Is changing fleet warping to a location scanned down by a prober to individual warping to a location scanned down and spread by bookmarks really increasing participation?

  • Why should we allow any types of fleet warping, if the goal is more individual participation? This is a difference which certainly can confuse new players. In the proposed change, you can only fleet warp to players, but you can warp some element of that very same fleet to bookmarks. Remember the simple KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. We want one action to perform the same for all objects, and to interact in a similar manner no matter the case. If I go in a POS shield with an interceptor, it should behave the same was as if I go in a POS shield with a carrier. If I fleet warp to a planet it should behave the same way as a bookmark, especially if as an individual I can warp to a planet in the same was as a bookmark.

Let's examine how this proposed achieves the objective of reducing the speed at which fleets can get on top of targets:

  • In order to warp in on fleets, as the prober, I now need to warp to the location before other pilots can warp to me. This encourages alt-probing, as FCs will now be able to warp to another player's probe result rather than their own.

  • Interceptors are in no greater a position than they already are, because burning over a great distance at an enemy fleet is suicide. This doesn't help them, and doesn't help tackle achieve their goal, as this encourages low sig fleets that require more probing.

There are definitely other advantages, but let me pull on a common thread. Combat probing is the origin of each of these problems.Why can an FC warp to a location of an enemy? The FC must first find them, via combat probing. Why do fleet members not need to participate in the current meta? Probing to get on top of members is intensive and requires specific modules. Without them, the common line member cannot participate in finding the enemy. They cannot involve themselves in getting placement, and achieving the goal of acquiring tackle.
Soldari Orion
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1632 - 2015-06-18 22:23:57 UTC
Part 2:

Instead, i'd propose the following problem statement:

Combat probing has slowly but surely become too effective at placing fleets on top of other fleets. It is effectively a sledgehammer, with efficiency, speed, and exact location. It is the cause of fleet combat slowly but surely becoming a game of warping directly onto the enemy and in placing bombers into a location. Combat probing is so effective that one cannot run a nullsec fleet effectively without it. Being able to warp to a probe result has effectively negated any advantage of home field due to the ease and efficiency of combat scanning.

So, to recap: If we want to fix this while increasing fleet member participation and reduce the speed at which fleets can get on top of targets, let's fix combat probing.

Let's look through the problem statement:

Combat probing has slowly but surely become too effective at placing fleets on top of other fleets. It is effectively a sledgehammer, with efficiency, speed, and exact location. It is the cause of fleet combat slowly but surely becoming a game of warping directly onto the enemy and in placing bombers into a location. Combat probing is so effective that one cannot run a nullsec fleet effectively without it. Being able to warp to a probe result has effectively negated any advantage of home field due to the ease and efficiency of combat scanning.

  1. Efficiency - Combat probes are not targetable and are reusable. There is no defense against combat probing, beyond merely warping away. Repeatable probe arrangements have also decreased the positioning difficulty.

  2. Speed - Combat probe results occur quickly, with effectively no delay. Recovery time between scans is relatively quick - allowing a user to scan, re-scan, re-scan over and over to pinpoint it.

  3. Exact Location - Probes return the exact location of the object, allowing the fleet to effectively warp on top of it.

Change any of these, and we effectively fix the stated problem statement. If we don't have an exact location, we encourage multiple probe locations so that an FC can warp tackle to two locations to try to catch enemy fleets, and encourage tackle to burn from the warp-in to grab enemies. If we don't have speed, fleets can move and adjust from locations during a delay, or scanning could take more time allowing tackle to be more effective. Efficiency causes there to be an action that can be done to inhibit scanning or make combat probes expendable.

Let's fix the problem instead of stabbing wildly in the dark.



Soldari Orion

An Interested Yet Confused Eve Player

P.S. If bombers go off the warp-in by 10 km, it's major. If they have to warp to a cloaked pilot who just scanned and warped, it barely effects them. CCP, your stated goal doesn't fix that for the vast majority of bombing runs.

P.P.S. This also retains "home field advantage" for FCs by allowing them to warp to their local bookmarks and engage enemies. The proposed fleet warp change negatively affect home field advantage and runs counter to Fozzie's proposed sovereignty design.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#1633 - 2015-06-18 22:37:01 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
CSM members are still talking to CCP about this.

Some of us are still, here, listening and taking reasonable concerns and suggestions.


Hopefully it turns out better than jump fatigue.
Emo Creeper
Star Freaks
#1634 - 2015-06-18 23:08:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Emo Creeper
A55 Burger wrote:

Hopefully it turns out better than jump fatigue.

To be fair, Jump Fatigue is huge pain in the ass but it didn't prevent you from jumping to some locations all together. Hell, it (jump fatigue) even had some benefit in reducing the effective range of large cap fleets, letting smaller groups use their capitals. This change has very little to no estimated benefit.

This change effects EVERYONE and not just cap/logistics pilots, hence the VERY LARGE outcry (and overwhelming negative response) on the Eve Forums, Reddit, Eve News sites, Eve blogs, etc.

Mike Azariah wrote:
CSM members are still talking to CCP about this.

Some of us are still, here, listening and taking reasonable concerns and suggestions.


Oh god, please tell me most of you guys on the CSM can see why this is a terrible idea.
TK Corp
#1635 - 2015-06-18 23:15:39 UTC
Emo Creeper wrote:
Oh god, please tell me most of you guys on the CSM can see why this is a terrible idea.

Pretty sure the CSM can't tell you how the CSM feels, only that they're still listening and talking to CCP.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#1636 - 2015-06-18 23:24:22 UTC  |  Edited by: A55 Burger
Emo Creeper wrote:
A55 Burger wrote:

Hopefully it turns out better than jump fatigue.

