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Warfare & Tactics

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Any news of a Faction Warfare change?

Plus 10 NV
#181 - 2015-10-22 23:22:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain

Your post made me chuckle. I think most of the people who couldn't stand the farm wars left. The notion that throwing npcs at FW farmers will hinder them is about as bad as the idea that throwing seeds at regular farmers will hinder them.

I'm not sure its that people "adapted" as much as the people who don't mind that faction war involves alts in stabbed or empty frigates are all that is left and continuing to join. I used to be more passionate about the game but years of ccp promises remaining unfulfilled - such as better intel tools, and timer rollbacks has made me more detached.

So I am not surprised that most people in faction war are fine with it, or pretty much gave up trying to help. There is no doubt that warfare and tactics is pretty much empty compared to how it was 3 years ago when ccp made some of these promises.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#182 - 2015-10-23 02:38:31 UTC
A lot of people come in, eager to learn. They just don't get the help. Eve is s game you have to read into, and that is its greatest hurdle, in every aspect. From the new player experience to FW. As for Null bears joining FW in droves,I doubt very much, for much the same reason high sec mission runners wouldn't. Some People set their own goals and don't like variables, distractions, or the unexpected. There has to be better tools available, as you said, which explain concepts and expand awareness of changing environments. Not things that encourage you to be lazy. I don't like the idea of notifications when someone runs a timer in another constellation. In fact, of I'm not wrong, i think this information is already present in the FW window map grid. The system you hover your pointer over pulses and says, "Something something are currently being captured." Whatever delay it has, I'm not privy to. My own free time has been greatly reduced, but i still fly here and there. I can't wait for the t3d Small's change. I haven't seen that many AF's lately that weren't in a gang. As for timer rollbacks, I'm sure we'll see them soon too. I'm glad that the Null changes have made it glaringly obvious. One thing i would love to see is system upgradeability, where you can CHOOSE the bonus in system when you donate, with higher grade options only available at level V, like cyno inhibitor or the fuel bonus to towers. Heck, maybe even invasive bonuses that increase cost of fuel or station services to non -militia entities. I know we're not the only ones in lowsec, but some of these could be fun and there are many non-FW lowsec systems out there.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#183 - 2015-10-23 09:09:32 UTC
Silverbackyererse wrote:
per wrote:
FW shoud be about fighting not farming


Missions are a legacy from days when there was no other way to get LP in FW. Just remove them completely CCP!
Defensive LP into hubs and not into peoples pockets.

YES! please completely remove missions and buff lp payouts from plexing, or make some other pvp oriented mechanic to make up for it. I don't understand why anyone wants to keep missions in any shape or form, it brings all the parasites into the warzone like the one in this thread boasting about how he farms fw lp without contributing anything to the militia.
Plus 10 NV
#184 - 2015-10-23 13:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
I do think fw missions need to be nerfed relative to plexing - as I posted. But that will not fix faction war.

More lp here and less there will not change the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem with faction war is this:

You will gain more sov for your militia if you get 4 alts rabbit plexing than you will if you go out with a pvp ship and fight for plexes.

As long as such boring gameplay is how you win sov then the sov game will remain broken. It doesn't matter if your add rewards to plexing or take them away. Nor does it matter what tier system you have, cashout, or current. As long as the bolded statement remains true fw sov will be broken.

CCP knows how to fix the above and they even said they would do it. But that was about 3 years ago and they never followed through. At the last csm meeting they never even mentioned either fix.
1) timer rollbacks and
2) better intel tools. In particular real time intel about where plexes are being run so that organized pvpers can respond before the plex is captured.

If we had real time intel about where plexes were being run then the guy with 4 rabbit plexing accounts would quickly find his alts are getting killed or chased out before he can finish a plex. If he is killed or constantly chased out then he would lose his time spent. It would no longer be as cost effective as simply fitting your ship as best you can for pvp and choosing to stay and fight. The bolded statement would no longer be true and faction war would be fixed.

It wouldn't take any lp, isk to do it. It would just be a matter of those 2 changes and fighting for faction war sov would be a fun and challenging game.

This has been the case for years, and for years I see new faces saying we just need this bit of candy or we need to take away this bit of candy. (Yes I say that too because some changes would be better, but I want to make it clear here, such changes won't actually fix the root of the problem.) I hear people ask for more benefits and consequences. But tying benefits and conseqences to a boring mechanic will never fix the ultimate problem and really only makes it worse.

CCP has given fw so much treasure the weight of it crushed all of the lp stores. All of them, including those that aren't even fw lp stores! Yet the sov game is still broken. I know this will fall on deaf ears. More players will say we need to have this or that candy. And CCP will continue to tweak the candy like they have been for years. But at base fw will remain broken.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#185 - 2015-10-23 15:38:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
I really do struggle to grasp what you think is so broken about FW. One day its boosts, next day its that you think people should be always on a grand campaign to take all their adversaries space, next day its because there might be a farmer running a plex in a system no one cares about that only free intel can fix.

One more time, for the sake of futility. Boosts are in a good place in the gang/fleet meta. Occupancy war is the driver not the content. Giving people free intel will not suddenly make them interested in going to a back end system to watch a farmer safe up and cloak.

Better fix to farmers, which really is the only slight problem at the moment, would be to force them into pvp fits. The subtlest way to do this would be to simply not allow stabbed or cloak capable ships to run a timer. They can still enter a plex but the button will ignore them. This would mean multi boxing farmers would have to pay a lot more attention or lose a lot more ships. People might even roam around back-end systems if they are gonna get a cheesy low sp kill mail that they dont have to fit 2/3 scrams for.

Not to say there are not other things that can be improved on in FW. But constantly saying that every slight or non-problem 'BREAKS' FW seems like angsty alarmism and is simply embarrassing to read.

As for making it fun to fight for FW occupancy, That really is a personal choice that you can make right now. I can undock and go plex uuna for a pretty boring time. Or i can undock and go plex hasmijaala / okkamon / kehjari / rakapas and have a fight within a minute or two of turning up.

if you are under the impression that you can make people care as much about a non-station dead end system as they do for their home-base, not only are you mistaken, but nothing you have never made a suggestion that would make that happen.

One final note, The LP store ecosystem was crusted by inferno which you love so much. Since that was fixed the LP stores quickly recovered and are now in a place resembling pre-inferno status-quo. Fw dudes, selling a narrow group of mods and ships, and level 5 mission runners cashing out implants.
Terpene Conglomerate
#186 - 2015-10-23 16:01:34 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Boosts are in a good place in the gang/fleet meta

i dont even know what to say to this ... in my eyes ogbs are quite broken and if you think they are completely ok, then we have nothing to talk about

another thing, those changes for fw mentioned in csm minutes ... anyone know when they will be implemented? not like they are something big but atleast something
Plus 10 NV
#187 - 2015-10-23 16:45:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
I really do struggle to grasp what you think is so broken about FW.

I put it in bold and underlined it.

Again this is what is broken with faction war:

You will gain more sov for your militia if you get 4 alts rabbit plexing than you will if you go out with a pvp ship and fight for plexes.

I really think the more people think about that, the more they will understand the root of the problem.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

One day its boosts, ...

Better fix to farmers, which really is the only slight problem at the moment, would be to force them into pvp fits. The subtlest way to do this would be to simply not allow stabbed or cloak capable ships to run a timer.

Removing OGB would help the whole game including fw. But ogb are not why faction war in particular has always been broken.

Stabs really are not necessary to rabbit plex. Neither is a cloak. Even if CCP did those changes the bold and underlined statement would remain true. So faction war would still be broken.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Not to say there are not other things that can be improved on in FW. But constantly saying that every slight or non-problem 'BREAKS' FW seems like angsty alarmism and is simply embarrassing to read.

I don’t say that. There is a difference between saying something like nerfing fw mission pay would improve faction war, and saying the fw mission pay “breaks” faction war.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:
As for making it fun to fight for FW occupancy, That really is a personal choice that you can make right now. I can undock and go plex uuna for a pretty boring time. Or i can undock and go plex hasmijaala / okkamon / kehjari / rakapas and have a fight within a minute or two of turning up.

Sure you can go get some fights in plexes. I used to enjoy that, and it was good fun. But if you decide you want to do pvp with random dudes around a plex you will not be gaining fw sov nearly as much as the guy with 4 alts rabbit plexing. So ultimately pvpers stop caring about sov. And that is why the sov system is stagnant and broken.
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

if you are under the impression that you can make people care as much about a non-station dead end system as they do for their home-base, not only are you mistaken, but nothing you have never made a suggestion that would make that happen.

If a game is fun and challenging, then more people will care about being good at it. If a game is a boring grind, then fewer people will care about it. That is all I am saying. Maybe you disagree.