To be fair, Jump Fatigue is huge pain in the ass but it didn't prevent you from jumping to some locations all together. Hell, it (jump fatigue) even had some benefit in reducing the effective range of large cap fleets, letting smaller groups use their capitals. This change has very little to no estimated benefit.

Just to catch you up, the CSM got backdoored on the jump fatigue changes. That's germane to this discussion, as for the actual mechanics, not so much.

*That's why I said we'd be better off with CCP reversing the changes from the T20 fallout. Then they could actually play the game they design again, and as for the CSM, CCP only listens to them when they want to these days.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1637 - 2015-06-18 23:27:24 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Emo Creeper wrote:
Oh god, please tell me most of you guys on the CSM can see why this is a terrible idea.

Pretty sure the CSM can't tell you how the CSM feels, only that they're still listening and talking to CCP.

Not true. I can always tell you how I feel. Just not what is said by CCP nor can I hint at ccp discussions by saying things like 'I feel that the AOE omnidamage module for POS shields is a tad overkill' Not that that topic has come up (as far as you know)

This was suggested by someone (I am too lazy to go look) that some eve related media outlet occasionally ask CSM members what they think of threadnaught topics. Of course, some of them will not bother answering pubbies. No point is there?

As for me, to get back to the implied question.

No, I do not see it as a terrible idea but one that needs iteration, consideration, and some tweaking. I stand by the basic idea behind it of not abdicating ships powers to another pilot to do things for you. I could haul out slippery slope arguments or make strawmen but I won't bother. We are far enough along this thread that most of them have been done to death already.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Harry Saq
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1638 - 2015-06-18 23:39:25 UTC
lol - I would argue the the targeted ship for this change (bomber) is actually the least affected, as you can warp a bomber cloaked, so getting one guy on target while remaining safe isn't all that difficult. However, every other other type of ship has been kicked in the Saq, as you have to dangle a solo out there in full view of all of creation and hope the rest can get there in time.

I just find it ironic that the amplification of issues and impact of the not-really-intended-to-target ship class is so flagrantly worse...
Emo Creeper
Star Freaks
#1639 - 2015-06-18 23:52:39 UTC
Harry Saq wrote:
lol - I would argue the the targeted ship for this change (bomber) is actually the least affected, as you can warp a bomber cloaked, so getting one guy on target while remaining safe isn't all that difficult. However, every other other type of ship has been kicked in the Saq, as you have to dangle a solo out there in full view of all of creation and hope the rest can get there in time.

I just find it ironic that the amplification of issues and impact of the not-really-intended-to-target ship class is so flagrantly worse...

Not to mention that an aware FC won't be able to warp a fleet off to a perch if he sees bombs. RIP fleet.
Ion Udan
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#1640 - 2015-06-19 00:05:38 UTC
Soldari Orion wrote:
Part 2:

Instead, i'd propose the following problem statement:

Combat probing has slowly but surely become too effective at placing fleets on top of other fleets. It is effectively a sledgehammer, with efficiency, speed, and exact location. It is the cause of fleet combat slowly but surely becoming a game of warping directly onto the enemy and in placing bombers into a location. Combat probing is so effective that one cannot run a nullsec fleet effectively without it. Being able to warp to a probe result has effectively negated any advantage of home field due to the ease and efficiency of combat scanning.

So, to recap: If we want to fix this while increasing fleet member participation and reduce the speed at which fleets can get on top of targets, let's fix combat probing.

Let's look through the problem statement:

Combat probing has slowly but surely become too effective at placing fleets on top of other fleets. It is effectively a sledgehammer, with efficiency, speed, and exact location. It is the cause of fleet combat slowly but surely becoming a game of warping directly onto the enemy and in placing bombers into a location. Combat probing is so effective that one cannot run a nullsec fleet effectively without it. Being able to warp to a probe result has effectively negated any advantage of home field due to the ease and efficiency of combat scanning.

  1. Efficiency - Combat probes are not targetable and are reusable. There is no defense against combat probing, beyond merely warping away. Repeatable probe arrangements have also decreased the positioning difficulty.

  2. Speed - Combat probe results occur quickly, with effectively no delay. Recovery time between scans is relatively quick - allowing a user to scan, re-scan, re-scan over and over to pinpoint it.

  3. Exact Location - Probes return the exact location of the object, allowing the fleet to effectively warp on top of it.

Change any of these, and we effectively fix the stated problem statement. If we don't have an exact location, we encourage multiple probe locations so that an FC can warp tackle to two locations to try to catch enemy fleets, and encourage tackle to burn from the warp-in to grab enemies. If we don't have speed, fleets can move and adjust from locations during a delay, or scanning could take more time allowing tackle to be more effective. Efficiency causes there to be an action that can be done to inhibit scanning or make combat probes expendable.

Let's fix the problem instead of stabbing wildly in the dark.



Soldari Orion

An Interested Yet Confused Eve Player

P.S. If bombers go off the warp-in by 10 km, it's major. If they have to warp to a cloaked pilot who just scanned and warped, it barely effects them. CCP, your stated goal doesn't fix that for the vast majority of bombing runs.

P.P.S. This also retains "home field advantage" for FCs by allowing them to warp to their local bookmarks and engage enemies. The proposed fleet warp change negatively affect home field advantage and runs counter to Fozzie's proposed sovereignty design.

CCP Larrikin, you should read this mans post repeatedly until it sinks in.

So, glorious QEX brother steals potatoes from hisec.