It is interesting that those FW changes are not on the roadmap ccp put out.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#188 - 2015-10-23 17:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Very minor changes to plexes, as in, no stabs and cloaks able to run buttons will fix farming. Your derogatory term 'rabbit' plexers is unwieldy. It seems you just use that to describe behavior you dont like.

if an atron runs away from a daredevil, does that make him a rabbit plexer? If a condor runs away from a crapacal, does that make it a rabit plexer. If someone runs 4 accounts to plex, does that make him a rabbit plexer if his alts sometimes fight if he things they have a chance. If someone has 4 alts who dont fight but his main hangs around to defend them, are they rabbit plexers? My alts have 2 stabs fitted but i still sometimes fight and sometimes win, are they rabbit plexers?

'Rabbit' plexers is a useless term you use in an angsty way to be derogatory to other players choices. The global problem is only stabs and cloaks. Once stabbed and cloaky ships cannot run buttons, then they are much more vulnerable and then it comes down to your ability to catch them, which is half the fun.

OGB are great at the gang fleet level, specially if they are off grid. It gives a potential advantage to the side that is willing to try and disrupt the hostile fleets boosts. This creates a different and very important role for anyone interested in probing (assuming boosts get agro and cant sit on gates, but even then forcing them out of system can be an advantage).
Terpene Conglomerate
#189 - 2015-10-23 18:22:55 UTC
Cearain wrote:

It is interesting that those FW changes are not on the roadmap ccp put out.

thats the reason im asking, if someone possibly knows something more (i wasnt able to find anything)
personaly i hope those changes will be put in in next big expansion (the one with citadels etc) but my inner voice telling me i definitely shouldnt be so optimistic because - csm minutes were to me like: "yeah we will do this in some future... maybe", but i already heard that somewhere someday in the distant past :)

would be nice if some csm or ccp could insert some more info here

Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Very minor changes to plexes, as in, no stabs and cloaks able to run buttons will fix farming. Your derogatory term 'rabbit' plexers is unwieldy. It seems you just use that to describe behavior you dont like.

if an atron runs away from a daredevil, does that make him a rabbit plexer? If a condor runs away from a crapacal, does that make it a rabit plexer. If someone runs 4 accounts to plex, does that make him a rabbit plexer if his alts sometimes fight if he things they have a chance. If someone has 4 alts who dont fight but his main hangs around to defend them, are they rabbit plexers? My alts have 2 stabs fitted but i still sometimes fight and sometimes win, are they rabbit plexers?

'Rabbit' plexers is a useless term you use in an angsty way to be derogatory to other players choices. The global problem is only stabs and cloaks. Once stabbed and cloaky ships cannot run buttons, then they are much more vulnerable and then it comes down to your ability to catch them, which is half the fun.

cloaks are already disabled in plexes(no ability to cloak in plex range) and ppl that used cloaks for catching farmers cant do that now - was llike neutral change to fw
i agree on the stabs problem, ships with them just shouldnt be able to run the timer - but again its treating the symptoms not the problems and i much rather see something like timer rollbacks instead of some artificial restrictions on fitting of your ships

btw condor usually doesnt have to run from caracals in novice plexes
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#190 - 2015-10-23 18:31:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Thats why my idea is better. Cloaks and stabs should be allowed inside a plex. But they simply should not effect the button.

In this scenario you can still catch he farmer using cloaks with no worry that they are going to be stabbed.
Plus 10 NV
#191 - 2015-10-23 19:08:47 UTC
"Rabbit plexing" means people who run plexes with the intent to run if anyone comes or at least have no intent on fighting. I don't mean it derogatory. In fact as I said it is the best way to gain sov in faction war. When I was interested in winning sov I did it myself. Unlike you I do not blame players for playing the game according to the mechanics. I blame ccp for designing the game in a way that optimizes boring play.

Sure some people might think rabbit plexing 4 alts is great fun. They may think I am wrong that fw would be better if it was not the optimal way to win sov. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I however am fairly convinced *more* people would agree with me. Namely if the bolded and underlined statement was false then faction war would be better. What do you think? Would fw be better if ccp made it so the bolded and underlined statement were no longer true?

I use the term "rabbit plexer" as opposed to "farmer." "Farmer" implies that people are doing plexing for lp or isk gain. We had rabbit plexing before lp payouts. I don't think most plexers who d-plex relatively uncontested systems in empty frigates are "farmers" (because I tend to doubt they do it for the lp) but I would call them rabbits.

Stopping any sort of pay for plexing would end "farming" but it wouldn't end "rabbit plexing." And so fw sov would still be broken.

You can put your ship pretty far away from the warp in so even if you did not have local, dscan, or stabs you would still likely get away before you were pointed. Keep in mind that lots of times people with stabbed ships purposely let you target them so you can see its pretty futile to keep chasing them. If they could not fit stabs they would just warp off before you could get a point.

As for what is and is not "rabbit plexing" there may be some gray areas. Where you want to draw the line about when someone fits the definition of a "rabbit plexer" or a "farmer" is a metaphysical question I will not claim to resolve.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#192 - 2015-10-23 19:25:28 UTC
Everyone has the idea of running if something comes they dont want to fight. Some peoples envelopes are larger than others. Therefor your term lacks any meaningful definition.
Arla Sarain
#193 - 2015-10-23 19:48:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Everyone has the idea of running if something comes they dont want to fight. Some peoples envelopes are larger than others. Therefor your term lacks any meaningful definition.

But wouldn't it be great if plex mechanics encouraged people to try and surpass their perceived narrow envelopes...?
As opposed to the mechanics now that reward never committing to defending a plex and actually do the opposite - reward drawing out your aggressors patience and weaponizing his frustration.

Your statement is true for the occasion when one is met with an obviously higher class/performance ship. But people still run away from Probes and Rifters and whatnot.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#194 - 2015-10-23 20:27:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Well, from my perspective. Most people i come across are rabbit plexers, or more accurately, evasion farmers.

Its a matter of perspective. Its interesting to see how many farmers, who would run away from almost anything, will go toe-to-toe with one of my equally young and low SP alt.

You also just fell into the same trap cerain often does. Points out a problem and offers no solution. Simply incanting things like 'introduce a mechanic' or 'ccp should fix it' is no help. You cannot force people to fight. At least you didnt go full cerain, and offer a solution that barely has any connection to the problem he proposes it to fix.

Someone suggested removing d-plex LP. But that will be a boon for the farmers since it will resurrect the pendulum and flip flop occupancy of the past. many systems will just be written off as they were in the past since you know if you lose them today, they will just be back in your possession in 4 days time even if you dont lift a finger to go there.

Basically, farming is already easy to fix. You just have to be as interested in defending the system as they are in farming it. If you are not interested in the system, does it really matter if they are evasion farmers or not? since if you are not there you would not know either way.

Removing stabs from the repertoire of farmers simply gives pvpers the option to catch these guys without having to fit multiple scrams. Ceraind says it wont help because the evasion farmers will just warp away. I say, if they are paying enough attention to see you coming then they are entitled to warp away from something they dont like, just like everyone else.
Arla Sarain
#195 - 2015-10-23 20:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
You also just fell into the same trap cerain often does. Points out a problem and offers no solution.

It's not a trap. We are not game designers. The point of this thread is to discuss problems.

If I had to take a shot in the dark, I'd add a timer for "release of commitment" - if you don't come back to the plex after a certain time, you essentially demonstrate that you have no interest of committing to defending and capturing it. Once this runs out, any previous progress is lost.

To prevent people from dipping into a plex and warping out to reset it, there is another timer that has to be completed to demonstrate interest. This should be relatively short, but also long enough that a stabbed ship could be killed (since these are the ships that will be the main perpetrators of "dipping", having the privilege of warping out if they have enough stabs).

It's not ideal.

1) Genuine system pushes could be adversely affected - FW folk are keen on keeping track of the timers in order to strategize re-shipping and plex contesting. I suppose this system would be milder than simply having each separate timer for each Militia that was mentioned earlier in the thread and slack FW channel.

2) Upshipping and outclassing will prevail dramatically and will be a mechanism for effective "bullying". At least now the genuine strategy against upshipping and outclassing is evasion, which in turn inspires your aggressor to bring something more engageable to encourage you to fight.

3) Higher strain on the game to keep track of all the timers.

1) Rolling back timers is less painful, since you don't need to complete the plex to discourage the farmer or the person with an evasion agenda, you just need to wait a short flat timer in order to wipe their progress entirely. Best applied when their timer is almost complete, making it that much desirable to stay and fight (as in, if you are on your last minute and you end up deciding to drop out, you risk losing progress for less time investment from the new occupants PoV).

2) Bunny plexing is harder within a single system for the same reason as above. It would be difficult to make any progress without defeating your aggressor and discouraging him from re-entering.
Plus 10 NV
#196 - 2015-10-23 21:14:43 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

You also just fell into the same trap cerain often does. Points out a problem and offers no solution. Simply incanting things like 'introduce a mechanic' or 'ccp should fix it' is no help. .

I am sure everyone who read the thread knows I very clearly stated what I think will solve the problem. If any non-trolls think that is not the case I will try to help them understand.

Lots of people can agree there is a problem, without agreeing to any particular solution. At least they agree with the first step of the logic - that there is a problem.

They might also disagree with your claim that what we mean by "rabbit plexer" or "farmer" is so vague that it is meaningless. There might be some gray area at the fringes of the term but it is clear enough for many people who have tried to pvp in fw space to understand what we mean. You just try to derail every topic you can.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#197 - 2015-10-23 21:43:49 UTC
The opposing point of views are helpful. I've come to terms that I will be quite alright if missions were removed, so long as there is a second LP source available, besides kills (unless they find a way to buff them back up without obvious exploits). Dual timers still sound great to me. Better than waiting around through a bloated timer that would still be present with the roll backs. It will also encourage some to fight over a plex that has a few seconds to go on your end. Either way,I would still like to see a small benefit to dplexing low contested systems. The ihub injection of the lost LP would be awesome. It would give us a reason to clear out the damn things.

A bonus to tier based on total VP or kill stats would be a tremendous tradeoff were missions removed. Because, let's face it. Who would ever touch tier 5 again without missions?
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#198 - 2015-10-24 20:52:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Oreb Wing
Cearain wrote:

They might also disagree with your claim that what we mean by "rabbit plexer" or "farmer" is so vague that it is meaningless. There might be some gray area at the fringes of the term but it is clear enough for many people who have tried to pvp in fw space to understand what we mean. You just try to derail every topic you can.

I gotta say, to this guy's credit, that being critical of how the term 'rabbit' is used to imply skittish behavior, while accepting the very skewered definition of 'farmer' as applied to ... repetitious acts for the accumulation of non-physical objects within a virtual environment in exchange for real currency(?), is pretty comical. I don't think even a fraction of the persons you would label as farmer would qualify as what would generally be considered a 'farmer' by MMO standards. Grind would even be more suitable, except that the idiom of Eve terminology is accustomed to a certain set of words.
#199 - 2015-10-26 02:17:20 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Everyone has the idea of running if something comes they dont want to fight. Some peoples envelopes are larger than others. Therefor your term lacks any meaningful definition.

But wouldn't it be great if plex mechanics encouraged people to try and surpass their perceived narrow envelopes...?
As opposed to the mechanics now that reward never committing to defending a plex and actually do the opposite - reward drawing out your aggressors patience and weaponizing his frustration.

Your statement is true for the occasion when one is met with an obviously higher class/performance ship. But people still run away from Probes and Rifters and whatnot.

There is now way to 'encourage' people to stay and fight, especially outside of their perceived engagement envelope, simple as that.

It seems that the most people who complain about the farmers just want to be able to force people to fight and not give them a choice about weather they can engage or not.

Despite his ideas about OGB Crosi is pretty much spot on about where FW is at the moment. Farmer have NEVER, I'll repeat that for effect, NEVER won a system that a pvp group want to hold. It's not about being able to hold the entire warzone it about being able to hold your own in the warzone. Farmers in FW are just like farmers in mission, WH, ded's etc doing something pretty inane to acquire isk. And TBH it's better for eve in general if it's acquired by trading farmed LP than bounty payout for rats as it doesn't actually inject isk into the game world. And that the real reason CCP won't change it much from what it is like now.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#200 - 2015-10-26 04:04:18 UTC
Madrax573 wrote:

Despite his ideas about OGB Crosi is pretty much spot on about where FW is at the moment. Farmer have NEVER, I'll repeat that for effect, NEVER won a system that a pvp group want to hold. It's not about being able to hold the entire warzone it about being able to hold your own in the warzone. Farmers in FW are just like farmers in mission, WH, ded's etc doing something pretty inane to acquire isk. And TBH it's better for eve in general if it's acquired by trading farmed LP than bounty payout for rats as it doesn't actually inject isk into the game world. And that the real reason CCP won't change it much from what it is like now.

While home systems are safe from farmers, we do still have to deplex them every morning. Somebody's isk machine causes us to have to spend hours deplexing our home systems without pvp, and for much smaller rewards than the farmers got.

Plexing is supposed to be dangerous, that's why the payouts are so good. The farmers risk almost nothing, just an insured frigate that's stabbed and fitted with cheap modules.

The farmers DO contribute to warzone control. A bunch of stabbed ships plexing everywhere makes it hard for the other side to make a comeback.

They also devalue the "real" players' LP. We'd get more isk for the the items in our LP store if the market weren't flooded by the farmers.